ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

ILM level 5 certificate in coaching – what are the assignments?


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When thinking about a coaching qualification, we are aware that there will be some assignments. Often this is one of the first questions asked when we have enquiries for our courses. Although the ILM does publish details of all the assignments and expectations, a brief summary makes this information more accessible.  

  This blog is that brief summary. An overview of the assignments, and a brief explanation about their purpose.

Level 5 certificate in coaching: w hat is being tested with the assignments?

Unlike the dedicated coaching bodies, such as the International Coaching Federation, the ILM is a generalist body . They offer qualifications in a number of different areas. For their assignments , they focus on thoroughness , written evidence, and completion of practical activities. The y want to see that all learners have fully followed the process that they map out and completed all elements of the assignments.   

In essence, they are testing that you:  

  • Can understand and explain various aspects of coaching  
  • Have carried out the required number of coaching hours  
  • Have reflected, in writing, on your coaching competence  

They are not testing the quality of written English or grammar. Although level 5 programmes are equivalent to a degree, allowances are made for writing styles that may not be at degree level.   

Level 5 certificate in coaching: what are in the three assignments?    

All ILM coaching qualifications have three assignments, that have the appropriate level of difficulty. For the level 5 certificate, the assignments are:

  • An essay : “understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching”. The essay is broken down into 12 sections, each with their own title. It is a series of shorter texts (300 – 400 words each), and an opportunity to show your knowledge of these areas.  
  • Undertaking 18 hours of coaching : to complete coaching in the workplace or elsewhere. To produce a log and other supporting paperwork.  
  • Reflecting on your coaching: to analyse various aspects of how you coach, and to develop an action plan for continuous improvement.  

All quite logical and sensible. When the assignments are completed, you will have carried out some coaching, been able to analyse your coaching and have a plan for improvement . And you will have been able to write about coaching as a skill . This is very useful for when you start a coaching business or want to introduce coaching to your organisation.  

Is our coaching assessed by the ILM?  

The eagle eyed amongst you will have spotted that these assignments don’t actually include an evaluation of your coaching by the ILM. The reason for this is that the ILM is not a specialist coaching body. So, they don’t have the resource or expertise to carry out that evaluation. It does, however, permit each ILM centre to carry out assessments of coaching sessions – some do, and others don’t. At Love Your Coaching, we do!  

In essence, our final training day consists of all coaches carrying out a coaching session that is graded and evaluated, according to pre-set criteria. Generally, people pass and are assured that their level of coaching is now of a good quality. Those who don’t pass are given extra support and further opportunities to be assessed. It is our commitment that everyone comes out of our qualification programmes coaching at a good standard.  

Support offered by ILM centres  

Each ILM centre offers different levels of support for the assignment part of the qualification. Some devote much of the training room time to assignment writing. Others provide tutorial support after the training days have finished. Others outsource all of the support back to the ILM. At Love Your Coaching we ensure that the needs of all learners are met. We do this with a combination of 1:1 and group tutorials, feedback on assignment drafts, clear timetables. And we also provide extra support for those who haven’t studied for a while, or at all since school! And we have a very high success rate – no fails so far and less than 1% of candidates not completing.  

Final words  

For all coaching qualifications, the assignment element needs to be considered in advance. Part of the reason that we offer ILM qualifications is that the assignments are quite rigorous, but not overly. They do ensure that coaches have followed a process and have completed hours. And the qualification is well respected, which is why it is worth undertaking.  

Happy qualifying and happy coaching !  

If you were stimulated by this article and want to know more about how to use coaching for your career, your organisation or your life generally, then get in contact. Email us at [email protected] or book in a time for a 30-minute phone or Zoom call    

We look forward to hearing from you!  

ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

Charlie Warshawski is a leadership coach and coach trainer. He runs an accredited coach training organisation, Love Your Coaching, offering coaching qualifications. In his coaching, he works 1:1 with leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs, supporting them on topics that are  both  professional and personal – according to their needs  

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How does coaching work? People often ask me what coaching is, or even more often what subject I coach on. The implication is that there needs to be a topic


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Our coachee looks to us to handle the timing and the structure of their coaching sessions. And if we don’t, they will do as they always do – either talk a lot or be very brief. They are right – it is down to us to set up coaching in a way that enables them to explore their topics well. That enables them to reflect and have insights. And that gets them focused from the very beginning.

ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

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ILM Assignments and How to Complete Them

28th Jun 2017 by Louise Hockaday in ILM


An ILM Level 5 Certificate (or Diploma) in Coaching and Mentoring is a really useful qualification and is especially relevant if you use a coaching approach in your workplace or in work as a self-employed coach - or indeed, if you wish to do so. We offer a ‘clean’ version of this qualification, which we developed by working through all the criteria and determining out how each coaching principle and process could be delivered as cleanly as possible.

If you are already using Clean Language in your coaching, the qualification will broaden your skill base as well as giving you an officially recognised qualification. And if you are new to Clean Language, the course will provide you with some fantastic skills for getting started or continuing with your coaching career.

The taught part of the course consists of 6 training days delivered over three weekends. You are also required to undertake peer group coaching and client coaching and to complete the three assignments we discuss below.

This information will be helpful to you if:

  • You are considering joining our next ILM course, which starts in September.
  • You’ve already taken the course and are looking for help with the assignments.
  • You are already coaching and are looking for some handy resources to support you.

