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5 Process Essay Examples

5 Process Essay Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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A process essay is a type of essay that explains a process in detail. Good process essays don’t just explain the process but provides details about common mistakes to avoid as well as tips and methods to achieve success. Below are some example essays:

Process Essay Examples

#1 how to bake a chocolate cake.

1337 Words | 4 Pages

how to back a chocolate cake process essay

Thesis Statement: “The purpose of this essay is to guide readers through the enjoyable and straightforward process of baking a chocolate cake, highlighting the essential steps and tips to ensure a delicious and successful outcome.”

#2 How to Write a Resume

resume writing process essay

Thesis Statement: “This essay aims to provide a comprehensive guide on crafting an effective resume, detailing each step from gathering relevant information to finalizing the document, while offering practical tips and common pitfalls to avoid, ensuring a polished and professional presentation of one’s career achievements and qualifications.”

#3 How to Train for a Marathon

1508 Words | 5 Pages

running a marathon essay

Thesis Statement: “This essay provides a comprehensive guide to marathon training, detailing a strategic approach to building endurance, strength, and speed, coupled with essential advice on nutrition, hydration, and mental preparation, to equip runners of all levels with the knowledge and tools necessary for successfully completing a marathon.”

#4 How to Prepare for a Job Interview

1309 Words | 5 Pages

job interview preparation essay

Thesis Statement: “This essay outlines a comprehensive strategy for job interview preparation, encompassing in-depth company research, personalized response formulation, professional presentation, and logistical planning, to equip candidates with the tools necessary for making a compelling and confident impression in their pursuit of career opportunities.”

#5 How to Write an Essay

1473 Words | 5 Pages

how to write an essay process

Thesis Statement: “This essay outlines a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to essay writing, from understanding the prompt to the final stages of revision and editing, providing essential tips and strategies to enhance writing skills and ensure the creation of a well-structured, persuasive, and effectively communicated piece.”

How to Write a Process Essay

The following template provides an overview of a process essay structure:

Process Essay Plan

Grab this process essay template here.

Instructions: To write a process essay, start by introducing the process and its significance, ensuring the reader understands the purpose and value of the instructions. Next, present the preparation and materials required, before outlining each step of the process in a logical order, offering detailed explanations, tips, and potential pitfalls to avoid, ensuring clarity and ease of understanding. Conclude by summarizing the main steps and reinforcing the benefits or results of completing the process, leaving the reader with a clear understanding and the confidence to undertake the task.

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Process

To write a thesis statement for a process essay, identify the process you’re explaining and clearly state the purpose or goal of the essay. Concisely outline the primary steps or stages involved in the process, ensuring clarity and direction for the reader. The thesis should be informative, indicating what the reader can expect to learn and achieve by following the essay.

💡 AI Prompt For Writing a Process Essay Thesis Statement “Create a thesis statement for a process essay on [TOPIC] that clearly identifies the specific process being explained. The thesis should state the purpose of the essay and briefly outline the main steps or stages involved in the process. Ensure that the statement is concise, informative, and guides the reader on what they will learn and achieve by reading the essay.”

Read Also: 101 Thesis Statement Examples

Suggested Process Essay Topics

For Grades 4 to 8:

  • How to Organize a School Backpack.
  • Steps to Create a Simple Science Fair Project.
  • The Process of Planting and Caring for a Vegetable Garden.
  • How to Write a Book Report.
  • Making a Handcrafted Greeting Card.

For Grades 9 to 12:

  • How to Prepare for the SATs.
  • Steps for Conducting a Basic Scientific Experiment.
  • Crafting an Effective Persuasive Essay.
  • Planning and Executing a Community Service Project.
  • The Process of Creating a Personal Budget.

