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creative homework for class 2

20+ creative alternative homework ideas for teachers

creative homework for class 2

When giving homework, it must always be based on learning goals your students have to reach, just like in your lessons. But it’s sad to see that lots of teachers are using homework as extra lesson time. Of course, as a teacher, you’re on a clock. But that doesn’t mean your students have to suffer from it and keep working on those boring textbooks and worksheets at home.

Consider goals like attitudes, real-life experiences, and practice, physical exercise, social encounters, creative solutions, and philanthropy as crucial as your lesson goals. These are things students don’t just pick up in your classroom. These are things they pick up in life.

In this blog post, I’ll give you some innovative homework ideas that will engage your students more. These alternatives to traditional homework will thereby also teach your students new things that can’t be taught in the classroom. You will find a variety of homework ideas: online and offline.

I will mention homework alternatives for primary school and high school. Some of these ideas can be changed a little bit, so they are the perfect fit for the right audience.

20 Creative homework ideas

You can divide homework tasks into the following themes or categories:

  • Crafts & arts
  • Outdoor activities & outings
  • Games and activities
  • Physical activities
  • Digital or computer activities
  • Philanthropy & social work
💡 Good to know : all the ready-to-use homework activities are created with BookWidgets . You can easily create activities like these yourself or duplicate an activity below for free, edit it if needed, and share it with your students. You can do so in the examples separately, or you can find all the homework examples in the BookWidgets Blog group folder .

Crafts and arts homework

1. prepare a dish from a recipe book.

creative homework for class 2

2. Make a board game

creative homework for class 2

3. Create a birdhouse

creative homework for class 2

4. Transform a fictional book character into a hand puppet

creative homework for class 2

Outdoor homework activities and outings

5. coupon game.

creative homework for class 2

Students can also go grocery shopping with their parents. Here, they have to read the ingredients of the products and help their parents choose the healthiest products for the best prices, figure out the best deal between the sizes of items, …

6. Visit the zoo

creative homework for class 2

7. Visit the local dumping ground or container park

creative homework for class 2

8. Build a tree house

creative homework for class 2

Games and activities as homework

9. bookwidgets games.

creative homework for class 2

10. Minecraft

creative homework for class 2

11. Play Cards

creative homework for class 2

12. Play Zoo Tycoon or Rollercoaster Tycoon

creative homework for class 2

Physical homework activities

13. rope skipping.

creative homework for class 2

Many rope-skipping songs let your students do different tricks while rope-skipping. This is an excellent opportunity for homework as well. Ask your students to transform a rope skipping song into a song with lesson content. Let them count or spell or even sum up the different states or capitals. To engage their lifestyles even harder, you can additionally give them the assignment to create a TikTok in which they are jumping and singing.

Click here to see how you can get Tiktok more involved in the classroom.

14. Walking quest

creative homework for class 2

If there aren’t any walking quests in the neighborhood, you could ask your students to create a walking quest like this for their fellow students. What a fun day it will be!

15. Obstacle Quiz

creative homework for class 2

In order for students to answer the questions, they have to run and pass a challenging parkour. This is a fun homework exercise, and in the end, it’s a great lesson starter or lesson end.

16. Swimming games

creative homework for class 2

After the activity, they can fill out an Exit Slip:

Swimming games

Digital or computer homework activities

17. create a picture album.

creative homework for class 2

This teaches them to handle the online software, add pictures and write without spelling mistakes. And of course, creating memories is so much fun!

18. Video job application

creative homework for class 2

19. Your life in 10 minutes - video

creative homework for class 2

20. Email pen-pals

creative homework for class 2

Is it still too complicated? Read the messages from your students, before they send them, and provide them with some feedback.

Email pen-pals

Philanthropy and social homework

21. grow a community garden.

creative homework for class 2

22. Help in a retirement home

creative homework for class 2

23. Help at a homeless shelter

creative homework for class 2

24. Collect litter

creative homework for class 2

Here’s another homework tip: Don’t call homework “homework”. Call it a challenge. Homework has become a negative word for students, and I bet they start rolling their eyes as you even mention the word.

Still looking for more inspiration? Check out the blog on short films and lesson activities that spice up your Google Classroom . Tip: even if you don’t use Google Classroom, there is a lot of inspiration back here.

Above you have read single assignments. But, you also have the option to involve your homework in a project. Find out more here .

So, as I mentioned earlier, there are many fun alternatives to traditional homework. Now it’s up to you to apply this in the classroom as well. In this folder , you will find all the examples you have come across.

Which idea do you or perhaps your students like the most? Let us know on Twitter . Of course, there are many more alternatives. If you have other ideas, you are always welcome to share it with other teachers in our Facebook group .

One more thing: don’t forget to say hi👋 on LikedIn .

20+ creative homework alternatives

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creative homework for class 2

50 Activities for 2nd Grade

Hands-on ideas to engage digital learners in meeting standards and learning goals.

graphic image that states 50 ideas for second grade

Fifty ideas for using a digital approach to help second-grade students meet standards and learning goals.

1. Explore antonyms

Explore antonyms with your students. Read Dr. Seuss's The Foot Book and create a list of antonyms. You can start them off with things like hot/cold or high/low.

Students can use a creativity and productivity tool, like Wixie , with illustrations of an antonym pair. Students can use the microphone tool to record their explanations.

image of break and fix with illustrations and definitions

2. Go on a shape hunt

Read a book like The Shape of Me and Other Stuff by Dr. Seuss. Then have students walk around school or their home and find shapes, like rectangles, triangles, or even cylinders and spheres.

Have students use their device to capture the shapes they find and label or add narration to identify them.

Seeing Shapes lesson plan with literature connections, samples, and more

3. Design a superhero

Tap into students' passion for comics and superheroes by asking them to share some favorites. Then, ask them what qualities or "powers" make a great superhero.

Use an ID card approach to help them define their hero's identity.

image of a superhero id card

Discuss as a class, and then ask each student to design their own superhero and explain how their traits make them a hero.

Explore a Design a Superhero lesson plan

4. Create an animal alliteration

Create an amazing animal alliteration - a short sentence in the noun—verb—noun format, such as "Birds build bubbles." Use a creativity tool, like Wixie , to illustrate and record voice narration.

Explore an Animal Alliteration lesson plan

5. Create an animal riddle

Encourage students to craft riddles that test other students' knowledge about animals. Students can select their favorite animal or use this opportunity to learn more about an unfamiliar animal.

Explore an Animal Riddles lesson plan

6. Write a haiku

Combine close reading and descriptive writing with visual haiku. Haiku poems are a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Haiku always contain a kigo (season word) to indicate the time of year.

Have students start with a photo as inspiration or write first and add visuals to enhance the meaning.

sample spring haiku

This spare form of writing forces students to choose words wisely. Share haiku and have students read closely to find the kigo word as well as identify other highly descriptive words.

Explore a Harmonious Haiku lesson plan

7. Publish fabulous fables

Students learn about beginning, middle, end, and parts of a story as they write, retell, or adapt a fable.

Explore a Fabulous Fables lesson plan

8. Write a letter to or between characters in a story

Taking the perspective of a character in a story can help students understand their motivations and better comprehend their response to events in a story. Have students use stationery to write a letter to or between characters in a story.

letter to Mrs. Toolie from Louis in Saving Winslow

Give students a prompt that requires them to use evidence from text to justify their opinion or make an argument about it.

9. Survey peers

Ask students to survey friends, family members, and neighbors about a favorite book, sport, food, game, or at-home activity. Project a question or a tally sheet on your white board to collect student responses.

sample class tally survey about their favorite book

10. Adapt a rhyming story to build skills with phonics

Read a rhyming story like Dr. Seuss's There's a Wocket in My Pocket . Have students choose a place in the house and write a rhyming nonsense word for a creature living there. Use Wixie to add a Seuss-like sentence and illustrate your page.  Use Wixie's Project Wizard feature to combine individual student work into a class book. ( template )

11. Make a map of your neighborhood

Have students create a map of important places in their neighborhood. Have students start with a plain page or use digital grid paper. Then, ask students to draw locations or capture photos with their devices.

12. Take a 5-senses walk

Go outside and walk around your school. What do you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste? Have students take devices outside to record observations using the 5 senses with pictures and a microphone. Then, when you come back inside, add text and more details.

sample observations from a 5 senses walk

13. Create a personal timeline

Have students add photos and images to create a timeline that shows important events in their lives. Add text to each bubble and images for an event or two. Use the microphone tool to record a summary.

Extend student thinking by asking them to add another page and draw pictures of where they see themselves in the future. Share the final product with family and friends.

14. What would you do with $100?

In second grade, students' abilities in reading, writing, and math are blossoming. Embrace their growing ability to think independently by asking them what they would do with 100 dollars.

student claim they would buy a toy truck

Create a slideshow of student opinions and discuss them as a class.

Use this project to build literacy and math by asking students to tell you what they would spend their money to buy, why they would do this (reason) as well as subtract the value of this object from 100 to show the change they would get back from paying with a $100 bill.

15. Review and rate a book

Have students write a review of a recent book they have read. Encourage students to share with friends and peers to give them ideas for new titles they can read!

Explore more book review ideas, including a book review cube, on Creative Educator .

Explore a 5-Star Book Reviews lesson plan

16. Create a trait map

Have students recall, retell, and share text, images, and voice narration about a character's physical traits, feelings, and actions on a trait cluster .

17. Tell tangram tales

After students have tried to solve tangram puzzles, read Ann Tompert's Grandfather Tang's Story where the main character rearranges tangram shapes to represent the characters and events as he tells a story.

Ask students to use tangram shapes to create their own tangram shape puzzle and tell a story about the shape. Combine into a class book!

18. Create a backyard field guide

Ask students to go outside, or even look out a window, and simply observe the plants and animals there. Have them find a plant they find beautiful or an animal that interests them. Use a digital paint program to have them sketch their object and add text labels and insights about what they notice.

Students can then use their observations and sketches, along with a field guide, to help them identify the species if they don't know what it is. They can add additional information or notes to create a field guide for other species that live nearby.

Explore a Fantastic Field Guides lesson plan

19. Write your own version of A. A. Milne's "When I was One" poem

Read "The End" a poem by A. A. Milne, who you know from Winnie the Pooh.

When I was One, I had just begun. When I was Two, I was nearly new. When I was Three I was hardly me. When I was Four, I was not much more. When I was Five, I was just alive. But now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever, So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.

Use a "When I was (age)" template , have students finish each line, and illustrate the poem.

If you have students of different ages, make a copy and adjust the template to add or remove a line. Then, assign different templates to different students.

20. Craft a concrete poem

Concrete poems are poems where the words are arranged in a shape that reflects the topic of the poem. Because creativity, presentation, and productivity tools let you resize, move, and rotate text easily, they make it easy to move text to create a desired shape.

poem about trains in the shape of a train engine

Ask students to write a poem in small phrases or stanzas. Then, use the font, size, color and rotation options to use it to create a larger image.

21. Create a character coat of arms

Small, but mindful, changes can move a task beyond remember and retell. For example, replace a typical character trait cluster assignment with the task of developing a coat of arms for a story's protagonist that represents traits of the main character.

Creating a coat of arms provides students with an opportunity to think about objects, colors, symbols, and mottos that reflect a character's personality, passions, strengths, and experiences.

Wixie has a Coat of Arms template that makes it easy to add color, text, and images to show comprehension.

22. Write a fractured nursery rhyme

Ask students to write a funny, or fractured, version of their favorite nursery rhyme. Have fun!

funny rhyming poem about jack and jill

23. Plan a class party

Planning the details for a party, including needed space (measurement) and a budget (calculations), requires students to practice and apply math and argument skills to a real-life scenario.

playlist template idea

Explore a Plan an Event lesson plan

24. Take a brain break

When the mind needs a break, a creative activity can help. Use a digital art tool to sketch or simply play a digital game.

Remember scratch art? Wixie has a collection of pages with a variety of backgrounds students can "scratch" using an eraser tool.

sample scratch art doodle

25. Create and send a digital thank you card

Find a thank you note design and write a letter to your teacher. Better yet, start a blank page and use the paint tools to create an original drawing.

You can also use your device's camera to capture your picture and use the microphone tool to record your voice and let your teacher know how much you appreciate them.

26. Write about your favorite relative

Practice opinion writing through a favorite relative project. Give structure to your emerging writers by using an O-R-E-O Opinion template which asks them to state their opinion, share 2-3 reasons why, and finish with a concluding statement.