Assignment 1: Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching & mentoring

This assignment is all about examining the world of coaching, understanding what coaching is, how it works, the skills you need and how you can practise it effectively. It looks at the individual and organisational benefits of coaching. It is about demonstrating what you know about the theory of coaching and mentoring and it requires you to do background reading / research.

The most useful book for this assignment is Jackie Arnold’s book, Coaching Skills for Leaders in the Workplace. Jackie is an experienced coach, supervisor and Clean Language Facilitator who worked closely with the ILM to produce this book, which is like a ‘book of answers’ to the questions! Obviously, you can’t just copy it out – plagiarism is a no-no. But if you read it through and then use what you learn to answer the questions in your own words, that will get your assignment off to a great start. Then build on this basis by reading widely around the subject; you will need to quote from several sources to pass.

We also recommend you read Marian’s book, Clean Approaches for Coaches for a good grounding in how to use Clean Language as a coaching methodology.

The ICF and EMCC websites have useful information about coaching and mentoring, and each also has a code of ethics, which will help with Assignment 1: Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching & mentoring.

Other books about coaching you may find useful include:

  • Coaching for Performance by Sir John Whitmore
  • Coaching by James Flaherty
  • Co-Active Coaching by Laura Whitworth and Henry Kimsey House
  • Performance Coaching by Angus McCleod

And other books about clean:

  • The Power of Six by Philip Harland
  • The Five-Minute Coach by Lynn Cooper and Mariette Cast
  • Trust Me, I’m the Patient by Philip Harland

Assignment 2 - Reviewing own ability as a management coach or mentor

This assignment requires you to explore and reflect on your ability as a coach or mentor. This means demonstrating your awareness of how well you are performing and what you need to do in the future.

For this assignment, you need to show evidence of your ability, which can include feedback from your coachees or from your peer-coaching group. You will also need to undertake an evidenced-based assessment of your own skills, behaviours and knowledge against those needed by a coach or mentor.

You can make this assignment really easy for yourself by ensuring you keep good records of all of your peer coaching and client coaching sessions. And pay particular attention when course tutors or peers give you developmental feedback. Showing you can take feedback on board and work on improving in that area is a key part of the evidence that you are growing as a coach.

Assignment 3 - Undertaking management coaching or mentoring in the workplace

As suggested by the title, this assignment is putting what you learn about coaching into practice and demonstrating your skills with 12 hours of formal coaching, with a minimum of 3 coachees (100 hours are required for the diploma). Ideally, this will be within a company or organisation, although as long as at least half your coachees work in a supervisory or management role that will be sufficient.

You will need to develop a coaching agreement with the company and/or individuals concerned and then make sure you keep a good record of what happens so that you have plenty of material to refer to when you come to write up your assignment.

Completing the assignments

Of course, knowing what you need to do to complete the assignments is one thing, but sometimes getting on and doing them is something else entirely. If you have a tendency to procrastinate, here are some tips from past successful completers that may help:

  • Get in touch with fellow participants and create a buddy group who work together to complete the assignments. E.g.: Let’s work together on Skype for 45 minutes every Monday.
  • Arrange a physical writing group: invite people to your place or to a café or library and spend a whole day together writing your assignments.
  • If prefer speaking to writing, find someone who is willing to ask you the questions and write down your answers as you speak them out loud. Or use a recording device and get your spoken words transcribed.
  • Find a coach of your own and ask for some regular Clean Coaching designed to enable you to complete your assignment: use the process to complete the process.

You might also be interested in this blog post about procrastination and how one person changed a habit of a lifetime.

If you’d like to join our next ILM Level 5 cohort, you can save £180 by booking before 12th Aug 2017. Click here . And if you finished the course a while ago and have not yet completed your assignments, get re-motivated, and work with a different group of students by repeating the course for a low-cost repeaters fee. Contact us for details.

Past students – we’d love to know your tips for completing the assignments and any books you’d particularly recommend. Please use the comments box below to make your recommendations.

About Louise Hockaday

ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

Louise joined Clean Learning in 2016 to help with marketing the business. She has over 20 years’ experience in the Defence and Aerospace industry and has held a number of senior positions delivering large marketing, communications and change management projects. She has a Master’s Degree in Marketing, is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and is also a Chartered Marketer. Louise started training in Clean Language in 2015 and is working toward becoming a Clean Facilitator. She has a keen interest in the application and use of Clean Language and Coaching in business environments to improve business development and change.

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ILM Level 5 Certificate/Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

Course summary

Aimed at: Middle Managers and/or HR and OD professionals

Duration: Approximately 12 months, depending on work commitments

Accreditation: ILM, City & Guilds

Qualification: Level 5

Course overview

Elevate your career with our undergraduate-level qualification tailored for mid-level managers and those looking to use coaching in the workplace. Gain essential skills and knowledge in management coaching and mentoring through our year-long program. Benefit from interactive workshops, personalised tutor support, and practical assignments. Earn an internationally recognised ILM Level 5 Certificate upon completion. Enroll now and unlock new opportunities for professional growth!

This year long programme will develop your capability to act as a management coach and mentor.  The stimulating practical and theory-based work will enable you to work with any client to support their career development and enhance their skills.

Course features

  • A highly interactive course with 5 live workshop days of in-depth workshops and peer support.
  • 12 month Personal Tutor / mentor coach support: advice and guidance, feedback on draft assignments and 3 hours of coaching supervision.
  • 1-to-1 advice and practical help from our expert tutors who have trained people from some of the world’s largest organisations.
  • All materials; programme folder, handbooks, workbooks and access to a range of coaching resources.
  • On successful achievement, an internationally recognised and respected ILM Level 5 Certificate as well as 16 credits on the international qualifications framework.