For University/College:

  • How to Conduct a Literature Review for a Research Paper.
  • Writing a Successful College Application Essay.
  • The Process of Developing a Mobile App.
  • How to Create a Comprehensive Marketing Plan.
  • Steps for Conducting a Qualitative Research Study.
  • Preparing and Delivering an Effective Oral Presentation.
  • The Process of Writing a Business Plan.
  • How to Analyze a Case Study in Business School.
  • Crafting a Dissertation or Thesis Proposal.
  • Developing and Implementing a Personal Fitness Plan.

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Process Essay Plan Promotional Image

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How to write a process essay

Picture of Duygu Demiröz

  • August 25, 2023

Process essays are one of the most common types of essays . It’s simply explaining a process of how to do something. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to write a process essay in steps with interactive examples. 

Process essay definition

Let’s take a look at the steps outlined below to write a clear and effective process essay. 

Choose a topic

You should start by choosing a topic that not only interests you but also attracts your target audience. 

Whether it’s brewing the perfect cup of coffee or conquering the art of origami, your topic should be engaging and well-defined.  Let’s have a look at topic examples:

  • Crafting Exquisite Miniature Bookbindings
  • Building a Sustainable Vertical Garden
  • Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee

So for this guide, I’ve chosen “Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee”. Now let’s continue with the next steps.

Create a process essay outline

Now that you’ve your topic at hand, it’s time to create an outline to present the steps chronologically. Outline will also help you organize your thoughts and ideas so you won’t get lost during the writing process.

Let’s examine this step with an example of a process essay explaining “Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee”.

Process essay outline example

  • Thesis statement
  • Provide safety precautions if necessary.
  • Address to the reader
  • Provide any variations or customization options if applicable.
  • End with a memorable concluding thought or call to action.

By presenting the steps in chronological order, your readers can follow the process smoothly. 

During this step, just make sure to:

  • Expand on each step you outlined earlier.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Make use of bullet points or numbered lists to make the process visually appealing.

After completing the outline, it’s time to write an interesting introduction.

Write an introduction

  • Hook the reader's interest with a hook sentence
  • Offer a brief overview of the topic and its significance
  • Introduce and explain the process with a thesis statement at the end of introduction

Process essay introduction example


Now that we have an intro on our hand, you need to tell what materials you need to finish the process.

Write the materials needed for the process

Listing the necessary materials for the process is a best practice for process essays. Typically found just after the introduction, this paragraph is devoted to outlining the necessary materials.

Here, p rioritizing the list is important; the more influential a component is, the higher its position on the list should be.

Example material list for process essay

Body paragraphs

Materials needed

  • High-quality coffee beans that align with your flavor preference.
  • A grinder for optimal flavor extraction.
  • Equipment for brewing methods, such as a pour-over apparatus, a drip coffee maker, a French press, or an espresso machine.
  • Fresh and clean water for brewing.
  • Optional additives like milk, cream, sugar, flavored syrups, or other preferred elements.

Start writing the process

Right after listing the materials needed, it’s time to start writing the process itself.

When describing your process, be careful not to make it too complicated. To keep your readers on track, use transitional words like “after,” “eventually,” “first,” “then,” and others help you maintain an understandable tone.  

Or simply use a 1,2,3, bullet point structure as seen in example below to remind readers of their step during the process.

Body paragraphs - Process writing example

Materials needed ...

  • Grind the beans just before brewing for optimal freshness. Use a burr grinder and adjust the coarseness to match your brewing method (coarse for French press, fine for espresso).
  • Weigh your coffee grounds using a scale. A standard ratio is 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water, but adjust to your taste.
  • Ensure the water is heated to the ideal temperature, typically between 195-205°F (90-96°C). Water that's too hot or too cold can affect the taste.
  • Pay attention to the brewing time. Generally, 4-5 minutes is suitable for most methods, but again, adjust based on your preference.
  • After finishing, regularly clean your coffee maker or French press to prevent rancid oils and residue from affecting your coffee's taste.

As seen from the example above, using an imperative language structure is generally preferable. It makes total sense as you’re describing a process in steps and usually don’t need a full sentence structure. 