Share students' work with their favorite relatives.

Explore a Favorite Relative lesson plan

27. Design an animal diary

Have students use personification to write a diary for an animal that teaches others about its unique physical characteristics, behaviors, and adaptations.

Explore an Animal Diary lesson plan

28. Write a backwards rebus poem

Read or watch I Love You, A Rebus Poem by Jean Marzollo. Challenge students to come up with reverse rhymes for their I Love You message. Great idea for Valentine's or Mother's Day.

29. Create an ABC's of... 

After researching and learning about a topic, have students use an A-B-C format to share knowledge they have learned.

Assign individual letters to students and combine into a class project.

Explore an ABC Book lesson plan

30. Celebrate culture

Creating a safe and respected community culture in your classroom is essential. Have students complete and share a culture poster about themselves, including where they are from, family traditions, and more.

culture poster template image

31. Write your own word problems

Have students use a paint or image program, like Wixie , to draw models that help the viewer (and themselves) visualize quantities and relationships in word problems.

32. Persuade for a pet

Humane societies and pet rescues reported record numbers of adoptions during COVID-19. Encourage students to write a letter or create a presentation to persuade their family to get a new pet, supporting their opinion with reasons and examples. An O-R-E-O graphic organizer can help students support their opinions.

Explore a Persuade for a Pet lesson plan

33. Inform others about an endangered plant or animal

Ask students to raise awareness or inform others about an endangered species in the form of a trading card. The limited space on a trading card helps emerging writers summarize information and organize their thoughts.

34. Create a digital word wall

Digital tools make adding thoughts to a personal word wall easy. Ask each student to add words they do not know from books they are reading. Have students look up the meaning in a dictionary or ask a peer to help them define the word and add a picture or voice recording.

35. Create a memory book

Have students reflect and compile memories of the school year by creating a digital memory book.

cover image for a student memory book

Tools like Wixie make it easy to add images, text, voice recording and video to capture experiences, feelings, and achievements.

36. Design a habitat snow globe

Most students have or have seen a snow globe at home or at a tourist attraction. Ask students to design a snow globe to showcase the animals and plants in a particular habitat.

Explore a Create a Creature lesson plan

37. Publish a brochure for your neighborhood

What makes where you live special? Our families choose places to live based on economics, weather, family, geography, and culture.

Have your students talk to their parents about why they chose to live where they do. Encourage students to walk their neighborhood, take pictures, and use what they learn to create a brochure to let others know about the unique place they live.

38. Tell a data story

Read or watch Five Creatures by Emily Jenkins. This story describes a family with five creatures comparing features between them in many different ways.

Have students collect data for five creatures in their home and use this data to write their own five creatures story!

Explore other books that make for great literature adaptations . 

39. Design a how-to book or presentation

What can your students teach others? Procedural writing is an excellent way for students to become experts in a topic and feel confident about their ability to share the information with others.

To cement learning and inspire others, encourage students to closely examine the parts of a rule they struggle to understand or share the process of doing something they are passionate about. Use a flowchart to help students break down the process into each essential step.

Explore a Procedural Writing lesson plan

40. Become the masked reader

Take a clue from the Masked Singer television show to make reading fluency practice less stressful and way more fun.

This is especially helpful for ELLs and struggling readers since they can practice, record, delete, and try again to produce their best work. Their work can also remain completely private if the reader is not unmasked.

41. Make safety PSAs

Public service announcements are a great way to get students to back up claims with evidence and practice argument writing without conflict.

Helping other students practice safely crossing the street, eating healthy, and even just acting nice are easily within the reach of emerging writers.

Explore a Halloween Safety PSAs lesson plan

42. Write cycle stories

Science doesn't have to be a list of boring facts or calculations. How does a drop of water feel as it evaporates or plunges down a gully after a fierce rainstorm? How does rock feel when it transforms into a liquid and is ejected from a volcano?

Ask students to craft a digital story that shares a science cycle from a first person perspective!

Explore a Cycle Story lesson plan

43. Interview an animal

Kids love animals, so use this love to build research, questioning, and communication skills with an animal interview!

Sharing factual information in story form helps students avoid simple repetition of facts or direct copy and paste.

Explore an Animal Interview lesson plan

44. Use emojis to write a story

Emojis started as a time-saving way to communicate emotions without having to type each letter, but have quickly become part of popular culture. Use your student's interest in emojis to encourage creative writing. If needed, provide them with a writing prompt.

image of student writing with words replaced, or represented, by emojis

45. Give students project choices

When every student completes the same task, like creating a trading card or comic, project work is easier to manage. While this is effective, students also thrive with choice!

choice board with animal research project options

Create a choice board or task your students with sharing their learning in the medium they choose.

46. Observe with a new perspective

So much of what we see about our world depends on our perspective. While young students are still working to show what they observe through their sense of sight, have them practice taking someone else's perspective by sharing a view of the world from the eyes of an insect.

image of a yard from a ladybug's perspective

You can also ask them to complete an empathy map and then write a story about a day in the life of an insect or a letter to one of their insect friends.

47. Adapt a story

To support your budding authors, ask them to give a twist to a story they know by adding or replacing nouns and verbs.

Explore a list of books perfect for student adaptation

48. Celebrate a community helper

Community helpers are essential to the health and success of our world. Have students celebrate how a community helper is essential to a community by combining words, pictures, and even narration in a digital sentence strip.

49. Write a 5 senses poem

In addition to reinforcing scientific observation, engaging the five senses is a great way to help young learners add descriptions to their writing and practice vocabulary.

If your learners would benefit from a little direction, provide a specific topic for their poem.

Explore a 5 Senses Poetry lesson plan

50. Explore the shape of things

Dayle Ann Dodds and Julie Lacome showcase shapes in a fun rhythmic story in their book The Shape of Things .

Use this story to inspire students to write their own shape of things book that names a common shape and how it becomes a common object when specific things are added to it.

Explore a Shape of Things lesson plan

Once they have experience with digital projects, let students choose the product or way they will demonstrate understanding… simply make them argue their case before they begin. No matter what you or they choose, transfer as much responsibility as possible to students to motivate and empower them to control their own learning.

Melinda Kolk

by Melinda Kolk

Melinda Kolk ( @melindak ) is the Editor of Creative Educator and the author of Teaching with Clay Animation . She has been helping educators implement project-based learning and creative technologies like clay animation into classroom teaching and learning for the past 15 years.

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Your Career• 3 Min read

6th September 2020

Creative Homework Ideas

How can you create homework assignments that build on the day’s lessons and encourage creative, student-led learning? It’s a challenge for most teachers, especially as motivating pupils to complete homework can add a whole extra layer to your lesson plans. But it’s essential to bridge the gap between teacher and student learning –  the skills gained through independent study reinforces knowledge from your class, as well as a host of other benefits:

  • Extended learning time – outside of the constraints of the school day, students are free to learn at their own pace and in their own environment.
  • Independent learning – vital skills for exam preparation and higher education
  • Teaches students to be resourceful and to overcome challenges independently.
  • Gives students the freedom to be creative in their learning, gain valuable problem-solving skills and confidence in their own abilities.

Tips For Setting Creative Homework

  • Plan independent learning both in and out of the classroom – you can monitor students effectiveness and address issues that may arise in the classroom before they become problematic for pupils at home.
  • Don’t leave homework assignment to the end of the lesson, rushing through the task might leave some students confused which inevitably leads to a lower homework completion rate. Write plenty of time for explaining homework assignments into your lesson planning – read our Beginner’s Guide To Lesson Planning here
  • Homework should to not too easy nor not too hard, offering pupils a challenge that reinforced the topics learnt during the day
  • Give room for creative expression – allowing students to add their own diagrams, decorations or chose their own project topics from a selection. 
  • Try using peer or self-assessment to mark homework – a double whammy of reducing your workload and allowing pupils to take control of their own learning.
  • Include timings and explicit steps for completing more complicated assignments, especially for pupils that you anticipate might struggle. Comprehension of the task is the biggest hurdle in getting pupils to work on an independent basis.
  • Self-driven projects, posters, creative tasks and research are more exciting than standard comprehension tasks and might encourage pupils that find sitting and writing dull or hard to complete the homework set – give students the freedom to learn and be creative in their home study.
  • Provide specific instructions and internet safety reminders for research-led assignments. It’s very easy for children to find research overwhelming with a vast amount of information available online. Provide suggested websites and links in your homework to keep things on track!
  • Don’t introduce a new topic for homework – keep it to topics that you’ve already covered in class
  • Taking note of the subjects that excite and engage your class and set homework accordingly – try keeping dryer topics and  for the classroom so that you can monitor engagement
  • Mark work promptly – essential to keep students motivated to complete work in their own time!
  • Offering students the opportunity to select the homework that they would like to do from a selection guarantees a higher rate of completion. We’ve seen some teachers create grids or sheets of homework assignments for the pupils to select, or offer baskets of activities for younger children to take home and complete with an adult.

Creative Homework Ideas For All Ages

Coming up with innovative ways for students to reinforce their knowledge at home can be difficult – many of these ideas would be suitable for lots of subjects with a little tweaking!

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Creative Homework Ideas For Your Students

Setting appropriate homework tasks is a big part of your teaching role. Setting homework is an opportunity to ensure that your students have absorbed the lesson and can apply what they've learnt to individual study. Homework allows students to reflect on your teachings and broaden their understanding of a particular subject or topic.

However, motivating your class to view homework this way might be something of a challenge! Most young people find settling down to complete homework outside of school hours challenging. If the task feels overwhelming or difficult or seems monotonous, they might just go through the motions of getting it done rather than giving it their full energy and attention and completing it the best they can.

So how can you ensure students' love of learning continues outside the classroom and that they not only give their all to completing homework but actually enjoy it too?

By getting creative with the work you set and thinking about how you can engage and motivate students to complete their homework, you will undoubtedly see better results.

Here are some excellent homework ideas to help encourage creative, student-led learning.

Exciting, engaging homework ideas to keep your students paying attention

Write their own lesson plan.

If you want to give your students a chance to step into your shoes for the day, why don't you ask them to create their own lesson plan around a topic they've learnt about or are about to learn? This will give them a chance to showcase their knowledge, do research and think creatively. You'll also learn more about how your students like to work and what would make a good lesson from their perspective, which could help inform how you shape your lessons in the future.

Write a speech or story from a different perspective

If your students are learning about a famous historical figure or studying a classic text, why not get them to think about different perspectives? You could ask them to embody someone influential from a particular period or a character from a play or story and write a speech or story from that person's point of view.

Create a board game

Gamification is always a fun idea to try to inject energy into the classroom, and getting your students to create their very own board game is a fantastic way to keep things fun while also getting them engaged in their learning. Games could centre around a particular topic; they could be quiz-based, matching games, or number games - let them get as creative as they like. You can then have fun in class playing the best ones too.

Go on a treasure hunt

As a fun homework task that will get your students out and about, ask them to go on a treasure or scavenger hunt, finding certain things that are related to your topic. For younger children, this could be as simple as collecting leaves, flowers, or twigs they might find in their local park, or particular shapes or colours, but older children can benefit from this kind of task too by setting more complicated challenges.

Create a collage

Creating collages can be a fun and interesting way for students to demonstrate their learning, improve their research skills and use their creativity and imagination and can be based on a variety of different topics so they work well across lots of subjects. Encourage them to stick cutouts, fabrics, tickets, photographs, and any other relevant materials to make up their collages, and then they can take turns presenting these in class.

Film a video

If your students are older and have mobile phones, you could set a video-making task for them to do at home. This could involve interviewing friends and relatives about a topic or filming themselves talking about a specific subject, or answering a particular question. Students could share their videos in class and will love being able to use their phones in school for once!

Create a crossword

Get your students to think creatively about questions and answers by asking them to create their very own crossword puzzle, using the material you've taught them in class as a basis. You can ask them to bring all their crossword puzzles into class and then swap them with each other to see if other students can fit the answers in correctly.

Find fun facts

Almost every subject has weird and wonderful facts surrounding it. Did you know, for example, that the word 'hundred' derives from an old Norse term 'hundrath,' which actually means 120?! Or that water can both boil and freeze simultaneously? Encourage your students to find the most obscure or interesting facts about the subjects you are teaching them, and then you can all share your findings in class.

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If you are looking for a new teaching role, we can help! At Horizon Teachers, we work with you to help you find the perfect role in education to suit your needs. Our extensive jobs board lists all the latest teaching jobs, and our friendly team of recruitment specialists is just a phone call away!