Programme Dates (5 workshop days)

  • 19 & 20 March, 29 & 30 April and 15 July- Fully Booked
  • 17 & 18 April, 22 & 23 May, 11 September- Fully Booked
  • 22-24 May ( F2F ), 24 June and 12 September (London Hybrid Programme) – Open for Registrations
  • 11 & 12 July, 19 & 20 Sept and 9 Jan 2025 – Open for Registrations
  • 23 & 24 September, 21 & 22 October and 23 January 2025 – Open for Registrations
  • 7 – 8 November, 9 & 10 December and 17 March 2025- Open for Registrations

Course tutors

We deliver our courses in a unique way, reflecting our core beliefs of respect, rigour, integrity, professionalism and success. Our team of professional tutors are all practicing coaches.  Tutors bring a mix of their dynamic coaching practice underpinned by the experience and rigour of programme delivery to achieve the results BSC are so proud of.

Our Faculty

What you will need

  • Experience of coaching within an organisation
  • Microsoft Word software, or equivalent
  • An email account

How the course works

The course begins with 2/3 days in a seminar environment.  These days will be both theory and practice-based, aimed at giving you a strong body of knowledge whilst preparing you for your assignment, portfolio, reflective journal and 18 hours of coaching or mentoring activity with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 individuals. The other 2 workshop days are scheduled midway through your assessments.

  • Assignment : Understanding Effective Coaching or Mentoring within an Organisational Context   Research and critical review of the role of a coach, difference between coaching and mentoring, use of coaching and mentoring in organisations,  integration of coaching and mentoring in organisations, role of contracting, confidentiality, ethics etc (a theory paper). The suggested word count for this unit is 4,000 to 5,500 words (limit 6050), not including appendices.
  • Portfolio :   Undertaking Effective Coaching or Mentoring within an Organisational Context  (18 hours Certificate, 54 hours Diploma) which includes coaching logs and supporting documentation in the form of a Portfolio which must fulfil specified assessment criteria
  • Reflective Journal :  Reviewing own Ability as a Coach or Mentor within an Organisational Context  This is in the form of a diary which uses evidence from your Portfolio to provide a reflective overview of your journey as a coach providing a reflection on your development throughout the programme and on your ability to perform effectively as a coach or mentor within an Organisational Context

When you have finished

You will receive an internationally recognised ILM, QCF credited Certificate. As a member of the prestigious British School of Coaching Alumni you will join a network of professional coaches with access to a wide range of coaching resources and information.

Progression routes

The  ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring.   Build on your achievement with a further 42 hours of coaching practice (total 60 hours)  and an extra 2 tutorial days.

ILM Level 7 Certificate in Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors.   Give your coaching practice a stamp of professionalism – this is the highest level coaching qualification available.

How to apply

Please complete and return the Application Form (above right) to [email protected] or contact us for a free consultation today.


Apr 17, 2024

8:45am - 5:00pm

Cert: 16 QCF Credits; Dip: 38 QCF Credits

Programme Review

I now know that coaching is the right path for me. I have learnt more on the 5 programme days than the previous 6  months of tentatively researching at home - Sales Manager

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ILM Level 5

Level 5 Leadership and Management

Leaders need to be well-prepared to carry out their roles effectively in an organisation. The ILM Level 5 qualification in leadership and management is a part of the ILM course that specifically targets the enhancement of leadership skills and capabilities among managers. This qualification is designed to elevate leaders’ strategic thinking and equip them with essential management techniques for achieving better outcomes.

As leaders, individuals must cultivate both strategic insight and practical expertise. The ILM Level 5 Leadership and Management module is dedicated to enhancing these aspects by helping leaders grasp the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This module is accessible to both current and potential leaders through various institutions, ensuring they are familiar with the standards expected of them.

The primary goal of this module is to furnish learners in various organisations with crucial leadership and management knowledge and skills that can significantly advance their careers. Moreover, it serves as a foundational step for learners, enabling them to effectively pursue higher education and further studies in their respective areas of practice.

What is the Qualification For?

Professionals should actively seek opportunities to enhance their knowledge, understanding, and skills. This involves identifying key learning and training modules that contribute to improving their comprehension by providing both relevant theory and practical applications applicable to their respective fields.

The unit is particularly beneficial for individuals tasked with overseeing and managing teams or projects, as well as those holding higher levels of leadership, such as operational, departmental, or strategic roles. By engaging in this unit, learners gain specific information tailored to their areas of practice, ultimately enhancing their performance in these domains.

Additionally, professionals aspiring to develop leadership competencies and prepare for potential leadership positions within the organisation can pursue this unit. The learners receive valuable apprenticeship standards and theoretical models that facilitate their growth and readiness for leadership roles.