Give tips and supporting details

After explaining the process above, it’s now time to provide tips and supporting details. Here, make use examples, tips, and even warnings if necessary. 

In other words, anticipate the questions your readers might have and address them as you go along. 

Body paragraphs - Supporting details

Supporting details & tips

  • Ensure safe handling of hot water and coffee-making equipment.
  • Water that's too hot can result in over-extraction, while water that's too cold won't extract enough flavor.

Write a conclusion

At this step, you simply need to write a conclusion paragraph to end your process essay. First summarize the key points, and restate the process in a concise and short sentence. And finally, finish your process essay by a memorable sentence or a call-to-action. 

Process essay conclusion example

Revise and polish your essay.

Now that you’ve written your essay, take a breath, and then come back for some editing. Check for consistency, correct sentence structure, efficient transitions , tense selection , and other linguistic issues that may arise. 

If possible, make use of proofreading tools like QuillBot or Grammarly . 

  • Think about potential reader misunderstandings and address them. If needed, explain what should be avoided.
  • Offer explanations for steps that might seem unusual or complicated.
  • Define any unfamiliar terms or materials that the reader might not understand. This ensures clarity in your essay.

So  you’ve successfully learned how to write a captivating process essay. Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you write, the better you’ll become.

Picture of Duygu Demiröz

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example about process essay

How to Write a Process Essay

example about process essay

The process essay, also known as the "how-to" essay, is commonly written for people or companies that need tutorials or a set of instructional steps. Whether it's building a robot or cooking a chocolate cake, process essays use a similar format for any variations. They follow a step-by-step style, with the initial step influencing the second, which influences the third, and so on. Each step carries its own importance, and a poor explanation of one step can ruin the entire process. It's important to stay concise and efficient. However, before you begin writing your essay, you should do some small preparations. Let's discover them with our research writing service .

What Is a Process Paper?

A process essay is a type of essay that explains a process step by step and gives guidance for a certain process, working mechanism, procedure, etc. Process essays range from very simple ones, such as instructions for how to ride a bicycle, to more complex ones, such as a chemistry lab report of an oxidative reaction experiment. The goal of a process paper is to give its readers guidance and directions. 

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A process paper is characterized, first of all, by explaining a process using a description. Some words that are frequently used in process essays are “further”, “then”, “next”, “first”, “last”, “finally”, and “initially”. It is really important to remember that every process essay includes features, such as:

  • clear and straightforward narration - the last thing you want to do is to confuse your reader with complex language and an unorganized thought thread;
  • chronological order - avoid skipping steps and shifting them around, as it will result in misunderstanding and frustration for the readers;
  • transition words - make sure to separate the next step from the previous ones by using transition words;
  • descriptions of the steps - make sure your steps are clear and easy to follow.

There are several types of process essays. The first one is directional - it explains the “how to” for something. It can take on a wide range of subjects, such as how to apply for a credit card, how to get your driver’s license, how to plan a wedding, etc. The outcome of the directional essay should be a result. In the cases of the examples above: a credit card, a driver’s license, or a carefully planned wedding. The other type of process paper is informational - it explains how something works. Here are some examples: how a weather forecast is determined, how a space rocket works, how intermittent fasting changes your body, etc. An informational essay explains something to a reader and does not necessarily end up with a result, like directional does. 

Another type of essay that is similar to a process essay is a process analysis essay. The biggest difference is that a process analysis essay not only explains the steps, but also analyses them in depth. It has all of the characteristics of a process essay, although goes into more detail about the causes and consequences of every step.

If you need any additional information for process analysis essays, check out our article: HOW TO WRITE A PROCESS ANALYSIS ESSAY

Writing a process essay is not extremely difficult. By following simple rules and a set of steps, a successful, well-structured essay can be guaranteed.

Prepare The Small Stuff

Here we gathered some small general tips and advice combining with process essay examples that you should follow throughout your writing process to make sure that all of the expectations of a process paper are met.