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creative homework for class 2

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65+ Ideas, Tricks, and Tips for Teaching 2nd Grade

Second grade is first in our hearts.

Tips for teaching second grade including building numbers with cards and putting names on papers with highlighters

Second graders are enthusiastic, curious little balls of energy. They have mastered the basics, and their quest for more knowledge is infectious. Whether you are new to teaching second grade or have been in the classroom for years, it is important to have the resources you need to stay organized, while enhancing the learning environment for your active little learners. We have collected the best tips for teaching second grade from real teachers via our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE Facebook group and beyond to help you make this school year the best one yet!

Getting Your Classroom Ready

1. create an inviting classroom.

Need ideas to take your classroom to the next level? We’ve gathered real-life second grade classrooms for you to browse!

2. Gather all the supplies

Not sure what supplies you need for your second grade classroom? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with this list of essential second grade classroom supplies .

3. Pick an inspiring theme for your classroom

Example of themes for setting up a second grade classroom and teaching second grade.

Image source: Schoolgirl Style

Classroom themes our second grade teachers love include: butterflies, black paper with polka dots, chevron, sock monkeys, owls, orange and teal, minions, and superheroes.

4. Find teacher deals on the cheap

Stores with serious discounts on classroom items recommended by our Facebook followers include Target, dollar stores, Mardel, Walmart, local teacher supply stores, Staples, Michaels, Jo-Ann, Oriental Trading, Amazon, NAEIR.org, NationalSchoolProducts.com, and TeachersPayTeachers.com.

Here are some other tips from second grade teachers on finding deals:

  • “Office Depot will match prices plus give an additional discount.” —Kitty R.
  • “Don’t be afraid of seeking donations. I once got a case of copy paper donated by a grocery store.” —Carmen B.
  • “Yard sales are a great place for prize-box toys and for games for your rainy day closet.” —Sandie N.

Plus, be sure to check out our BIG List of Dollar Store Hacks for Teachers .

5. Try different classroom layouts

Long gone are the days of straight rows of desks lining the classroom. Throw out your seating chart and try one of these ideas instead .

6. Put together an irresistible classroom reading nook

Your second graders are well on their way to becoming readers, so make this time extra special for them by setting up one of these awesome reading nooks .

7. Fill your classroom library with these classic second grade books

Books for teaching second grade: The Camping Trip, Our Friend Hedgehog, Wen Grandpa Gives You a Toolbox, The Buddy Bench, Julian at the Wedding

Teaching second grade involves a lot of reading! Here are 60 of our favorite books.

8. Get a jump start on lessons

Teacher planning and prep time are precious! It makes life a lot easier when you can purchase existing lessons, bundles, books, and pages. And why not support other teachers while you do it! Check out our favorite Teacher Pay Teachers sellers for teaching second grade.

9. Set up and share an Amazon Classroom Wish List

Teachers spend an insane amount of money out of pocket each year buying classroom supplies. Spend less of your own money to enhance your classroom and curriculum with the Amazon Classroom Wish List feature . This is an amazing and easy way for parents and other members of the community to help you out. Other websites offering wish lists and registries include Target , Oriental Trading , and GiftYou .

10. Stock up on educational toys and games

Collage of educational toys for teaching 2nd grade

Second graders absolutely love hands-on activities, especially when they can do them with their classmates. There are plenty of ways to incorporate educational toys into the curriculum to liven things up, while still sticking to those standards. These games are perfect for centers, indoor recess, and free-time choice activities.

The First Days of School

11. revisit the first days of school: how to be an effective teacher.

The First Days of School book cover by Wong and Wong for teaching 2nd grade and beyond.

I always refer back to some pages and checklists in Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong’s indispensable book The First Days of School: How To Be an Effective Teacher at the beginning of each school year. There is a reason it is still a bestseller and is in its fifth edition. You probably still have a copy from your teacher training courses.  But if not, grab the latest edition on Amazon . The ideas, tricks, and tips are perfect for teaching second grade, and all grades in general.

12. Introduce yourself creatively

Make day one memorable by introducing yourself in a creative way, such as sending postcards over the summer. Here are 36 creative ideas .

13. Get to know each other with icebreakers

Four examples of elementary grade 'would you rather' questions

Get the kids mixing and moving as they get to know one another. Here are lots of great icebreaker ideas , including a link to fun Would You Rather …? scenarios.

Create a Classroom Community

14. draft a class constitution.

Example of second grade constitution classroom management.

Image source: Kreative in Life

After learning about the Constitution, students can apply their knowledge by creating their own class constitution called “We the Kids”!

15. Establish a culture of kindness

Free kindness posters with hand holding confetti for teaching 2nd grade

Print these free downloadable posters to remind your students that kindness matters most of all.

16. Build your students’ social-emotional skills

Teaching second grade means building SEL skills. Use these read-alouds to talk about everything from kindness to courage to trying your best.

17. Use transition times for mental health check-ins

Collage of Sanford fit resources with text 'Try a fun deep-breathing exercise' and 'Have them identify their emotions'

Incorporate quick mental and emotional health check-ins with students as a regular part of your classroom routine. Use transition time wisely with these short, mindful activities .

18. What does a “model citizen” look like?

Model citizen example for teaching 2nd grade.

Image source: K–2 Is Splendid

After discussing what makes a good citizen, construct a “model citizen” on poster paper for your classroom. Students can write their ideas about the great qualities a model citizen should have and stick them on the poster to complete the picture.

19. Incorporate Kagan strategies for community building

creative homework for class 2

Kagan is a scientific research-based program focused on student engagement. Kagan strategies help educators build a caring and kind environment to help all types of learners thrive.

20. Encourage good behavior—without giving out treats

Set your expectations very clearly from the start. Start off by reading about classroom management , dive into our second grade classroom management tips , and then check out these fun ideas for keeping your students on track without breaking the bank.

Ideas for Language Arts

21. incorporate daily writing prompts.

We’ve gathered 25 writing prompts that you can download and use to have your second graders practice their writing skills.

22. Use anchor charts to teach reading comprehension

Anchor chart examples for teaching 2nd grade

Check out 49 of our favorites  for teaching second grade here.

23.  Use digital research tools to write reports

This student is pondering which category to explore on the PebbleGo animal homepage.

Research skills are super important, but they can be quite a challenge to teach to second graders. PebbleGo is a research tool specifically designed for K-3 students, and it covers topics in science, social studies, and more. Check out how I made these animal reports happen using age-appropriate research tools with my students.

24. Then show off that research using digital workspaces

Collage of student working in a digital workspace and a sample digital workspace on emperor penguins. If you are teaching second grade, this is age-appropriate.

Go a step further from written reports by using digital workspaces in your classroom. PebbleGo Create is a kid-friendly program that kids love. If you don’t have a subscription, any digital slide-presentation program will do just fine. See how I used PebbleGo Create with my second graders to make visual interpretations of our animal reports.

25. Incorporate fun reading comprehension activities

Reading comprehension activities for teaching 2nd grade including

Second graders are some of the most enthusiastic readers out there. They are transitioning from the basics into readers looking for meaning. As they build upon their comprehension skills, they are beginning to make connections to themselves and the world at large. These 26 second grade reading comprehension activities will help your students dig deeper into texts on their own as well as with their peers.

26. Introduce chapter books to your students

Magic Treehouse book series for teaching 2nd grade

Help your second graders transition from picture books and easy readers to chapter books. Start by reading aloud a chapter book from a popular series like The Magic Tree House . Your more advanced readers will be able to read these on their own at the beginning of the year, while some will transition midyear. Once second graders gain the confidence to move to the other side, there is no turning back!

27. Get those graphic novels out

Book cover for Cat Kid Comic Club Book 1 as an example of graphic novels for kids

Like it or not, graphic novels are here to stay. So get onboard if you haven’t already! Second graders of all reading levels absolutely love them. Lower-level readers gain confidence since they are a step up from picture books, while higher-level readers enjoy having pictures to go along with “bigger kid” books. If you already are stocked up on the popular Dog Man series, here are 16 similar graphic novel series ideas for your stash.

28. Fire up your little storytellers’ imaginations

Storyteller story strips in glass jar for teaching 2nd grade

Image source: Education.com Strips

Create a story jar and let second graders’ imaginations roam.

29. Introduce your second graders to small-moment narratives

Anchor chart for small moment writing when teaching 2nd grade

Image source: Buggy for Second Grade

Break down the process with this handy anchor chart and then watch them go to town writing.

30. Teach annotation with “thinkmarks”

think marks to help students code their thoughts while reading and great for teaching second grade.

Image source: Monica Jasso/Pinterest

Encourage students to actively engage as readers by printing or having students create “thinkmarks” they can use to annotate text as they read.

31. Make alphabet picture books

Different editions could include parts of speech, antonyms, synonyms, and homophones, etc.  Create a class library of these! It’s a great way to showcase student learning.

32. Have fun with literacy centers

Example of literacy center activities for teaching 2nd grade

We love this big list of ideas for grades K-2.

33. Make phonics fun

Phonics is the foundation for reading success. Breaking words into their constituent sounds helps kids understand and build their literacy skills, bit by bit. Check out these 26 phonics activities for teaching second grade.

Ideas for Math

34. teach time creatively.

Second grader drawing clock on whiteboard. Example of activities for teaching second grade.

Image source: Elementary Nest

Students can draw different times on a dry-erase clock—just a Hula-Hoop taped on your whiteboard. Or try one of these other 23 methods for teaching how to tell time .

35. Solve a word problem of the day

math problem of the day for teaching 2nd grade

Opening your daily math lesson with a math word problem of the day is an excellent way to set the stage for learning. Word problems are difficult for young learners to grasp, even when the mathematical operation portion of the problem is basic. Incorporate these second grade math word problems one day at a time at the start of your math block to build confidence, critical-thinking skills, and a learning community.

36. Build a number of the day

Student hand with notes and numbers.

Image source: Turnstall’s Teaching Tidbits

Students can build the number of the day by selecting the correct numerals, words, and units.

37. Play math games

Examples of math games for teaching 2nd grade

Here’s a big list of math games that are just right for second grade.

38. Watch math videos

Making math more engaging for kids can be difficult. But teaching math will be anything but boring when you introduce students to some of our favorite subtraction and addition videos on YouTube .

39. Teach shapes

Learning shapes is one of the earliest concepts we teach kids. Shapes ready them for geometry in the years ahead, but it’s also an important skill for learning how to write and draw. Get started with these shape activities .

40. Read books about math

Cover of Pitter Pattern and Equal Shmequal books for teaching 2nd grade

Young mathematicians can have a hard time understanding abstract math concepts. Enhancing your lessons with books about math will help your students make connections while having fun in the process. Motivate your students while introducing new concepts, reinforcing ideas, and talking about all things math!

41. Let your students lead

Second grade teacher Stacey S. shares, “I give my kiddos about 10 minutes to complete morning math problems. Then I choose a student to come up to ‘teach’ the first problem by sharing strategies and solutions. That student asks if everyone agrees or disagrees and chooses another student for the next problem, if everyone agrees. If there is disagreement with his answer, they discuss alternatives. The students are in charge for the first 30–45 minutes of the day! My favorite time of the day!”

42. Write in math journals every day

Page from a second grade math journal.

Image source: Smiling & Shining in Second Grade

With math journals, students learn to solve mathematical problems using pictures and words. Check out free entry examples on the blog, which focuses on teaching second grade.

43. Use hands-on activities and manipulatives

Help students learn those tricky math concepts by incorporating hands-on activities and manipulatives whenever possible. Start by trying these ideas for teaching graphing , place value , and solving word problems . There are plenty of other great ideas for teaching second grade on our website, including fun holiday-themed activities!

Ideas for Science

44. get hands-on with science.

Science is the perfect subject for kids to get down and dirty. Try these 50 second grade science projects for inspiration.

45. Try daily STEM challenges

These STEM challenges are designed with your second graders in mind. Try one each day or each week to get them thinking outside the box.

46. Teach the plant life cycle

Plant life cycle is always a fun science unit. You get to talk about growing, planting, and nature. Plus, students love digging in and getting their hands dirty when they plant a seed themselves. Try these plant life cycle activities .

47. Teach states of matter with this simple demonstration

Blue ice and water for teaching 2nd grade science experiment.

Image source: Education.com

Conduct this hands-on experiment to help students recognize and understand the different states of matter.

