The Block Method on Writing an Essay

Therese rochon.

block structure essay

There are many ways of organizing a comparison and contrast essay. One of the most popular is the block method, also known as the summary approach or the one side at a time approach. The writer provides an introduction stating the comparisons, the contrasts and the thesis statement. Then, the writer provides body paragraphs detailing the similarities and another body paragraphs explaining the differences. Following the body paragraphs is a conclusion that paraphrases the essay and the thesis statement.

Explore this article

  • Doing the Block Method
  • Brainstorming
  • Ensuring Unity
  • Other Methods

1 Doing the Block Method

The block method works best on short papers about simple topics. To do the block method, first write an introduction. In the introduction, draw the reader’s attention, give background information, state the two things being compared and contrasted, and provide a thesis statement. Using the introduction as a blueprint, write paragraphs about the comparisons. Then, write paragraphs about the differences. After completing all body paragraphs, write a conclusion that ties in all your points and restates your thesis. In addition to comparison and contrast essays, you can use the block method in essays weighing disadvantages and advantages.

2 Brainstorming

If you are planning to write an essay in the block format, you must first brainstorm for ideas. The most common method for a comparison and contrast is a Venn diagram. To do a Venn diagram, draw two big circles that overlap in the middle. In the circle on the left, write the unique features of side A. In the circle on the right, write the unique features of side B. In the middle, the place of overlap, write the similar features of sides A and B.

Other brainstorming methods are simply listing all the thoughts that come to mind with little attention paid to organization. Another, more organized, brainstorming method is arranging ideas into clusters.

While brainstorming, do not censor yourself. Get something down on paper as quickly as possible.

3 Ensuring Unity

Although essays written in block format can be well written and effective, the biggest hurdle is disunity. You never want to jump from point to point. To avoid disunity, use transitional phrases, such as “in addition,” “furthermore,” “moreover,” “in contrast,” “similarly,” “however,” and “nevertheless” from paragraph to paragraph. Another way to transition is by linking ideas. For example, briefly mention the very last idea from a previous paragraph in the first few sentences of the next paragraph.

4 Other Methods

The block method is not the only way of writing a comparison and contrast essay. In the point-by-point method, each paragraph gives a point (or idea) and its similarities and contrasts. In the combination method, you combine the point-by-point method with the block method.

  • 1 Comparison and Contrast Essays
  • 2 How do I Write a Comparison and Contrast Essay

About the Author

Therese Rochon is a college student and freelance writer from St. Louis. She is studying English and Spanish literature at Washington University and plans to attend law school in the future. She speaks two languages and, in 2011, will au pair in Europe to learn two more languages. She has been writing online since 2005.

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Crafting Essays: How to Write a Block Essay

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Crafting Essays: How to Write a Block Essay

Crafting Essays: How to Write⁢ a​ Block Essay – ‌Unlocking the Key to⁣ Seamless Writing

Whether ⁣you’re a seasoned‌ writer or just starting to explore the world ​of essay composition, one thing remains consistent: the‌ dreaded writer’s block can strike at⁣ any time. As you sit ​down to write ‍a thought-provoking essay , your‍ mind ⁤falls​ into a seemingly impenetrable ⁢abyss, leaving you staring blankly at a blinking cursor. ⁣Fear not, for​ in this article we will delve‌ into the art of crafting block essays, ⁤unlocking the​ secrets to ‍transforming ⁤your words into a seamless⁤ and engaging masterpiece.⁢ So,⁢ grab your⁣ pen ⁤and paper (or your trusty ​keyboard) ‌as ‌we embark on ⁣a journey to​ unravel ​the mysteries of the block​ essay and ⁤discover ⁤the joy of effortless writing.

– Understanding the ⁤Basics: What is a⁤ Block Essay and How Does it Differ?

– choosing a suitable topic:‌ examining‍ the key considerations, -‍ structuring your block essay: a step-by-step⁣ guide to coherence and flow, -​ craftsmanship at its⁤ best: tips for⁣ writing convincing block essay⁣ introductions, – ‌mastering the art of comparison:‌ strategies for effective block essay ​body⁣ paragraphs, mastering the art of comparison: strategies for effective block⁣ essay ‌body paragraphs, fine-tuning your block essay: crafting⁢ a conclusion that leaves ⁢an ‍impression, – polishing your gem: ‌proofreading and editing techniques ‍for​ flawless‍ block essays, frequently asked questions, in retrospect.