  • Determine the Audience's Skill Level. It's important to base the level of complexity of the essay on who the readers will be. For example, if you need to teach a friend how to do a simple fix or create a certain tool, then it would be most reasonable to stick to more basic terminology. However, if you are writing an essay for your astrophysics professor about the creation of a black hole in the universe, use more sophisticated and informative terminology.
  • Make a List of Materials. Obviously, the creation of anything comes with some prerequisites. Whether it's items or ideas, the importance of knowing the necessities beforehand and having them ready to go is essential. Make sure to place each item in accordance with its importance. The more impactful a part is, the higher up on the list it should be. 
  • Write out Each Task. In a step-by-step tutorial, each individual task carries some sort of weight. Since an entire process can not be complete if a step is skipped, it's crucial to write out every single step. However, don't go overboard in your explanations. It's not necessary to bring the tutorial to a microscopic level, but each step should be understandable and competent.

If you still have difficulty writing, you can get essay help online from our service.

Process Essay Topics

Choosing a topic for a process paper can be quite challenging. A good place to start is with your passions. If you pick something you are excited about, you can make it interesting for your readers and fun for yourself to write about. If your professor limits you to write a process essay on something you have very little knowledge of, choose a topic that is intriguing and triggers your interest. Then, conduct enough thorough research to make sure you understand everything perfectly before you go ahead and try to explain it to someone else. 

How to Pick a Process Analysis Essay Topic

Another very important thing to consider while writing a process essay is your audience. It is highly unlikely that college students are interested in instructions for “How to Get Into Your Dream School” or “How to Pass Your SATs”. Make sure your topic relates to the subject you are studying and you are following your professor’s prompt guidelines.

Here are some ideas that might be of interest for you:

  • How to lose weight on a keto diet
  • How your immune system fights COVID-19
  • How to start selling on Amazon
  • How to improve your credit score
  • How to decrease your social media usage
  • How to apply for unemployment insurance
  • How to improve your college performance 
  • How to open your first bank account

It's important to note that these essay topics are just some common examples used by several college students for their course papers. Feel free to use any one of them if you want, or think of one on your own. Just make sure it's a PROCESS!

Process Essay Outline

Most essay outlines follow the standard scheme: Intro > Body Paragraphs > Conclusion . follow the standard scheme: Intro > Body Paragraphs > Conclusion. A good process essay outline should look like this:


  • Introduction — brief your reader on your topic, explain why you have chosen it and how you are planning to approach the explanation of the process. 
  • Body — the biggest part of your essay that should be divided into paragraphs for easier understanding and structure. Make sure each paragraph is flowing smoothly into the next one with connective words.

Paragraph 1. First step of the process. Explain what the step is, what the best way to perform it is, and how to avoid common mistakes when doing it.

Paragraph 2. The next step of the process (the same as in Paragraph 1). Thoroughly explain what this step is about.

  • Conclusion . Here you need to explain why your instructions are valuable. It is your opportunity to persuade your reader(s) that the steps you presented and the process they learned will be useful for them in the future. 

Every process is different: some can take a couple of minutes, while others can take months or years to complete. The length of the essay is generally based on the difficulty and number of steps it takes. However, the structure doesn't maneuver.


The first thing that you want to do as a writer for your process paper is to help your readers be interested in your individual process. Be descriptive about it, paint a picture for your readers. A joke or a personal reference can be a great attention grabber and can pull your reader right in. For somebody to be keen on approaching your process, they have to express interest in it. Though, it generally goes without saying that many writers ignore this fact. Let's break it down into subsections:

  • Give a little bit of historical background. People often want to know the origins of whatever it is that they're working on. Introducing this part of the process helps to intrigue your readers, as well as give them a sense of purpose for the task.
  • Create an approximate timeframe. Unfortunately, your readers don't have all day to spend on this one event. In addition to learning about its purpose, people want to know how long the task will take. This way, they can decide how to break up the work. If it's a quick fix, then they can knock it out in one session. However, if it's a large-scale operation, then your readers will obviously have to create their own time schedule.
For example, let’s say that the topic of your essay is “How to Save Money”. You can start the introduction of your process essay by explaining that as a college student, you often find yourself in need of extra money and you are stuck with bad money habits. This will create a good connection with your readers, because almost everyone has been in a situation of needing to be savvy with their finances. Another thing you can mention is the importance of saving money and the multiple opportunities it presents, such as being able to invest it, being able to pay off a credit card debt, or being able to save up to avoid taking out a student loan.

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Body Paragraphs

This is the point in the process essay where you start introducing the step-by-step process your readers will need to take. A lot of the time, it helps to break down each process into subsections. For example, if a step has many parts to it, it would be clever to create a paragraph on its own just for that step. Remember, it's important to keep things smooth and efficient. Break down the body paragraphs in unity with the steps. Let's go into more detail about each step:

Each step should be carefully explained.  Every step will vary in length. Think about it: every instruction manual has several steps. Some are more difficult to comprehend or perform than others. For this reason, create your steps and explanations accordingly. You should be able to get a sense of their length and difficulty based on the explanation.

Don't forget to explain the purpose.  People don't want orders barked at them aimlessly. Besides just accomplishing a task, people want to learn as they perform.

  • Why did they do this?
  • What was the purpose of this method?
  • Why did we do it this way and not this other way?

To make everything flow smoothly use transitions.  Make the steps flow one after another to create a well-structured essay. As you introduce the next step, consider using transition words like “next”, “now”, “then”, “so that”, etc.

Before writing the steps out in full sentences, it is a great idea to create an outline for your body paragraphs. Here is an outline for the body paragraphs of a process essay on “How to Save Money”:

Paragraph 1:

  • keep track of your expenses
  • organize your collected data
  • decide what you can skimp on in your spendings

Paragraph 2:

  • create a realistic budget
  • check weekly to ensure you are sticking to it
  • save 15% of every monthly income
  • set a tangible goal for saving, such as a car

These process essay examples use only two body paragraphs, but feel free to include more to ensure a better understanding and cohesive flow for your paper. Although, do not include excessive unnecessary details that clutter your essay and make understanding it even more difficult. While writing your essay, include small brief explanations for each statement. For example, “Even though eating out and grabbing a coffee on your way to class sounds tempting, setting a budget and saving 15% of each of your monthly earnings aside can help you have enough to put down a downpayment on a new car.” Here the reader will understand that there is a direct relationship between each step and the result it is going to give. 

Showing the readers that they are learning and not just repeating is one of the most effective ways to lock down their attention and keep them coming back!

After going through every step meticulously and explaining the whole process, a process essay needs a confident conclusion. This paragraph should be short, sweet, and to the point. It's main goal is to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Discuss the main result. After the readers have completed the process, they should be left with a final result. It's important that you explain to your readers what the end result will look like, and what can be done with it.
  • Restate the process’s general purpose. After completing the task, you obviously would like to know its overall purpose. When your readers feel that they have accomplished a challenge, learned something from it, and have a path to take the result towards, they will be satisfied!
  • State your Overall Conclusion. To put a pretty tie around your process essay means that you need to neatly wrap things up! Restate some of the highlightable points as well as the process’s key overall purpose. Make sure that your readers feel accomplished after going through your process, and  ensure that you strengthen the necessity of its purpose with a nice concluding sentence!

The conclusion of an essay on “How to Save Money” would explain that the completion of all of the steps will result in saving money that can be used for a specific goal or for rainy day fund purposes. You can mention the importance of every step and briefly repeat some of the key points. 

Post-Writing Tips

Here are some final tips to wrap up your writing process. Use them as a checklist for a successful and coherent essay. 