48. Conduct gummy bear experiments

Gummy bear experiment for second grade classroom.

In the category of snackable tips for teaching second grade … watch what happens when you soak gummy bears in liquid over a period of days. Find the full experiment—complete with freebie handout—on The Second Grade Shuffle blog .

49. Take a virtual field trip

Examples of virtual field trips for teaching 2nd grade, including

Advances in technology have paved the way for virtual field trips, which have proven themselves to be a game-changer. They are a great way to expose students to faraway places and even places in their own backyard. Check out this list of 40 amazing virtual field trips to get started. No permission slips needed!

Ideas for Social Studies

50. teach an early lesson on economics.

Second grade teacher Jacqueline Q. recommends, ”Set up a classroom economy! I give my students plastic ‘banks’ from the dollar store. They earn money for specific things throughout the day: one penny for copying down homework, 10 cents here and there. Just keep it consistent and don’t overuse it. Otherwise, they’ll be ungrateful for those random dimes and want quarters instead. On Fridays, they get to go shopping!”

“ My Classroom Economy is a great resource for help getting started,” adds Renee J.

51. Introduce your second graders to American symbols

American Symbols Booklet cover.

This awesome mini-book  is FREE!

52. Learn about heroes

Read biographies about famous people in history. Match books to holidays or other commemorations, like Presidents’ Day or Black History Month.

53. Celebrate holidays and other special days

The Big List of Holidays and Special Days to Celebrate at School when teaching second grade.

Second graders love any reason to celebrate. Who doesn’t? This calendar of holidays and special days will give you a variety of monthly celebrations. You will also find links to activities, lesson plans, resources, books, and more for each event listed. You can even download this year’s updated calendar to keep on hand.

Ideas for Classroom Organization

54. buy a new teacher planner.

Cacti teacher planner on desk and Floral teacher planner on desk.

We rounded up the planners teachers recommend most to one another on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE Facebook Group . Take a look and find your own new favorite!

55. Rock that new teacher planner

Read these tips  for keeping your day, week, and year beautifully organized.

56. Manage work submissions with clothespins

Organization with clothespins for missing assignment work in classroom.

Image source: 2nd Grade Stuff

Having students clip their papers will help quickly distinguish who handed in homework and who hasn’t.

57. Use an uncommon organizing method for the Common Core

Create separately labeled folders for each standard, then file activities that align with each standard in the appropriate folders. Genius!

Image source: Teaching in Oz

58. Avoid nameless homework

Highlighters in a mug so students mark their name before turning in.

Image source: Spectacular 2nd Grade

When students highlight their names before handing in work, you’ll never receive a name-free paper again!

59. Make informal assessments easy with these exit slips

Exit slip bulletin board for teaching in 2nd grade classroom.

Image source: First Grade Nest

Create a “Show What You Know” board. Use speech-bubble-shaped whiteboards for kids to write their lesson takeaways on, or have them write on sticky notes and stick them on their designated bubbles. As a follow-up class activity, students can look at everything their classmates learned!

60. Use a teacher cart

Collage of teacher cart ideas with multiple color styles and uses

This handy teacher cart has so many uses . From the start, it gives you extra storage space. Use it to organize classroom supplies, centers, or just about anything you can think of. It even has wheels, so you can keep it in place to help organize your classroom, bring materials with you around the room, or take it on the go if you travel around campus. A win-win for everyone!

Ideas for Classroom Management

61. have a procedure for everything.

“It’s really important, in second grade, that you have procedures for everything! My first year, I had procedures for the big things but not the smaller things, and that was a mistake. Tattling and drama were big in my class. Not starting off with a policy and procedure for addressing it took from instructional time initially.” —Donella H.

62. Post your students’ morning routine

Having a routine posted that is illustrated and easy to see will help your second graders remember how to start each day independently.

63. Set up cues to keep class noise down to a low roar

Noise level chart with 0-4

Image source: First Grade & Flip Flops

Use a chart like this to help students understand when to use different voice levels. Use cues like “spy talk” to signal when voices are getting too loud. Make a class goal of going from a five to a three. For more great ideas, see 24 Attention-Getters for the Classroom .

64. Get the wiggles out

Examples of educational brain breaks, including a movement spinner with exercises and a closeup of kids hands coloring a mandala.

Even grown-ups can’t sit still and listen all day! Get your kids up and moving with awesome second grade brain breaks .

65. Use music in your classroom

There are many creative ways to use music when teaching second grade. Music is a great way to mark transitions, teach multiplication facts, or set the tone for quiet reading time. Check out these kid-friendly Pandora stations. There are also plenty of instrumental channels and kid-friendly channels on SiriusXM radio, along with similar streamable playlists on services like Apple Music and Spotify . The Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star series has a number of great lullaby versions of some of the greatest rock bands on the planet, providing perfect background music during independent work. Have some fun and play some of your favorite artists too!

Other Ideas

66. build positive relationships with parents.

Here are 10 tips for making working with parents the easiest part of your job.

67. Have students write this fun Who Am I? paragraph for Back-to-School Night

Who am I second grade assignment

Image source: Smiling in Second Grade

Students can describe and draw themselves. Then parents can guess which child is theirs during Back-to-School Night festivities. Lifting the drawing will reveal a picture of the student holding their name.

What are your top tips for teaching second grade? Come share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group  on Facebook. WeAreTeachers HELPLINE is a place for teachers to ask and respond to questions on classroom challenges, collaboration, and advice.

Longtime vets and brand-new teachers alike can benefit from this master list of the best teacher-shared tips for teaching 2nd grade.

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17 Best 2nd Grade Art Projects Kids Can Do In Class Or At Home

Categories Activities & Ideas

If you’re a teacher, then you’ll already know how much 2nd graders love art.

It seems to always be their favorite subject, and it’s probably due to the fact that they’re getting to explore new materials and produce a wide range of different media.

17 Best 2nd Grade Art Projects Kids Can Do In Class Or At Home

Because their fine motor skills are improving rapidly at this age, they can also exercise more control over their projects, and subsequently can take part in more complex art based tasks.

But, as a teacher, it can be incredibly difficult to come up with new ideas that your students can participate in. You want to find something stimulating, but also not too difficult that it’s off putting.

When it comes to Google, you’ll find all manner of different art projects out there, some of which seem really cool, but it’s difficult to find a list of ones specifically targeted towards 2nd graders. 

Thankfully, that’s where we come in. Below, we’ve compiled a list of what we believe to be some of the very best art projects for 2nd graders.

These are super diverse, and have some super interesting concepts and ideas.

They’re also transitional, so if you want to set some of these as homework, you can absolutely do so, because they can be done either in the classroom or at home. 

To find out more, simply keep reading below, as we take a closer look. 

1. Painting With Yarn

This is a super and easy fun art project that you can whip out when you need something relaxing for the kids to partake in.

Painting with yarn is one of the simplest activities on our list, and only requires a few materials. 

In order to make this project, all you’ll really need is a piece of paper, and some balls of yarn in different colors.

You tape the piece of paper to the table, then you simply cut up the pieces of yarn you want to use in the desired size, and dip it in glue. 

The glue is then used to stick down the yarn in the shapes that you want to achieve.

The kids will have fun making this project their own, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a landscape picture, they can enjoy making abstract patterns too, if they desire. 

2. Back To School Calendar

If you’re looking for an art project that’s both fun for the kids, and super practical too, then we’d like to introduce you to this ‘back to school art calendar’.

In this project, the kids will create their own personalized calendars that have the correct dates for the entire school year. This one is great for making just before the summer holidays commence. 

They will then have this calendar ready for them to start the following year.

There are no real rules for this calendar, you can decide what kind of mediums they use to decorate them, be that crayons, stencils, paints, or just coloring pencils. 

Either way, this is a stimulating way to keep the kids preoccupied when their minds are locked in to summer vacation mode. 

3. String Painting

Some of you reading this list might have already come across string painting during your internet journey.

This type of project has become increasingly popular in recent years, and mostly amongst adults wanting to create their own artwork. 

This one however is actually super amazing for kids, and is a really easy way to make something fun and unique that they can take home with them.

All you’ll need are some sheets of black card paper, some plain yarn, and some multicolored paint options. 

All the kids need to do is dip the yarn into the different colors along the length of the string, then simply place them on the black card, and have fun trying to create different shapes and designs. 

The fun part about this one is that each of the projects will be unique, so no two members of the classroom will have the same design. 

4. Bloom Painted Paper Flowers

This art project is a little more complex, and may take several different sessions to complete, but we can guarantee you that the result is most definitely worth it.

It only requires a few items to make, including paints, card paper, and a pair of scissors to cut. 

For this art project, the kids can have fun creating their own designs and patterns on separate pieces of paper.

Then, after they’ve created several different ones on each of the pieces of paper, they can begin cutting out the petal shapes. 

The petals are then all assembled together, and made into a beautiful flower shape. We think that this is a super fun project to partake in during easter time. 

5. Watercolor Fish

We think that this is one of the prettiest designs on our list, and involves your students creating a beautiful watercolor fish.

2nd graders are already well acquainted with acrylics, so it’s fun for them to try painting with a medium that requires a little more attention and preciseness. 

In order to complete this background, all they’ll need to do is create a turquoise scene to act as the ocean. Then, after they’ve done this, they can have fun drawing and painting their own fish.

If your students are struggling a little bit with making their own fishes to paint, do not worry, as this tutorial provides a template for teachers to print out too. 

This project doesn’t just need to be confined to fish, as your students can have fun making any type of sea creature that they like. 

6. 3D Paper Hot Air Balloons

If you’re looking for an art project that’s a little bit fun and different from the others on our list, then we’d recommend that you take a closer look at this tutorial for making 3D hot air balloons.

This one is super fun, and is made using a process called weaving, which is responsible for creating the balloon-like effect. 

Some students may find the weaving process a little bit difficult, and this one can be challenging for 2nd graders, so make sure that you take the time to aid those who are taking a little longer to get the hang of the weaving process. 

Your students can choose multi colored pieces of paper for their hot air balloons, and they can really make the project their own by creating a scene to surround the page. 

7. Jellyfish Paper Plate Craft

If you’re looking for a super fun and somewhat silly craft to make with your 2nd graders, then we recommend that you take a look at this jellyfish paper plate craft.

This one is incredibly enjoyable to make, and can be done in a single art session if need be. 

In order to make this plate craft, all students need to do is cut a paper plate in half, then paint it in the color they desire.

After they’ve done this, you can help them to punch holes in the bottom section of the paper plate, where they’ll then be able to weave yarn through. 

You can have a wide variety of different yarn color options available, so that it matches the color the student has chosen for their project. 

Your students can then have fun personalizing their jellyfish, by creating a face for them. They can use some googly eyes, and make mouths for them too. 

8. 3D Paper Robots

This is another craft project on our list that your students might need a little bit of help in order to complete. This one involves making 3D robots, and is a great way for them to show their creativity. 

In order to make the project a little bit easier, have the students sketch out what they’d like their robot to look like with a pencil.

Tell them not to make it too intricate so that it’s still possible to assemble into a 3D shape afterwards. 

Following on from this, your students just need to draw and cut out each of the different body parts for their robot, and fold the paper accordingly so that it stands up.

They don’t just have to use paper to make this project, but they can utilize paint and coloring pencils too. 

9. Create An Underground World

This one constitutes not just as an art project, but also an opportunity for your students to really get thinking, and let their creative juices flow.

For this project, it might be a good idea to introduce them to some of the artwork produced for the Beatrix Potter book series, in which a group of sentient animals live beneath the ground. 

This will help to provide them with the inspiration they need in order to create their own underground world.

They will need to draw burrows for their animals or people to live in, and within these burrows, they can enjoy making various different rooms within the household. 

In order to create this project, all they’ll need is a few coloring pencils and a sheet of paper. 

10. Cup Shark Art

If you’ve never done any cup art with your students before, then let us assure you that it’s one of the easiest projects to partake in, and they’re left with something super satisfying at the end too. 

This cup shark art simply involves grabbing hold of a couple of paper plates, then painting them.

After this, your students can cut out what will work as the fins, that they’ll then attach to the paper cups using some glue. 

They can also get creative with this project and place some googly eyes on their shark, and draw on some fierce teeth. 

This project is also super versatile, and your kids aren’t limited to just making sharks. They can make pretty any type of fish they like, and can even create an octopus if so desired.

Either way, this is a super fun and quick project that can be made in only half an hour. 