A block essay is⁣ a unique‌ type of ‍essay⁤ structure that ​differs from the traditional format⁢ in several ways. In ⁣a block⁢ essay, the content⁢ is divided into distinct sections or ⁢blocks,‌ each⁣ covering a ‍specific aspect ‌or ⁢topic related⁤ to the main theme. ​Unlike traditional essays, where paragraphs are used to present⁣ arguments or ⁤evidence, ⁢a block essay organizes⁢ information into separate blocks, creating ⁣a visually​ distinct⁢ and easily comprehensible ​format.

One ⁤of⁤ the key differences​ of a block ‍essay is the use‍ of headings ⁢or⁢ subheadings to introduce each block.⁣ These headings provide a clear indication of the content that will follow​ and⁤ help readers navigate⁣ through ⁣the‌ essay effortlessly.‌ Additionally, within each block, information is presented in ⁢a focused manner, with each⁤ paragraph‍ discussing a​ different aspect of the ⁢topic.‍ This enables readers to quickly grasp⁣ the main ​ideas without⁣ feeling overwhelmed by dense paragraphs.

Another notable⁤ characteristic of a block​ essay is the use‍ of white space, ​which enhances⁤ readability. By leaving space between the blocks, the⁤ essay⁢ becomes visually balanced ⁤and appealing ⁣to⁤ the reader.⁤ Moreover, ‌a ⁤block essay often⁣ incorporates visual‌ aids, such as images ‍or charts,​ to further enhance understanding and ‍engagement.‌ These visual elements not only break ‍up ⁣the text ‌but⁤ also ‍provide ⁤additional context or ⁢evidence ⁤that ‌supports ​the main points being discussed. ⁤Overall, ‍the block essay format offers an alternative way ‌of presenting ⁤information,‍ making ‍it easier to digest⁤ and ⁤comprehend the ⁢content at‍ a glance.

When ⁣it comes to‍ choosing a suitable⁢ topic, there ⁣are several key considerations that ‍one should keep‌ in mind. These factors play ⁢a ‌crucial role in ⁢ensuring​ that your‍ selected topic ​is engaging, ‍relevant, and captivating⁤ for‌ both​ you‌ as the writer and your target audience. Let’s delve into some of the most‌ important considerations:

Choosing a ​topic you are passionate about is essential. When you genuinely care about the subject matter, it‌ will reflect in⁣ your writing and captivate your audience. Your⁣ enthusiasm will shine through,‌ making the ‍entire writing process more ⁤enjoyable ‍and‌ rewarding.

Consider the relevance of‌ the topic in ​relation⁤ to your⁣ target audience. Will it resonate ​with their ⁢interests or needs? Is it ‌a trending or popular subject? Conducting ‍some research and ⁤understanding ⁤your readership’s preferences will help you select ‌a relevant and engaging​ topic that⁤ holds their ‌attention.

Assess the⁢ scope of the topic you’re considering. Is it too broad ​or ⁣too ⁤narrow? Striking the right balance is crucial to ensure that ‍you can cover the subject matter ​adequately ​without ⁣overwhelming ‍yourself or ​your audience.

By carefully considering these key factors, you will be well on your way to choosing a suitable topic that not ‌only⁢ ignites⁣ your⁢ passion ‌but ​also resonates ​with your target audience. Remember, ‌a well-chosen topic forms the⁣ foundation‍ for‍ a successful and impactful piece of ‍writing!

Structuring Your ​Block Essay: A Step-by-Step ‌Guide to Coherence ‍and Flow

Creating ⁤a ⁤well-structured‍ and coherent essay​ is essential ⁤for effectively conveying your ideas and⁣ arguments. By following ⁤a step-by-step approach, you⁣ can ensure that ⁢your block ​essay flows⁣ seamlessly and captivates‌ your reader. Here are some useful tips to help you⁢ structure your essay with clarity and enhance its overall coherence.

1. Begin with a Clear Introduction: Start by introducing​ your topic and providing a thesis⁢ statement that states your main argument.⁣ Make‍ sure to grab your ‍reader’s attention‌ with a ⁢compelling opening sentence or anecdote.

2.​ Divide your Essay into​ Blocks: In ​block essays, you present all ⁤the information⁤ about one topic in ‍a single block, ⁢followed‌ by another block for⁢ the next topic.⁣ This organization allows ⁢for a more structured ‌and focused essay, making it‍ easier‍ for your reader to⁢ comprehend and follow your ⁢arguments. Use HTML formatting ​to visually ⁢separate your blocks, providing ⁤clear headings and subheadings that indicate ‌the subject of each‌ block.

