English Compositions

Anchoring Script for Teachers’ Day [With PDF]

In this article, you will learn how to write an anchoring script for teachers’ day celebrations.

Table of Contents

Welcome speech, lamp lighting, presenting a poem.

  • Musical Performance 

Dance Performance

Requesting the principal/head teacher to say a few words, end of the event .

Feature image of Anchoring Script for Teachers' Day

Teachers’ day is celebrated in India on the 5th of September every year. It is celebrated on the auspicious occasion of the birthday of India’s first vice-president and second president, Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. On this day, students all over the country honour their teachers and celebrate them. An event for teachers’ day in a school or college would typically have singing and dancing performances by the students. 

It is important for an anchor hosting the event to start the program with a fitting quote, a poem or some famous saying so that he or she can immediately capture the attention of the audience. For an event on the occasion of teachers’ day, quotes on the topic of teachers, student-teacher relationships, learning, and gratitude can be great. Choosing a good quotation and then following it up with a good welcome speech can help an anchor kick start the event. 

A welcome speech for an event on teachers’ day can be something like this:

American philosopher Sidney Hook once said: “Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.”

Hello and a warm good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening to our respected teachers and dear students. Today is 5th September, the birth anniversary of our former president, Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. Dr Radhakrishnan was not just an eminent politician but also a great teacher.

It was his wish that instead of celebrating his birthday, may this day be celebrated as Teachers’ Day to honour our beloved teachers. Without teachers, life would have no class. Without teachers, we wouldn’t be where we are today. So, today, with an extremely grateful heart, I, on behalf of all the students of [school/ college name], would like to thank our teachers for teaching us, helping us learn and grow and always guiding us. Thank you.

“On this beautiful occasion, our students have prepared several amazing performances for our teachers to enjoy. But before that, I would like to invite our respected Principal Sir/Ma’am to please come up on the stage and light the ceremonial lamp. Please give him/her a round of applause. Thank you.”

“There is no darkness so dense, so menacing, or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by light.” – Vern P. Stanfill

“Thank you, Sir/Ma’am. May Maa Saraswati bless us all. Thank you. Please take your seat. Everyone, please give him/her a huge round of applause.”

“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” – Robert Frost 

“Poetry is one of the greatest forms of expression. Today, one of our very talented students, [student’s name], is going to recite a beautiful self-written poem in honour of our teachers. The poem expresses our gratitude and thankfulness towards our beloved teachers. Let’s welcome him/ her on the stage with a huge round of applause. Thank you.”

After the recital:

“That was so beautiful, [student’s name]. You wrote it so beautifully. Thank you so much. You may now take your seat. Can we have a huge round of applause for him/ her?” 

Musical Performance

 Victor Hugo once truly said, “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”

“Music is indeed capable of expressing our heart and our most sincere emotions. Now, it is time for a melodious performance by our classically trained duo, [name 1] and [name 2]. They are going to play the sitar and sing Raga Bhatiyar. Let’s welcome them with a huge round of applause.”

After the performance:

“Wow! That was surreal! I am spellbound! That was amazing! Thank you [name 1] and [name 2] for such a beautiful performance. You may now take your seats. Everyone, please give these talented students a huge round of applause. Thank you.”

“Where words fail, music speaks.” – Hans Christian Anderson

“Our next performer is not just a soulful singer but he/ she also writes and composes his/ her own songs. And today, he/ she is going to perform a beautiful self-written song. Let’s welcome our next performer, [student’s name], with a huge round of applause. Thank you.”

“[Student’s name], you are indeed extremely talented! I am in awe! That was a beautiful song and what a perfect tune to accompany it. Thank you for such an amazing performance. Everyone, please give him/ her a huge round of applause. Thank you.”

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts
” – William Shakespeare 

“Now, students from class [x] are going to perform a skit based on the play, [play name] , by Rabindranath Tagore. They have been practising diligently for weeks. I am really excited to see this performance! Let us put our hands together and welcome them on the stage with a huge round of applause. Thank you.”

“Oh, that was a wonderful performance! You all nailed it. Especially the role of [character name] , it was amazing! Thank you for such a brilliant performance. Everyone, please give these talented kids a huge round of applause!” 

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche once said, “We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”  

“What is a celebration without dance? Now, our students of class [x] are going to present a classical Bharatnatyam dance performance. Bharatnatyam originated in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The dance form was often used to express devotion to the Gods in temples as well as to portray religious stories. It has now evolved into a brilliant dance form full of technique and grace. Our students today are not only going to show you the traditional side of Bharatnatyam but also a more modern, fusion side of it. Let’s put our hands together and welcome them on the stage.”

“Oh my God! Wow! What a beautiful performance! Indeed graceful and brilliant. Let’s give them a huge round of applause! Thank you so much guys, for such an amazing performance. You may now take your seats.”

“It is now time for some Bollywood masala performance! Now, students from classes [x] , [y] and [z] are going to present a modern Bollywood dance mashup. Let’s put our hands together and welcome them on the stage! Thank you.”

“That was amazing! What a great performance! You all did a brilliant job! Thank you so much. Everyone, please give them a huge round of applause!” 

The anchor can similarly welcome different performers on the stage and carry on with the event.

After the last performance:

“What a graceful performance by our juniors. They did so well. Please give them a huge round of applause.”

“Those were all the performances we had prepared for you, our beloved teachers. We hope that you enjoyed watching them. I would now like to request our respected principal sir/ ma’am to please come up on the stage and say a few words. Thank you.”

After the speech:

“Thank you, Sir/ Ma’am. Your words always inspire and encourage us. Thank you. Everyone, please give him/ her a huge round of applause. Thank you.”

“The most beautiful moments always seem to accelerate and slip beyond one’s grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible.” – E.A. Bucchianeri

“With that, we have now come to the conclusion of the event. But even after this event ends, what will always remain is our love, our gratitude and our sincerity towards our beloved teachers. It is because of your dedication and commitment to our growth that we have become so capable and responsible today. A heartfelt thank you to all our teachers. Thank you. Also, a huge thank you to our organisers, staff members and students without whose help this event wouldn’t have been possible. Thank you. 

Thank you, everyone. Have a great day/night.”

Note: This is a sample script meant to provide you with a basic idea of how to write an anchoring script for an event on the occasion of teachers’ day. Feel free to use this script and edit it as per your needs. 

Best Anchoring Script for ‘Teacher’s Day’ 5th September School Assembly

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Written by Shiksha Press

Updated on: September 4, 2023

Teacher Day Script

School Anchoring Script for Teachers Day | 5 September Teachers Day Special Program Anchoring Script

Teachers Day Program Anchoring Script: The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Special Program Anchoring Script for Teachers’ Day – Morning Assembly. A Special Program Script for Morning Assembly on Teachers’ Day? Here’s One That’s Sure to Please.

Student 1: Good morning, respected teachers, students, and honored guests. Today, we gather here to celebrate the special occasion of Teachers’ Day. Teachers play a significant role in shaping our lives and guiding us towards a brighter future. Let us begin this program with gratitude and appreciation for our beloved teachers.

More Idea: Good morning respected Principal, esteemed teachers, and my dear fellow students. Today, we have gathered here to celebrate a day dedicated to the torchbearers of knowledge and wisdom – our beloved teachers. Yes, today is Teacher’s Day!

Our teachers are the ones who have taught us everything we know. They have guided us through our journey of learning, and they have helped us to become the people we are today.

We are grateful for their dedication, patience, and wisdom. They have helped us to discover our passions, and they have inspired us to dream big.

Anchor 2 (A2) : Absolutely! A day when we take a moment to appreciate the dedication, patience, and hard work our teachers put into molding us into responsible citizens. Today, we celebrate Teachers’ Day, a day to honor and appreciate the teachers who have shaped our lives.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our teachers for everything they have done for us. We wish them a Happy Teachers’ Day!

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Special Program Script for Morning Assembly on 5 September Teachers’ Day

School Assembly Anchoring Script

Part 1: Opening and Introduction of Teachers Day Program

Anchor : To commence this special program, let us invoke the blessings of the Almighty through a prayer song. I invite [Name] to lead us in the prayer song.

[Prayer song]

Anchor : Thank you, [Name], for that soul-stirring rendition. Now, let’s proceed with the formal opening of this event. We have prepared a heartwarming tribute to our teachers, showcasing the significance they hold in our lives. To present this tribute, let’s welcome [Name] to the stage.

[Tribute presentation]

Anchor : Thank you, [Name], for beautifully portraying the essence of teachers’ influence in our lives.

Part 2: Speeches and Expressions of Gratitude

Host: We are honored to have some students share their heartfelt thoughts and emotions about their teachers. To begin, let’s welcome [Name] from [Class] to deliver a speech.

[Speech by student]

Anchor : Thank you, [Name], for sharing your sentiments with us. Next, let’s have [Name] from [Class] come forward and express their gratitude to our teachers through a few words.

[Expression of gratitude]

Anchor : Thank you, [Name], for those heart-touching words. Teachers’ Day is a celebration of the dedication and hard work of our educators. Let’s show our appreciation by welcoming [Name] from [Class] to present a dance performance dedicated to our teachers.

[Dance performance]

Part 3: Reflecting on the Importance of Teachers

Anchor : Our teachers hold a special place in our hearts. They shape not only our academic lives but also our characters. Let’s take a moment to listen to [Name] from [Class] as they share their thoughts on the role of teachers in our lives.

[Reflection on the importance of teachers]

Anchor : Thank you, [Name], for reminding us of the invaluable contribution of our teachers.

Part 4: Musical Tribute

Anchor : Music has the power to touch our souls. To pay a musical tribute to our teachers, let’s invite [Name] from [Class] to perform a melodious song.

[Music performance]

Part 5: Teacher’s Perspective

Anchor : We often hear about teachers’ influence on students, but let’s take a moment to hear from one of our respected teachers, [Teacher’s Name], who would like to share their insights on teaching and its impact.

[Teacher’s speech]

Part 6: A Token of Appreciation

Anchor : To express our heartfelt gratitude, we have prepared a special token of appreciation for our teachers. I request [Name] and [Name] to kindly present these tokens as a small gesture of our respect and gratitude.

[Presentation of tokens]

Part 7: Final Thoughts

Anchor : As we come to the end of this wonderful program, let us remember that every day is an opportunity to express our appreciation for our teachers. Their guidance and wisdom shape our lives in profound ways. Let’s continue to honor and respect them.

Anchor : Thank you to all the students and teachers who contributed to making this event memorable. Let’s end this program with a collective round of applause for our teachers and their unwavering dedication.

Anchor : Have a wonderful day, and may we all continue to learn and grow under the guidance of our beloved teachers. Thank you.

[End of program]

This is a basic script for Teacher’s Day Morning Assembly. Depending on the specific activities planned by the school or students, modifications and additions can be made to the script.

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Here are some additional things that you can add to the script:

  • You can invite a guest speaker to talk about the importance of teachers.
  • You can have the students write letters to their teachers expressing their gratitude.
  • You can organize a special event, such as a talent show or a bake sale, to raise money for a charity that supports teachers.

School Assembly Anchoring Script for ‘Teacher’s Day’ (5th September) #2

Anchor: Not every individual possesses a heart of gold and unwavering dedication like our teachers. They are a beacon of inspiration, teaching us far beyond just academics. It’s vital for us to acknowledge that their tireless efforts and commitment don’t go unnoticed.

Warm and heartfelt greetings to everyone gathered here. I am {Your Name}, and today, as we stand on the 5th of September, we come together to celebrate Teacher’s Day.

Teacher’s Day commemorates the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan , our country’s esteemed former president, revered philosopher, and the recipient of the Bharat Ratna. It’s an honor to wish our principal and all our devoted teachers a joyous Teacher’s Day on behalf of the entire School.

Teachers are the guiding light in our lives, shaping our talents and capabilities. They bear the joys, pressures, and challenges of their noble profession. Let’s all stand united and send a prayer for our educators, asking the divine to bless them with strength and resilience.

Anchor: As we show gratitude to our nation, which has granted us unparalleled freedom, we remember the sacrifices of our leaders. Their dedication has sowed the seeds of patriotism in our hearts. Now, I’d like to call {Student’s name} from Class 9 to lead us in a patriotic pledge.

Teachers not only pave the way for academic achievements but also play a pivotal role in molding us into responsible members of society. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan , who wore many hats ranging from a philosopher to the President of India, remains etched in our memories predominantly for his stellar contributions as a teacher.

Anchor: Now, let’s welcome {Studen’s name}, who will share a thought-provoking quote from Dr. Radhakrishnan.

Supriya: Good morning, everyone. I’m {Studen’s name}, and the thought for today is, “Teachers should be the best minds in the country.” Let’s all have a productive day ahead.

Anchor: Thank you, {Studen’s name}. As we understand the power of words, I invite {Studen’s name} from Class 9 to introduce the ‘Word of the Day.’

Nalini: Good morning to all. My name is {Studen’s name}. The Word of the Day is “indoctrinate.” This word means to persuade someone to accept an idea through constant repetition and validation. A sentence using the word is, “The writer aims to indoctrinate readers with his perspective.”

Anchor: Appreciate that, {Studen’s name}. Teachers play a multifaceted role in our lives. They don’t just impart knowledge but ensure our holistic development. They lay the foundation of a vibrant society. Now, let’s hear from {Studen’s name} from Class 9, who will deliver a speech on this special day.

Following {Studen’s name} speech, let’s express our gratitude through the beautiful medium of poetry. Darshan from Class 8 will recite a poem for us.

Anchor: Our deepest thanks go out to all our educators. As we conclude today’s assembly, let’s cherish the spirit of Teacher’s Day and make our mentors proud. Wishing everyone a wonderful day ahead.

Activities to Celebrate Teacher’s Day

Make Teacher’s Day memorable and heartfelt with a range of activities that students can engage in:

Handmade cards with heartfelt messages can make a teacher’s day.
Decorate the classroom with quotes, artwork, and photographs to create a festive environment.
Dedicate poems to teachers expressing gratitude and admiration.
Organize dance, music, or drama performances themed around education and the role of teachers.
vHost workshops where students can teach fun skills, reversing roles for a day.
Create a platform where students can share memorable incidents and lessons learned from their teachers.

Q: What are the key elements of a good anchoring script for Teachers’ Day Morning Assembly?

A: The key elements of a good anchoring script for Teachers’ Day Morning Assembly include:

  • A warm welcome to all the teachers and guests.
  • A brief history of Teachers’ Day.
  • A recitation of poems or songs in honor of teachers.
  • A speech by a student or guest speaker about the importance of teachers.
  • A presentation of gifts or tokens of appreciation to teachers.
  • A closing statement thanking teachers for their dedication and hard work.

Q: What are some good ways to start an anchoring script for Teachers’ Day Morning Assembly?

A: Some good ways to start an anchoring script for Teachers’ Day Morning Assembly include:

  • A quote about the importance of teachers.
  • A story about a teacher who has made a difference in someone’s life.
  • A poem about the joy of learning.
  • A song about the importance of education.

Q: What are some good ways to end an anchoring script for Teachers’ Day Morning Assembly?

A: Some good ways to end an anchoring script for Teachers’ Day Morning Assembly include:

  • A pledge to be good students and to make teachers proud.
  • A poem or song about the importance of teachers.
  • A reading of a letter from a student to their teacher.
  • A moment of silence in appreciation of teachers.

Q: What are some tips for writing a good anchoring script for Teachers’ Day Morning Assembly?

A: Here are some tips for writing a good anchoring script for Teachers’ Day Morning Assembly:

  • Keep it short and to the point.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Make Speech engaging and interesting.
  • Include quotes, stories, poems, or songs about teachers.
  • Be sure to thank teachers for their dedication and hard work.

Read These Too:

  • Teachers’ Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages and Thoughts to share on Teachers’ Day
  • 50 + Best Thank You Teacher Messages, Wishes & Quotes on Teachers Day
  • 50 Heartfelt Thank You Messages for Teachers

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Teachers Day anchoring script samples for students in English

What would the world be like without teachers? Probably flawed. Teachers are enforcers of knowledge in society. Every year, teachers worldwide are honoured during the Teacher's Day celebrations. Organising such an event might seem straightforward, but a lot goes into the preparation. So when tasked with organising one, what is the best Teachers Day anchoring script to use?

Teachers day anchoring script

Anchoring scripts are verbal or written instructions that guide an event host or anchor. They serve as the blueprint by helping to conduct an event smoothly while engaging the audience. But how do you draft one? And are there samples of Teacher's Day anchor scripts?

Teachers Day anchoring script for students

An anchoring script for Teacher's Day should be engaging, informative, and entertaining. It should capture the event's essence and celebrate teachers' contributions.

However, sometimes you may need more creativity to compose one. So what do you do? You can borrow sample scripts online . Below is a sample of a Teacher's Day anchor script.