11. Color Wheel Umbrella

This art project is both fun and educational, and can help to teach your students about the different types of colors found in the color wheel.

In order to make this project, your students just need to draw their own color wheel using a ruler. They can then go ahead and create a body underneath it holding the color wheel as though it were an umbrella. 

After they’ve done this, they can go ahead and start filling it in with each of the different colors.

Because this project is a little bit more detailed, they can use watercolors instead of acrylic paint in order to fill it in. 

Whenever your students need to reference which colors to mix together in order to form new colors, they can simply reach for this art project, and it will help to refresh their memory. Fun, easy, and educational!

12. Spring Flower Boxes

If you’re looking for the perfect art project for your kids to take part in ready for mother’s day, then we think that this is the perfect one.

This one takes a few sessions to complete, but is really worth the effort, and the students will love taking these home as presents for their mothers. 

In order to make this spring flower box art project, all your students will need to do is take an oblong box, then paint it with rust colored paint, in order to make it look like a flower pot.

After they’ve done this, they can then go ahead and fill it up with crate paper, which will act as the soil. 

Following on from this, they can go ahead and create their own personalized paper flowers.

They can make these in a variety of different colors and shapes, and the tutorial linked above shows you some different patterns they can follow. 

13. Sponge Sailboat

This one is a super fun project that you can create some activities around.

It involves creating a sailboat using just a few key items, including some pieces of card paper, a household sponge, and a stick to hold everything in place. 

In order to make this project, you’re going to need to educate your students on each of the different parts of a sailboat.

You can show them what the mast, rudder, and sails are, as well as where they belong on the boat.

After you’ve done this, they can then go ahead and start cutting out each of the different parts, and assemble them together. This is a good mini lesson to teach them about boats. 

After they’re done making the sailboats, you can then place them in a bowl of water to show them how they float.

If it’s possible, your class could even take a walk to the nearest lake, where they can have fun racing them in pairs. 

14. Handprint Animals

If you’re looking for a fun and easy activity to do on a rainy day, then this handprint animal project is perfect for such an occasion.

We’ve all heard of handprint turkeys before, but your kids can pretty much make any animal they desire simply by printing their hands with some paint. 

It’s great for developing their fine motor skills, as they’ll need to pay close attention to where they’re placing their hand on the page, and judge how far apart each handprint needs to be, based on the scene that they’re trying to create. 

They can make all sorts of landscapes using this project, and as you can see from the image above, they can enjoy painting around their handprints and making elaborate scenes. 

15. Trace And Color Circle Art

This is an incredibly bold, abstract art project that your kids can have fun participating in. It simply involves tracing a large circle, and then creating smaller circles within.

Depending on the skill level of the child, they can either draw the circles freehand, or they can employ some cups and other various circular objects in order to create their artwork. 

After they’re done creating each of their different circles, they can then go ahead and start filling them in with colors. Encourage them to make these as bold as possible so that they really stand out on the page. 

To give them some inspiration to get started with this project, show them the artwork created by Frank Stella, who makes some amazing abstract pieces that will mesmerize students. 

16. Underwater Art Project

This is another project that’s super easy to do, and involves creating a self portrait of themselves underneath the sea.

In order to create this art project, all you’ll really need is a piece of paper and some coloring in pencils. This one’s great for when you don’t have much time on your hands to prepare something more elaborate. 

This is a chance for your students to express how they see themselves visually, and in their minds, place themselves in different situations. 

If you want to make it a little more fun, you could split everyone in the classroom into pairs, then they can have the challenge of drawing each other’s portraits.

17. Alphabet Beading

If you want to combine an English and art lesson into one, then we recommend that you take a closer look at this alphabet beading tutorial. 

If you’re concerned about purchasing all of the individual beads for this project, you’ll actually find that they’re super inexpensive. 

This project is a great chance for your students to exercise their fine motor skills, and create words and names on their strings. 

You could set the students a challenge of beading the name of their favorite animal, then allow them to try and spell it out.

Once they’re done doing this, they can take the beads off, and you can start a different project using them the following week. 

There are a whole bunch of different things you can do using alphabet beading, and you could even create a word of the day that they can attempt to bead. This project offers a lot of different possibilities. 

Final Thoughts 

So, to sum up, there are a whole bunch of different art projects out there specifically tailored towards 2nd grades .

Some of the ones on our list are more elaborate than others, whilst some are just easy and fun projects to pass the time. 

The reason why the projects mentioned above are so great is because they’re so transactional in nature.

Your students can either make these within the confines of the classroom, or you can set it as homework for them to complete for the following day. 

Either way, we sincerely hope that this list has provided you with some much needed inspiration. 

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Creative Homework Ideas

Learn Bright Lessons include many creative ideas for classroom instruction and student learning. Students are asked to work independently or with their peers, fostering their collaboration skills. Of course, the lessons also include many traditional learning exercises. Such as, multiple-choice questions, matching, fill in the blank responses, and others. Since every school and classroom is different, any lesson used with students can be adapted.

Whether you are assigning homework based on Learn Bright lessons or your own school’s curriculum, the homework you assign is essential for learning. Some schools across the country have banned assigning homework to students while others limit the amount each night. If you do assign homework, there are several creative ideas you can use that will motivate your students to complete the homework you assign.

Creative hands-on learning activities and other similar learning ideas in the classroom are quite effective. They can be just as effective at home as well for a wide variety of subjects and assignments. In every student’s home, there is “stuff” and other resources that can be accessed to help students review a concept taught at school. Here are a few samples for different subjects:

MATH – Multiplication Facts

 Students use the numbers that appear on product labels and multiply them together. Not only do they get multiplication practice, but they may also be introduced to a food label in a new way. It encourages the students to read food and other product labels. In this way, they can relate what they learn in class to the real world. Showing them when they will use these concepts in their everyday lives.

SCIENCE – Solids, Liquids, Gases

Students conduct a home or neighborhood search for items that are solids, liquids, or gases. For example, they can open the refrigerator and list milk, juice, and other beverages as liquids. The containers, butter, veggies, and more as solids. Carbonated drinks can be listed as containing gas. You can ask them later about eggs or Jell-O and other items that may be both solid and liquid. This reinforces their learning by allowing them to explore and use their creativity to complete the assignment.

SOCIAL STUDIES – Older Adult Interviews

 Students may be studying topics in history from the past 50 to 100 years. With this exercise, they interview an older adult who lived through the event that they are studying. They obtain opinions and feelings related to the event. They also confirm (or dispute) facts the students have been taught. Finally, they discuss how the person was affected by the event. This gives them a deeper understanding of that event and shows them the value of primary sources.

LANGUAGE ARTS – Parts of Speech Search

Students practice identifying the seven parts of speech while at home. They do this by listing examples that are used during family conversations or those words found on product labels.

Describing Things

Students use each of the five senses to write descriptive sentences related to things at home or in the neighborhood. The aroma of dinner, the sound of cars passing on the street, the sight of moving tree branches, the feel of a parent’s hug, or the taste of a spicy meal. This allows them to connect the lesson to the real world. It allows them to think about their surroundings in a new and interesting way.

READING – Read and React

Students are asked to read aloud a passage from their favorite story or novel. Next, they ask family members or close neighbors for their reactions and opinions about a character/event from the passage. Students record the information and discuss it with the listener. This illustrates that different people may notice different things while reading. It gives the student a chance to practice discussing literature from a young age.

MUSIC – Favorite Music  

Students will listen to a parent or other family member’s favorite genre of music. Then, list the instruments they hear, share their opinions of the sound, and discuss other artists from a particular era. This encourages them to engage with the music on a level they normally would not.

ART – Art Critic

Nearly all homes include some type of painting, picture, or sculpture on display. Students take a photo of an art piece in their home and share their opinion of the art piece with a family member. They can discuss the age of the work of art, how it adds to the room’s décor, why it’s significant to their family, and more. Students will gain valuable practice analyzing images and thinking about art with this homework assignment.

HEALTH – Food Search

The students conduct a food search, identifying healthy versus unhealthy foods. Next, they list reasons why they may be considered healthy or unhealthy, and reviewing food labels. This teaches students to think about what they eat. Hence giving them a fun and interactive activity to do for homework.

There are many, many more creative homework ideas you can use for at-home assignments for your students. Think outside the box when assigning homework. Practice incorporating interactive elements so that students aren’t just sitting at their desk. Try to create and develop assignments that kids will want to do. Avoid the assignments that kids simply have to do. Think of the real-world applications for your lesson material as inspiration and build your homework assignments around that. Creative homework assignments can be fun and, at the same time, teach and enhance subjects introduced in the classroom.

For more creative homework ideas, be sure to check out our lesson plans and YouTube videos!

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45 2nd Grade Art Projects: Coloring, Cutting, Crafting, And More

February 26, 2024 //  by  Nicole Muir

Primary students are a creative group of children who often let their imagination take them to new and inventive places. One of the best outlets for these young, innovative minds is art projects. Students can let their ideas shine when teachers support them by planning and implementing fun art projects in their lessons.

1. Cool and Warm Color Trees


Incorporate these warm and cool color trees with your 1st-5th Grade students in your lesson about color theory. Students will make these trees come to life as they learn to tell the difference, sort, and identify cool from warm colors.

Learn More: Messy Little Monster

2. Creative Coloring


Your young learners will enjoy using multiple crayons to achieve this special coloring effect. They can experiment with different types of lines with crayons. A teacher’s tip is to tape the crayons together for easy handling for tiny hands. This effect is made with lots of lines.

Learn More: Crayola

3. Abstract Art


Using just a few common items, your student can learn about abstract art by designing an abstract background inspired by Piet Mondrian. A discussion about different types of shapes would be beneficial prior to beginning this craft.

Learn More: Easy Peasy and Fun

4. Watercolor Fish


A fun art lesson for students of many ages is to create an underwater scene. Using watercolors, children will paint a blue water background. They can also cut out and decorate their own fish to glue on their piece of art. A fish template can help struggling students. This is a fun painting lesson for students of all ages. They can also try drawing the fish with oil pastels.

Learn More: Projects with Kids

5. Line Pictures


The possibilities are endless with these construction paper strips. Students can build and design different scenes using wavy, straight, and curved lines. The preparation on the teacher’s side is minimal for the amount of time this activity would take to complete.

Learn More: First Palette

6. Jelly Fish Paper Plate Craft


Using just paper plates, yarn, and tissue paper, children can make these adorable jellyfish works of art. They can also add googley eyes to them or make their own! They can make different colored tissue paper or make a pattern with yarn.

Learn More: Non-Toy Gifts

7. Sun and Moon 


This Sun and Moon duality craft is the perfect way to showcase students’ knowledge of cool and warm colors. Having the two different types of colors allows them to contrast against each other, which makes this assignment pop!

8. Alphabet Beading


Lacing alphabet beads onto yarn or string can strengthen the children’s fine motor skills. You can let them spell their own names, the word of the day, or any other words they are working on. You can buy inexpensive beads to make this project happen on more than one occasion.

Learn More: Fun Learning for Kids

9. Paper Caterpillar Craft


Your children can use this cute lesson idea to work on their fine motor skills of rolling paper into short tubes. The students can get creative with their animal habitat or home. They can use different colors of paper to make multiple caterpillars!

Learn More: I Heart Crafty Things

10. Color Wheel Umbrella

Enjoy your rainy day by having the students make color wheel umbrellas. This activity would be a great assessment to gather data about if students can recognize basic colors. They can get creative with their backgrounds as well!

Learn More: YouTube

11.  Crazy Circles


Students can go crazy for circles. They will draw circles with crayons repeatedly using a zigzag motion. Having them use contrasting colors or creating a theme can bring this project to the next level. Students will enjoy this color circle art.

Learn More: Creating Really Awesome Fun Things

12. Nature Collage

Mix leaves with crayons in this fun project for your young second-grade learners. This collage is a great way to learn about the drying out process as students dry their leaves prior to putting this collage together.

Learn More: Inspire The Mom

13. Sunflower Craft

This craft utilizes bright colors in the best way. The perfect way to celebrate autumn is by getting the children to create these sunny sunflowers with oil pastels and construction paper. This is the perfect lesson for spring !

14. Emotion Painting

This craft is an excellent addition and support to any lesson about emotional regulation or self-regulation strategies. Students will use different paint colors to depict different feelings based on how they associate them. This could also be extended to be a portrait drawing lesson.