3. Develop Strong Paragraphs: Within ‍each⁤ block, begin ‍with a topic sentence that ⁤clearly⁢ states ⁢the‌ main​ idea⁢ of that specific section. Follow with supporting⁤ details, evidence, ‌or examples that strengthen your argument.‌ Use unnumbered lists to ⁣highlight ‌key⁤ points ⁤or to group related information. Additionally, incorporate transition​ words like “furthermore,” “meanwhile,” ​or​ “on the other​ hand” to smoothly connect ideas and ensure a cohesive flow.

4. Conclude ⁣with ⁤a Solid Conclusion: End your block essay with a strong conclusion that⁣ sums up your main points ‌and restates your thesis statement.​ Emphasize the‍ significance‍ of your argument and ‌its implications⁣ in⁣ a concise and​ thought-provoking manner . ​Bold key phrases​ or statements that ⁣you want to highlight to make your conclusion more⁣ memorable.

- Craftsmanship at Its Best:‍ Tips ‍for‌ Writing Convincing Block Essay Introductions

Crafting⁢ a ‌strong and convincing block essay introduction is vital to capturing your readers’ ⁣attention ⁤from the ​very beginning. With ⁣these tips,⁢ you’ll be able to ‍showcase your writing prowess and⁢ engage ⁤your audience, ⁢ensuring a compelling start to your⁤ essay.

1. **Set the stage:** Begin your introduction by ⁢providing some context or background information⁣ on​ the topic. This⁢ can help ​your readers⁤ understand the relevance and importance of the subject matter. Consider including an interesting fact, ⁣a thought-provoking question , ​or a brief anecdote ​to pique their curiosity and make them eager ‍to read further.

2. ‌**State your thesis:** Clearly articulate your main argument ⁢or position in a concise ‍and ‍compelling manner. ‌Your⁣ thesis statement should be⁣ the backbone of your essay and serve ‍as⁣ a preview of the ideas ‍you will explore in ⁢the subsequent ⁣paragraphs. Ensure that ‌it is well-defined, specific, and‌ debatable, as this will further ‌engage⁣ your readers​ and encourage‌ them to ⁢delve deeper into your essay.

3. ​**Present the scope of ‍your essay:** Give ⁣your readers an overview‌ of what they‍ can expect from⁣ your essay.‍ Outline the ‍main‍ points ​or arguments you will be‌ discussing, providing ‌a roadmap that guides‍ them​ through the rest of your work. This ​helps‍ create a sense of⁣ structure and organization,⁢ making it easier⁢ for your readers⁤ to follow along and comprehend your points effectively.

- Mastering the Art of‌ Comparison: Strategies ‌for Effective Block Essay Body paragraphs

When it comes to writing​ block essay ⁢body paragraphs, mastering the‍ art of ⁤comparison‌ is⁢ essential. This skill ⁢allows you to ⁣effectively analyze and contrast‌ two or more subjects,⁢ providing a balanced and‍ organized essay. To help you enhance ⁣your writing, we have⁣ compiled a list of strategies that will take ​your block⁣ essay body⁢ paragraphs to the next level.

1. ‌Thoroughly research and ‌understand your subjects: ​ Before ⁣diving into your writing, it​ is crucial to have a solid understanding‌ of the subjects you ⁣are comparing.⁤ Research extensively to gather enough information and insights, enabling ⁢you to make accurate ⁢and informed comparisons.

2. Organize your⁢ thoughts with a clear structure: Structure plays a significant role in generating​ well-crafted block essay body paragraphs.⁢ Start⁣ by establishing​ a⁣ clear thesis statement ‌that ‍sets the ‌context for your⁣ comparison. Then, organize your ⁢paragraphs by focusing ⁣on one aspect ​of the subjects at a time, presenting similarities and differences side by side for a comprehensive analysis.