Benefits for you

  • Get a thorough understanding of your role and responsibilities
  • Build better relationships by improving your interpersonal skills
  • Be clear about the objectives and values of your organization
  • Lead people to achieve their goals and motivate them to do so
  • Identify ways to improve your performance as a manager Impact on your employer

Impact for organization

  • Middle managers who understand their roles and functions in your organization
  • Improved alignment with the organization’s overall strategy
  • Leaders who understand and develop their leadership styles and behaviours

Focus on the skills you need

Qualifications are available in three forms: a concise Award, an introductory Certificate or an extensive Diploma. This qualification consists of six units, each containing a specific set of skills and knowledge:

  • Work with people – such as dealing with stress and conflict effectively, managing remote workers, and building excellent customer relations
  • You’ll learn about assessing your leadership performance and developing critical thinking skills in the unit Managing yourself and personal skills.
  • Providing direction – for example, leading teams to achieve organizational goals and objectives and making informed and firm management decisions.
  • Fostering innovation and leading people through changes – for example, building a culture of improvement
  • Results-oriented management, e.g., managing projects to a
  • chieve results and managing for efficiency and effectiveness
  • Utilizing resources, including facilities management and information management.
  • Work with your employer or training provider to select the units that best meet your individual and organizational needs.

The progression routes

Students who succeed in the program may progress to any of the following further qualifications, based on their circumstances:

1. Level 5 Award in Management

  • L5 Certificate or Diploma in Management

2. Level 5 Certificate in Management

  • L5 Diploma in Management

3. Level 5 Diploma in Management

4. l6 award in management, 5. l6 diploma in management, 6. l7 award in executive management, 7. l7 award in strategic leadership, 8. l7 certificate in executive management, 9. l7 certificate in strategic leadership, 10. l7 diploma in executive management, 11. l7 diploma in strategic leadership, 12. l7 diploma in executive management and strategic leadership, course content.

A minimum of 37 credits will be required for you to attain the ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management.

Choose from the following ILM Level 5 Leadership and Management units to make up the credits you need to pass:

ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Coaching and Mentoring

  • 8580-500 Understanding the Skills, Principles and Practice of Effective Management Coaching and Mentoring
  • 8580-501 Undertaking Management Coaching or Mentoring in the Workplace
  • 8580-502 Undertaking an Extended Period of Management Coaching or Mentoring in the Workplace
  • 8580-503 Reviewing Own Ability as a Management Coach or Mentor
  • 8607-501 Managing Improvement
  • 8607-502 Making a Financial Case
  • 8607-503 Developing Critical Thinking
  • 8607-504 Leading Innovation and Change
  • 8607-505 Managing Individual Development
  • 8607-507 Understanding the Organisational Environment
  • 8607-508 Understanding Organisational Culture and Ethics
  • 8607-509 Managing Customer Relations
  • 8607-513 Managing Information
  • 8607-514 Managing Recruitment
  • 8607-515 Managing Work Analysis
  • 8607-516 Analysing and Interpreting Statistics to Inform Management Decisions
  • 8607-520 Assessing Your Own Leadership Capability and Performance
  • 8607-521 Managing Own Continuing Professional Development
  • 8607-522 Becoming an Effective Leader
  • 8607-523 Preparing to Apply Lean Production and Improvement Methodologies to Operational Problems in Service Delivery
  • 8607-524 Applying Lean Production and Improvement Methodologies to Operational Problems in Service Delivery
  • 8607-525 Improving and Maintaining the Organisation’s Environmental Performance
  • 8607-526 Managing Remote Workers
  • 8607-527 Partnership Working
  • 8607-528 Understanding Governance of Organisations
  • 8607-529 Knowledge and Information Management
  • 8607-530 Understanding the Skills, Principles and Practice of Effective Management Coaching and Mentoring
  • 8607-531 Improving Own Leadership Performance Through Action Learning
  • 8607-533 Managing Mental Health in the Workplace 
  • 8607-550 Understanding the Skills, Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring within an Organisational Context

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Continuing Professional Development Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring (ILM level 5)

Page last updated 23 May 2024


Accreditations and partnerships:.

At Bristol Business School, our portfolio of open programmes offers you and your business a flexible learning solution.  We have a range of programmes covering a wide range of topics, including Finance, Strategy, Marketing, Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring, Innovation, and Design Thinking, among many others.  Our programmes are delivered by experienced academics and practitioners, who combine cutting-edge thinking with a practical, real-world focus, ensuring our programmes meet professional and industry needs.

Our Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring programme aims to give you the skills and experience to develop your coaching/mentoring skills by practically completing coaching/mentoring sessions and critically reviewing these.

Listen to the Learn to Coach podcast .

Who is it for?

This programme is designed for:

  • Managers with significant responsibility for effective coaching and mentoring as part of their daily role working with employees and colleagues within an organisational context
  • Aspirational or early career freelance coaches or mentors offering coaching and mentoring to people within work settings
  • Individuals aspiring to take up coaching or mentoring as part of their role.*

*Please see our entry requirements section with regards to what you will need to be able to do.

Firmly rooted in academic ideas and research, the team of tutors (all practising coaches and mentors) will navigate participants through the ways in which coaching can use a range of  interventions which support and embellish practice, theory and coach/coachee behaviours.

The course will help the candidates move away from formulaic questions to an engagement of managers in complex ways of thinking. Practice will be a key part of class and include the use of live examples of coaching, working in coaching triads and giving and receiving feedback.

The cohorts and tutors will work together to learn and reflect upon well-researched approaches and will introduce the coaching techniques and the use of creative questions and ideas for making coaching and mentoring dynamic and will help participants move toward coaching and mentoring mastery.

For further details about each of the sessions and the assignments, please see our programme brochure (PDF) .

Learning and Teaching

How is the programme delivered?