Learn More: Mosswood Connections

15. Lady Bug Addition

Mixing math and art have never been so fun! Students will enjoy learning simple second-grade math with these bug addition sentences. You can tailor the equations to be as simple or as complex as you like depending on your learner.

Learn More: Mrs. Ricca’s Kindergarten

16. Tissue Paper Earth

Celebrate Earth Day or add to your Environmentalism unit by getting the students to work on this project using blue tissue paper and green construction. The teacher or educational assistant can pre-cut the tissue paper or you can have the students work on their scissor skills.

Learn More: Darcy and Brian

17. Pumpkin Pie Craft


Your 1st graders or 2nd graders can celebrate Thanksgiving by making this pumpkin pie slice craft. Students can take this activity further by using different color paper for different pie flavors. You can challenge them to make their own flavors!

Learn More: A Night Owl

18.  Moving Bear Cub

Kick-off winter or the first snowfall of the season by making this moveable polar bear cub craft with your students. Using the template on white cardstock, your students can cut out the individual pieces of the bear and assemble them to create this cuddly craft.

Learn More: Kids’ Craft Room

Andy Warhol is the awesome lesson inspiration for this craft. Students can use an image from popular culture or they can choose their own image to create a repeating sequence with. Don’t forget to remind them about the bright colors!

Learn More: The Crafty Classroom

20. Paper Bunny


This adorable craft can be easily achieved by using a bunny template. Students can celebrate Easter or the start of the spring season by crafting with these bunnies. They can even glue on a picture of themselves for added fun. These springtime bunnies would look fantastic on a greeting card!

21.  Tissue Paper Snail


This colorful little creature will bring the students’ imaginations to life. They will enjoy watching the snail’s shell come together with one piece of tissue paper at a time. They could create patterns or do a random sequence of colors. This activity is a beautiful display of color.

Learn More: Fireflies and Mudpies

22. Pumpkin Person


Whether it’s a unit about gourds or Halloween, this pumpkin person will fit right in. The students will enjoy creating the accordion-style arms and legs for this activity and they will get very creative with drawing the face of their character. Your 2nd-grade art students will have a blast! Hang up multiple creations to create a class pumpkin farm or multiple pumpkin patches.

Learn More: Craft Corner DIY

23. Finger Painting with Monet


Claude Monet is the inspiration behind this simple finger painting work of art. Your young learner will finger paint with a variety of colors to create the watercolor look that Monet is famous for. The best part is – the project looks complex when it is completed! They could even try using this technique to create a landscape painting, which would teach them where to position the middle ground.

24. Black Line Art


The bold, black lines that are featured in this project make the colors pop and stand out. Students will learn about different geometric shapes and can have fun filling in each section in their unique way. This is a fun lesson that can be incorporated into your next math unit.

Learn More: Art Crafty Kids

25. Mosaic Fish

This low-prep and inexpensive activity lets students create a simple underwater scene. The squares can be pre-cut to save time or if you have students who struggle with using scissors. This project is a great example of fish mosaics/art.

Learn More: Choleena

26. Textured Fall Leaves


This activity is a fantastic 2nd-grade art project because it can be extended over two periods or over multiple days. Taking the kids on a nature walk prior to this activity is a great way to gather materials and get them to plan their projects with intent. These will create a leaf or colorful flower background.

Learn More: Deep Space Sparkle

27. Color Mixing Sheets


These worksheets allow for a visual representation of the relationship of the colors in the rainbow. Students can experiment with adding primary colors together to make secondary colors. This activity supports children to learn about color mixing in a hands-on way.

Learn More: Art Prep

28. Abstract Art with Arthur Dove

In this activity, students look for inspiration in nature and then use a blank white paper as their abstract canvas. They can look at the shapes and colors in their subject and find new ways to express what they see. The emphasis here is on the feeling that the final picture evokes, and not necessarily the lines or colors.

Learn More: Pragmatic Mom

29. Chromatography Flowers

Bring some science into your art lesson with this cool project. Using pipe cleaners and white coffee filters, make some flowers. Then, put the “stems” into a vase of water and food coloring. Wait for a little bit, and the color climbs up the pipe cleaner to give the “flowers” a tie-dyed look. Experiment with different times and colors!

Learn More: 123 Homeschool 4 Me

30. Historic Petroglyphs

History comes alive with this play-dough or clay craft! Give students some rudimentary carving tools, such as popsicle sticks, toothpicks, and/or spoons. Then, have them make ancient pictographs in playdough or clay, focusing on the techniques they use for different shapes and textures.

Learn More: Left Brain Craft Brain

31. Celebrating Different Cultures

For this 2nd grade art project, a white paper becomes a placemat. Tell students that they are celebrating an important day in their culture, and they need to decorate their “placemat” to represent the holiday. Offer a variety of media, such as paint, construction paper, scissors and glue, and markers. Set a time limit, and have students present their piece to the class (or a partner) when time is up.

Learn More: Art Lessons for Kids

32. Stained Glass from Melted Crayon

This project is a bit involved because it involved grating old crayons and ironing the final result. However, it’s worth it to see the lovely colors of homemade “stained glass” playing across the classroom windows! Students should be encouraged to look at the colors and shapes as they design, and to predict how the heat applied will change or alter their original design.

Learn More: Artful Parent

33. Origami!

Kids love making 3-D paper creations, and it’s a great low-prep project for 2nd graders. Origami also helps students practice fine motor skills and following instructions, so it’s an art project that will benefit their other studies, as well.

Learn More: Origami Way

34. Tiny Rothko Cardboard Canvases


Kids can learn about color and form by painting cardboard or cardstock paper in a Rothko style. It’s an easy project that only requires some paint and a surface, plus some instruction and an explanation of Rothko. It’s also a great introduction to “painting as an experience.”

Learn More: Art Camp Studio

35. Build Community with Circle Painting 

The circle painting movement is all about creating simple and beautiful art together. It’s a means of bringing students together while also helping to alleviate the stress of school and everyday life. Painting circles as a group is an excellent way to decompress at the end of the testing season or a busy semester.

Learn More: Circle Painting

36. Mini-Me Self Portraits

This project focuses on collaboration, and the end result is a huge mural of tiny self-portraits from all of your 2nd grade students. For a more interesting mural, have students do monochrome pictures and give a different color to each class or group.

37. Dandelions from a Dish Brush

This project uses black paper as the background for white-painted dandelions. Using a scrub brush, stamp the “heads” of the dandelions onto the black paper about halfway up. Then, with mixed media and glue, fill in the stems and surrounding scene. For example, use blue paper for the clouds and green string for the stems.

Learn More: Teach Junkie

38. Weaving With Cardboard Circles

You can teach your students about the textile and yarn medium with this crafty project. Using a cardboard circle as the loom, give students lots of yarn options to weave a circular design. Make sure to have lots of different colors and textures on hand for them to experiment with!

Learn More: Hello Wonderful

39. Cityscape Collages

In this introduction to mixed media, students use upcycled and found paper to create layered collages. Focus on the layering technique, which is not only an excellent technique for collages but also lays the groundwork for digital artwork and photo editing.

40. Oil and Water and Colors

This art and science experiment focuses on blending colors and density. Students add droplets of food coloring to a clear container with oil and water and watch as the colors float and bob in the different densities.

Learn More: Kindergarten Worksheets and Games

41. Upcycled Paper Art

Students start by making a background from strips of colorful pictures cut out of old magazines. Then, they cut a silhouette from black paper and lay it on top of the colorful collage.

Learn More: Suzy’s Artsy-Craftsy Sitcom

42. Chalk Art for the Ceiling

With this project, you’ll be left with amazing ceiling tiles that will really make your classroom or hallway pop! Students use sidewalk chalk and a brush with water to make butterflies on the ceiling tiles. Once they’ve dried, you have big, colorful butterflies to hang all over the school.

43. Exploring Life Cycles


This project combines art and science to help reinforce the concepts of life cycles and form. Encourage students to use the worksheets to make realistic-looking animals. Then, have them arrange the steps so that the form of the layout reflects the life cycle properly.

44. Clay Leaves

Take students outside in the fall to find some leaves that inspire them. Then, after each student has found the perfect leaf, roll out some clay and have the kids cut out the right shape of their leaf. Once the clay is dry, give them fall colors to decorate the leaf just right.

Learn More: It is Art Day

45. Graffiti Names

This is a personalized art project that can also be connected to literature and pop culture. First, give a quick overview of different graffiti styles. Then, after a quick tutorial on lettering, have students write and decorate their names like graffiti tags.

Whether you are an Art Teacher looking for ideas to fill your rotational block or a classroom teacher who needs some ideas, this list has a variety of creative choices for your class. Art can be a fun and engaging way to enhance a lesson in a different subject or be just as exciting on its own.

Students can learn about many artists from history and many concepts of art through doing these activities. You can also customize these projects to suit the materials you have on hand and your students’ skill levels. Your students will learn a lot and have so much fun doing it!

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Second Grade Worksheets and Printables

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Holiday Math Activities That 2nd Graders LOVE!

The month of December is a busy time of year in elementary classrooms.  There are many extra activities and schedule interruptions that can impact the time you have available for math practice.  In this post, I’m going to share one way that you can use to make the most of your math time in the weeks leading up to the holidays.  Keep reading for a variety of holiday math activities that will keep your students engaged in skill practice all month long!

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Benefits of Holiday Math Activities

Holiday math activities are more than just adding fun clipart on a regular math worksheet.  In fact, there are several reasons why holiday-themed learning activities can benefit the students in your classroom.  Here are three of my favorites:

1. Engaging Review

The days leading up to a long break from school are definitely not the time to be teaching brand new math skills!  It’s common for students to have some skill regression over winter break, but it’s much more likely for newly-taught concepts.  

Instead of using holiday activities to teach new math skills right before the holiday, you can focus on reviewing math concepts that your student have already learned.  This refresher will be just what they need before leaving for break.

2. Add to Classroom Festivities

Holiday math worksheets are a simple way to bring a touch of festivity to your regular classroom routine. Rather than feel like you’re competing against the anticipation of the upcoming holiday, you can help students channel their excitement into purposeful learning activities!

These festive activities can also be the perfect addition to a class party!  You can set up a variety of special learning stations with a fun holiday twist.

3. Easily Repeated

Holiday math activities are also great for the busy days of December because your students will want to play them again and again!  This cuts down on prep time because you won’t have to track down quite as many review activities.  

The holiday math activities that I’m going to share with you in this post can be laminated or added to a sheet protector so that you really only have to prep once to use them all month! Students can complete the activities using a dry eraser marker!

7 Holiday Math Activities for 2nd Grade

All of the holiday math activities that I’m going to share with you use a similar spin-and-solve format. Each printable activity can be used to practice and review a different second grade math skill.

Addition Fact Fluency

Your students will love to practice addition facts with this holiday math game!  They will use a paperclip and pencil to spin two different numbers.  After spinning, students can write and solve an addition equation using those numbers. Since students will spin a different combination of numbers each time, this activity is perfect for practicing a wide variety of math facts!

Three colorful spin and solve activities for math practice

Another great math skill for second graders to practice is counting back from large numbers.  This will help them prepare for subtraction practice as they strengthen their knowledge of place value.  Students will use three different spinners to create a three-digit number. After writing down that number, they can then write the following numbers as they count back.

There are even more ways to use spin and solve activities to practice place value.  Your students will have fun spinning three times to create a three-digit number.  After recording the number they spun, they will color in the correct base ten blocks to model the number. If you put this worksheet in a sheet protector, students can use a dry erase marker to repeat this activity again and again. 

Place Value

By including spinners in these activities, students can practice place value using different numbers each time! After spinning to create a three-digit number, students can model it by drawing base ten blocks on the paper. 

Two holiday-themed math activities

Odd and Even

Another skill that students can review using spinner activities is determining if a number is odd or even.  Students can use the spinners to create a two-digit number.  After writing down the number, they can color the correct gumdrop to show whether the number is even or odd.

Doubles Addition

Festive coloring pages are always a hit in December, so why not bring some coloring fun to math practice?  For this activity, students will choose from one of two spinners.  After landing on a number, they will double the number to find what color they will use. If you would like this activity to take a longer amount of time, students will spin and color just one block at a time.  If time is more limited, students can color all of the blocks of a given number at one time.

A spin and solve coloring activity

Multi-Digit Addition

There are several fun activities to help students practice addition with multiple digits.  For example, this activity uses four spinners that students can use to build two different two-digit numbers.  After modeling each number with base ten blocks, students can use the model to add these two numbers.  