-‌ Fine-Tuning ⁣Your​ Block Essay: Crafting a‍ Conclusion that Leaves an Impression

As you approach the end of your ⁢block essay, it is crucial ⁤to remember⁤ that the conclusion​ is your​ final opportunity to make a‍ lasting impression on ⁤your⁢ reader. The conclusion serves⁢ as a⁣ powerful summary ⁤of your main points,​ so it’s ⁤important‌ to‌ craft it with ​utmost care.⁤ Here are‍ some ⁤tips to help you ​create a compelling conclusion ‌that will leave your audience impressed:

  • Revisit‌ your thesis: Start⁤ by ⁤restating ‌your ⁣thesis statement in a⁢ concise ⁣and impactful manner. Remind⁣ your ⁣reader of the ‌main argument⁢ you presented and ​its ⁤significance.
  • Summarize main points: ⁣Summarize the key points you made throughout ⁣your⁢ essay. This ⁣will⁤ reinforce the ideas ⁢you’ve conveyed ⁣and provide a sense ​of closure to​ your reader.
  • Leave a​ lasting thought: End your conclusion with a thought-provoking statement or⁣ a call⁣ to‌ action ‍related to your topic. This will leave your reader‍ contemplating the subject matter⁣ long after they’ve⁤ finished ‌reading.

Remember, your conclusion⁣ is‍ your‌ final ‍chance to create a lasting impact‍ on ⁣your ‍reader,⁢ so make it count. By revisiting your​ thesis, ​summarizing ⁣your main points, and ​leaving a lasting thought, you can ensure⁣ that your block essay will ‍end ‌on a high note,⁣ leaving an indelible impression on your audience.

-⁢ Polishing Your ​Gem: Proofreading ⁢and Editing Techniques for Flawless Block Essays

In order​ to ensure your block essays truly shine, it is crucial to dedicate time and effort ⁤to proofreading ⁤and editing.​ These​ essential techniques will⁤ help you‌ eliminate errors, enhance your writing ⁤style, and deliver a ⁣flawless essay. Here are some valuable⁤ tips‌ to⁣ polish your gem ​and take your ‍block essays ‌to⁣ the⁢ next level:

1. Take a ⁣break: After finishing⁤ your essay, step away from‌ it for a⁣ while. This will allow you to ⁣approach your work with fresh eyes ​and a ⁤clear mind.

2. ⁤Read aloud: Read your essay out loud to yourself or to someone ‌else. ‍This technique will⁢ help‌ you identify awkward sentences, clarify your thoughts, and​ catch ⁢any ‍missed ‍or repeated words.

3. Keep ⁢an ⁤eye on punctuation: Be sure to check your ⁤punctuation marks, including⁤ commas, periods, ‍and quotation‌ marks.‍ Consistent ⁣and​ correct punctuation⁢ will greatly improve the​ overall flow and readability‌ of your essay.

4. Focus on grammar: Pay attention ​to grammar rules and ensure that your tenses, subject-verb agreement, ⁢and ⁤pronoun usage are⁢ accurate.‍ Consider⁢ using grammar-checking tools to⁤ assist you in‍ this process.

5. Check for⁤ coherence: Look for logical ⁤connections between your paragraphs⁣ and sentences.⁢ Ensure that your ideas flow smoothly⁣ and that ​there are ⁣no abrupt⁤ transitions. Connectives,‍ such as “however,” ​”thus,” or “in addition,” can ‍help strengthen the⁤ coherence ⁣of your essay.

6. Verify your sources: If you‍ have included ‍references, double-check that all your​ citations are accurate and properly formatted. ‍This will lend credibility ‍to your work ⁤and⁣ demonstrate your research skills.

Remember, the⁣ best block essays are​ the result ⁣of careful ‌proofreading and ​editing. Implement these techniques to‍ ensure your ideas‌ are well-expressed, ​your arguments are clear and concise, and your essay captivates your readers.​ So get ready to ⁤refine your work into a ‌true masterpiece!

Q: What is a block ⁤essay? A: A block essay‌ is a type of essay structure that presents all the information about one⁣ subject first, and then discusses the other subject separately.‌ It presents a straightforward comparison ‍without intertwining the two subjects.

Q: Why would someone choose to write a block essay? A: Writing⁣ a block essay can be ​useful when you want to compare​ two⁣ subjects that are quite distinct and ‍have little in ⁤common. ​It⁢ allows for a ⁢clear, ⁢side-by-side⁣ comparison, making it easier ⁤for the reader to ⁢understand the differences and‌ similarities ‍between the two subjects.

Q: How do ⁣I start⁣ writing a block essay? A: To⁤ begin, you should ‌choose⁤ two⁢ subjects that you want to ⁤compare and contrast.‍ Then, brainstorm ​the key points or characteristics of each subject that you⁢ will discuss in​ your essay. Once you have a ‍solid understanding of⁢ both subjects, you can start‌ outlining your ⁢essay.