The delivery of this programme will be blended with four sessions delivered on our online learning platform, and the remaining three sessions taking place at the Bristol Business School. This is located at UWE Bristol's Frenchay Campus, with easy access to the M4 and M5 motorways and Bristol Parkway rail station, it has four fully equipped training rooms, a communications and reception area.

To be able to fully participate in our programme, you will need to be comfortable with using the Internet and searching for information online. Session materials are presented through a number of sources including Microsoft Word, Power Point, pdf and online tools and workbooks to aid self-reflection and peer discussion, designed to support you further through your programme learning. You will also have full access to our online library resources, study skills support sessions, and librarian chat function.

It is crucial that you are able to commit to all the teaching days and fully participate in the learning. If exceptional circumstances arise which impact on your attendance on the learning days, please inform the tutor as soon as possible to catch up on learning missed.

This open programme has practical online development days designed to give you an opportunity to look, analyse and discuss with our tutors and your peers the subject area and explore possible approaches and tools and techniques available to use. You will also need to allow approximately 140 hours for independent study.

As a learner at UWE Bristol, you will also have full access to our library on campus and all online materials and resources.

Professional accreditation

This qualification is accredited by the ILM.

European Mentoring and Coaching Council UK (EMCC UK) 

All ILM students who are studying for an ILM coaching and mentoring qualification are eligible for a 25% reduction in membership with the EMCC UK.

EMCC UK is a professional membership organisation which encourages excellence and progression for mentors, coaches and supervisors. ILM are delighted to have partnered with EMCC UK to offer ILM learners studying for a coaching and mentoring qualification 25% off membership.

View further information and how to access membership .

Study facilities

Our Continuing Professional Development programmes are run at the  Bristol Business School , providing a professional environment for your development needs. Located at Frenchay Campus, with easy access to the M4 and M5 motorways and Bristol Parkway rail station, it has four fully equipped training rooms, a communications and reception area.

IT requirements

This programme is delivered partly online. To ensure you can participate fully in these sessions and access programme materials, please see the following required computer specifications:

Operating system: Windows 7+, Mac OS 10.9

Web browser: Google Chrome is the optimal browser. However other browsers such as Firefox, safari and Microsoft Edge are also compatible.

Required Plugins: Adobe Flash Player

Additional requirements:

  • 20 MB free disk space
  • Internet Access - 28.8 kbps speed or above (Broadband connection highly recommended). Slower internet connections may cause issues with audio and video.
  • Soundcard with microphone and headphones (A headset with microphone/headphones is highly recommended)

Get a feel for the Business Management facilities we have on offer here from wherever you are.

Prices and dates

There is currently no published fee data for this course.

Supplementary fee information

Programme dates

Cohort - April 2024TimeLocation

Introduction - Tuesday 16 April 2024

Session 1 - Tuesday 23 April 2024

Session 2 - Tuesday 21 May 2024

Session 3 - Tuesday 25 June 2024

Session 4 - Monday 9 September 2024

Session 5 - Tuesday 1 October 2024

Session 6 (part 1) - Tuesday 5 November 2024

Session 6 (part 2) - Monday 2 December 2024

Session 7 - Monday 13 January 2025

10:00 - 11:00

09:30 - 16:30

09:30 - 16:30

09:30 - 16:30

09:30 - 16:30

09:30 - 16:30

09:30 - 13:00

09:30 - 13:00

09:30 - 16:30


Frenchay Campus



Frenchay Campus




Frenchay Campus

Programme fees

Please see the table below for current fees and discounts available. All prices are VAT exempt.

The pricing below is a guide, and may be subject to change.

CohortApril 2024
Online/Frenchay Campus
Payment deadline9 April 2024
Payment deadline12 March 2024
Payment deadline9 April 2024
Payment deadline9 April 2024
Payment deadline9 April 2024

Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with each other. The greatest discount available will be applied at your booking confirmation.

How to apply

To make a full or provisional booking for this programme, please complete the relevant online booking form below: 

If the cohort has already started, please complete the enquiry form to be notified of upcoming dates.

April 2024

For further information

  • Email: Please contact us through the online enquiry form.
  • Telephone: +44 (0)117 32 81043 (option 1 then option 2)

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Continuing Professional Development Certificate for Coaching Supervisors (ILM Level 7)

Continuing Professional Development Certificate for Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors (ILM level 7)


0800 298 2460

Ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring (certificate programme), course overview.

The Institute of Leadership and Management Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring qualification equips practising managers and professionals with the knowledge, skills and confidence to introduce coaching and mentoring into the workplace and perform effectively as management coaches. 

Explore the management of coaching as well as developing skills, confidence and competence of coaching at a managerial level. This qualification will enable you to increase efficiencies, retain talent, set and drive positive behaviours while providing a platform for effective communication.

The Institute of Leadership and Management Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring qualification is designed for managers with responsibility for coaching and mentoring as part of their day-to-day role. This qualification will support you through a transition into a development role in your organisation.


At a glance

**special offer**.

Use code SPD10 at Checkout to receive 10% off your online booking

About this course

Course benefits, assignments, online or on-campus.

A skilled coach or mentor is an invaluable asset to any organisation. As well as increasing confidence and motivation, ILM’s coaching and mentoring qualifications improve management performance, conflict resolution and communication and interpersonal skills.

Our latest research has found that coaching and mentoring can positively impact the workplace in a variety of ways:

  • Stronger teams.
  • Support for talented employees.
  • Improved ability to align the organisation’s culture and ethos with employees’.
  • A more inclusive culture.
  • Improved employee satisfaction scores and staff retention.
  • Increased independent thinking and working.