  • Make sure the work is simple enough to follow. Worst-case-scenario: its author creates a feeling of absolute confusion in the reader’s mind. To avoid this problem, always remember that your readers can be beginners. Do not try to impress them with complicated words or sentences, use simple language to provide clear directions on how to do something. Give as many details as possible, but do it plainly. "Why is he making me do this?" "What was the purpose of this?" "I don't understand this step at all!" If the reader is asking themself these questions, then it's time to do some editing!
  • Experiment and try it for yourself or ask a friend. There's no better way to experience success than to actively attempt your process through your own instructions. If everything truly makes sense, then you should have no problem solving the task using your own words. Even better, ask a peer to try it through your words to get an outside point of view.
  • Choose the right topic for you and research it well
  • Maintain a logical order of steps, make it easy to follow
  • Avoid using imperative sentences - you do not want to sound like an Apple TV manual
  • Explain terms that are most likely outside of most people’s range of common knowledge 

If you have a ready-made essay but need to make significant changes to it, you can use our rewrite my essay service .

Process Essay Examples

Now that you know all about process essays and how to write them, we have prepared some great essay topic ideas in case you are stuck and cannot choose one:

Building a business from scratch is an intricate process that entails a number of steps. Each of these steps should have specific objectives and measurable outcomes.The following analysis gives the basic steps followed when building any business from scratch.
Saving can be defined as a differed consumption or keeping aside a portion of your income for unexpected future uncertainties or plans. Read for reason and actual steps for saving more money

Read also a thesis statement example from our author. In this article, you can learn something useful for yourself.

Still Need Help?

If you still feel like you could use some help with your process essay, do not hesitate to seek help from our writing service. Our writers specialize in a wide range of essays of different types including creative writing essay , process essays, and would be more than happy to assist you with writing, editing, or direction if you are feeling uneasy. Click the button below and college admission essay writer will process your requests fast.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

example about process essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay

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How to Write a Process Essay

Last Updated: December 6, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 168,737 times.

A process essay, otherwise known as a how-to essay, tells a reader how to perform a particular task. The best process essays follow a clear step-by-step organization. Start by providing your reader with a time estimate and general summary of the task. Then, move on to a more detailed explanation of each and every necessary step. When you are finished with your essay, read it over carefully to ensure that you haven’t left anything out.

Getting Ready to Write

Step 1 Assess your audience’s skill level.

  • For example, a process essay intended for professional chefs could probably skip a description of how to chop carrots and just say, “Finely chop the carrots,” instead.

Step 2 Make a list of the materials needed.

  • You could also include a comprehensive “Things You’ll Need” section at the beginning of the paper. Or list the materials needed after the introduction.
  • If an item on the list is a bit unusual, such as a particular type of hand tool, then make sure to clearly introduce it within the text. For example, “The pin hammer has a finer tip than a standard hammer, making it suitable for more detailed work.” You can also include a picture of the item, particularly if the essay will be published online.

Step 3 Create an outline of the task.

  • If you are writing an essay about how to cook lasagna, your initial outline might just state, “Mix in basil.” Before you start writing, you could expand your outline to say, “Briefly mention taste differences between dried and fresh basil.”
  • Note that the more specific your article or essay topic, the more specific your details needs to be.

Crafting an Introduction

Step 1 Grab your reader’s attention within the first 1-2 sentences.

  • For instance, you might write, “The process of preparing lasagna has a rich heritage all of its own.”

Step 2 Provide a general time estimate.

  • If your process essay focuses on a cooking task, this is where you might advise your readers to consult the ingredients or materials list and put every item on the counter.
  • For example, you might write, “This recipe requires 30 minutes of active preparation time, along with 45 minutes of baking time.”

Step 3 Present the thesis statement as a problem.

  • For example, your thesis might be, “This essay will explore how to create a complicated lasagna dish in a short period of time by preparing the noodles and sauce in advance.”

Writing Your Body Paragraphs

Step 1 Consult your outline.