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  • Opening: Greetings! Today, on the auspicious day of Teacher's Day, let us thank all our educators in this school and worldwide. Let us begin this incredible program on a prayerful note.
  • Anchor: I would like to introduce the distinguished guests present. From the dignitaries to the most junior staff, your attendance is appreciated. I want to introduce the school head, Mr/Mrs (name), to address the gathering.

After the school head's speech,

  • Anchor: Thank you, sir/madam, for your guidance and beautiful words. Your words and thoughts resonate with each one of us. Thank you again.
  • Anchor: Now it's time to begin the ceremony officially. As is tradition, I would like to welcome the chief guest to come and kick-start the ceremony formally with a word of prayer. Welcome, Mr/Mrs (name).

After the opening ceremony,

  • Anchor: Teacher's Day is a special occasion. People worldwide gather to show gratitude and appreciation to the educators. Let's celebrate their hard work, dedication, and selflessness with a poem from the junior classes about their favourite tutors.

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After the performance,

  • Anchor: Thanks for the beautiful poem. Please give them a big hand of applause. Let's move to the second performance. I want to invite the middle school students to come on stage and present a song/dance/poem.
  • Anchor: Today's many exciting activities are planned to make this event memorable. We continue with a cultural program where our senior students will showcase their dance, music, and drama talents.

Please welcome to the stage (name of group)

After the play,

  • Anchor: Now, it's time to invite the honourable chief guest to conclude this memorable ceremony—vigorous applause to (name of chief guest).

After the guest of honour speech,

  • Anchor: As we conclude, I thank all the educators who have made a difference in our lives. As students, you have guided and instilled knowledge in us, and no amount of gratuity could repay you.

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Thank you for your time, and happy Teacher's Day to all.

What are the best lines to start anchoring for Teacher's Day?

Teachers day anchoring script

The best lines for your opening remark should begin with salutations. Depending on the nature of the event (formal or semi-formal), ensure your comments keep the ideal tone. Here are some sample opening remarks for Teachers' Day.

  • A happy Teacher's Day to all of you! Today, we celebrate the real-life superheroes who shape future generations' minds.
  • Hello everyone, and welcome to the Teacher's Day celebration! Today, we gather to honour the backbone of our education system, our professors. Without them, society won't be what it is.

How do you write an anchoring script for Teacher's Day?

To compose the ideal script for Teacher's Day , ensure that you identify the gathering. You can opt for formal, semi-formal or informal writing based on your finding. It would be best to avoid lengthy speeches or monologues as they may bore the audience.

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To write an anchoring script for Teachers Day, consider the following key elements;

  • Introduction: Begin with a warm welcome to the audience and introduce the event's purpose. You can also briefly explain the significance of the celebration.
  • Acknowledge the subject (teachers): Take a moment to express gratitude and acknowledge the topic. Highlight their achievements and their impact on society.
  • Activities: Discuss the various activities and events planned for the celebration. You could include speeches, student performances, and award ceremonies.
  • Script flow: Plan the flow of the script by arranging the activities in a logical sequence. Ensure that the transitions between different event segments are smooth and effortless.
  • Conclusion: Conclude the script by thanking the audience, teachers, and organisers for making the event successful. You can encourage everyone to continue celebrating and honouring tutors throughout the year.

Funny anchoring script for Teachers Day

You could add humour to get the perfect anchoring script and avoid sounding generic. However, ensure not to overdo it as it is still a Teachers Day function and not a comedy show.

anchoring speech on teachers day

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Also, ensure your jokes are not offensive or inappropriate for your target audience. Here is a sample funny anchoring script for a Teacher's Day.

  • Anchor: Hello, everybody, and welcome to today's celebration. Our teachers are unsung heroes who taught us the ABCs of life. Though they do not possess superhuman abilities, they can make a difference in people's lives.
  • Anchor: "Why was the head teacher worried?" (wait for the answer from the crowd) "Because there were so many rulers in the school!"

After the laughter,

I want to introduce the distinguished guests present. From the dignitaries to the most junior staff, your attendance is appreciated.

So, let us give ourselves a standing ovation for being here today!

After the applause,

  • Anchor: We have planned a fun-filled day of activities to show appreciation for our teachers. We have a skit, a dance performance, and a game show designed.

anchoring speech on teachers day

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So, prepare to cheer for your favourite teacher and let's make this celebration memorable!

  • Conclusion: Last, let's take a moment to recognise our educators' dedication and hard work. All students wish our educators a Happy Teachers Day!

How to host a Teachers Day programme in school?

Teachers day anchoring script

Hosting a Teacher's Day program in school can be a great way to show appreciation and gratitude towards your tutors. You can host a successful event with the proper steps and planning. Here are some steps for a successful event.

  • Form a committee
  • Invite teachers
  • Prepare speeches
  • Organise cultural activities
  • Decorate the venue
  • Serve refreshments

The Teachers Day anchoring script guides the annual ceremony commemorating educators' achievements. It plays an essential role in the success of any event by providing structure and coherence. The programme also keeps the audience engaged while setting the ideal tone for the ceremony.

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Source: TUKO.co.ke

Simon Ayub (Lifestyle writer) Simon Ayub is a Content Manager, Strategist, and writer who joined Tuko's team in 2019. He graduated in 2014 with a BSc in Agricultural Economics and is a CPA. Simon has over a decade of experience creating content for nyagah.co.ke, theHoth and other platforms. He works on content encompassing biographies, fashion and lifestyle, gaming, and more. Simon was awarded the "Writer of the Year" 2022 on Tuko. In 2023, Simon finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques and, in 2024, expanded their skills through the Google Initiative Course. You can reach him via [email protected].

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Teacher's Day Anchoring Script | Anchoring Script for Teacher's Day in English for Students

Anchoring script for teacher's day celebration:, introduction:.

Good [morning/afternoon/evening] everyone! Respected Principal, esteemed teachers, dear students, and distinguished guests, it is with immense pleasure and gratitude that we gather here today to celebrate the remarkable occasion of Teacher's Day.

Opening Address:

Today, we come together not just to honor our teachers, but also to acknowledge the invaluable contributions they make to our lives. Teachers are the architects of our futures, guiding us with their wisdom, nurturing our intellect, and shaping us into responsible citizens of tomorrow.

Acknowledging Our Mentors:

On this special day, we pay tribute to those who dedicate their lives to imparting knowledge and nurturing young minds. Let us take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation for all the hard work, dedication, and patience that our teachers pour into their roles.

A Journey of Inspiration:

Each teacher has a unique way of inspiring us. They don't just teach from textbooks; they teach from their hearts, igniting our curiosity and encouraging us to explore the world around us. They instill values that go beyond the classroom, leaving an indelible mark on our character.

Fond Memories:

We all have cherished memories of our teachers – those moments of guidance, the 'aha' moments of understanding, and the bonds we've formed with them. Today, we reflect upon these memories and celebrate the role our teachers play in shaping the individuals we are becoming.

Expression of Gratitude:

To our teachers, we say thank you. Thank you for your patience when we struggled to understand, thank you for your encouragement when we faced challenges, and thank you for believing in us even when we doubted ourselves. Your unwavering support fuels our ambitions and makes the path to success smoother.

Cultural Presentations:

To add a dash of color to our celebrations, we have prepared an array of cultural performances that pay tribute to the spirit of teaching. Through music, dance, and drama, we hope to showcase the joy and reverence we hold for our teachers.

Inviting Guests:

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to invite [Name of the Guest of Honor] to share their thoughts with us. [Brief introduction of the guest]

Address by Guest of Honor:

[Guest of Honor's Speech]

Teacher's Role in Shaping the Future:

Our teachers play an instrumental role in shaping the future. They provide us with the tools to succeed not only academically but also in life. Their lessons extend beyond the classroom and empower us to become responsible global citizens.

Student Testimonials:

At this juncture, I would like to invite a few students to share their experiences and thoughts about their teachers. Let us hear how our teachers have touched their lives.

Token of Appreciation:

To express our gratitude, we have prepared small tokens of appreciation for our teachers. These are symbolic of the immense respect and admiration we hold for them. Let us present these tokens as a small gesture of our heartfelt thanks.


As we conclude this wonderful celebration, let us remember that Teacher's Day is not just a day to express our appreciation, but a reminder of the continuous impact teachers have on our lives. Let's carry forward the lessons they've imparted and honor their dedication by striving for excellence in all our endeavors.

Thank you, dear teachers, for your unwavering commitment. Thank you, students, for being a part of this joyful celebration. May the light of knowledge continue to shine brightly in our lives.

Have a memorable Teacher's Day!

[Closing remarks and thank you.]

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Step by Step Anchoring Script For School/College Function

An anchorman or anchorwoman or simply an anchor is a person who presents or hosts a program or function on the stage, on television, or on the internet. The whole program or function is controlled by the anchor. Now if you are selected as an anchor for your school or college and you are searching for the best lines to start and end your program , then you are in the right place. Writing a script for a function is indeed a daunting task, especially for those in school and college. However, if you get the right guidance and practice for some time, it is an easy skill to master. So, let us dive into the article below where I am going to tell you the step by step anchoring script for school/college function.


Good (morning/afternoon/evening) everyone! Welcome to the (School’s / college’s name) event. I am (your name) and my co-host (host 2 name). We are very glad to be hosting this special occasion today.

Welcome the Audience and guests

Let’s begin our program by a warm and wholehearted welcome to honorable guests, respected parents, all the staff members of (School’s/college’s name) and dear students. Today, your presence has enlightened our gathering and added more significance to our event. Today we have gathered here for (Event’s purpose, e.g. annual prize distribution).

Welcome Speech Sample in English

Welcome Note 2

Good morning/evening/afternoon to all dignitaries, guests, and delegates with great joy and immense exultation. I feel privileged to extend my warm welcome to all presented here for the celebration of Emerge 2024. It has become a regular aspect and part of [insert name of your academy]. Academical program to organize this emerging symposium which precedes the college day function since 2007.

Now, I invite Guests to today’s function with a request to come on to position and occupy the distinguished chair.

I invite [insert name of the guest] the chairperson of the __________ to please come onto the stage.

Welcome Note 3

Well, my first and foremost duty, on behalf of the Principal, teaching staff, and students to welcome you all at today’s function. We are honored to have you all with us. The honorable chief guest his excellency Mr. [name]. Sir, you hardly need any introduction, you have made all of us proud of your achievements and numerous capacities in the term of serving our society

Anchoring Script for Welcoming Guests in the Function

Lamp lighting or other custom (national anthem).

When I understood and accepted my own mistakes. I was consumed by my own light. ~ Gabby Bernstein

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.]

In the flush of love’s light, we dare be brave And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet, it is only love that sets us free. ~ [Maya Angelou]

Now, I would like to call on the stage the respected Principal Mr. [name], and our honorable chief guest Mr. [name] for lamp lighting. Please give them a big round of applause to come up on the stage.

Calling the Principal for a Welcome Speech

Anchoring Script for Orientation Day

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.

Now the person who has consumed himself to change society and light the darkness in the life of your children, the principal of [Name of school/college] Mr. [name] is requested to come on the stage and address the audience.

Please a big round of applause for Mr.[name] to be present on the stage.

[After the speech]

Thank you so much, sir/ Mam, that was indeed motivating and extremely informative. We are so honored and privileged to have you amongst us as team dignitaries whom we would like to appreciate now.

Before we call the performers upon the stage, we would like to acknowledge the hard work and efforts of all the faculty members, students and administration who made this event possible by contributing and preparing day and night. Surely, your dedication will not go unnoticed.

Principal Sample Speech

Calling students for performance.

anchoring speech on teachers day

A good teacher will appreciate the good qualities of his students. If one good quality is allowed to emerge, a world of good qualities will emerge from that one . ~Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Our students have brilliant qualities and talents to show to you. Without waiting any longer put your hands together for students of class [class name] to come up on the stage and show us what they have prepared for today.

Encouraging Audience encouragement

Today, our performers have prepared a lot for you guys. Therefore, they need your appreciation and involvement while they perform. Your energy makes all the difference. Cheer them up and show your support for our talented performers.

Next, we have a group of beautiful and butterflies’ performance. Put your hands together for them.

Calling Students for a Performance

The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior and in this way, our faculty members have been consuming themselves to light the way for your children.

Now you will witness another sensational performance by class. So, [class name] Please welcome the dance group to come on the stage and show us their dance skill. A big round of applause for them to come on the stage

Song Performance

Sometimes it only takes one good song to bring back thousands of good, old memories. Are you all excited to listen to a brilliant song by one of our students? Hence, let’s enjoy the song by [singer name].

Sentences to Praise Students

  • I am proud of you.
  • I love how you did that.
  • Spectacular! You are darling.
  • Wow! way to go. Super, you’re special.
  • Looking good, you are on top of it.
  • You are fantastic, you are on your way.
  • You are catching on, now you have got it.
  • No one can stop you from doing your best.
  • You are precious, a great discovery.
  • You mean a lot to me, you make me happy.
  • Outstanding performance, you are a good friend.
  • You make me laugh, you brighten my day.
  • You are a treasure, you are wonderful.
  • What an imagination, what a good listener.
  • You have got your brain in gear today.
  • You are getting better and better every day.

Best ideas on how to arrange and organize school or college functions

Motivational quotes for students.

Step by Step Anchoring Script For School/College Function

  • Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them
  • Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
  • I find that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
  • Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
  • The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?
  • Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.
  • The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.
  • You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes and you can steer yourself away direction you choose.
  • Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
  • Unsuccessful people make decisions based on their current situations. Successful people make decisions based on where they want to be.
  • Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Don’t quit.

Best Sentences to Motivate Students

Some funny and entertaining lines.

anchoring speech on teachers day

To entertain the audience and bring amusement, the anchors can have fun and add some sense of humor. You can say some funny lines which you think will entertain the audience. Below the lines are as an illustration:

  • I wish I had a delete button in my life. To delete some people, some memories, and some feelings.
  • I don’t have time to hate the people who hate me because I’m busy loving the people who love me.
  • I know who I am, you have no need to explain.
  • Every weekend I do what I love most, absolutely nothing.
  • That awkward moment when you’ve said “what” three times, so you just say “oh, year..” even though you have no idea what they said.
  • At night, I can’t sleep. In the morning, I can’t wake up.
  • I love finding money in my clothes. It’s like a gift to me from me.
  • Please God if you can’t make me slim make my friends FAT.
  • The best way to teach your kids about taxes is by eating 30 percent of their ice cream.
  • Our next performer is so talented that even their mirror applauds when they practice. Give it up for [Performer’s Name]!
  • Coming up is someone who requires no introduction. Are you wonder why? Well, this is mainly because they have been telling everyone about their performance all week.
  • I hope you are enjoying the function so far. If not, you can write down you complaint on a piece of paper. Then, fold it nicely and through it into the near dustbin.
  • How is everyone doing it, today? Great? That is what I wanted to hear. However, if you are feeling bored, please fake it until the event is over.
  • Thank you all for joining us today. I hope you had had fun and leave here with a smile on your face and a song in your heart. Nonetheless, a funny tale to tell your friends later will also work.
  • Could anyone tell me why we do not tell any secrets on the stage? Well, because the microphones have too many friends!

Prize Distribution Script

Step by Step Anchoring Script For School/College Function

Undoubtedly, winning is great. However, if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. After all, nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat. Then, go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.

With that being said, we have champions who presented their talent in front of such a big audience. Let’s have a big round of applause for all participants in all categories.

To present the award of position holders/ participants, I request [name of teacher/principal/guest] to be on the stage.

Sample Speech in English for Prize Distribution

Prize Distribution Script 2

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time we acknowledge the talent of our position holders. These incredible people have been struggling and facing many challenges and difficulties to be pioneers. That’s all because of their perseverance, constancy, and immovability that they are selected as champions.

Ladies and gentlemen! To felicitate the prize of position holders, I would like to call the great personality (insert the name here) to come on the stage to distribute the award to position holders, please give him a big hand.

Prize Distribution Script in English – How to Announce the Award Winners Names


Ladies and gentlemen, your presence made this day a memorable day. Thank you for listening, for inspiration, for encouragement, for being here, and most importantly for giving your time and making your presence.

Thank you. You are a wonderful audience and we hope that we have been a good host equally. Once again thanks to the hard work that all the team members have done: teachers, students, organizers, and every team member to make this possible, and what you witnessed was really their efforts and hard work.

Our staff members have arranged the refreshments for guests and teachers as well as for students and parents. Please get your chairs in the hall.

Thanksgiving Day Scripts in English

The step by step anchoring script for school/college function in this article is to just give you an idea of a clue about an event at school/college or university. You can get information from these scripts and change it according to your style. Comment for more step by step anchoring script for school/college function or any other event.