Delegates will carry out supervised coaching and mentoring sessions and review and plan professional development. This is a highly practical, experiential and for many, transformational course which focuses on the development and refining of coaching competencies, combined with learning tools, techniques and approaches.

Please Note:

Module 1 will take place during days 1-3 of the programme, with Module 2 commencing on days 4-5.

Day 1-3 - Module 1

  • What is coaching and what are the differences between coaching and mentoring.
  • The benefits of coaching for you and your organisation.
  • The skills and attributes of a safe, effective coach.
  • Understand and apply to underpin psychological concepts that support coaching, including Neurological Levels, NLP and Transactional Analysis.
  • How to begin a coaching conversation, apply effective models such as GROW, OSKAR and SUCCESS, and ask effective coaching questions.
  • Hold professional standard coaching and mentoring conversations in a safe, supervised environment, and receive feedback.
  • Identification of when coaching is and is not an appropriate approach.

Day 4-5 - Module 2

  • Understand the coaching process, and how to use key models to hold both formal and informal coaching conversations (and consider the spectrum in between).
  • Build, develop and lead high performing teams. Consider how to develop people in line with the performance management process and values of own organisation.
  • Apply coaching strategies to create a culture of innovation and excellence. Develop high-performance initiatives for own teams.
  • Consider motivational strategies and learn how to coach and mentor team members with varying abilities and potential.
  • Examine how to use coaching conversations to develop individual professional goals and career plans with team members to enhance motivation levels.
  • Identify how to integrate coaching and mentoring into your leadership approach to support the needs and objectives of the business; informal development and the art of ‘Curb-side Coaching’, leading to the development of a coaching culture.
  • Develop a real-world business case for innovative coaching and mentoring application within your own organisation.
  • Learn and apply Supervision best practices in order to provide Formative, Normative and Restorative supervision support to other coaches and mentors in the organisation, at any level.
  • Understand good practice in the evaluation of coaching and mentoring, including cutting edge methodology in measuring ROI.
  • Develop a set of coaching tools that can be utilised in different situations.
  • Practice real-world management coaching and mentoring, and Supervision conversations, in a safe and supervised environment.

Benefits for individuals include:

  • Powerful, inspirational communication skills.
  • Increased openness to opportunities for personal learning and development.
  • Ability to create targeted performance improvements for self, individuals, teams and businesses.
  • Develop the ability to support others through change, and become resilient when challenged.
  • Develop self-awareness and leadership capability. 

Benefits for the organisation include:

  • An enhanced commitment of individuals and their delivery of continuous improvement and better engagement.
  • Higher organisational performance and productivity.  
  • Facilitates the adoption of a new culture or management change. 
  • Supports cost reduction and business growth.

Ready to start your assignments?

Once you have completed the two modules and are ready to start your assignments, you will be registered with the ILM and will have up to three years to complete the three mandatory assignments. Salford Professional Development is always there at the end of the phone if you have any queries regarding your assignments. We recommend you join the monthly tutorials that are either face to face or via conference call.

On-campus Training

Salford Professional Development training facilities is located in Greater Manchester, just outside the city centre on The University of Salford campus at Adelphi House.

If you prefer face-to-face learning methods, receive personal one-to-one support from expert tutors and enjoy networking with like-minded professionals, our on-campus training cohorts may be the best option for you.

Online Classroom

This programme offers virtual classroom learning dates to best suit those who have busy work/life schedule, are located outside of the United Kingdom or outside of the Northwest of the UK area and prefer online learning methods and networking.

In-House and Tailored Training

Our in-house and bespoke training options are perfect for organisations who are looking to upskill a group of professionals and prefer to have the training delivered on site from their location. We also offer the option to tailor course content to match the groups real life experiences they will face in their role and industry.

Did You Know?

Client testimonial.

All Dates and Locations

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ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring

This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to effectively coach and mentor others within your organisation and beyond.

Duration:  Estimated completion within 9 months

Start Date:  Tuesday 23 April 2024

Cost:  £1800 (early bird offer - £1500 if you sign up on or before 29 March)

Mode of Delivery:  Online

Who is this course for?

This course is for managers and those with significant responsibility for effective coaching and mentoring as part of their daily role within an organisational context.  It is also ideal for those wishing to move to a development role or start a freelance career as a coach or mentor.

Course content

During this course you will complete the following modules:

  • Understanding the skills principles and practice of effective coaching and mentoring within an organisational context
  • Undertaking Effective Coaching and Mentoring within an organisational context
  • Reviewing own ability as a coach or mentor within and organisational context

You will also undertake 18 hours of coaching practice.

Upon completion of this course you will:

  • Understand the purpose of coaching and mentoring within an organisational context
  • Understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an effective coach or mentor
  • Understand the importance of effective contracting and management of the coaching or mentoring process
  • Be able to plan and prepare and carry out effective coaching or mentoring within an organisational context
  • Be able to demonstrate and evidence ongoing reflection and review of own coaching or mentoring practice
  • Be able to holistically review your ability to perform effectively as a coach or mentor within an organisational context and develop a plan for future professional development in coaching or mentoring

How will this course be delivered?

Our ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring is delivered fully online giving you the opportunity to study from anywhere in the world.

You will learn through a mix of on-demand content, live virtual classrooms (please see below for a schedule of live events), and coaching practice.