  • Be especially careful with items that contain multiple steps. Make the transitions clear and acknowledge prior steps regarding a particular item, if applicable.

Step 2 Structure the body of the essay in paragraphs.

  • For instance, when making pasta, consider writing a paragraph on how to boil pasta and another paragraph on how to make the sauce. This separates the ideas for easy clarification.

Step 3 Add transitions in between steps.

  • For instance, you could write, “Next, place the pot on the stove,” to move from one paragraph to the next.

Step 4 Avoid using first person pronouns.

  • For example, you could write, “This essay shows…” instead of “I’ll show.”

Step 5 Mention any cautionary notes.

  • For example, you might caution a reader to, “Cook the meat until it is no longer red in the center.” This advice will help them to avoid a foodborne illness.

Wrapping It Up

Step 1 Mention the end product and what to do with it.

  • In the case of the recipe, you could write something like, “You now have a bowl of boiled pasta and finished Bolognese sauce. Serve up plates of pasta and sauce to your family, topping them with parmesan, if desired. You can serve garlic bread or a side salad with this dish, too.”

Step 2 Restate the importance of the task.

  • A simple example for our newly-made dinner might be, "And there you have it! A delicious yet quick meal fit for the entire family that you can make over and over again without complaint. Next time, experiment with different herbs and spices to find your own spin on this classic dish."

Step 3 Check your essay for ease of reading.

  • Look to see if there are places where you can eliminate steps or condense your instructions. A reader is more likely to finish directions that they can easily skim through.
  • Ask someone to read through the essay to see if they can understand the process. If possible, pick someone from your intended audience demographic.

Step 4 Proofread your essay.

  • Don’t rely on spell-check alone, as it cannot account for context and doesn’t catch every error.

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Jake Adams

  • If there are alternative ways to do a particular step in the process, make sure to mention these as you go along. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • Give your readers pacing instructions as well. If they need to go slowly while performing a certain task, tell them early on. The same rule applies if a task requires speed for success. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Jake Adams

To write a process essay, begin by writing an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention so they’ll want to keep reading. Then, end the first paragraph with a thesis statement presenting a problem for which you are offering a solution. Next, explain the process, making each step its own paragraph, and using transitions like "next" or "then" to move from one task to another. As the final step, let the reader know what to expect from the finished product and what to do with it. Finally, close your essay by reiterating why the process is helpful to the reader. For tips from our Education reviewer on how to proofread for common errors in a process essay, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Process Analysis Essay Examples & Structure Tips

Writing Process Analysis Essay

  • DESCRIPTION Writing Process Analysis Essay
  • SOURCE Sirijit Jongcharoenkulchai / EyeEm / Getty

If you need to clearly describe how to do something, these process analysis essay examples can help you get a sense for what you should include in your writing. Learn how to structure a process analysis essay to get a great grade and help your reader understand how a process works.

Two Types of Process Analysis Essays

There are two main types of process analysis essays: directional and informational. Before you begin writing your essay, you’ll need to decide which type you are going to write:

  • Directional process analysis essays tell the reader how to perform a process, such as cooking biscuits or solving cryptograms .
  • Informational process analysis essays tell about how something is done without giving directions to actually do it. Some examples of this type of essay might include how a hot dog is made or how a phase transition from a gas to a solid occurs.

Looking at example essays of both types will help you get a better understanding of which type you plan to write.

Directional Process Analysis Essay Example

In this directional process analysis essay example, the writer tells the reader how to make cut-off shorts. You’ll notice that the transitions in this essay let the reader move easily from paragraph to paragraph. The essay is organized into steps with each body paragraph providing details about one step in the process of making the shorts.

Instead of buying a pair of cut-off shorts at the store, you can save money and continue wearing your favorite jeans by making your own cut-offs. Traditionally, cut-offs are denim shorts that have a ragged edge at the bottom. All you need to make them is a sharp pair of scissors, a pencil, and this easy three-step process.