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anchoring speech on teachers day

I want a complete script for anchoring…..

anchoring speech on teachers day

Hi, You can search your keyword using the search box above.

anchoring speech on teachers day

I want a whole script based on children’s day and Diwali celebration…… FOR ANCHORING

Hi, Please read it here: https://www.learnesl.net/anchoring-script-for-childrens-day-celebration/

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As an anchor …………………..this script is up to the mark

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Thanks for your guide and it was a great idea your script provided.

Glad it helped you.

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Can u plz provide me the anchoring for Nukkad Natak – Judge of society on freedom of choice, Panal Discussion – youth role in nation building, Drama – Importance of standing up for self, One vision one world welcome address by three coordinators

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Thanks for all the guidance. It was a great help

You are welcome and thanks for the positive feedback.

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Hi, I want a complete script for the Last Day of the academic year celebration for school students for the year 2020-21.

Please help.

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Thanks❀ a lot for your valuable text

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Awesome I love the way you have given this script for us. Outstanding efforts. Love you. Thanks a lot.

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can i get the whole anchoring script on farewell , including everything tittle distribution to having lunch anuncement

Please read the following article: https://www.learnesl.net/best-compering-script-for-farewell-party/

anchoring speech on teachers day

Thanks a lot. I would like to have anchoring script for Independence day, Annaul day & festival days too.

Hi, We have already published an anchoring script for independence day. Please search the keyword using the search box.

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Hii Sir, I want a anchor script based on the act child labour . Can you please guide me? Please sir….

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I want a script for introducing the judges and asking them to sing since they are singers and would also want their viewpoints on the overall event. Its Kind of urgent I would really Appriciate if you can guide me

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I want script for anchoring for the students felicitation by company Cipla

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I want an anchoring script for moonlight light dinner. I kind of in an urgent moment . Can you please upload it earlier . I would appreciate it is uploaded earlier

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hello sir/mam can you please provide me with script of drama event in college, fashion show and stand-up comedy thank you

Please search on our website. It’s already provided.

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Will you pls send me anchoring script for school annual day celebration

Conversation, funny segments between anchors in step by step

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Mam i need farewell function anchoring whole script as well as professor felicitation anchoring script

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Could you please share the anchoring script for English Literary programme ?

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I can i get a full script for school staff party

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I need a script for founders day held in a college

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Sir I want complete anchoring script for constitution awakening function.

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Thank You for Sharing!

Hope it was helpful.

anchoring speech on teachers day

Can I get the anchoring script for foundation day

anchoring speech on teachers day

Can you please share me script of annual function .

Hi, We have already covered this script. Search on the website.

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Anchoring Script For Teachers Day

Teachers' Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate the hard work and dedication of educators who play a significant role in shaping our future.


  • 3 months ago
  •  Updated on:  19 May, 2024, 01:19 pm

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Teachers' Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate the hard work and dedication of educators who play a significant role in shaping our future. A well-crafted anchoring script can set the tone for a memorable celebration, highlighting the importance of teachers and their impact on students' lives.

Introduction to Teachers Day

Teachers Day is a special day dedicated to honoring and appreciating the hard work and dedication of teachers all around the world. It is celebrated on various dates in different countries, but the underlying purpose remains the same – to recognize the crucial role that teachers play in shaping the future of our society. Teachers not only impart knowledge and skills to their students, but also serve as mentors, role models, and guides. On this day, students and communities come together to show their gratitude and respect for the tireless efforts of teachers in nurturing and educating the next generation.

Importance of Teachers in Our Lives

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping our lives and guiding us towards a brighter future. They not only impart knowledge and skills but also instill values and morals that help us navigate through life. Teachers serve as mentors, role models, and sources of inspiration, pushing us to reach our full potential and achieve our goals. Their dedication, patience, and passion for teaching have a profound impact on our development and growth, making them an indispensable part of our journey towards success and fulfillment.

Welcoming the Audience

Welcome, everyone, to today's event! We are thrilled to have each and every one of you here to join us for an exciting and engaging experience. Whether you are a long-time supporter or a first-time attendee, we are grateful for your presence and eager to share this special occasion with you. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show as we embark on this journey together. Thank you for being a part of our community and for making this event possible.

Acknowledging the Hard Work of Teachers

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds of our future generations, yet their hard work and dedication often go unrecognized. From creating engaging lesson plans to providing emotional support to their students, teachers go above and beyond to ensure that each child has the opportunity to succeed. They work long hours, often taking work home with them, and constantly strive to improve their teaching methods to meet the needs of every student. It is important to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work of teachers, as they are the foundation of our education system and deserve our utmost respect and gratitude.

Sharing Inspirational Quotes about Teaching

Teaching is a noble profession that has the power to shape minds, inspire hearts, and change lives. As educators, we have the incredible opportunity to instill a love for learning, encourage curiosity, and empower students to reach their full potential. One of my favorite quotes about teaching is by William Arthur Ward: "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." This quote serves as a reminder of the impact we can have on our students, and the importance of not just imparting knowledge, but also igniting a passion for learning and growth. As teachers, let us strive to be the great ones who inspire and empower our students to become the best versions of themselves.

Introducing Special Guests or Performers

We are thrilled to announce that we will be joined by some very special guests and performers at our upcoming event. Joining us on stage will be Grammy Award-winning artist John Legend, who will be treating us to a mesmerizing performance. We will also be graced by the presence of renowned magician David Copperfield, who will be wowing us with his mind-bending illusions. These incredible talents are sure to make our event an unforgettable experience for all who attend.

Recognizing Outstanding Teachers

Outstanding teachers are those who go above and beyond to inspire their students, foster a love of learning, and create a positive and supportive classroom environment. They are dedicated, passionate, and constantly seeking new ways to engage their students and help them succeed. These teachers truly care about the well-being and growth of their students, and their impact extends far beyond the classroom. They are role models, mentors, and champions for their students, and their dedication to the teaching profession is truly commendable.

Thanking Teachers for Their Dedication

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who have devoted their time, energy, and passion to educating and shaping the minds of students. Your dedication to your profession does not go unnoticed, and your hard work truly makes a difference in the lives of so many. Thank you for inspiring, challenging, and guiding us to reach our full potential. Your impact is immeasurable, and we are forever grateful for all that you do.

Encouraging students to show appreciation.

It is important for educators to encourage students to show appreciation in order to foster a positive and inclusive learning environment. By expressing gratitude towards their peers, teachers, and the school community, students can develop empathy, build stronger relationships, and create a culture of kindness and support. Encouraging appreciation can also help students develop a sense of gratitude for the opportunities and resources they have access to, leading to a more positive mindset and increased motivation to succeed in their academic and personal endeavors. Ultimately, promoting a culture of appreciation can help students feel valued and connected, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling educational experience for all.

Closing Remarks and Call to Action

In conclusion, it is evident that there is a pressing need for action to address the issues we have discussed. It is crucial that we come together as a community to advocate for change, whether that be through policy reform, increased awareness, or support for organizations working towards positive change. By working together, we can make a difference and create a more just and equitable society for all. I urge you to take action, speak up, and be a part of the solution. Together, we can create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

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Anchoring Script Ultimate Guide

An anchoring script plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth flow of any event, be it a formal ceremony, a conference, or a cultural program. The anchor’s words have the power to engage the audience, maintain their interest, and create a memorable experience. Crafting a well-structured and engaging anchoring script requires careful planning, creativity, and effective communication skills. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to writing an anchoring script that captivates your audience and ensures a successful event.

Table of Contents

Understand the Event and Audience

Research the audience.

Before writing your anchoring script, conduct thorough research on the demographics of your audience. Consider their age range, cultural background, educational level, and any specific interests or preferences relevant to the event. This information will help you understand their needs, expectations, and communication styles. You can gather demographic data through surveys, event registrations, or by consulting event organizers. Additionally, utilize social media platforms or online groups related to the event topic to gain insights into the audience’s interests and preferences.

Determine the Event Purpose and Tone

Identify key event elements, embrace cultural sensitivity.

When hosting an event with a diverse audience, it is crucial to be culturally sensitive. Respect and understand the cultural norms, traditions, and sensitivities of the attendees. Avoid any language or content that may be offensive or inappropriate. Incorporate elements of inclusivity and diversity in your script to make all attendees feel welcome and represented. Research and familiarize yourself with different cultural practices and customs to ensure a respectful and inclusive event experience.

Incorporate Audience Interaction

Rehearse and seek feedback, outline the structure.

A well-structured anchoring script ensures a smooth transition between different segments of the event. Begin by outlining the key sections, such as the introduction, welcome speech, transitions, guest introductions, performances, and closing remarks. Create a logical flow that allows the event to progress seamlessly and keeps the audience interested. Consider incorporating storytelling techniques, humor, or interactive elements to make your script more engaging.

Start with a Strong Opening

Develop engaging transitions, understand the purpose of transitions.

Before diving into the specifics, it’s important to understand why transitions are important. Transitions serve as bridges between different segments of an event, such as introducing speakers, moving from one topic to another, or transitioning between performances. They provide a smooth connection, maintain the audience’s interest, and avoid any abrupt shifts. Transitions also allow you to set the stage for what’s coming next, creating anticipation and excitement among the attendees.

Plan Transition Phrases and Techniques

Having a variety of transition phrases and techniques at your disposal will help you keep the audience engaged. Start by brainstorming a list of transition phrases such as “Now let’s turn our attention to
”, “Moving on to our next exciting segment
”, or “Without further ado, let’s welcome our next speaker
”. These phrases serve as verbal cues that indicate a shift in focus. Additionally, consider using techniques like storytelling, humor, or rhetorical questions to make your transitions more captivating and memorable.

Use Anecdotes and Examples

Incorporate visual and audio elements.

Utilizing visual and audio elements during transitions can significantly enhance their impact. Consider incorporating short videos, images, or sound effects that complement the upcoming segment. For instance, before introducing a panel discussion on technology, you could display a brief video showcasing technological advancements or play a soundbite related to the topic. These visual and audio cues create a sensory experience, capturing the audience’s attention and preparing them for what’s to come.

Maintain Energy and Enthusiasm

Practice and rehearse.

Developing engaging transitions requires practice and rehearsal. Read through your script multiple times, paying special attention to the transitions. Practice delivering them with confidence, clarity, and appropriate timing. Rehearse the transitions along with the associated verbal cues, gestures, or audiovisual elements. This will help you refine your delivery and ensure that the transitions seamlessly integrate into the overall flow of the event.

Introduce Speakers and Performers

When introducing speakers or performers, provide relevant background information that establishes their credibility and expertise. Highlight their accomplishments, notable contributions, or interesting anecdotes to create a connection between them and the audience. Ensure that the introductions are concise, respectful, and align with the event’s tone. Practice pronouncing names correctly and rehearse the introductions to maintain a smooth flow.

Do Your Research

Connect with the theme, craft a compelling narrative.

Introduce each speaker by telling a compelling story or anecdote related to their field of expertise. It could be an inspiring personal experience, a notable project they’ve worked on, or a significant impact they’ve made in their industry. By weaving a narrative, you create intrigue and captivate the audience’s attention, setting the stage for the speaker’s presentation.

Keep it Concise

While it’s essential to provide relevant information, remember to keep the introductions concise. Aim for a balance between sharing the speaker’s credentials and maintaining the flow of the event. A lengthy introduction might dilute the impact and leave less time for the speaker to deliver their main message. Aim for a duration of around 1-2 minutes per introduction.

Practice Pronunciation

Maintain a positive tone.

As an anchor, your energy and enthusiasm set the tone for the event. Maintain a positive and engaging tone while introducing each speaker. Express your excitement about their presence and the valuable insights they will share. A warm and welcoming introduction helps create a supportive atmosphere for both the speaker and the audience.

Maintain Energy and Engagement

Begin with a bang.

The opening moments of your anchoring script are crucial for setting the tone and capturing the audience’s attention. Start with a powerful and captivating opening statement or question that piques their curiosity. This initial impact can create a ripple effect, drawing the audience into the event and setting the stage for an energetic atmosphere.

Vary Your Tone and Pace

Maintaining a consistent tone and pace can become monotonous and lead to disengagement. Instead, use variations in your voice, such as modulation, inflection, and emphasis, to convey excitement, emphasize key points, or express emotions. Varying your pace can also help create a dynamic flow, keeping the audience attentive and interested.

Utilize Body Language

Inject humor, encourage audience participation.

Engage the audience by encouraging their active participation. Pose thought-provoking questions, conduct interactive polls or surveys, or facilitate brief discussions related to the event’s topics. Inviting the audience to share their opinions, experiences, or questions fosters a sense of involvement and creates a dynamic and interactive environment.

Incorporate Multimedia and Visuals

Be mindful of time, express genuine enthusiasm.

Your genuine enthusiasm and passion for the event and its content are contagious. Express your excitement and interest in the topics being discussed, the speakers’ insights, and the audience’s presence. Let your genuine enthusiasm shine through your words and actions, as it will inspire and motivate others to share the same level of engagement.

Closing the Event

Recapitulate key points, inspire and motivate.

Take a moment to inspire and motivate the audience by emphasizing the significance of the event and its potential impact. Share a powerful quote, personal anecdote, or an uplifting story that relates to the event’s theme or the speakers’ messages. This emotional connection can leave a lasting impression and encourage the audience to reflect upon the event’s insights beyond the immediate experience.

Express Gratitude

Express sincere appreciation and gratitude towards the speakers, organizers, sponsors, and the audience. Acknowledge the efforts of those who contributed to the success of the event and recognize their support. This expression of gratitude not only shows your professionalism but also fosters a positive and collaborative atmosphere, leaving a favorable impression on all involved.

Encourage Continued Engagement

End with a memorable closing statement.

Craft a memorable closing statement that captures the essence of the event and leaves a lasting impression on the audience. It could be a thought-provoking question, a call to action, or an inspiring message that encapsulates the event’s purpose. Aim for a statement that resonates with the audience, leaves them with a sense of fulfillment, and inspires them to apply the knowledge gained from the event in their lives.

Final Thoughts

About mr. greg.

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Talk to our experts


  • Speech on Teachers Day Celebration


Teachers’ Day Speech in English

Teachers' Day is celebrated in India on the 5th of September every year. It is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was the second President of India and a great scholar. Teachers' Day is an important occasion for all the educational institutions and honours the hard work and teachings of all the respected teachers. It is a day filled with lots of excitement and celebrations for the school followed by a teachers day celebration speech. Therefore, we have provided here a speech on teachers’ day which can be referred to by the students. This article also contains a short speech and 10 lines of speech which might be helpful for students of all the classes.

Long Speech on Teachers Day Celebration


A very warm welcome to all my respected teachers and everyone present here. Today I am here to deliver a speech on Teachers’ Day. I would like to start my speech by thanking all my beloved teachers for always guiding us and bestowing us with all the teachings, moral values, and discipline. Teachers’ Day in India is celebrated every year on the 5th of September to mark the birthday of our second President, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Dr. Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President of India. He was also a great scholar, an ideal teacher, and a Bharat Ratna recipient. He was born on 5th September 1888 . It was after becoming the President of India, some of his friends and students approached Dr. Radhakrishnan to celebrate his birthday. To this, he replied that instead of celebrating his birthday on this particular date, it would be his privilege if 5th September is celebrated as Teachers’ Day all over India. Thereafter, 5th September is celebrated every year to honour our beloved teachers who nourish and prepare us for a better future. 

Teachers are our supporting pillars who play an important role in guiding us throughout our student life. They give their best to teach us valuable lessons in life and are our role models whom we look up to. I equally want to thank my parents for being my first mentors and supporting me in each and every step of my life. On this occasion, I would like to request my parents as well as my teachers to continue guiding me the same way.

It is said that the future of a particular country lies in the hands of its children. Thus, a teacher has a major role to play in shaping the future of the students and helping us become successful in our respective careers. 

Teacher’s Day is thus celebrated to honour the hardships as well as to acknowledge their special role in our lives. It is a day full of excitement, activities, and special performances that are organized by the students, especially for their teachers. Teachers’ Day is not only celebrated in India but also is celebrated worldwide to appreciate the power of teaching. Different countries celebrate this day on different dates. But, UNESCO officially declared the 5th of October as the World Teachers’ Day in 1994.

Last but not least, I would like to end my speech by thanking you all for providing me with an opportunity to deliver a speech on my beloved teachers on this occasion of Teachers’ Day. I feel proud to call myself a student of this institution which has helped me evolve as a better person and has given me a passion to learn new things every day. 

Short Speech on Teachers Day

Very good morning to everyone present here. I am here to deliver a speech on this auspicious occasion of Teachers’ Day. I would like to start by wishing all my respected teachers a very Happy Teachers’ Day. It is because of your hard work and dedication that we as students learn and grow into a better person every day. I would like to thank all the teachers for always standing with us as a supportive pillar and correcting our numerous mistakes. To mark their hard work towards teaching and honour them with appreciation, Teachers’ Day is celebrated all over India on 5th September. 