All on-demand content will be hosted on MyPlace, Strathclyde’s VLE.  You will be given a temporary IT account to access this platform and will require a laptop and internet connection.

All live virtual classrooms and assessment tutorials will be delivered on Zoom.  These sessions will be interactive and will include some coaching practice.  Please ensure you have a web-cam, speakers/headphones and a microphone.

Course team

The course will be delivered by a team of L&D professionals:

ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

Our faculties & departments


  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical & Process Engineering
  • Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • Design, Manufacturing & Engineering Management
  • Electronic & Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
  • Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Engineering

Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Centre for Lifelong Learning
  • Government & Public Policy
  • Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Social Work & Social Policy
  • Faculty of Science
  • Computer & Information Sciences
  • Mathematics & Statistics
  • Pure & Applied Chemistry
  • Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy & Biomedical Sciences
  • Strathclyde Business School
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship
  • Management Science
  • MBA & General Management
  • Strathclyde Executive Education & Development
  • Work, Employment & Organisation

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching & Mentoring

The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring will give you a critical understanding of the role and responsibilities of the workplace coach and mentor.

Our Centre for Volunteering and Community Leadership (CVCL) run this ILM accredited Level 5 certificate. The course will provide you with an understanding of how coaching and mentoring can impact an organisation. You'll also be able to assess skills, behaviours and knowledge as a coach and mentor.

Why study with us

  • CVCL deliver this course at a fully inclusive and competitive price of £700 per person.
  • This course is full of real-life application situations that will make you better at your job.
  • ILM qualifications are an effective way of increasing your chances of getting promoted and making yourself more employable.

Level: Level 5 ILM Certificate Delivery:  Campus and online Study mode: Part-time Duration: 1 year Campus: Preston and online Start date: Wednesday 13 March 2024

Course overview

  • Get a critical understanding of the role and responsibilities of the workplace coach and mentor
  • Deepen your understanding of how coaching and mentoring can impact an organisation
  • Be able to assess your own skills, behaviours and knowledge as a coach and mentor
  • Provide evidence of your own development as a coach and mentor through the qualification
  • Plan your further development
  • Plan, deliver and review coaching and mentoring in your organisation


Institute of leadership and management (ilm), view the course facilities.

Group of student near the library

Fees and funding

Entry requirements.

A good standard of written English.

Learning and assessment

This programme is built around the concept of a learning community. You're encouraged to use the excellent new facilities of the Student Centre and also the Library outside of the classroom.

All modules are delivered via our new online ‘live’ classroom where students can log on live to the lesson from anywhere in the world.

Assessment is portfolio based with a strong emphasis on action, reflection praxis.

A range of assessment methods will be used during your course. Your skills, knowledge and understanding will be formally and informally assessed through:

  • Written assignments
  • Oral presentations
  • Practical tasks

The requirements and the marking criteria for all course assessments are clearly set out for you in the module handbook.

There will be opportunities throughout the course for informal, formative assessment of your skills, knowledge and understanding. You will be invited to:

  • Present seminar papers
  • Contribute to class and online discussions
  • Apply your learning informally in the workplace
  • Take part in tutorials

Progression pathways

This qualification will provide progression opportunities to other qualifications such as:

  • ILM Level 7 Award or Certificate in Leadership & Management

Enquiries and applications

For further information please email the CVCL Team .

This course is based in the School of Health, Social Work and Sport

For information on possible changes to course information, see our essential and important course information

You can find regulations and policies relating to student life at the University of Central Lancashire on our student contract page


  1. (PDF) ILM Level 5 Certificate in coaching and mentoring · ILM Level 5

    ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

  2. ILM Level 5 Certificate

    ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

  3. ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

    ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

  4. ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

    ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

  5. ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

    ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments

  6. iLm Level 5 Certificate Coaching and Mentoring

    ilm level 5 coaching and mentoring assignments


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  2. MAKAUT B.Tech 1st semester online tuition 2024

  3. Mentor Coaching Example (MCC Coach)

  4. Leadership and change management from chapter 2 mid exam with the answers and explanation

  5. Learn Moodle 2015: Assignment Activity

  6. 2023| S2| EUP1501| ASSIGNMENT 5| POWERPOINT| STEP 4


  1. PDF UNIT 500

    They are: The mark sheet/sufficiency descriptor sheet - shows what quality of answers, will get what mark, for each assessed part of the assignment Then use this step by step 'how to do it' template as a guide, as you complete the work. Learning outcome 1. Understand the purpose of coaching and mentoring within an organisational context.

  2. 8580 Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring

    Title: Undertaking management coaching or mentoring in the workplace Level: 5 Credit value: 5 Unit guided learning hours: 12 Learning outcomes (the learner will) Assessment criteria (the learner can) 1 Be able to plan and prepare for management coaching or mentoring programmes based on identified developmental needs and goals 1.1 1.2 1.3

  3. ILM level 5 certificate in coaching

    For the level 5 certificate, the assignments are: An essay: "understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching". The essay is broken down into 12 sections, each with their own title. It is a series of shorter texts (300 - 400 words each), and an opportunity to show your knowledge of these areas.

  4. PDF UNIT 503

    LEVEL 5 CERTIFICATE IN COACHING AND MENTORING Unit 503 - Reviewing own ability as a management coach or mentor TEMPLATE Before you start to complete this assignment, make sure you read the other documents provided; all of which give you guidance and information. They are: - The Unit specification - shows what the Unit is made up of

  5. Level 5 Certificate and Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

    Develop a coaching and mentoring culture so that individuals can improve their performance and organisational productivity. This qualification will provide progression opportunities to other qualifications such as: ILM Level 5 Award, Certificate or Diploma in Leadership and Management. ILM Level 7 Certificate or Diploma for Executive and Senior ...