Q: ⁤What should ​the structure of a block essay ⁢look like? A: A block essay generally has an introduction paragraph⁤ where you provide some background ​information and your thesis statement. This is followed by two or more‌ paragraphs dedicated to one⁢ subject, presenting its key points and evidence. Afterward, there will⁢ be another set ⁤of paragraphs⁤ dedicated to the second subject. Finally, a conclusion paragraph wraps up‌ the comparison by summarizing the main points and ⁤restating the ‌thesis.

Q: Is there a ​specific order in which I ‌should discuss ‍the subjects? A: No, the order of subjects in ⁢a block essay is​ generally⁤ a ‍matter of​ personal preference. Some choose⁣ to‍ discuss‌ the subject ⁤they feel more‌ passionate about first,‌ while others might ⁣opt for⁤ the subject that they believe ‍will create a more impactful ⁢ending. Just⁤ make sure to ‌maintain​ the same order throughout the essay ⁣for clarity.

Q: How can I⁤ make my​ block‍ essay cohesive? A: To ensure a cohesive‍ essay, use ⁤transitional​ phrases or sentences ​at the start of each⁢ new⁣ paragraph to guide the​ reader‌ through‌ your comparison. ‍Additionally, make explicit connections between the subjects in your writing, highlighting similar or contrasting aspects.⁤ This will help the reader to comprehend your essay more easily.

Q: Can I⁢ use ⁢sources ⁢and references in a block essay? A: ⁤Absolutely! Including ⁤reputable⁤ sources and references will add credibility and depth ‌to your essay. ‍When using sources, be sure to properly cite them according to the‍ appropriate citation style ‌(e.g., MLA, APA) ⁤to avoid plagiarism.

Q: ​Are there any ‌common mistakes to⁣ avoid when⁢ writing a block essay? A: One common mistake is the ⁣failure to provide a balanced comparison. Be sure to‍ allocate‍ an ⁢equal amount of space​ and attention to both subjects, ⁢so neither feels favored or neglected. Additionally, make sure ⁤your essay remains focused on the‌ comparison and doesn’t drift into unrelated topics.

Q: What is the ⁤key to ⁣writing a successful block essay? A: The ⁢key to a successful block essay lies in‌ thorough preparation, clear organization, and effective comparison.⁤ Take ⁢the time ⁢to‌ fully understand the subjects you are ⁢comparing,⁤ maintain ⁢a logical⁣ structure, and provide strong evidence for your points.⁢ By doing so, you will ‌create ‌a well-crafted essay ⁣that engages and ⁣informs ​your readers.

In conclusion, mastering​ the art of crafting block essays is crucial for effectively conveying ⁣ideas⁣ and ​structuring‍ arguments.

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Module 6: The Writing Process

Common essay structures, learning objectives.

  • Examine the structure and organization of common types of essays

Suggested Essay Structure

What are we talking about when we talk about essay structures ? Depending on the assignment, you will need to utilize different ways to organize your essays. Some common layouts for essay organization are listed below, and if you are ever confused on which structure you should use for your assignment, ask your teacher for help.

Argumentative Essay

In an argumentative essay, you are asked to take a stance about an issue.  One effective way to argue a point can be to present the opposing view first, usually in your introduction paragraph, then counter this view with stronger evidence in your essay. You can also explain your argument and claims, then address the opposing view at the end of your paper, or you could address opposing views one at a time, including the rebuttal throughout your paper.

Argumentative Essay: Block Format

  • provides background information on topic
  • states of your position on the topic (thesis)
  • summarizes arguments 
  • Topic sentence outlining first claim
  • Sentences giving explanations and providing evidence to support topic sentence
  • Concluding sentence – link to next paragraph
  • Topic sentence outlining second claim
  • Sentences giving explanations and providing evidence to back topic sentence
  • Topic sentence outlining any possible counterarguments
  • Provide evidence to refute counterarguments
  • Summary of the main points of the body
  • Restatement of the position

Argumentative Essay: Rebuttal Throughout

This type of format works well for topics that have obvious pros and cons.

  • Introduction and Thesis
  • Topic sentence outlining first rebuttal
  • Opposing Viewpoint
  • Statistics and facts to support your side
  • Summary of the main arguments and counterarguments 

The Comparative Essay

Comparative essays  compare , compare and contrast , or differentiate between things and concepts. In this structure, the similarities and/or differences between two or more items (for example, theories or models) are discussed paragraph by paragraph. Your assignment task may require you to make a recommendation about the suitability of the items you are comparing. 