Celebration of Teachers’ Day was started by the first Vice President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was born on 5th September 1888. He was also the second President of India and a great scholar. He had a passion for teaching and was also awarded the Bharat Ratna. Once when some of his students asked to celebrate his birthday, Dr. Radhakrishnan told them that he would be very honoured if instead of celebrating 5th September as his birthday, they celebrated it as Teachers' Day. This truly shows how much he was dedicated to teaching and passionate about paying respect to all the teachers. Thus, every year we celebrate Teachers’ Day to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. 

Celebration of Teachers’ Day in school holds a special place in our hearts. Being a student, we get an opportunity to organize special performances in honour of our beloved teachers. This day is filled with fun, excitement, and lots of activities for all the students.

Lastly, I would like to thank all my teachers for playing role models in our lives and help us grow into better people. I am thankful to get an opportunity to deliver a speech on the special occasion of Teachers’ Day.  

Short Introduction for Your Speech

Good morning to all my Teachers!

We are gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, one of the greatest scholars of India and the second President of India. This day is widely celebrated as teachers Day all over India. In my speech, I would love to thank all my teachers who are working hard to teach us and help us to learn new things every day. Not only do they help us to gain knowledge through books but in our lives. You have taught us how to overcome our fears and failures, gain self-confidence and voice our views and opinions in the form of a speech before so many people like I am presenting now. 

It is always believed that teachers will always have high regard in every student's heart, even higher than their parents. It is evident in our shlokas:

“ Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha

  Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha” 

Teachers will always be the pillars of every student's life. They guide us through our dark times to enjoy a beautiful bright future. Teacher’s day is celebrated all over the world on the 5th of October as declared by UNESCO in 1994. I am thankful to all of them for guiding me through my difficulties and helping me to become a responsible citizen of India. Let us all together make this day memorable for all our teachers. Thank you.

Very good morning and a warm welcome to all my beloved teachers! 

Today, we are gathered here to celebrate Teacher’s Day. The 5th of September is the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, one of the greatest teachers of India. He was the first Vice President of India and an eminent scholar. Teachers are the makers of a great nation. Hence, teachers are always kept in the highest position. They guide us in our life to become the best person. 

Our Maths teacher not only teaches us simple or difficult problems but gives us the confidence to face problems in our lives. Our English and regional language teachers not only teach us beautiful stories and poetry but help us to learn to communicate and appreciate the great works of literature. Our science teachers teach us not only interesting science experiments but show us the beauty of nature and how it works when applied.

Every teacher teaches us discipline, helps to develop principal and helps us to know ourselves. We spend most of our life with all these teachers, and we are grateful to them for giving us the knowledge to secure our futures and happiness. Today, we celebrate teachers day to honour the difficulties faced by our teachers every day to teach us and make us capable. 

It is my honour to give this speech in front of my beloved teachers. It gives me immense joy to express my classmates' and my gratitude towards our teachers. Thank you very much for all your love, kindness and knowledge.

Good morning to my respected teachers and my classmates!

Today we have gathered to celebrate the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, one of the eminent teachers and scholars of India. He was one of the greatest statesmen and philosophers. Despite being from a poor brahmin family, his thirst for knowledge never reduced. He was elected as the second President of India. The great philosopher's birthday is regarded as Teachers day. This day is special for every teacher and student. On this day, we students show our gratitude towards our teachers. 

Even during this pandemic, our teacher has never stopped teaching us. Even if they are suffering from a deadly pandemic, they have taught us through various virtual platforms. We are grateful to our teachers for giving us love. Despite facing problems, they have given us the strength to fight against this deadly pandemic. Even though we are still trapped in our houses and missing our friends and the warmth of our classrooms, still through the virtual platform, seeing our teacher’s smile makes our day. 

It is a great honour for me to give this speech and express my gratitude and respect towards my teachers on this auspicious day. We will always be your students, no matter how big we become. Thank you, teachers, for always staying with us.

10 Lines Speech on Teachers Day

Here are a few points that will help you in speech writing on teachers day..

Good morning everyone. I am here to deliver a speech on Teachers’ Day. 

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the 5th of September every year in all schools and colleges.

It is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was born on 5th September 1888.

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President and second President of India. 

He was a great scholar and teacher and was even awarded the Bharat Ratna.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated to acknowledge the hard work and role played by teachers in our life.

Our teachers play an important role in making our life better and correcting our mistakes.

Different countries celebrate teachers’ day on different dates in honour of the teachers. 

UNESCO declared 5th October as World Teachers’ Day in 1994.

Various programs and functions are organized by the school students in honour of the teachers.

Teachers’ Day celebration in school is a day full of fun and excitement for the students and the teachers. 

Finally, I would like to thank my teachers for being a strong pillar in my life and guiding me in every phase of my life. Last but not least I would like to wish all my beloved teachers a very Happy Teachers’ Day.


FAQs on Speech on Teachers Day Celebration

1. Why should one refer to Vedantu?

All the reading materials at Vedantu are curated by the subject-matter experts who have years of experience in the respective field. The content is well - researched and compiled into easy readable format for the benefit of students. Students can refer to these resources with ease and learn things at their own pace. Most importantly all the content on Vedantu is provided for free and it can be easily downloaded into PDF from both the website and mobile application of Vedantu. 

2. How can I download reading material from Vedantu?

Accessing material from Vedantu is extremely easy and student-friendly. Students have to simply visit the website of  Vedantu and create an account. Once you have created the account you can simply explore the subjects and chapters that you are looking for. Click on the download button available on the website on Vedantu to download the reading material in PDF format. You can also access all the resources by downloading the Vedantu app from playstore. 

  • School Life

Independence Day Anchoring Script 2024: Best Engaging Scripts for 15th August

Independence day anchoring script for in english: check here for the samples and tips to create an engaging anchoring script on the occasion of independence day 2024 celebration in schools. download the sample scripts in pdf format, mentioned at the end of this article..

Anisha Mishra

Tips for Crafting the Independence Day Anchoring Script

[Opening Music Plays: Patriotic Song]

Greet everyone with a cheerful "Good morning!" and a brief introduction of yourself.

Briefly Explain the Significance of Independence Day

Share a short, inspiring quote about Independence Day 

Flag Hoisting and National Anthem

Announce the flag hoisting ceremony with excitement.

Performances and Speeches

Briefly outline the program for the day. Introduce each performance – dance, skit, song, speech, etc., mentioning the theme or message.

Appreciation Note After Each Performance

Example 1: Thank you so much my dear little friends for such a wonderful energetic performance. Everyone, please give them a huge round of applause.

Example 2: Wow, what an incredible dance performance! A big round of applause for the vibrant and energetic display. Your performance truly brought our traditions to life and filled us with national pride!

Speech by Honored Guest/Principal

Invite the guest of the event or your school principal to deliver a speech and share their reflections on the occasion of Independence Day 2024.


Independence Day 2024: Engaging Short and Long Speeches in English

Essay on Independence Day Essay in Hindi

Independence Day Essay 2024: Short and Long Essay in English

Resume Next Performances

Closing note and national anthem.

Briefly summarise the highlights of the celebration. Emphasise the importance of Independence Day and our responsibility as citizens. In the end, request all to stand up for the National Anthem.

Example: As we draw this beautiful Independence Day celebration to a close, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Your presence and participation have made today’s event truly memorable. A special thank you to all our performers, speakers, and volunteers who have contributed to the success of our program. To honor the spirit of our nation and conclude our celebration on a high note, let us all stand together and sing our National Anthem. Let this moment be a reminder of the freedom and unity we cherish as a nation. Happy Independence Day to all!

[National Anthem Plays]

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Independence Day 2024 Anchoring Script for Students: Sample

Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone! And a very happy Independence Day to all of you! Welcome to our celebration of the 78th Independence Day. Today, we come together to honor the spirit of freedom, unity, and pride that defines our great nation. Absolutely! As we gather here to celebrate, let’s take a moment to remember the struggles and sacrifices made by countless individuals who fought for our freedom. Their courage paved the way for the country we cherish today. To start with a special performance of our National Anthem. Please stand as we pay tribute to the ideals and values that bind us together. That’s right! First up, we have a very special guest joining us today. Please welcome [Name], [Title/Position]. I would like to invite the guest/principal to come up on the stage and Hoist the flag followed by the National Anthem.  That was truly inspiring! Thank you to our dignitaries. I would request you all to please, take your seats and witness the Independence Day programme. Now, let’s take a look at our program for today. We have a wonderful lineup of events, including [list key events, e.g., cultural performances, speeches, parades, etc.]. Now, it’s time for some entertainment! Get ready to enjoy [describe performance, e.g., a traditional dance, musical performance, or skit], brought to you by [performer/group name]. What a fantastic performance! Thank you to [performer/group name] for bringing so much energy and joy to our celebration. As we have a very special guest with us today. Please welcome [Name], [Title/Position], who will be sharing a few words about the significance of Independence Day and what it means to them. Thank you so much, [Guest Speaker’s Name], for those heartfelt words. Your message reminds us of the values we hold dear and the responsibilities we carry forward. And now, let’s not forget the younger generation. Up next, we have a special segment featuring our local school children, who will showcase their creativity and patriotism through [describe activity, e.g., a play, recitation, or art display]. That was absolutely delightful! A big round of applause for our young stars and their incredible performances. Before we move on to our next event, we’d like to take a moment to thank all our sponsors, volunteers, and organizers who made this celebration possible. Your hard work and dedication are deeply appreciated. Indeed. And as we continue our festivities, let’s carry forward the spirit of Independence Day in our hearts and actions. May we always strive to build a better and more inclusive nation. So, whether you're with us here or celebrating elsewhere, let’s make this Independence Day one to remember. Thank you for joining us today, and once again, a very Happy Independence Day to all! Enjoy the rest of the celebration, and let’s cherish every moment of our freedom and unity.

Essential Tips for Impressive Anchoring

  • Know Your Material - Understand the significance of the event and the key points you need to cover, and rehearse your script multiple times to ensure smooth delivery and familiarity with the content.
  • Engage Your Audience- Begin with an amazing introduction to grab the audience’s attention. Involve the audience with questions, comments, or interactive segments to keep them engaged.
  • Maintain Confidence and Poise- Maintain good posture and project confidence through your body language and stay composed and move on gracefully.
  • Use Clear and Expressive Speech- Speak slowly and clearly to ensure everyone can understand you. Use appropriate and emotion to convey the significance of the event.
  • Connect with the Audience- Share relevant quotes to make your anchoring more relatable. Adjust your tone and energy based on the audience’s reactions and the event’s atmosphere.
  • Keep It Concise and Relevant- Stick to the key messages and avoid unnecessary details. 
  • Coordinate with Your Co-Anchor- Communicate with your co-anchor to ensure smooth transitions and a cohesive presentation. Provide prompts or cues if needed, and back each other up throughout the event.
  • Prepare for the Unexpected- Be ready to handle unexpected changes or technical issues with a calm and flexible attitude. 
  • End on a High Note- Wrap up with a strong closing statement that reinforces the event’s message and leaves a lasting impression. Thank the audience, performers, and organizers for their contributions and participation.

Remember, this is just a reference for you to build upon. Feel free to add your own unique touches and insights. Your personal contributions will add a special touch to the event, making it memorable for everyone involved. Let us carry the spirit of Independence Day with us as we continue to celebrate our nation’s values and strive to contribute positively to our community. Thank you all for being here, and once again, Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Anchoring Script 2024 Download PDF 

  • Independence Day 15 August Poems in English
  • Independence Day Poems in Hindi 2024
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School assembly guide [16 August 2024]: Thought for the Day, news headlines and anchoring script

School assembly news headlines, thought for the day: students, get ready for 16th august morning school assembly here are the latest national, international, and sports news headlines and thought for the day. plus, find inspiration an anchoring script to ensure a memorable assembly experience..

Mansi Jha

New Delhi: School Assembly is a time when all the students and teachers gather together before going to classes. In the assembly we get to know about daily important announcement, news headlines, and some more information. It serves as a platform to develop self confidence, acquiring knowledge and information, creativity and a esthetic sense among students.

The school assemblies are conducted to bring students together, share information, celebrate achievements, and foster a sense of community. These gatherings inform and educate students about important events going on in and around the world that should not be missed.

Heartfelt Rakhi messages for brothers, sisters and distant loved ones

Thought for the Day for school assembly in English

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

School assembly news headlines

Here are some important headlines for your August 16th morning assembly. News from national, international, and sports have been covered in this article, so there’s no need to worry about last-minute news gathering.

National news for school assembly

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi unfurled the national flag for the 11th consecutive time at the Red Fort for the 78th Independence Day. French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin were among the world leaders who congratulated India’s leadership and people on Independence Day.
  • Nine people have been arrested after a mob vandalised the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata during a protest against the horrific rape and murder of a trainee doctor on the institution’s premises last week.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his longest Independence Day speech, lasting 98 minutes, addressing the nation. He highlighted the leadership by women in several fields, seemingly in response to the rape and murder of a 31-year-old doctor at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital.
  • In a relief to former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and National Conference president Farooq Abdullah, the J&K High Court has quashed the chargesheet filed by the Enforcement Directorate in an alleged money laundering case involving the Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association.
  • The Congress hit out at the BJP government for making the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi “sit in the fifth row” at the Independence Day celebrations at Red Fort.

International news headlines today for school assembly

  • The Taliban have deliberately denied 1.4 million Afghan girls access to schooling through bans, according to a U.N. agency. Afghanistan remains the only country with bans on female secondary and higher education.
  • The World Health Organisation has declared the mpox outbreaks in Congo and elsewhere in Africa a global emergency, with cases confirmed among children and adults in more than a dozen countries and a new form of the virus spreading. Few vaccine doses are available on the continent.
  • The health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza has reported that the death toll has exceeded 40,000 in the more than 10-month war between Israel and Palestinian operatives.
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has denied a report that he spoke with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump the previous day about the Gaza ceasefire and hostage release talks.
  • Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal has initiated an investigation against former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and nine others on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity occurring from 15 July to 5 August during a student mass movement against her government.

Sports news headlines today for school assembly

  • Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat will not receive a silver medal at the Paris 2024 Olympics, after the ad hoc division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport rejected her appeal for a joint silver medal.
  • Morne Morkel, former South African speedster, has been appointed as the bowling coach for India’s men’s cricket team. Morkel’s appointment completes the trio suggested by new head coach Gautam Gambhir.
  • India has the potential to achieve a hat-trick of Test series victories in Australia, given the quality of its bowlers and the strong batting lineup including Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli, according to former head coach Ravi Shastri.
  • Three budding hockey players died and five others were injured in a lightning strike in Simdega district of Jharkhand. The players were heading to a hockey competition in Jhapla of the Tutikela Panchayat and sought shelter under a tree to avoid the rain.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that India aspires to host the Olympics in 2036 and stated that preparations are already underway during his Independence Day speech.

Anchoring script for school assembly

Anchor 1: Good morning, respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends. We are delighted to welcome you all to today’s assembly. I am [Anchor 1’s Name] from [Class/Grade], and I am [Anchor 2’s Name] from [Class/Grade]. We will be your hosts for today’s assembly.

Anchor 2: To start the day on a positive note, let us invoke the blessings of the Almighty. Please join your hands and close your eyes for the prayer.

(Prayer Song)

Anchor 1: Thank you, everyone. Now, let’s pledge our allegiance to the nation. Please prepare for the national pledge.

(National Pledge)

Anchor 2: We all know how important it is to stay updated with current events. So, let’s begin with today’s news. I invite [News Reader’s Name] to present the news.

(News Reading)

Anchor 1: Thank you, [News Reader’s Name]. Now, to keep us informed about the weather, I invite [Weather Presenter’s Name] to share today’s weather update.

(Weather Update)

Anchor 2: Thank you, [Weather Presenter’s Name]. Moving on, we have a thought for the day, which will be presented by [Student’s Name].

(Thought for the Day)

Anchor 1: Thank you, [Student’s Name], for that inspiring thought. Next, we have an inspirational story to boost our morale. Let’s welcome [Student’s Name] to share the story.

(Inspirational Story)

Anchor 2: Thank you, [Student’s Name]. That was truly motivating. Now, let’s turn our attention to an important speech by our esteemed Principal, [Principal’s Name].

(Principal’s Speech)

Anchor 1: Thank you so much, [Principal’s Name], for your encouraging words. As we continue to strive for excellence, let us now enjoy a special performance by [Class/Group Name], who will present a [Dance/Song/Drama].