A Christmas themed two-digit addition activity

Printable Holiday Math Activities for 2nd Grade

The math skills above (and more) can be practiced in a festive way with these holiday math activities for second grade.  Each of the thirteen math skills come with two page options to use with your students. These printables are meant to help your students review important math skills before leaving for the holiday break.  Since the spinner format is similar for all of the activities, students will have no trouble completing these activities independently. This makes them a great option for independent learning times such as math centers and morning work!  

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If you’d like to take a closer look at these Christmas math practice pages, you can find this resource on my website shop or on Teachers Pay Teachers .

Save These Holiday Math Ideas

Be sure to add this pin to your favorite teaching board on Pinterest!  You’ll be able to quickly find these holiday math ideas when you’re looking for some festive math activities for your 2nd graders.

Holiday Math Activities for 2nd Grade

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Printable Writing Worksheets for 2nd Graders

Is your second grader ready to enhance their writing skills? Our collection of writing worksheets for 2nd graders is designed to make learning fun and effective. From sentence tracing and handwriting practice to creative writing and paragraph writing, these worksheets cover a wide range of topics. Help your c ... Read more hild build a strong foundation in writing with activities that include word tracing, cursive writing, and writing sentences. Start now for free!

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  • Add With Pictures (6)
  • Addition Properties (26)
  • Commutative Property Of Addition (5)
  • Addition Strategies (102)
  • Compose And Decompose Numbers (14)
  • Add With 10 (22)
  • Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy (14)
  • Make 10 Strategy (14)
  • Add Using Multiples Of 10 (18)
  • Add Three Whole Numbers (29)
  • 2-Digit Addition (79)
  • 2-Digit Addition Without Regrouping (37)
  • 2-Digit Addition With Regrouping (10)
  • 3-Digit Addition (92)
  • 3-Digit Addition Without Regrouping (30)
  • 3-Digit Addition With Regrouping (42)
  • Subtraction (388)
  • Subtract With Pictures (10)
  • Subtraction Strategies (73)
  • Subtract Using A Number Line (11)
  • Subtract From 10 Strategy (10)
  • Subtract Using Multiples Of 10 (17)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction (144)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (77)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (22)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction (92)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (44)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (24)
  • Multiplication (92)
  • Multiplication Strategies (24)
  • Multiplication With Arrays (16)
  • Times Tables (45)
  • Multiplication Properties (22)
  • Geometry (50)
  • Shapes (33)
  • 2D Shapes (21)
  • Attributes Of 2D Shapes (14)
  • 3D Shapes (12)
  • Partition Into Equal Parts (16)
  • Partition In Halves, Thirds, And Fourths (12)
  • Data Handling (31)
  • Measurement (34)
  • Length (27)
  • Measure Lengths Using The Ruler (22)
  • Estimate Lengths (4)
  • Capacity (2)
  • Am And Pm (19)
  • Time In Hours (20)
  • Time In Half Hours (16)
  • Time In Quarter Hours (14)
  • Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes (16)
  • Digital Clock (19)
  • Identify Coins (24)
  • Counting Money (26)
  • Compare Money (13)
  • Add And Subtract Money (14)
  • Word Problems (175)
  • Addition Word Problems (63)
  • Addition Word Problems Within 20 (30)
  • 2-Digit Addition Word Problems (28)
  • Subtraction Word Problems (37)
  • Subtraction Word Problems Within 20 (22)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction Word Problems (12)
  • Multi-Step Word Problems (28)
  • ELA (1,214)
  • Reading (641)
  • Phonics (563)
  • Diphthongs (25)
  • Words With Oi (14)
  • Words With Ou (13)
  • Words With Ow (11)
  • Words With Oy (11)
  • Letter Sounds (2)
  • Vowels (81)
  • Long Vowel Sounds (36)
  • Short Vowel Sounds (34)
  • Short Vowel I Sound (10)
  • Blending (114)
  • Ccvc Words (16)
  • Ccvcc Words (36)
  • Cvc Words (22)
  • Cvcc Words (40)
  • Consonant Digraphs (4)
  • Digraph Ch (2)
  • Digraph Sh (2)
  • Digraph Th (2)
  • Digraph Wh (2)
  • Trigraphs (16)
  • Trigraph Dge (9)
  • Trigraph Igh (9)
  • Trigraph Tch (9)
  • Three Letter Blends (28)
  • Sight Words (289)
  • Silent Letter Words (5)
  • Reading Comprehension (72)
  • Cause And Effect (5)
  • Inference (5)
  • Prediction (5)
  • Sequencing (7)
  • Story Elements (8)
  • Authors Purpose (5)
  • Compare And Contrast (5)
  • Central Message (7)
  • Point Of View (3)
  • Using Illustrations (7)
  • Using Text Features (6)
  • Context Clues (3)
  • Communication Skills (6)
  • Speaking Skills (4)
  • Writing (444)
  • Handwriting (410)
  • Word Tracing (193)
  • Sentence Tracing (50)
  • Cursive Writing (166)
  • Cursive Alphabet (26)
  • Cursive Words (116)
  • Cursive Sentences (50)
  • Creative Writing (26)
  • Grammar (75)
  • Pronouns (4)
  • Punctuation (7)
  • Vocabulary (206)
  • Affixes (14)
  • Commonly Confused Words (3)
  • Compound Words (3)
  • Figures Of Speech (9)
  • Alliteration (2)
  • Synonyms And Antonyms (7)
  • Word Puzzles (135)
  • Word Search (129)
  • Shades Of Meaning (5)
  • Sorting Words Into Categories (11)
  • Flashcards (10)
  • Phonics Flashcards (10)

Handwriting Worksheets

Read and Copy the Word Worksheet

Read and Copy the Word Worksheet

Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by practicing to read and copy the word.

Moony S Diary Write A Diary Entry - Worksheet

Moony S Diary Write A Diary Entry

Introduce creative writing with our engaging ELA writing worksheet, perfect for practicing writing a diary entry.

Cursive Letter A: Trace and Write the Letters - Worksheet

Cursive Letter A: Trace and Write the Letters

Time to boost handwriting practice with our amazing printable worksheet focused on writing the cursive a.

Sentence Writing Practice: The Park - Worksheet

Sentence Writing Practice: The Park

Build writing skills with this awesome printable worksheet focused on handwriting practice about the park.

Creative Writing Worksheets

Illustrate a Birthday Party Worksheet

Illustrate a Birthday Party Worksheet

Illustrations aid a young reader's mind in understanding concepts. Inspire artistic expression and storytelling in your child through this exciting worksheet!

Creative Writing with Friendship Interviews! Worksheet

Creative Writing with Friendship Interviews! Worksheet

Help your child explore the power of friendship with our fun activity worksheet: Friendship Interview! Engage in an interview, and discuss the qualities of a special friend.

Cut and Paste the Parts of a Letter Worksheet

Cut and Paste the Parts of a Letter Worksheet

Delve into the realm of letter composition to nurture effective communication skills! Engage in interactive exercises on understanding the parts of a letter.

Complete the Conversation Worksheet

Complete the Conversation Worksheet

Children love making conversations and putting their point of view across. In this worksheet give your child a good practice on point of view as they try to write their own perspective in a conversation.

All Writing Worksheets

Writing About The Seasons - Worksheet

Writing About The Seasons

Elevate ELA skills with this engaging, season-themed practice worksheet focusing on spotting main ideas and key details.

Can You Search All the Words? Worksheet

Can You Search All the Words? Worksheet

Engage in a word grid activity with our fun worksheet! Seek and create sentences while fostering vocabulary development in your child.

Trace and Write New Words Worksheet

Trace and Write New Words Worksheet

Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by tracing and writing new words.

Did You Hear an Irregular Verb? Worksheet

Did You Hear an Irregular Verb? Worksheet

Nurture language proficiency through real-life application with our grammar worksheet. Observe and utilize irregular verbs in your everyday life.

Write the Sight Word Yesterday - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Yesterday

Improve sight word recognition with our tracing worksheet, helping students master writing the word "yesterday."

Fill in the Reflexive Pronoun Journal Worksheet

Fill in the Reflexive Pronoun Journal Worksheet

A conversation journal with a twist of grammar is what this super interesting worksheet is all about. Download it and help your child practice reflexive pronouns!

Write the Sight Word Year - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Year

Boost reading readiness with our printable worksheet, tracing and writing the sight word "year."

Make Sentences With Sight Words - Worksheet

Make Sentences With Sight Words

Learn sight words with our engaging ELA worksheet, perfect for practice and enhancing phonics skills.

Write the Sight Word World - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word World

Sharpen literacy skills with this printable, tracing the sight word "world" in our engaging worksheet.

Lets Write a Silly Poem! Worksheet

Lets Write a Silly Poem! Worksheet

Ignite students' imagination with this fun worksheet! Students will explore the world of silly poems and create their own version.

Let's Recount And Write - Worksheet

Let's Recount And Write

Improve ELA skills with this printable worksheet, perfect for past tense sentence writing practice.

Write the Sight Word Work - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Work

Let's work on sight words mastery with our printable, tracing sight word "work" for hands-on practice.

Lets Write Moonys Diary Entry! Worksheet

Lets Write Moonys Diary Entry! Worksheet

Embark on a creative and captivating journey with our fun worksheet! Compose a diary entry as Moony, sharing adventures in a foreign land.

Expand These Sentences - Worksheet

Expand These Sentences

Discover fun with our ELA worksheets! Enhance writing skills with this engaging sentence expansion practice printable.

Write the Sight Word Without - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Without

Write your sight words success story with this printable worksheet for tracing and practicing the sight word "without."

Make Your Own Whodunit Mystery! Worksheet

Make Your Own Whodunit Mystery! Worksheet

Everyone loves a mystery! Give your budding writer a chance to create their own fictional story based on the writing prompts provided in this thrilling worksheet.

Stretch The Simple Sentences - Worksheet

Stretch The Simple Sentences

Introduce sentence expansion with our printable ELA worksheet, perfect for enhancing writing practice.

Write the Sight Word While - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word While

Boost literacy skills with our printable worksheet, tracing and writing the sight word "while."

Map Your Own Story! Worksheet

Map Your Own Story! Worksheet

Explore the steps to crafting your own captivating story through our fun worksheet. Enhancing storytelling and writing skills is just a download away!

Write the Sight Word Well - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Well

Boost your child's literacy with this printable, tracing the sight word "well," perfect for handwriting practice.

Write A Letter to a Character Worksheet

Write A Letter to a Character Worksheet

Embark on a creative writing journey with our grade two creative writing worksheet. Dive into an imaginative letter writing experience now!

Write the Sight Word Watch - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Watch

Elevate literacy skills with this printable tracing sight words worksheet focused on the word "watch."

Write A Letter to Santa Worksheet

Write A Letter to Santa Worksheet

Discover the holiday spirit with this worksheet: A Letter to Santa! Compose a heartfelt letter to Santa Claus for a memorable letter-writing experience!

Write the Sight Word Wash - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Wash

Build literacy skills with this printable worksheet, tracing and practicing the sight word "wash."

Write an Acrostic Poem! Worksheet

Write an Acrostic Poem! Worksheet

Enhance your child's writing skills and artistic expression with our fun worksheet! Students will craft an acrostic poem and indulge in a delightful learning experience!

Write and Trace the Sight Word Warm Worksheet

Write and Trace the Sight Word Warm Worksheet

Enhance literacy skills with this printable, tracing sight words, focusing on the word "warm."

Write the Objects Point of View Worksheet

Write the Objects Point of View Worksheet

What will happen if these things from your daily life quit? Your child will practice different points of view by thinking outside the box in this fun worksheet!

Write the Sight Word Until - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Until

Boost sight word recognition with this printable, offering sight word "until" tracing and writing practice.

Create a Sentence! Worksheet

Create a Sentence! Worksheet

Spark creativity with our fun worksheet! Craft sentences using special words and spark your imagination by drawing illustrations for them.

Write the Sight Word Tree - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Tree

Enhance literacy skills with our printable sight words worksheet, tracing and writing the word "tree."

My Family: A Short Survey Worksheet

My Family: A Short Survey Worksheet

Teach your kids to track key events in their family's life with this timeline worksheet. No better way to teach them about chronology and boost their writing skills!

Write the Sight Word Toward - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Toward

Let's head toward fluency! Boost literacy skills with our worksheet featuring sight word "toward" tracing exercises.