  6. External Verifier and Centre Guide to Supporting ILM Level 5

    ILM Level 5 Certificate Coaching and Mentoring Version 0817 (8580) assignment submissions Leadership without limits. 02 ... Undertaking management coaching or mentoring in the workplace 7 Assignment Three: Reviewing own ability as a management coach or mentor 9. 03 Coaching assignment support guide The starter checklist before completing ...

  7. PDF UNIT 501

    LEVEL 5 CERTIFICATE IN COACHING AND MENTORING Unit 501 - Undertaking management coaching or mentoring in the workplace TEMPLATE Before you start to complete this assignment, make sure you read the other documents provided; all of which give you guidance and information. They are: - The Unit specification - shows what the Unit is made up of

  8. ILM Assignments and How to Complete Them

    Home; Blog; ILM Assignments and How to Complete Them. 28th Jun 2017 by Louise Hockaday in ILM. Share this on Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. An ILM Level 5 Certificate (or Diploma) in Coaching and Mentoring is a really useful qualification and is especially relevant if you use a coaching approach in your workplace or in work as a self-employed coach - or indeed, if you wish to do so.

  9. PDF Level 5 Certificate and Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring 8588

    To achieve the Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring the learner must achieve three mandatory units. Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring UAN ILM unit number Unit title Level Credit Value GLH D/617/2906 8588-500 Understanding the Skills, Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and

  10. PDF ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring

    ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring in Management October 2018. 27. Section Two - Exploring Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Definition: the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.

  11. ILM City & Guilds Level 5 Workplace Coaching and Mentoring

    The ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring. Build on your achievement with a further 42 hours of coaching practice (total 60 hours) and an extra 2 tutorial days. ILM Level 7 Certificate in Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors. Give your coaching practice a stamp of professionalism - this is the highest level ...

  12. ILM Level 5

    Choose from the following ILM Level 5 Leadership and Management units to make up the credits you need to pass: ILM Level 5 Qualifications in Coaching and Mentoring. 8580-500 Understanding the Skills, Principles and Practice of Effective Management Coaching and Mentoring; 8580-501 Undertaking Management Coaching or Mentoring in the Workplace

  13. PDF ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

    The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring: Course details. You will also receive at least three hours of tutorial support. This is arranged with your course tutor. Course assessment 3 Assessments are required to be undertaken. Assessment Title Date Set Final Review Date Submission Date Assignment task 500: Understanding

  14. ILM Level 5 Effective Coaching Mentoring

    Centre for Volunteering and Community Leadership. The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring will give you a critical understanding of the role and responsibilities of the workplace coach and mentor. Our Centre for Volunteering and Community Leadership (CVCL) run this ILM accredited Level 5 certificate.

  15. Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring (ILM level 5)

    Continuing Professional Development Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring (ILM level 5) Entry year 2024/25 Course code Z20000127 Level Professional/Short Course School Bristol Business School Campus Frenchay Duration 13 months ... For further details about each of the sessions and the assignments, please see our programme brochure (PDF).

  16. PDF ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

    Coaching and Mentoring (ILM Level 7). ... • Assignment 2 requires you to evidence you have undertaken hours of 18 coaching and mentoring, including specific elements of coaching and ... ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring. The ILM (part of the City & Guilds Group ) is a professional accrediting

  17. ILM Level 5 Certificate and Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring

    a in Coaching and MentoringWho are these qualifications for?The Certificate and Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring are ideal qualifications for managers with significant responsibilit. for coaching and mentoring as part of their day-to-day role. They are also designed to develop learners planning to move into a devel. 8580/ILML5CDCM/V3/0317.

  18. ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring (Certificate Programme)

    ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring (Certificate Programme) 8 seats remaining. Dec 9 - Dec 11, 2024. University of Salford Campus. £2200 + VAT. Book Now. ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring (Certificate Programme) 7 seats remaining. Jan 27 - Jan 29, 2025.

  19. ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring

    Our ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring is delivered fully online giving you the opportunity to study from anywhere in the world. You will learn through a mix of on-demand content, live virtual classrooms (please see below for a schedule of live events), and coaching practice. All on-demand content will be hosted on MyPlace ...

  20. ILM Level 5 Certificate In Effective Coaching & Mentoring

    Enrol and review the ILM Level 5 Coaching & Mentoring e-Learning portal, as well as gaining access to recommended blogs, podcasts and videos that set the scene for your learning journey. ... Assignment Criteria for ILM criteria unit 500 learning outcome 2 500 AC2.1 | Review the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an effective coach ...

  21. ILM Level 5 Certificate and Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

    5. ILM Level 5Certificate and Diplo. a in Effective Coaching and MentoringWho are these qualifications for?These qualifications are for managers and those with significant responsibility for effective coaching and. mentoring as part of their daily role within an organisational context. They are also ideal for individuals who wish to move i.

  22. ILM Level 5 Effective Coaching Mentoring

    There are three mandatory units in this qualification: Unit 1: Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching and mentoring: This unit will help you understand the role and contribution of coaching and mentoring. You'll learn to build a business case. Unit 2: Reviewing your own ability as a management coach ...