(Special Performance)

Anchor 2: That was wonderful! Thank you, [Class/Group Name], for such a delightful performance. Before we conclude, we would like to remind everyone of the upcoming events and important announcements. I invite [Teacher’s Name] to share the announcements.


Anchor 1: Thank you, [Teacher’s Name]. With that, we come to the end of today’s assembly. We hope you all have a productive and joyful day ahead.

Anchor 2: Please stand at attention for the national anthem.

(National Anthem)

Anchor 1 and Anchor 2: Thank you, everyone!

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anchoring speech on teachers day

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Highlights: Harris to hold rally in North Carolina, highlights from Trump’s NJ news conference


With consumer goods placed on tables near him, Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks at a news conference at Trump National Golf Club, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, in Bedminster, N.J. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

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Today’s live coverage has ended. See what you missed below and find the latest on the 2024 presidential election at apnews.com.

Donald Trump held a press conference Thursday in Bedminster , New Jersey in which he said he thinks he’s “ entitled to personal attacks ” on his Democratic rival Vice President Kamala Harris, saying he’s “very angry” at her because of the criminal charges he faces.

Earlier, Harris joined President Joe Biden to announce a deal to lower drug prices , their first joint speaking appearance since she replaced him at the top of the Democratic ticket, as they both struggle to convince voters that costs will trend down after years of above-normal inflation.

What to know:

  • Harris is set to unveil her economic agenda. Her upcoming speech in North Carolina will preview policies around price gouging on groceries and cutting other costs, as her campaign zeroes in on food and housing prices.
  • Trump addressed inflation and the economy Thursday. The Republican presidential nominee blamed inflation directly on government spending, sidestepping some of the more complex realities of global supply chain interruptions during the pandemic and global oil price spikes after Russia invaded Ukraine.
  • Vance and Walz plan to debate later this year. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Ohio Sen. JD Vance have agreed to debate each other on Oct. 1, setting up a matchup of potential vice presidents as early voting in some states gets underway for the general election .

Trump warns that anti-Israel protestors will descend on next week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Trump said that “hundreds of thousands of people that are opposed to Israel” are planning to protest around the events. “There will be no jihad coming to America under Trump,” he said, to applause from the crowd.

Trump called Democrats “a radical group of people,” again criticizing Harris for not attending Netanyahu’s recent speech before a joint session of Congress, traveling to Indiana instead .

Ohio Sen. JD Vance, Trump’s running mate, also did not attend the speech, stumping in Ohio and Virginia.

Harris, however, met with the prime minister privately.

Of Trump, Adelson said there’s just one president in her lifetime that fully shares the values she’s been talking about. “That president is Donald Trump,” she said, to cheers from the gathered crowd, adding that it was a “promised kept” when Trump moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, as well as recognizing the Golan Heights and withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.

Trump is being introduced by GOP mega-donor Miriam Adelson, an Israeli-born, naturalized U.S. citizen who earned a medical degree from Tel Aviv University and founded drug abuse treatment and research centers in Las Vegas and Tel Aviv.

In her remarks, Adelson talked about the impact of the Israel-Hamas war, saying that “Israel is being demonized,” adding that, “in too many parts of the world, it is open season against the Jews, and antisemitism becomes acceptable.” Miriam is the wife of the late Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas casino magnate considered one of the nation’s most powerful Republican donors, who died in 2021 .

The Adelsons donated $30 million to Trump’s campaign in the final months of the 2016 race, and Miriam Adelson is behind some major spending aimed at boosting Trump’s current campaign. Preserve America super PAC, a pro-Trump group backed by her, has reserved $45 million worth of advertising through the end of August.

As president, Trump awarded Miriam Adelson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom - the highest honor the nation reserves for a civilian — in 2018.

Trump repeats false claims that Minnesota law requires tampons in boys’ bathrooms

CLAIM: Democratic vice presidential nominee and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz “signed a bill that all boys bathrooms in Minnesota will have tampons.”

FACTS: Walz signed a bill in 2023 that requires Minnesota public schools to make tampons available to “all menstruating students.” The law does not mention gender. The relevant section of the law reads: “A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge.

The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district. For purposes of this section, ‘menstrual products’ means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle.”

That means a school system could theoretically opt to place dispensers in all bathrooms. But there is no legal requirement that tampons be distributed in boys’ bathrooms — because a system could satisfy the law with dispensers in girls’ restrooms.

Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed he won Pennsylvania in the 2020 election. He did not.

CLAIM: “I won Pennsylvania and I did much better the second time. I won it in 2016, did much better the second time. I know Pennsylvania very well.”

THE FACTS: Trump did win the state in 2016, when he beat Democrat Hillary Clinton to win the presidency. But he lost the state in 2020 to President Joe Biden, a Pennsylvania native. According to the official certified results Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris received 3.46 million votes, compared to Trump and Vice President Mike Pence with 3.38 million votes.

Trump is arguing that his presidency brought more national unity than he gets credit for and that he is not actually as brash or bombastic as he often seems on the campaign trail.

“I think I’m doing a very calm campaign,” he said after being asked about some criticism from Republicans who want him to focus less on personal attacks. “Some of you will say, ‘he ranted and raved,’” Trump said, referring to journalists.

“I’m a very calm person, believe it or not,” he said.

He pointed to a criminal justice overhaul enacted when he was president. He did it with Democratic support."When you do that, that’s a big step,” he said, describing a negotiation process involving unusual allies. “Our country was coming together. Success will bring our country together again.”

Trump says he’d welcome Nikki Haley on the campaign trail if she wanted to stump for him.

Asked if he would want Haley to rally support for him, Trump said, “I’d love to have her go around and campaign.”

“I fought Nikki very hard,” Trump said. “I beat her in her own state by legendary numbers. I get along with her fine.” The former South Carolina governor, who was the last remaining GOP opponent against Trump in the primary campaign and served two years as his administration’s ambassador to the United Nations, shuttered her campaign after Trump’s big wins on Super Tuesday.

She didn’t endorse Trump immediately but has since and spoke at last month’s RNC in Milwaukee in support of his candidacy. Otherwise, she has not campaigned for him.

Trump says he feels that he’s earned the right to take on his political opponents in a personal way, citing what he termed the way the justice system has been “weaponized” against him.

It’s a theme Trump often hits in his rally speeches, citing the legal cases against him and characterizing them as politically motivated attacks by Democratic prosecutors and the Biden Justice Department.

On Thursday, asked if he felt he needed to run a more disciplined campaign in the closing months ahead of Nov. 5 and pivot away from making personal attacks on Harris, Trump said, “I think I’m entitled to personal attacks, I don’t have a lot of respect for her, I don’t have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and I think she’ll be a terrible president.”

Trump went on to say of Harris that “people don’t know who she is,” explaining that he doesn’t typically use his opponent’s last name because, “You can ask the man on the street, what’s the last name of Kamala?’ Nobody knew.”

Trump’s been encouraging supporters to vote for him early, but he again called for “one-day voting” in elections.

“We should have one-day voting, paper ballots,” Trump said, in part of a response to a question about credit card debt.

Saying that large numbers of early voting is “ridiculous,” Trump also called for “voter ID, and we should have proof of citizenship” for voting in U.S. elections.

Trump claimed the U.S. could suffer an economic collapse akin to the 1929 crash that preceded the Great Depression if Harris wins the election.

CLAIM: “We’re going to have a crash like the 1929 crash if she gets in.”

THE FACTS: Countering Trump’s gloomy predictions, the economy has shown recent signs of strength and stability. On Thursday, the S&P 500 jumped 1.6%, its sixth gain in a row. The Dow Jones Industrial Average also increased, as did the Nasdaq composite.

Recent economic reports show that shoppers increased their retail spending last month and fewer workers sought unemployment benefits.

Fears that the economy was slowing emerged last month following a sharp drop in hiring and higher unemployment rates. But those worries were assuaged earlier this month when a better-than-expected jobless numbers led to Wall Street’s best rally since 2022.

Trump was asked if he had reflected on his assassination attempt and why he felt his life had been saved.

Calling it “a miracle” that he wasn’t more seriously harmed, Trump said that “God has something to do with it. ... And maybe it’s, we want to save the world.”

At the Republican National Convention, Trump spoke in depth about the shooting and said that he wouldn’t make a habit of talking about it, although he has done so frequently at campaign events since.

Trump made it more than 45 minutes into his remarks before bringing up his grievances over the 2020 election. He again implied — falsely — that the election was rigged as he bragged about getting “millions more votes” than he got in 2016 plus “other votes that we can talk about at a different day.”

Indeed, turnout in 2020 was considerably higher than in 2016. Trump’s national vote total jumped from just shy of 63 million to 74.2 million. But Joe Biden got almost 81.3 million votes, up from Hillary Clinton’s 65.9 million votes four years earlier.

Much of Trump’s remarks have been aimed to focus on the economy, and — more than 40 minutes into his event — he made reference to the food items and household goods set up in a display behind him.

“I haven’t seen Cheerios in a long time,” Trump said, noticing the cereal box. “I’m going to take them back to my cottage.”

At about 45 minutes in, Trump started taking questions.

But there have been some stem-winding moments, reminiscent of his rallies, where remarks can run an hour and a half.

Trump is promising to eliminate all incentives and mandates that push the U.S. auto market toward electric vehicles. But he’s insistent that he does not oppose EVs — just that he wants market forces and consumer choices to guide the economy.

Trump is going after remarks that Harris made in a Senate confirmation hearing in 2018. He said that Harris had compared U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to the Ku Klux Klan.

In 2018, Harris, then a senator, aggressively questioned acting Director Ronald D. Vitiello of ICE about a comment he had made on social media that compared the Democratic Party to the KKK.

After a heated exchange during the hearing, Harris asked Vitiello, “Are you aware that there’s a perception that ICE is administering its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidation — particularly among immigrants and specifically among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America?”

Donald Trump is 30 minutes into what his campaign billed as a news conference, but he has yet to take questions. He stuck largely to prepared remarks on inflation but has stretched his remarks with various broadsides and anecdotes.

Trump misstated Harris’ role in overseeing border security during his press conference Thursday in Bedminster, N.J.

CLAIM: “She was the border czar but she didn’t do anything. She’s the worst border czar in history ... She was the person responsible for the border and she never went there.”

THE FACTS: Biden tapped Harris in 2021 to work with Central American countries to address the root causes of migration and the challenges it creates. Illegal crossings are one aspect of those challenges, but Harris was never assigned to the border or put in charge of the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees law enforcement at the border .

Trump is hammering Harris as a politician who wants to “defund the police.” His characterization of her previous statements is not accurate.

After the murder of George Floyd in 2020, Harris expressed praise for the “defund the police” movement and questioned whether money was being effectively spent on public safety. But she has not advocated abolishing police forces, the insinuation behind Trump’s line of attack.

Harris did an interview in June 2020 with the “Ebro in the Morning” radio show in New York noting, “This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities.” Her comments were part of a wider critique that police departments have to confront more social problems because other public programs — education, social services, mental health care — are often not funded well enough.

The Biden administration tried to overhaul policing, but the legislation stalled on Capitol Hill, and Biden ultimately settled for issuing an executive order . The administration also pumped more money into local departments.

The pivot to criticizing the Biden-Harris administration on immigration has been a theme of many of Trump’s speeches and events during this campaign cycle, and it’s one the GOP nominee is again renewing during his Bedminster remarks.

After listing off programs he said Harris would threaten as president — saying “she will destroy Medicare, she will destroy Social Security” — Trump then turned back to immigration concerns, overstating the number of people who have come across the U.S.-Mexico border during Biden’s time in office.

It’s a regular feature of modern U.S. elections for Republican nominees to cast Democratic nominees for various offices as “too liberal” or even “socialist.”

Trump has elevated that line of attack on Harris. “She wants to change a free-enterprise-type country into a communist-type country,” he insisted.

Trump’s argument depends heavily on certain positions Harris took as a U.S. senator from California and candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Harris once co-sponsored Sen. Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” Senate proposal, but she has backed away from that since the 2020 campaign.

The Biden-Harris campaign in 2020 advocated for a “public option” plan to be added to existing private health insurance exchanges set up under the 2010 Affordable Care Act. That policy would not, as Trump claims, end private health insurance or private health care.

Trump is warning that his Democratic opponent would upend not only the U.S. economy but also American relationships abroad.

“If Kamala wins the election, the worst is yet to come,” Trump said, claiming that Harris is “far more radical” than Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders and “wants to change a free enterprise type country into a communist type country.”

On foreign relations, Trump warned that “you’ll have a real problem in the future because people don’t respect her in the world.”

Turning to the grocery items that are surrounding him, Trump quoted various inflation statistics for various staples of U.S. household diets.

But he blasted Harris’ talk of taking on price gouging, including on food, calling it “communist price controls” and “the Maduro plan,” a nod to the authoritarian socialist leader of Venezuela. “She wants price controls,” he said. “They don’t work. ... They lead to food shortages.” He’s adding references to higher car insurance premiums and fuel costs.

So far, Trump has not introduced any of his proposals to confront the situation. He’s opting instead for blaming Harris, because she is Biden’s top lieutenant, and recycling his sweeping predictions that a President Harris would tank the economy.

Trump is opening his latest news conference with renewed attacks that Harris “broke the border and broke the world.”

He is highlighting her role as vice president casting the tie-breaking Senate vote on major spending initiatives for the Biden administration.

As the economy takes center stage in the presidential contest, Trump is blaming inflation directly on government spending — sidestepping some of the more complex realities of global supply chain interruptions during the pandemic and global oil price spikes after Russia invaded Ukraine.

Harris, in turn, has focused the blame on corporate greed, glossing over the effects of considerable stimulus spending by the U.S. and other governments around the world.

Trump has started a news conference outside at his Bedminster resort in New Jersey, where he is speaking surrounded by groceries set on tables.

The former president and Republican nominee is trying to step up his attacks on Vice President Harris, shifting blame for rising prices from Biden to her as she becomes her party standard-bearer.

Trump delivered what was billed as a major address on the economy a day earlier in North Carolina but he spent most of the 75-minute speech on his usual grievances. The news conference marks another opportunity for him to focus his argument on what many political observers believe can be a weak spot for Harris.

For her part, Harris is planning an address on the economy Friday in North Carolina.

At a rally yesterday in North Carolina that his campaign billed as a big economic address, Trump made little effort to stay on message. He mixed pledges to slash energy prices and “unleash economic abundance” with familiar off-script tangents.

He aired his frustration over the Democrats swapping the vice president in place of Biden at the top of their presidential ticket. He repeatedly denigrated San Francisco, where Harris was once the district attorney, as “unlivable” and went after his rival in deeply personal terms, questioning her intelligence, saying she has “the laugh of a crazy person” and musing that Democrats were being “politically correct” in trying to elevate the first Black woman and person of South Asian descent to serve as vice president.

The former president will meet members of the press at his New Jersey golf club at 4:30 p.m. ET for his second news conference in as many weeks as he adjusts to a newly energized Democratic ticket.

He’ll be flanked by popular grocery store items as he seeks to highlight the rising cost of food.

The event comes one day after the Labor Department announced year-over-year inflation reached its lowest level in more than three years in July — the latest sign that the worst price spike in four decades is fading. But consumers are still feeling the impact of higher prices and the Trump campaign is hoping to capitalize on those frustrations.

▶ Watch Trump’s New Jersey news conference live

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has released a video of her chatting with her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, as the pair discuss their upbringings and tastes.

Running just under 10 minutes and filmed last week when the pair made a joint campaign appearance in Detroit, the video recalls a similar one then-candidate Joe Biden had with former President Barack Obama during the 2020 campaign.

Walz likens the election to a football game, saying it’s “halftime in America” and he feels like the campaign is trailing by a touchdown, adding, “I kind of like the idea of being a little bit behind.”

Harris, who’s played up her running mate’s former career coaching high school football responds, “I’m looking at Coach Walz right now.”

The vice president asks her running mate about liking what he describes as “white guy tacos,” which he says are ground beef and cheese but no sauce — prompting Harris to note that she’s grown chili peppers at the vice president’s residence.

He tells her about his love of Bruce Springsteen and Harris talks about growing up with the music of Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, Miles Davis and John Coltrane and her love of Prince. She says she’s “more of a hip hop girl” while her husband, Doug Emhoff, is more partial to Depeche Mode.

Harris talks about supporting policies that don’t “let people fall through the cracks” and trying to unify rather than divide the country.

In the weeks since launching her presidential campaign, Harris hasn’t sat for a major media interview — making her chat with Walz one of the closest approximations.

Former President Donald Trump will speak at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, on Thursday flanked by popular grocery store items as he seeks to highlight the rising cost of food.

Staff were seen laying out a selection of items, including tubs of instant coffee, sugary breakfast cereals, pastries and fruit, on tables behind the lectern where he’ll speak at a news conference Thursday afternoon.