Surveying the Family! Worksheet

Surveying the Family! Worksheet

Conduct a family survey with our fun activity worksheet! Explore the interests and preferences of your family members, make observations, and get talking.

Write the Sight Word Took - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Took

Boost literacy skills with our sight word "took" tracing worksheet, perfect for English practice!

If I Were A Superhero - Worksheet

If I Were A Superhero

Encourage creative writing with this engaging ELA worksheet, perfect for fun superhero-themed practice.

Write the Sight Word Tomorrow - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Tomorrow

Unlock reading potential with this printable, tracing sight word "tomorrow" for effective learning.

Making A Poster - Worksheet

Making A Poster

Build creative writing skills with this engaging ELA worksheet, ideal for poster making practice.

Write the Sight Word Today - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Today

Master reading and writing skills with this printable tracing sight words worksheet, focusing on "today."

Create A Timeline Of Important Events - Worksheet

Create A Timeline Of Important Events

Boost sequencing skills with our fun reading worksheets. This engaging printable aids in mastering timelines.

Write the Sight Word Thought - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Thought

Improve literacy skills with this printable worksheet focusing on tracing the sight word "thought."

Complete The Dialogues Let's Go To The Theater - Worksheet

Complete The Dialogues Let's Go To The Theater

Build language skills with this printable ELA worksheet, offering dialogue writing practice for a theater-themed task.

Write the Sight Word Thank - Worksheet

Write the Sight Word Thank

Sharpen literacy skills with our tracing worksheet, perfect for practicing the sight word "thank."

The Day They Talk Writing Dialogues - Worksheet

The Day They Talk Writing Dialogues

Explore dialogue writing with this engaging, printable ELA worksheet crafted for effective writing practice.

Your one stop solution for all grade learning needs.

5 Most Creative Homework Assignments: Homework That Works

  •  All topics A-Z
  •  Grammar
  •  Vocabulary
  •  Speaking
  •  Reading
  •  Listening
  •  Writing
  •  Pronunciation
  •  Virtual Classroom
  • Worksheets by season
  •  600 Creative Writing Prompts
  •  Warmers, fillers & ice-breakers
  •  Coloring pages to print
  •  Flashcards
  •  Classroom management worksheets
  •  Emergency worksheets
  •  Revision worksheets
  • Resources we recommend
| | -->
by Claudia Pesce 383,236 views

But ESL students, on the other hand, may disagree. Adult learners will argue that they have busy schedules and a life outside the classroom, which translates into “ ”. Young learners and teens may come to terms with the fact that they have to do homework, but do we want them to do it because they are compelled to do it... or do we want them to do it because they are excited to do it? Which would you prefer?

The only way to get young students excited about doing homework, and get adults to set aside some time for it, is through . And here are 5 examples:

A Word Book or Vocabulary Journal is a classic among teachers of very young learners who are not adept at using dictionaries; here they have a chance to make their own. Help them design their very own Word Book from scratch, out of construction paper, cardboard, or any materials you have on hand. At the end of a reading task or activity, make a list of the words they have learned for the day. Their homework assignment is to enter each of the new words in their Word Book. The littlest ones simply copy the word and draw a picture of it; older students can use the word in a sentence that illustrates its meaning. There is no need to copy “dictionary” definitions. They may also cut out pictures from magazines or newspapers and get as creative as they like. But one thing is certain… these will be words they won’t easily forget!

This is an extremely engaging way to provide extended practice of any grammar point. Say you want your students to practice . Tell them you need information on this year's Oscar nominations. Tell them to go to and give them a list of questions they must answer:

You may assign any number of research tasks: ideal places for a family vacation ( ), best restaurants in the city ( ), or anything based on local information. Just make sure you give them a website to go to, a set of questions to answer or a task to complete, and above all don't forget to plan the assignment with a grammar point or learning objective in mind.

This is an ideal assignment for adult students. Most read the newspaper anyway, right? Or watch the evening news. Ask them to choose a news story that has piqued their interest, and have them:

”, thus prompting them to use , for example ( )

This is clearly one of the homework assignments that works best with adult learners or those who specifically study . Give them an email to read and ask them to write an appropriate reply. Or give them a situation that would require them to compose a message, like a complaint over a bad service experience or an inquiry into vacation rentals.

Choose a TV series that is shown in English, either with or without subtitles (you may ask students to cover the subtitles). Choose a show that is suitable to your students’ ages. Tell your students that their homework for that night will be to watch an episode of , whether they usually watch the show or not. Give them a task to complete after viewing the episode: a synopsis of the episode, a character description, or a questionnaire (Do you usually watch this show? If not, would you start watching it? Why/why not?)

Another great way to get students actively engaged in their homework assignments is to ask them to come up with some ideas for creative assignments on their own and share them with the class. They may surprise you!

And if you’re still stumped as to which worksheets to assign to , , or , BusyTeacher.org is always available to help, 24/7, with wonderful ideas for activities and great ready-to-print worksheets.

If you enjoyed this article, please help spread it by clicking one of those sharing buttons below. And if you are interested in more, you should follow our Facebook page where we share more about creative, non-boring ways to teach English.

. That's 4,036 pages filled with thousands of practical activities and tips that you can start using today. 30-day money back guarantee. -->
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  6. Holiday Homework Class II

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  1. 20+ creative alternative homework ideas for teachers

    2. Make a board game. This is definitely one of the most creative homework assignments. Let your students come up with an idea for a board game about the lesson content. They have to make cards, and pawns, draw, write, cut, and paste. They have to use their imagination and inventive ideas to create a coherent board game. Click to open.

  2. Exciting Class 2 Holiday Homework Ideas: Sparking Creativity and

    Creative Activities for Class 2 Students. In this section, we've gathered a list of innovative arts and crafts holiday homework assignments for kids in Class 2. Now let's examine them. 10. Nature Scrapbook. During the holidays, you could assign your kids to gather various leaves, flowers, or intriguing rocks.

  3. 50 Activities for 2nd Grade

    Fifty ideas for using a digital approach to help second-grade students meet standards and learning goals. 1. Explore antonyms. Explore antonyms with your students. Read Dr. Seuss's The Foot Book and create a list of antonyms. You can start them off with things like hot/cold or high/low.

  4. Creative Homework Ideas

    Create a board game. Complete a quiz - you could also ask students to write the quiz in groups and then swap and complete for homework. Write a lesson plan for teaching the topic to a younger class. Teach the teacher - create a poster, Complete a series of exercises. Complete a family tree, real or imaginary.

  5. Creative Homework Ideas For Your Students

    Get your students to think creatively about questions and answers by asking them to create their very own crossword puzzle, using the material you've taught them in class as a basis. You can ask them to bring all their crossword puzzles into class and then swap them with each other to see if other students can fit the answers in correctly.

  6. 100 Fun Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade: Journal Prompts

    10 Prompts for Second Graders for Poetry Writing. Here are some poetry writing prompts for 2nd grade that will help spark their imagination and creativity: Write a haiku about your favorite part of nature. Remember, haikus have three lines with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.

  7. 44 Second Grade Art Projects Full of Imagination and Creativity

    Crayola. 6. Draw multi-stripe crayon designs. This is the perfect second grade art project to do in a pinch since all you will need are crayons, tape, and paper. In addition to taping crayons together and coloring with them, you can have your students experiment with crayon etchings and mixing colors by overlaying them.

  8. 26 Fun Second Grade Reading Comprehension Activities

    15. Play Fan-n-Pick. This is another Kagan strategy to use for second grade reading comprehension activities. Group students into teams of four, assigning each student a different role, which rotates each round. Students answer questions from a deck of index cards with questions relating to a text.

  9. 65+ Ideas, Tricks, and Tips for Teaching 2nd Grade

    But if not, grab the latest edition on Amazon. The ideas, tricks, and tips are perfect for teaching second grade, and all grades in general. 12. Introduce yourself creatively. Make day one memorable by introducing yourself in a creative way, such as sending postcards over the summer. Here are 36 creative ideas. 13.

  10. 15 Fun Literacy Activities For 2nd Grade

    This sound like a big task, but teachers can make it fun with the following literacy activities: 1. Comprehension Charades. This is a great way to work on vocabulary or story comprehension. Here is how to play: Read a story as a class. When the story is done, the teacher will create charades cards for the story.

  11. PDF Grade 2

    HOLIDAY HOMEWORK Grade 2 Summer Holidays are a great time to learn new things. / [ ]u }ZÀ (µvU v ]vÀ v Please take note of the following suggestions: x Encourage your child to converse in English. x Encourage your child to watch informative programmes on television. x Encourage your child to draw, colour, cut and paste.

  12. 17 Best 2nd Grade Art Projects Kids Can Do In Class Or At Home

    In order to create this project, all they'll need is a few coloring pencils and a sheet of paper. 10. Cup Shark Art. If you've never done any cup art with your students before, then let us assure you that it's one of the easiest projects to partake in, and they're left with something super satisfying at the end too.

  13. 30 Exciting Creative Writing Topics for Grade 2

    I hope your 2nd grade writers were inspired by these Creative Writing Topics for Grade 2. Now check out these… 11 Bonus Ideas — Simple List of Things for Even More Writing Fun. In case your young learners need even more writing inspiration, check out this list of super simple creative writing prompts and topics for grade 2 students.

  14. Creative Homework Ideas

    Creative homework assignments can be fun and, at the same time, teach and enhance subjects introduced in the classroom. For more creative homework ideas, be sure to check out our lesson plans and YouTube videos! Learn some ways that you can make homework assignments both more exciting and more effective with our Creative Homework Ideas!

  15. 45 2nd Grade Art Projects: Coloring, Cutting, Crafting, And More

    The students will enjoy creating the accordion-style arms and legs for this activity and they will get very creative with drawing the face of their character. Your 2nd-grade art students will have a blast! Hang up multiple creations to create a class pumpkin farm or multiple pumpkin patches. Learn More: Craft Corner DIY. 23. Finger Painting ...

  16. 2nd Grade Worksheets & Free Printables

    Pineapple Math: Two-Digit Addition. Interactive Worksheet. Kids solve addition problems with two-digit addends and no regrouping on this second grade math worksheet. Addition to 20 Check-in. Interactive Worksheet. It's time to check those addition skills! Use this to assess your student's abilities to add within 20.

  17. Holiday Math Activities That 2nd Graders LOVE!

    The math skills above (and more) can be practiced in a festive way with these holiday math activities for second grade. Each of the thirteen math skills come with two page options to use with your students. These printables are meant to help your students review important math skills before leaving for the holiday break.

  18. 14 2nd-Grade Writing Activities to Build Writing Proficiency

    Instead, try adding more quick and creative writing activities focusing on building essential skills. Read on for 14 writing activities to help your 2nd-grade students build writing proficiency! Mad Libs. Filling out a Mad Libs page together as a class can be a fun, low-stakes way to ease your students into creative writing.

  19. 2nd Grade

    2nd Grade. Explore 2nd grade educational resources for Math and ELA. Browse a variety of learning resources, such as games, worksheets, lesson plans, live classes, and more. Learn and master key concepts like addition and subtraction, reading skills, phonics, writing, etc. with ease. Get started today for free! Personalized Learning. Fun Rewards.

  20. Printable Writing Worksheets for 2nd Graders

    Printable Writing Worksheets for 2nd Graders. Is your second grader ready to enhance their writing skills? Our collection of writing worksheets for 2nd graders is designed to make learning fun and effective. From sentence tracing and handwriting practice to creative writing and paragraph writing, these worksheets cover a wide range of topics.

  21. 7 Creative Ideas for Holiday Homework for Class 2 Science

    Creative holiday homework acts as a means to allow children to have fun while learning. Hence, in this blog, we are providing you with 7 creative ideas for holiday homework for Class 2 Science. These ideas will make sure that students remain in touch with their studies while still enjoying their vacation. Let's explore them now!

  22. 5 Most Creative Homework Assignments

    Homework Assignments That Work. 1. A Word Book. A Word Book or Vocabulary Journal is a classic among teachers of very young learners who are not adept at using dictionaries; here they have a chance to make their own. Help them design their very own Word Book from scratch, out of construction paper, cardboard, or any materials you have on hand.

  23. PDF Class-2 (2022-23) HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK

    l one-inch border on all the sides.Step 2: On side 1 - Create a beautiful. scene using different basic shapes.Step 3: On side 2 - Creatively e. list 8 to 10 tips on Table Manners.Step 4: Please mention your. me, class and section on the mat. Step 5: our beautiful sheet laminated. Please complet.