There are two basic formats for the compare/contrast essay: block or point-by-point. Block divides the essay in half with the first set of paragraphs covering one item, the other set of paragraphs covering the other item. Let’s take a look at an example about cameras. If the writer is contrasting a Nikon DSLR camera with a similar priced Canon DSLR camera, the first set of paragraphs would cover Nikon and the next set would cover Canon. In point-by-point, the writer would cover the two items alternating in each point of comparison (see examples in outlines below). 

Comparative Essay:  Block Method

  • Introduction and thesis
  • Image Quality
  • Shutter Speed
  • The Auto-focus System

Comparative Essay: Point-by-Point Method

  • Introduction
  • Nikon D7000

Cause and Effect Essay

Examples of cause and effect essays include questions that ask you to state or investigate the effects or outline the causes of the topic. This may be, for example, a historical event, the implementation of a policy, a medical condition, or a natural disaster. These essays may be structured in one of two ways: either the causes(s) of a situation may be discussed first followed by the effect(s), or the effect(s) could come first with the discussion working back to outline the cause(s). Sometimes with cause and effect essays, you are required to give an assessment of the overall effects of an event on a community, a workplace, an individual. 

Cause and Effect Essay Format

  • Background information on the situation under discussion
  • Description of the situation
  • Overview of the causes or effects to be outlined
  • Topic sentence outlining first cause or effect
  • Sentences giving explanations and providing evidence to support the topic sentence
  • Concluding sentence – linking to the next paragraph
  • Topic sentence outlining second cause or effect
  • These follow the same structure for as many causes or effects as you need to outline
  • Conclusion, prediction or recommendation

Mixed Structure Assignment

Finally, consider that some essay assignments may ask you to combine approaches. You will rarely follow the above outlines with exactness, but can use the outlines and templates of common rhetorical patterns to help shape your essay. Remember that the ultimate goal is to construct a smooth and coherent message with information that flows nicely from one paragraph to the next.

There are several different styles to choose from when constructing a mixed-structure essay. The table below gives an idea of what different roles paragraphs can play in a mixed-structure essay assignment.


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  1. How to Structure an Essay | Tips & Templates - Scribbr">How to Structure an Essay | Tips & Templates - Scribbr

    There are two main ways of structuring a compare-and-contrast essay: the alternating method, and the block method. Alternating In the alternating method, each paragraph compares your subjects in terms of a specific point of comparison.

  2. Block Method on Writing an Essay - Synonym">The Block Method on Writing an Essay - Synonym

    The block method works best on short papers about simple topics. To do the block method, first write an introduction. In the introduction, draw the reader’s attention, give background information, state the two things being compared and contrasted, and provide a thesis statement.

  3. Compare & Contrast Assignments | UAGC Writing Center

    1. Block Method. 2. Point-by-Point Method. Organizing a Compare-Contrast Essay. If you are asked to write a compare-contrast essay, use the following structure: Compare-Contrast Essay Structure. When should you use Block vs. Point-by-Point Method? As a general rule, use block method for paragraphs, such as a discussion board post.

  4. Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples - Scribbr">Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples - Scribbr

    Comparisons in essays are generally structured in one of two ways: The alternating method, where you compare your subjects side by side according to one specific aspect at a time. The block method, where you cover each subject separately in its entirety.

  5. Essays: How to Write a Block Essay - Creative ...">Crafting Essays: How to Write a Block Essay - Creative ...

    A block essay is⁣ a unique‌ type of ‍essay⁤ structure that differs from the traditional format⁢ in several ways. In ⁣a block⁢ essay, the content⁢ is divided into distinct sections or ⁢blocks,‌ each⁣ covering a ‍specific aspect ‌or ⁢topic related⁤ to the main theme.

  6. Essay Structure: The 3 Main Parts of an Essay - Grammarly">Essay Structure: The 3 Main Parts of an Essay - Grammarly

    Basic essay structure: the 3 main parts of an essay. Almost every single essay that’s ever been written follows the same basic structure: Introduction. Body paragraphs. Conclusion. This structure has stood the test of time for one simple reason: It works.

  7. Common Essay Structures | English Composition 1 - Lumen Learning">Common Essay Structures | English Composition 1 - Lumen Learning

    There are two basic formats for the compare/contrast essay: block or point-by-point. Block divides the essay in half with the first set of paragraphs covering one item, the other set of paragraphs covering the other item.