The event comes one day after the Labor Department announced year-over-year inflation reached its lowest level in more than three years in July — the latest sign that the worst price spike in four decades is fading.

But consumers are still feeling the effect of higher prices — something Trump’s campaign is banking on to motivate voters this fall.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have appeared together for the first time since she replaced him as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Biden and Harris spoke at an event at a Maryland community college to talk about the administration’s work to lower the cost of prescription drugs.

They also praised each other.

Harris, who spoke first, said it’s her “eternal and great honor” to serve with Biden, whom she called an “extraordinary human being and American and leader.”

Biden said of Harris, “She’s going to make one hell of a president.”


President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris arrive to speak about their administration’s efforts to lower prescription drug costs during an event at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Md., Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough)

Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling is touting extensive officer training as a critical part of the city’s preparations for the Democratic National Convention next week.

Roughly 50,000 people are expected in Chicago for the convention, including thousands of anti-war activists who plan to demonstrate near the United Center where Vice President Kamala Harris will officially accept the party’s nomination.

Snelling maintained that the Chicago Police Department — working alongside federal law enforcement agencies — is prepared to deal with large crowds and any security concerns.

“There’s a possibility that things could take a turn. Something could happen that we don’t expect,” Snelling told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “We know that our officers can respond in a professional manner with training behind them. They’ll be more effective in decision making. And then the response becomes greater and better.”


FILE - Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks during a campaign event, Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023, in Columbia, S.C. Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. filed paperwork Thursday, June 20, 2024 to get on the ballot for the November election in swing-state Pennsylvania, the state’s election office said. (AP Photo/Meg Kinnard, File)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential campaign suffered a blow this week when a judge in New York invalidated his petition to put his name on the state ballot, a ruling that could potentially create problems for the candidate as he faces challenges elsewhere.

Kennedy’s attorneys filed an appeal Wednesday to a ruling this week from Justice Christina Ryba, who said the residence listed on his nominating petitions was a “sham” address he used to maintain his voter registration and to further his political aspirations. The judge ruled in favor of the challengers, who argued Kennedy’s actual residence was the home in Los Angeles he shares with his wife, the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” actor Cheryl Hines.

New York is just one of more than a half-dozen states where challenges have been made to Kennedy’s petitions from Democrats and their allies. Some of the challenges allege he falsely listed the same New York address that was the subject of litigation in that state, or that there were problems with petition signatures.

Donald Trump is asking the judge in his New York hush money criminal case to delay his sentencing until after the November presidential election.

In a letter made public Thursday, a lawyer for the former president and current Republican nominee suggested that sentencing Trump as scheduled on Sept. 18 — about seven weeks before Election Day — would amount to election interference.

Trump lawyer Todd Blanche wrote that a delay would also allow Trump time to weigh next steps after the trial judge, Juan M. Merchan, is expected to rule Sept. 16 on the defense’s request to overturn the verdict and dismiss the case because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s July presidential immunity ruling .

“There is no basis for continuing to rush,” Blanche wrote.


Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio speaks at a campaign event, Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024, in Byron Center, Mich. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

To attendees gathered at a VFW post in New Kensington on Thursday in western Pennsylvania, Vance lauded Trump for putting “in place real policies that really benefit the veterans who served in our military.”

As he opened his remarks, Vance asked attendees to hold a brief moment of silence to commemorate the deaths of 13 service members killed in a suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport as the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan three years ago, a move by Biden he said occurred “in the most disgraceful way,” also laying blame on Harris.

Vance was introduced by several veterans now serving in Congress, including Florida Reps. Brian Mast and Mike Waltz. Pat Harrigan, a Republican running for the U.S. House in North Carolina, levied harsh criticism on Tim Walz’s record, calling the Minnesota governor “a coward who betrayed his men at their greatest time of need.”

Since Harris named Walz - a 24-year veteran of the Army National Guard - as her running mate, Vance has repeatedly questioned his rival’s military credentials, accusing him of retiring to avoid deploying with his unit and saying Walz misled voters about serving in a combat zone, when he was deployed to Italy in 2003 in a supportive, not combat, role.

As he ramped up for a congressional bid in 2005, Walz’s campaign in March issued a statement saying he still planned to run despite a possible mobilization of Minnesota National Guard soldiers to Iraq. According to the Guard, Walz retired from service in May of that year. In August 2005, the Department of the Army issued a mobilization order for Walz’s unit. The unit mobilized in October of that year before it deployed to Iraq in March 2006 .

“Kamala Harris, showing terrible judgment, has decided that her way out of this political problem is to claim that she and Tim Walz are the victims,” Vance said, referencing comments by the campaign pushing back on Republicans’ criticism. “I think the victims are the veterans who are having their service disparaged because the guy who wants to be their vice president is lying instead of telling the truth.”

Vance said he became a member of the VFW Post at which he spoke, saying he’d be back in the future to “have some pancakes, maybe a cigarette, whatever.”

Vice President Kamala Harris has a perceived advantage over former President Donald Trump on several leadership qualities such as honesty, a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds, although Americans are slightly more likely to trust Trump on the economy and immigration.

Nearly half of Americans say that “committed to democracy” and “disciplined” are attributes that better describe Harris. About 3 in 10 say these qualities better describe Trump.

About 4 in 10 say Harris is someone who “cares about people like you” while about 3 in 10 say that about Trump. About 4 in 10 say “honest” better describes Harris and 24% say that quality better describes Trump.

▶ Read more about the AP-NORC poll

Vice President Kamala Harris plans to hold a rally in Milwaukee on Tuesday in the same venue where Republicans gathered for their national convention last month.

Harris will hold the event at the Fiserv Forum while the Democratic National Convention is underway about 100 miles to the south in Chicago, the Harris campaign said Thursday.

The stop will mark the third time since Harris become the Democratic presidential nominee that she’s come to swing state Wisconsin, a nod to the importance of the state. She held her first rally of the presidential campaign outside Milwaukee and last week stopped in Eau Claire, in western Wisconsin, with her newly selected running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

The campaign didn’t say if Walz would be with Harris on Tuesday. The rally is scheduled during the second day of the Democratic National Convention.

Ohio Sen. JD Vance, running mate to Republican Donald Trump, planned to be in Milwaukee on Friday to speak at the Milwaukee Police Association. That would be his second visit to Wisconsin as the vice presidential nominee. He was in Eau Claire last week at the same time as Harris and Walz.


Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Ohio Sen. JD Vance have agreed to debate each other on Oct. 1, setting up a matchup of potential vice presidents as early voting in some states gets underway for the general election.

CBS News on Wednesday posted on its X feed that the network had invited both Vance and Walz to debate in New York City, presenting four possible dates — Sept. 17, Sept. 24, Oct. 1 and Oct. 8 — as options.

Walz reposted that message from his own campaign account, “See you on October 1, JD.” The Harris-Walz campaign followed up with a message of its own, saying Walz “looks forward to debating JD Vance — if he shows up.”

Vance posted on X that he would accept the Oct. 1 invitation. He also challenged Walz to meet on Sept. 18.

And she’s zeroing in on corporate price gouging.

Her campaign says Harris plans to push for a federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries. She’s putting particular emphasis on rising meat prices, which she says account for a large part of rising grocery bills.

Year-over-year inflation has reached its lowest level in more than three years. But many Americans are still struggling with food prices, which remain 21% above where they were three years ago. Republican Donald Trump has been pointing to inflation as a key failing of the Biden-Trump administration and its energy policies.

Former President Donald Trump invited reporters to his New Jersey golf club Thursday for his second news conference in as many weeks as he adjusts to a newly energized Democratic ticket ahead of next week’s Democratic National Convention.

Trump will meet the press as he steps up his criticism of Vice President Kamala Harris for not holding a news conference or sitting down for interviews since President Joe Biden ended his reelection campaign and endorsed her to replace him.

▶ Read more about Trump’s scheduled news conference

The Biden administration is taking a victory lap after federal officials inked deals with drug companies to lower the price for 10 of Medicare’s most popular and costliest drugs, but shared few immediate details about the new price older Americans will pay when they fill those prescriptions.

White House officials said Wednesday night they expect U.S. taxpayers to save $6 billion on the new prices, while older Americans could save roughly $1.5 billion on their medications. Those projections, however, were based on dated estimates and the administration shared no details as to how they arrived at the figures.

Nonetheless, the newly negotiated prices — still elusive to the public as of early Thursday morning — will affect the price of drugs used by millions of older Americans to help manage diabetes, blood cancers and prevent heart failure or blood clots.

The drugs include the blood thinners Xarelto and Eliquis and diabetes drugs Jardiance and Januvia. Medicare spent $50 billion covering the drugs last year.

In his first solo appearance as the Democratic vice presidential nominee, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz warned cheering union members Tuesday that Donald Trump would wage war on working people and threaten Medicare and Social Security as he kicked off a five-state fundraising swing.

He spoke of a grim future for unions if Trump and Ohio Sen. JD Vance are elected, describing a nation where bargaining rights, overtime pay and other protections would be scuttled. He said Trump and Vance have “waged war on working people.”

However, Trump also has courted union support. When he accepted the Republican nomination, he said that he would rescue the auto industry from what he called “complete obliteration.”

Read more about Walz’s 5-state fundraising blitz


Whatever possessed Vice President Kamala Harris to pick Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, it probably wasn’t a desire to inflame arguments about apostrophes. But it doesn’t take much to get grammar nerds fired up .

“The lower the stakes, the bigger the fight,” said Ron Woloshun, a creative director and digital marketer in California who jumped into the fray on social media less than an hour after Harris selected Walz last week to offer his take on possessive proper nouns.

The Associated Press Stylebook says “use only an apostrophe” for singular proper names ending in S: Dickens’ novels, Hercules’ labors, Jesus’ life. But not everyone agrees.

While there is widespread agreement that Walz’s is correct, confusion persists about Harris’ vs. Harris’s. Dreyer’s verdict? Add the ’s.

▶ Read more about the political world’s latest grammar debate


Vice President Kamala Harris talks to the media, Friday, June 25, 2021, after her tour of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Central Processing Center in El Paso, Texas. Harris visited the U.S. southern border as part of her role leading the Biden administration’s response to a steep increase in migration. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Vice President Kamala Harris was never the “border czar,” as her critics claim.

Biden administration officials say she was assigned to tackle the “root causes” of migration from the Central American nations of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras that were responsible for a large chunk of border crossers.

A review of Harris’ work on immigration reveals a record that is more nuanced than the one presented by her critics or allies. It also provides insights into how Harris — who took over as the Democratic standard-bearer when Biden dropped out of the presidential race last month — might tackle one of the nation’s most vexing concerns.

▶ Read more about Harris’ work on immigration

The Democratic National Committee will offer a schedule of trainings, panels and other programming it’s calling “DemPalooza” during the party’s convention in Chicago next week. The name is a play on the Lollapalooza music festival Chicago plays hosts to every year.

“DemPalooza” events will range from trainings on how to use organizing tools to polling briefings and skills workshops. The DNC says these programs are part of its and the Harris campaign’s efforts to organize and reach voters in an evolving media environment and provide opportunities for Democrats to take what they’ve learned back to the communities that will decide the November presidential election.


President Joe Biden leaves after speaking about prescription drug costs at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., Dec. 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is taking a victory lap after federal officials inked deals with drug companies to lower the price for 10 of Medicare’s most popular and costliest drugs, but shared few immediate details about the new price older Americans will pay when they fill those prescriptions.

▶ Read the full story here .


Former President Donald Trump leaves Trump Tower in New York on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024. Trump is expected in court for an important hearing in his New York hush-money criminal case. (AP Photo/Bryan Woolston)

Donald Trump has lost his latest bid for a new judge in his New York hush money criminal case as it heads toward a key ruling and potential sentencing next month.

In a decision posted Wednesday , Judge Juan M. Merchan declined to step aside and said Trump’s demand was a rehash “rife with inaccuracies and unsubstantiated claims” about his ability to remain impartial.

It’s the third time Merchan has rejected such a request from lawyers for the former president and current Republican nominee. They contend the judge has a conflict of interest because his daughter works as a political consultant for prominent Democrats, including Kamala Harris when she sought the Democrats’ 2020 presidential nomination. Harris is now the party’s nominee against Trump.

The judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, met Harris occasionally in 2019 but never “developed an individual relationship” with her, consulting firm founder Mike Nellis told the chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, in a letter Tuesday. The firm, Authentic Campaigns Inc., has not worked for Harris’ campaign, President Joe Biden’s now-ended reelection bid or the Democratic National Committee in the 2024 election cycle, Nellis said.

anchoring speech on teachers day

Election Updates: Harris and Walz Tour Pennsylvania Ahead of Convention

Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, embarked on a bus tour of the critical battleground state a day before Democrats open their national convention in Chicago.

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Kamala Harris stands on stage with Tim Walz and their spouses. There is a sign behind them that reads Pennsylvania for Harris Walz.

Simon J. Levien Michael Gold and Jazmine Ulloa

Here’s the latest on the presidential race.

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, rallied volunteers during a bus tour in Pennsylvania, a critical swing state that could decide November’s election. Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz, along with their spouses, greeted supporters in Pittsburgh before a stop in Rochester, where Ms. Harris thanked volunteers for their efforts.

Both campaigns are focusing intently on Pennsylvania. Former President Donald J. Trump — who won the state by a slim margin in 2016 but lost it to President Biden in 2020 — visited Wilkes-Barre on Saturday , attacking Democratic policies as “fascist” and calling illegal immigrants “savage monsters.” Mr. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, will also be in Pennsylvania on Monday, making separate campaign stops in York and Philadelphia.

Here’s what else to know:

Democratic convention: Delegates and party leaders will begin to fete Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz as the Democratic Party’s nominees on Monday, when the convention’s first day will include a speech by Mr. Biden . The party on Sunday announced the themes for each of the convention’s four nights .

Republican messaging: Mr. Vance suggested in an interview on Fox News that he didn’t believe the recent polls showing Ms. Harris ahead or newly competitive in swing states, and said putting her in charge of inflation policy would be like “giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy.” Two prominent Republicans, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire, expressed frustration with the campaign’s focus on personal attacks on Ms. Harris. “Every day we’re not talking about her policy choices as vice president and what she would do as president is a good day for her and a bad day for us,” Mr. Graham told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Walz goes home: Mr. Walz represented the Democratic ticket at a rally in his native Nebraska on Saturday, playing up his roots as the Harris campaign courts rural, working-class and moderate voters. Although solidly Republican, Nebraska is one of two states (along with Maine) that award an electoral vote to the winner of each congressional district. The state’s Second District, which encompasses Omaha and is known as Nebraska’s blue dot, is a swing region that voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and Mr. Biden in 2020.

More helicopter fallout: Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, threatened to sue Mr. Trump if the former president continued to say falsely that they once nearly died together in a helicopter ride. Mr. Trump has not spoken about the helicopter incident since Nate Holden, a former Los Angeles city councilman who, like Mr. Brown, is Black, said he took a rocky helicopter ride with Mr. Trump in 1990 and speculated that the former president might have confused the two men. Mr. Brown said he wanted to make sure that Mr. Trump stayed quiet.

Swing states back in play: Four diverse swing states that seemed to be drifting toward Mr. Trump when Mr. Biden was in the race are now in play for Democrats, according to polling from The New York Times and Siena College . In Arizona, Ms. Harris has established a four-percentage-point lead on Mr. Trump, the surveys found, while she leads by two points in North Carolina; Mr. Trump has a one-point lead in Nevada and a four-point lead in Georgia.

Nicholas Nehamas

Nicholas Nehamas

Reporting from the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

Democrats unveil their convention platform, with familiar themes.

Democrats released their party platform on Sunday, unveiling a document that offers plenty of political comfort food for a newly energized party ahead of its convention in Chicago.

As a sign of what Democrats believe will mobilize their forces — and the head-spinning transformation that has remade their presidential ticket — the document mentions former President Donald J. Trump’s name 150 times.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the new nominee who has brought her party back together after a bruising internal fight over President Biden’s candidacy, is mentioned by name just 32 times.

The platform seems intended to avoid stirring any controversy that could derail that fresh feeling of unity.

At the top of the list of issues that could threaten the party’s cohesiveness is the war in Gaza. Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters are descending on Chicago, and roughly 30 delegates representing the Democratic primary voters who opposed Mr. Biden, mostly in protest over Gaza, will attend the convention, which begins on Monday.

The platform repeats a traditional Democratic message supporting Israel, condemning the brutal Oct. 7 assault by Hamas and backing “an immediate and lasting cease-fire deal” that will return hostages still being held by the terrorist group and address “the displacement and death of so many innocent people in Gaza.”

Democrats will vote to approve the platform on Monday evening. It was passed by the party’s platform committee, a group of party insiders, with wider input from “community leaders from coalitions across the Democratic Party,” according to the Democratic National Committee.

On other issues, the platform represents a predictable collection of Democratic policy priorities, including calls to make investments in infrastructure and manufacturing; to cut taxes on working families while making big corporations and the wealthy “finally pay their fair share”; and to fight climate change.

Another section addresses efforts to lower costs on everyday items like food, housing and health care, in similar terms to the economic agenda that Ms. Harris rolled out last week . And there are also calls to protect abortion rights, restore democratic norms and combat gun violence.

On the other side, Mr. Trump took a direct hand this summer in reshaping — and shrinking the size — of the Republican platform, which focuses more on his own priorities than on a traditional laundry list of policies.

The Democratic platform says that Mr. Trump’s vision for the country is one of “revenge and retribution,” a reflection of the party’s attempt to make the 2024 election a referendum on the former president.

The party’s former presumptive nominee, Mr. Biden, is mentioned by name 287 times.

Lisa Lerer , Reid J. Epstein and Shane Goldmacher contributed reporting.


Rebecca Davis O’Brien

Rebecca Davis O’Brien and Nicholas Nehamas

Rebecca Davis O’Brien reported from Pittsburgh, and Nicholas Nehamas reported from Washington.

Harris and Walz venture into less-friendly terrain to court Pennsylvania voters.

Before their convention that this week will signal the final sprint to November, Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, headed out on a brief bus tour on Sunday to fire up voters in perhaps the most crucial battleground state in the 2024 election.

As they toured western Pennsylvania, their play for support beyond the state’s more liberal cities was apparent at the team’s first stop, a field office in Rochester, Pa., in the largely conservative Beaver County: Ms. Harris picked up a volunteer’s cellphone to speak with a resident from Erie, a northwestern city in one of the state’s swingiest counties, which Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 but Joseph R. Biden Jr. won four years later.

“I love Erie,” Ms. Harris said. “At some point we’ll get to Erie.”

Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz were joined on the outing by their spouses, Doug Emhoff and Gwen Walz, traveling in two new campaign buses from the Pittsburgh airport, where they arrived on Air Force Two to greet a small group of supporters.

The Pittsburgh and Philadelphia areas are the two main drivers of Democratic support in Pennsylvania, a state whose 19 electoral votes could decide the presidency. Recent polling shows a neck-and-neck race there between Ms. Harris and former President Donald J. Trump, with some surveys showing Ms. Harris gaining a narrow edge recently.

Mr. Trump is also increasing his presence in Pennsylvania — on Saturday he held a rally in Wilkes-Barre and another is set in York on Monday, while Senator JD Vance of Ohio, his running mate, campaigns in Philadelphia.

Both candidates have used their trips in the state to make attacks.

Speaking to a crowd of supporters outside the Rochester campaign office on Sunday, Ms. Harris appeared to suggest that Mr. Trump was a “coward” — just a day after he had called her a “radical” and a “lunatic” in Wilkes-Barre.

“Over the last several years there’s been this kind of perversion that has taken place, I think, which is to suggest that the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down,” Ms. Harris said — though she did not name Mr. Trump. “Anybody who’s about beating down other people is a coward.”

President Biden often preferred to campaign in Philadelphia, by far the state’s largest metro area. The city is easily reached from Washington and close to his home state of Delaware, nestled in friendly territory surrounded by counties he carried in 2020 .

Outside Allegheny County, where Pittsburgh sits, western Pennsylvania is less hospitable to Democrats, and Ms. Harris’s visit there suggests she may branch out more than Mr. Biden did.

“God bless them, they need to,” Nancy Cannon, a retired teacher who showed up at the Pittsburgh airport, said of the campaign’s planned visits. She described a landscape of Trump supporters, where she knew of Democrats who were afraid to put out their own lawn signs. “Maybe they would feel more supported,” she said, if Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz showed up.

Ms. Cannon said Ms. Harris’s swift ascent to the top of the Democratic ticket had given a jolt of energy to her family and friends. “I love Joe. But I am happier to see a younger person. I feel like this is an Obama moment.”

The trip points to the Democratic hopes that Mr. Walz can help the party reach working-class voters outside the big cities. The suburbs and small towns surrounding Pittsburgh resemble areas in Minnesota where Mr. Walz has performed well in his previous races.

One campaign stop on Sunday was also a clear effort to tap into Mr. Walz’s personal history: a football practice at Aliquippa High School in a former steel town with many Black residents that has struggled economically for decades. Mr. Walz’s own experience as a high school football coach has been a touchstone of the campaign so far, with Ms. Harris occasionally referring to him as “Coach Walz.”

Mr. Walz told the team he “remembered every single call” from his team’s state football championship. He and Ms. Harris were joined at the event by Jerome Bettis, the Hall of Fame running back who won a Super Bowl with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Mr. Bettis, nicknamed The Bus, was a surprise, if appropriately named, addition to the Harris-Walz motor coach tour, which also made short stops at a nearby firehouse, a Sheetz gas station and Primanti Bros., a beloved chain of sandwich shops founded in Pittsburgh.

“The way you win elections in Pennsylvania is literally going everywhere,” said Lt. Gov. Austin Davis of Pennsylvania, a Democrat who is from the Pittsburgh area. “Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, but all the small communities in between.”

Mr. Davis also said that Ms. Harris would find a welcome audience in the working-class region for the economic agenda she rolled out last week that focused on lowering the costs of everyday life and cutting taxes for working families.

Conor Lamb, a Democrat who once represented a congressional district outside Pittsburgh, said Mr. Biden had become well known to many Pennsylvania voters, thanks to his decades of service as a senator in neighboring Delaware, an advantage Ms. Harris does not possess.

Mr. Lamb said that the bus tour reflected the fact that Democrats had learned their lesson from Mrs. Clinton losing the state after focusing most of her campaign on the major cities.

“You can’t just do Philly and Pittsburgh and rely on social media,” Mr. Lamb said.

And he agreed that Ms. Harris’s economic plans would be popular in places like Rochester, a small town once known for its glassmaking factories that sits in his old district.

“Some of the things that she laid out in that speech — the child tax credit, extending health care subsidies — all that kind of stuff is just universal,” Mr. Lamb said. “That should do as well in Rochester as it does in the heart of the city of Pittsburgh. And I’ve felt in the past that Democrats were a little bit afraid to go on the offense in those areas.”

Vice President Kamala suggested that former President Donald J. Trump was a “coward” during a stop on her campaign bus tour through western Pennsylvania on Sunday. Without naming Trump, Harris said that some people believe “the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down,” a point of view she labeled a “perversion.” And she countered that “the real and true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up. Anybody who’s about beating down other people is a coward.”

Ken Bensinger

Ken Bensinger

Social media influencers will have guest spots, and choice seats, at the Democrats’ convention.

A speaking slot at a national party’s nominating convention is among the most coveted prizes in American politics, offering veteran officeholders and up-and-comers alike the chance to speak to — and be seen by — an entire nation.

At the Democratic National Convention this week in Chicago, five of those rare slots will go to a group that most likely would be unfamiliar to previous convention planners: social media influencers.

Convention officials said each night would include at least one influencer. The speakers are Deja Foxx, Nabela Noor, Carlos Eduardo Espina, Olivia Julianna and John Russell, a group of millennial and Gen Z influencers who, collectively, have well over 24 million social media followers.

They will speak on the same podium as President Biden; the Democratic nominees, Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota; and party luminaries, including two former presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, among others.

“This feels very affirming,” said Ms. Foxx, 24, a reproductive rights activist from Arizona who worked on Ms. Harris’s first presidential campaign. She’ll speak about abortion rights on Monday night in a program that will also feature Mr. Biden. “I don’t take it lightly that I’m speaking on the same night as the president of the United States,” she said.

These speakers represent a significant shift for the convention and underscore the Democratic Party’s efforts to speak to voters whose news diet exists outside traditional media. Last month, a conservative influencer, the actress and model Amber Rose, spoke on the first night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

The speaker roster at conventions tends to mix elected officials with entertainment figures and regular citizens who can speak to particular policy issues. The Republicans’ convention last month featured a number of people the party called “Everyday Americans,” who discussed topics including immigration, inflation and crime.

A study by the Pew Research Center last year found that almost half of Americans get some of their news from social media and that a third of adults under 30 get their news from TikTok.

To help chase those potential voters, the D.N.C. has, for the first time, granted credentials to more than 200 influencers, offering them the kind of wide-ranging access to events and people traditionally provided only to the press. It’s also giving them a special “creator platform” within the convention venue in Chicago, the United Center: a special V.I.P. box directly above the arena floor.

Providing influencers time onstage gives them the chance to repost clips of their speeches to their own social media accounts as well as the feeds of other influencers watching the show, all in pursuit of the modern media era’s most valuable prize of all: virality.

“ Content creators are a vehicle to reach new audiences, not just through their content, but through their unique ability to speak authentically to their own communities,” said Emily Soong, a spokeswoman for the convention.

Ms. Foxx said she was first approached by organizers a few weeks ago and has since worked with a campaign speechwriter to hone her presentation. “I was pretty nervous but now I’m feeling really ready,” she said. “I’ve been running through my speech every day.”

The lineup on Tuesday night will include Ms. Noor, a Muslim American known for her makeup tutorials, cooking videos and frank talk about her challenging journey to motherhood. With more than 11 million followers spread across TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, she will speak on a night whose theme, “A Bold Vision for America’s Future,” is meant to draw contrasts between the Harris-Walz ticket and their Republican rivals, Donald J. Trump and Senator JD Vance of Ohio.

For Wednesday’s program, Mr. Espina, the son of Latin American immigrants who has amassed a huge following on TikTok with his videos about news, politics, food and soccer, will talk about immigration. Although he normally posts in Spanish, he is expected to deliver his remarks in English.

That night will also include Ms. Julianna, who has called herself “a plus-size queer Latina from rural Southeast Texas” and gained a following from her involvement in Gen-Z for Change , a youth-oriented political activism group. Her top issues include climate change and, like Ms. Foxx, abortion access.

“Peer to peer organizing is one of the most powerful tools we have in our democracy,” said Ms. Julianna, whose speech topic will be “freedom.” For years I’ve spoken directly to my fellow young Americans through my social media pages, knocking doors for Democratic candidates, and rallying for fundamental freedoms across the country.”

During the convention’s final night, which organizers are describing, thematically, as a narrative about how the 2024 election is a fight “for our future,” Mr. Russell, a self-described “dirtbag journalist” will have a chance to speak.

Based in West Virginia, he worked on rural policy and engagement for Senator Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign in 2020, ran unsuccessfully for Congress, and has built a following on his progressive coverage of the industrial Midwest and his strong support of labor unions. In his social media bios, he describes himself as “biased for the working class.”

Maggie Astor

Maggie Astor

Spotted on the streets of downtown Chicago as Democrats gather for their convention: huge circular decals on the sidewalk, of the sort that marked six-foot distances early in the pandemic, with a QR code and big lettering that reads “Are You a Disappointed Dem?” The fine print says they’re paid for by American Values 2024, a super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign.

Jazmine Ulloa

Jazmine Ulloa and Chris Cameron

Jazmine Ulloa reported from Washington, and Chris Cameron reported from Milwaukee and Northern Kentucky.

Vance defends unsubstantiated claims about immigration and crime.

Senator JD Vance of Ohio, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, on Friday defended his past unsubstantiated claims about immigration in which he suggested that early waves of Italian, Irish and German immigration led to higher crime and interethnic conflict, by citing the movie “Gangs of New York.”

At a campaign event before the Milwaukee Police Association, Mr. Vance was asked about the comments — which have resurfaced in recent days — from a 2021 interview with the far-right podcaster Jack Murphy, and whether he would have prescribed the kind of mass deportations then that he and former President Donald J. Trump have made central to their platform now.

Mr. Vance mostly skirted the question on removals, but he stood by his comments on crime and ethnic and interethnic conflict, pointing to the Martin Scorsese film that depicts gang violence between Irish migrants and nativist Protestant Americans.

“Well, first of all, I also said there were a lot of benefits to that wave of immigration, but has anybody ever seen the movie ‘Gangs of New York’? That’s what I’m talking about,” he said. “We know that when you have these massive ethnic enclaves forming in our country, it can sometimes lead to higher crime rates.”

Later, he added: “What happens when you have massive amounts of illegal immigration? It actually starts to create ethnic conflict. It creates higher crime rates.”

Asked to provide evidence for the claims, a campaign spokeswoman pointed to a report from an anti-immigration think tank that argues crimes committed by immigrants are underestimated because many crimes go unreported and to a rise in violence in Minnesota that the authorities have attributed to a rivalry between St. Paul and Minneapolis East African gangs.

Since the nation’s founding, nativist politicians and anti-immigrant activists have sought to conflate immigration with crime. But historians and criminologists say there are no empirical studies to support claims like those made by Mr. Vance. The studies that do exist have repeatedly concluded that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than people born in the United States. A 2023 study by researchers at Stanford, Princeton and other major institutions found that, since 1880, immigrants have not been more likely to be imprisoned than people born in the United States. And as immigration into the United States has increased, crime has decreased in recent years.

Tyler Anbinder, a historian who wrote the book “City of Dreams: The 400-Year Epic History of Immigrant New York,” and served as a historical adviser for the movie “Gangs of New York,” said immigrants in New York during the film’s time period and since have not committed crime disproportionate to their population numbers and have almost always been arrested at lower rates than natives.

“Immigrants are so happy to be in America,” Mr. Anbinder said, adding that one of the main reasons immigrants commit less crimes than natives is “because they don’t want to be deported.”

Alex R. Piquero, a criminology professor at University of Miami and a former director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, said Mr. Vance was also wrong to raise concerns about “ethnic enclaves.” Immigrants — regardless of the time period or ethnic background — tend to cluster in neighborhoods where they have relatives, know others who can speak their native language and can feel secure in their new environment.

“What’s very peculiar about these statements is that those ethnic enclaves do not breed crime,” he said of Mr. Vance’s stance, adding that “they actually serve as a protective buffer from crime.”

In his remarks, Mr. Vance also argued for a return to early 20th-century thinking when he said the United States was “welcoming country to immigrants” but Americans realized that the nation “could only take so many people,” arguing that deportations would benefit the country.

“I think that will promote assimilation and a common American culture that’s in the best interest of everybody,” he said.

But in arguing that more immigrants lead to higher crime and ethnic conflict, historians said, Mr. Vance was echoing arguments that American nativists have used since at least the 19th century to classify and marginalize some demographic groups as racially inferior, genetically predisposed to crime and unable to be assimilated.

Those negative stereotypes and misconceptions — once centered on certain Europeans but more recently focused on Mexicans and Latino migrants — have fueled prejudice and led to more extreme treatment of immigrants by government officials, police, the courts and the press.

In “Gangs of New York,” the most ruthless killer is the nativist who disdains immigrants, Mr. Anbinder said. But Mr. Vance appears to associate the Irish immigrants in the movie with the violence, he added.

“Throughout American history, those who fear or hate immigrants have always wanted to speak of them and scapegoat them as bringing crime to America,” Mr. Anbinder said. “What Vance is doing is not much different now.”

Anushka Patil

Anushka Patil

Harris, Walz and their spouses gave brief remarks to campaign workers and joined phone banking efforts during a stop in Rochester, in Beaver County, on their way through western Pennsylvania. “Hopefully I’ll see you in Erie at some point,” Harris told one person on the phone. Gwen Walz told volunteers that she loved the state — “I think I might want to spend a lot of time here,” she quipped.

Rebecca Davis O’Brien

Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota walked a line of supporters for several minutes here in Pittsburgh, shaking hands and taking selfies, then boarded one of the new campaign buses waiting for them without making remarks. This will be quite an unmistakable caravan through western Pennsylvania.

Air Force Two has pulled up to the hangar here in Pittsburgh, emerging from the low fog and the pouring rain that set in moments after the plane landed. The rain was brief, however, and the sun has returned.

A small crowd of supporters has gathered here at the Pittsburgh airport, where Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz will land, speak, and set off in two new campaign buses for an afternoon of small campaign stops around western Pennsylvania. Outside Pittsburgh and the rest of Allegheny County, this is Republican territory. But the trip suggests that Democrats feel they can pick up support here, particularly with Walz on the ticket.

Neil Vigdor

Neil Vigdor

A campaign adviser for Cornel West, the long-shot independent presidential candidate, said that West’s team would be going to court to fight his disqualification from the ballot in Michigan, where state election officials said his nominating paperwork had several omissions. The adviser, Edwin DeJesus, said the oversights, flagged by a former Michigan Democratic Party chairman, were “trivial technicalities” raised in “a desperate move by the D.N.C. and their affiliates.”

Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago told ABC News that city officials were ready for the convention and that he expected pro-Palestinian protests to remain peaceful. “This is a party that can handle protest and protecting the First Amendment right, which is fundamental to our democracy, while also strengthening our democracy and speaking to the future of our country,” he said.

Maya C. Miller

Maya C. Miller

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina and the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Donald Trump’s campaign should focus far more on Kamala Harris’s policy choices — like backtracking on her opposition to fracking — rather than personal attacks about her race, gender and intelligence.

“I don’t look at Vice President Harris as a lunatic,” Graham said. “A nightmare for Harris is to defend her policy choices. Every day we’re not talking about her policy choices as vice president and what she would do as president is a good day for her and a bad day for us.”

Graham also walked back a previous criticism of the G.O.P. policy platform, which excluded a national abortion ban for the first time in 40 years. Instead of standing behind his assertion that Republicans would be “net losers” if they weakened their support for such a ban, Graham tried to downplay the role that abortion and reproductive rights — widely seen as winning issues for Democrats — would play in the election.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, a Democrat, said on NBC’s "Meet the Press" that she thought people were “reading too much into” Kamala Harris’s proposal to ban price gouging . “I think it speaks to Kamala Harris’s values, that she wants consumers to keep more money in their pockets,” she said, adding: “We know we have to have business growth in this country, small-business growth, big-business growth, for good-paying jobs. But we also know that you can’t gouge and hurt the American consumer just to pad your bottom line, and I think there’s a balance there.”

Whitmer said she would not “second-guess” Kamala Harris’s curt response to pro-Palestinian protesters at a recent rally in Detroit. Harris told the demonstrators: “If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking.” Convention organizers are preparing for mass demonstrations this week in Chicago.

“I can tell you this: Kamala Harris cares about every person,” Whitmer said. “You can both want peace in the region and a cessation of violence, and the return of hostages. We are a country that continually falls into these false choices. You can do both, and I think that’s why we need a leader like her.”

JD Vance, who has been leaning into the claim that Harris has controlled the Biden administration from the start, told Shannon Bream on Fox News: “The most absurd thing that Kamala says at her rallies is, ‘On Day 1, I’m going to tackle the food and housing affordability crisis in this country.’ Shannon, Day 1 for Kamala Harris was three and a half years ago.”

Minho Kim

Senator Tammy Duckworth, Democrat of Illinois, said on ABC’s “This Week” that she was “comfortable” with adding $1.7 trillion to the federal deficit through Vice President Harris’s new economic proposal, because Congress could close the budget gap by letting Donald Trump’s 2017 tax breaks expire. “What we need to do is get rid of Trump tax cuts for the wealthy,” Duckworth said. “We need to go after the wealthiest of Americans who don’t pay their fair share.” Harris has promised to provide up to $25,000 for first-time home buyers, cancel student debt, extend the child tax credit and cut taxes on service workers’ tips.

Michelle Obama, the former first lady, will deliver a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week, according to a statement from its organizers. The statement did not specify on what night she would speak. Former President Barack Obama is also expected to give remarks.

Fox News asked Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, a co-chair of the Harris campaign, whether Kamala Harris’s proposal to ban price gouging was “communist in nature.” He responded: “Presidents of both parties have tried to use the power of the F.T.C. to rein in high prices at the pump, high prices at grocery stores. I think picking this one proposal of the many she’s put out misses the broader point, which is that Vice President Harris is continuing the work of President Biden in reducing costs faced by working Americans.”

Senator JD Vance of Ohio, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, suggested on Fox News that he didn’t believe the recent polls showing Kamala Harris ahead or newly competitive in swing states because polls overestimated support for Democrats in 2016 and 2020. (He didn’t mention the 2022 midterms, when the opposite was true .)

Vance said on Fox News: “Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy, it’s like giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy. The American people are much smarter than that. They don’t buy the idea that Kamala Harris represents a fresh start. She is more of the same.”

Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire, a Republican who has criticized Trump but is now supporting him , expressed frustration that Trump was attacking Harris’s intelligence instead of her economic proposals. “Almost any other Republican candidate would be winning this race by 10 points,” he said on CNN. “If you stick to the issues, if you stick to what matters, this should be an easy race for Donald Trump. It really should.”

Gov. JB Pritzker of Illinois said on CNN's “State of the Union” that he believed Vice President Kamala Harris had “energized the party in a way that I haven’t seen certainly since ’08.” He added: “I’ve been to every convention since I was able to vote, and I can say I’ve not felt this kind of energy and electricity at any convention other than the one for Barack Obama.”

Pritzker said he wasn’t worried about a repeat of the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago, where ideological divisions split the party and the police attacked protesters. He said the party had “coalesced” around its candidate in a way it hadn’t in 1968, and he said of pro-Palestinian protesters: “If there are troublemakers, they’re going to get arrested and they’re going to get convicted. But the fact is that the vast majority of people who are protesting, and we’ve seen this before, are peaceful protesters. They want to have their voices heard. They’re going to be heard, no doubt about it, and we’re going to protect them.”

Here are the themes for the Democratic convention.

Democrats will raise the curtain on their national convention on Monday in Chicago, punctuating weeks of extraordinary volatility in the presidential race that included a reset at the top of the party’s ticket.

Vice President Kamala Harris clinched the party’s nomination this month in a virtual roll call held after President Biden had withdrawn from the race. She then selected Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota as her running mate.

On Sunday, the party revealed the themes for each of the four nights of the convention:

Monday : “For the People” — President Biden and the first lady, Jill Biden, are scheduled to speak on the opening night of the convention, one that party officials said would focus on the record of the Biden-Harris administration and the president’s decades of public service. Organizers said the program would lean into a narrative that Mr. Biden has put the American people’s interest ahead of his own. On July 21, he became the first sitting president since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968 not to seek a second term.

Tuesday: “A Bold Vision for America’s Future” — Democrats will seek to draw a contrast between what they said was the party’s optimism and the drumbeat from Republicans who say that the country’s best days are behind it. They will also try to make former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance, take ownership of Project 2025, a right-wing playbook for reshaping the federal government that the Republican ticket has sought to distance itself from.

Wednesday: “A Fight for Our Freedoms” — Mr. Walz will formally accept the Democratic nomination for vice president on the penultimate night of the convention, when the party will argue that Mr. Trump, if elected, would continue to strip away fundamental rights.

Thursday : “For Our Future” — Ms. Harris will accept the party’s nomination, becoming the second woman, and the first woman of color, to lead the Democratic ticket, and Democrats will seek to cast Mr. Trump as a danger to the nation whose second term would be even more extreme than his first.

An earlier version of this article misstated the day that President Biden dropped out of the race. It was July 21, not July 23.

How we handle corrections

Simon J. Levien

Simon J. Levien and Michael Gold

Simon J. Levien reported from Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Michael Gold reported from New York.

Urged to focus on the economy, Trump leans into attacks on Harris.

Former President Donald J. Trump in a campaign speech on Saturday bounced among complaints about the economy and immigration, wide-ranging digressions and a number of personal attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris, including jabs at her appearance and her laugh.

At a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Mr. Trump swung from talking points on inflation and criticisms of Democratic policy as “fascist” and “Marxist” to calling illegal immigrants “savage monsters” and saying that rising sea levels would create more beachfront property.

Mr. Trump blamed Ms. Harris for high prices, in what was effectively an inversion of her remarks at her rally in Raleigh, N.C., on Friday, where she said Mr. Trump’s proposed import tariffs would amount to a “Trump tax” on groceries. The former president argued that she had placed a “Kamala Harris inflation tax” on average Americans over the course of her term as vice president and that, if elected, he would lower prices on consumer goods, just as she has said she would do.

“Yesterday, she got up, she started ranting and raving,” Mr. Trump said of Ms. Harris’s explanation of her economic agenda in North Carolina. He mocked her remarks that, he said, suggested he would tax “every single thing that was ever invented.”

Mr. Trump’s advisers have urged him to emphasize his economic policy plans, which, according to polling, many voters trust more than Ms. Harris’s , and some Republicans have hoped he would leave behind his characteristic personal attacks, including his frequent insults of Ms. Harris’s intelligence and appearance.

But at two events earlier this week — a speech in Asheville, N.C., and a news conference in Bedminster, N.J. — both billed as opportunities to discuss the economy, Mr. Trump veered into personal attacks against Ms. Harris, which he said he was “entitled” to do .

Mr. Trump opened his rally in Pennsylvania, his final one before the Democratic National Convention begins in Chicago on Monday, by addressing inflation and the economy. But he quickly said, “You don’t mind if I go off teleprompter for a second, do you?” adding of Ms. Harris, “Joe Biden hates her.”

He went on to attack Ms. Harris for having a “crazy” laugh and said that he was “much better looking than her,” a line that drew cheers from the thousands of rallygoers gathered in the Mohegan Sun Arena.

In a statement, a Harris campaign spokesman, Joseph Costello, said that Mr. Trump was trying to distract from his “dangerous” agenda by resorting “to lies, name-calling and confused rants.”

Mr. Trump also said that Democrats would be hosting a “rigged convention” next week because of Ms. Harris’s entry into the race after a primary season in which millions of voters cast their votes for President Biden. Mr. Biden dropped out of the race in July and endorsed the vice president, who moved quickly to unite delegates behind her.

Mr. Trump repeated his campaign promise to increase oil and gas production, and then attacked Ms. Harris for calling for a ban on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, during her 2020 presidential campaign.

Ms. Harris’s campaign has said that she no longer supports such a ban. Pennsylvania, a large producer of natural gas, could see an economic benefit from increased fracking even as the process risks air and water pollution. And Mr. Trump’s calls to “drill, baby, drill” were particularly salient in Wilkes-Barre, in a region of northeast Pennsylvania that was historically defined by anthracite coal mining.

Mr. Trump also continued his effort to try to peel off American Jews, a substantial majority of whom are liberal, from the Democratic Party. He claimed that Pennsylvania’s Democratic governor, Josh Shapiro, was not chosen as Ms. Harris’s running mate because of his religion.

“They turned him down because he’s Jewish,” Mr. Trump said, adding, “I don’t think he’s a good person.”

As Ms. Harris was choosing her running mate, Mr. Shapiro faced a pressure campaign from activists who considered him too sympathetic to Israel. Mr. Shapiro has rejected the idea that his religious identity played into Ms. Harris’s decision.

Still, Mr. Trump, who during his presidency was accused of emboldening white supremacists, invoked the Holocaust as he warned of broad antisemitism in America and insisted, as he has before, that Jews who vote for Democrats “should have their head examined.”

Both Mr. Trump and Ms. Harris are particularly focused on Pennsylvania, a swing state with the potential to decide the election. Mr. Trump won the state by a slim margin in 2016, but he lost it to Mr. Biden in 2020.

Both campaigns are holding events in the state in the coming days. On Sunday, Ms. Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, will embark on a bus tour of western Pennsylvania. On Monday, Mr. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, will make separate campaign stops in York, Pa., and Philadelphia.

Heather Knight

Heather Knight and Shawn Hubler

Reporting from San Francisco and Sacramento

Willie Brown to Donald Trump: Mention my name again and get sued.

Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, had a message for former President Donald J. Trump on Saturday afternoon: Keep my name out of your mouth or get sued.

He stood with his longtime lawyer, Joe Cotchett, on a sidewalk in downtown San Francisco, outside John’s Grill, the Saturday spot on Mr. Brown’s lunchtime rotation, and told reporters that he would sue Mr. Trump for slander and defamation if he repeated his concocted helicopter story one more time.

“He’s never brought a lawsuit in his life,” Mr. Cotchett said of Mr. Brown. “But you know who’s pushing him to it? A guy by the name of Trump.”

Mr. Trump and Mr. Brown have been verbally sparring since Mr. Trump falsely claimed at a news conference on Aug. 8 at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida that he had once nearly died in a helicopter ride with Mr. Brown .

Mr. Trump also said that Mr. Brown, who dated Vice President Kamala Harris in 1994 and 1995, said “terrible things” about Ms. Harris just before they almost plummeted to their deaths.

“He was not a fan of hers very much, at that point,” Mr. Trump said.

Mr. Brown promptly called the tale a lie — saying he had never ridden in a helicopter with Mr. Trump and had never told him disparaging things about Ms. Harris. In fact, he repeatedly told reporters that he respected her and desperately hoped that she would beat the man with whom he had never ridden in a helicopter.

Mr. Trump repeated his claims on his social media site, Truth Social, and threatened to sue The New York Times for reporting that the helicopter story was made up. “Now Willie Brown doesn’t remember?” Trump wrote.

That’s when Nate Holden, a former Los Angeles city councilman and state senator, said he had taken a rocky helicopter ride with Mr. Trump in 1990 and speculated that the former president might have confused him with Mr. Brown. Both California politicians are Black.

Mr. Trump has not spoken about the helicopter incident since Mr. Holden came forward. But Mr. Brown and Mr. Cotchett said they wanted to make sure that he stayed quiet.

Asked whether he wanted an apology from Mr. Trump, Mr. Brown said he would rather not hear from him at all.

“No, I don’t want his apology,” Mr. Brown said. “I don’t want him to mention my name.”

When asked to comment, a spokesman for Mr. Trump pointed to the former president’s threat to sue The Times but did not address what Mr. Brown said.

Mr. Holden on Saturday applauded Mr. Brown’s legal threat.

“If he’s propagating a lie, he should be held accountable,” Mr. Holden said of Mr. Trump in a telephone interview on Saturday from his home in Los Angeles. “I’m 95 years old, and Willie is 90, and he made the assumption we wouldn’t be here anymore, and nobody would challenge it. Well, we’re alive and well.”

Maggie Haberman contributed reporting.

Jazmine Ulloa

Reporting from La Vista, Neb.

Tim Walz plays up his Nebraska roots at a rally near Omaha.

Cinnamon rolls and chili. The Yale of the Midwest. A runza.

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, back home in Nebraska on Saturday, delivered his usual appeals to joy and freedom, along with some jabs at former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio. But this time, he added a flex of his Nebraska roots and his knowledge of the state’s culture.

Mr. Walz spoke of growing up in the tiny village of Butte, graduating from Chadron State College — “the Yale of the Midwest,” he said to laughs — and serving in the state’s Army National Guard, in which he enlisted at 17. He was introduced by one of his former high school students in the state and had former Butte classmates in the audience.

“We have a slogan here — Nebraska, it is not for everyone,” he told a boisterous audience at a theater in La Vista, Neb., a suburb of Omaha. “Well, it certainly ain’t for Donald Trump, I’ll tell you that much.”

The stop in his home state offered Mr. Walz another chance to reach rural, working-class and moderate voters, as he and Vice President Kamala Harris cast themselves as fighters for the middle class.

Nebraska is one of two states (along with Maine) that award an electoral vote to the winner of each congressional district. A presidential candidate can lose the state and still earn electoral votes there.

Nebraska is solidly Republican, but its Second District, which encompasses Omaha and is known as Nebraska’s blue dot, is a swing region that voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and Joseph R. Biden Jr. in 2020. Mr. Biden won it with 56.4 percent of the vote .

In the spring, Nebraska Republicans, under pressure from Mr. Trump; the state’s governor, Jim Pillen; and conservative activists, renewed an effort to move to a “winner-take-all” system in presidential elections. State legislators overwhelmingly voted against the proposal.

“It is not just symbolic,” Pete Festersen, the president of the Omaha City Council, said of Mr. Walz’s stop in the state. “It shows they can compete through the Midwest and certainly for our electoral vote and that can make a difference this election.”

Mr. Vance is expected at a fund-raiser in Omaha this month.

In a statement, Steven Cheung, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, criticized Mr. Walz’s platform and record, saying that Mr. Walz and Ms. Harris had “nothing to offer the American people other than their radical, Communist ideas.”

Mr. Walz was born in West Point , a rural town of roughly 3,500 people northwest of Omaha, and spent much of his younger days in Butte and Valentine, Neb. His mother was a community activist and his father a public school administrator, and he became a high school teacher and coach in Nebraska after a year of teaching in China. He met his wife, Gwen, also a teacher, at the Nebraska school, and the two moved to her native Minnesota in 1996.

Onstage, Mr. Walz joked that Mr. Vance would probably call a runza — a bread pocket filled with beef, cabbage or sauerkraut, and a regional specialty — “a Hot Pocket.” He said his parents and the communities he grew up in taught him to “show generosity towards your neighbor,” to “work for the common good” and that chili and cinnamon rolls — a sweet and spicy favorite in Nebraska — is a good combination.

He pledged that a Harris administration would cut taxes — and “not for the billionaires” — lower the cost for rent and prescription drugs and work to give families relief from medical debt. He argued that it was the Harris-Walz campaign that embodied small-town values.

“As we are running on these values, let’s take them to the White House,” he said.


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  4. Anchoring Script for Teachers' Day [With PDF]

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