To download the entire essay, simply click on the link with the thumbnail. If you need help, this handy guide to Adobe printables has some great tips.

Informational Process Analysis Essay Example

In this informational process analysis essay, the writer tells how a process happens without giving directions for the reader to actually do it. You’ll notice that the writing style is different. The writer isn’t speaking directly to the reader and is instead taking a more informational tone. Each step in the process has a paragraph within the body of the essay, and the conclusion sums up the process.

For people hoping to adopt a new pet from a shelter, the process can seem a bit confusing. It can take some time to find the right pet, but the actual process of adoption doesn’t take very long. Each shelter is different, but in most cases, there are three main steps in the pet adoption process. By the time they are finished, the pet has a new home.

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Structuring Your Process Analysis Essay

Because a process analysis essay needs to be clear and easy for your reader to follow, how you structure it is very important. These tips can help:

  • Start by deciding whether you’re writing a directional or informational essay. Are you telling your reader how to do the process or telling your reader how the process is done?
  • Divide the process into steps in the order the steps are performed. You can use this list of steps to create an outline for your paper.
  • Each step will be a paragraph or section in your essay. Explain why each step is needed and give details necessary to complete it.
  • Include great transitions between paragraphs and steps. Use transition words like “then,” “after,” and “next.”
  • End with a way for your reader to determine whether the process was successful or the evidence that shows the process is complete.

Just One Type of Expository Writing

Process analysis essays are just one type of expository writing. Learning how to structure and write an essay about a process is a great way to improve your expository writing skills . You’ll find you’ll use these skills for years to come.

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Process Essay

A process essay diagram

Process is a rhetorical style that provides step-by-step directions or guidance. You may encounter quite a few process essays of various types in academic writing—everything from a traditional process essay in which you choose a topic and describe the process to a lab report in which you describe the process of conducting a lab experiment.

A process essay is structured around the goal of providing the reader with directions or guidance. Most of the time, students write process essays that discuss how to do something. Process essays are the recipes or technical brochures of essay writing.

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In this chapter, you will write a process essay. To write a process essay, think about things that you know how to do. How would you teach someone to do one of those things?

A process essay is written to teach the reader how to do something (e.g., how to break a bad habit). This essay should describe any steps that are necessary in order to complete the process.

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Process Essay Example 1

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How to Live a Happy Life

       People are always searching for things that make them happy. For example, many people work very hard to improve their employment because they want to find a better job to make themselves happy. Other people search for happiness by purchasing things they want. It is not bad to search for happiness, but many people do not understand that lasting happiness does not depend on having certain things. It doesn’t depend on the circumstances of a person’s life. It depends more on how life is lived and people are loved. There are things that people can do to live a happy life regardless of their situation. In order to live a happy life, people should build relationships, be grateful, and help others.

        The first thing that people should do to live a happy life is build relationships with other people. Building relationships can include both making new friends and strengthening relationships that already exist with friends and family members. These relationships lead to greater happiness because people who have strong connections with other people are less lonely, especially in difficult times. They have people who they can talk to and people who can offer comfort to them. Another reason that strong connections can increase happiness is that they create a network of people who can offer advice. Knowing that there are friends who can offer this advice to help solve a problem can help people feel happier. Strong relationships also lead to greater feelings of belonging and security, which in turn, lead to greater happiness. Building these relationships is an essential step to living a happy life.

        In addition to nurturing relationships, people who want to be happy should be grateful. People who are grateful open their eyes to see all of the good things in their lives, and they express gratitude to people who help them. Many people have noticed that by opening their eyes to see the good things they have and choosing to have gratitude, their perspective changes. They spend more time focusing on positive thoughts instead of focusing on things that are negative or difficult. Thoughts create perspective, so intentionally creating positive thoughts will lead to a more positive perspective. Regardless of struggles they have, they choose to focus on the gifts they can see. Gratitude can change people’s perspective and help them be happier, regardless of their situation.

        Finally, serving others can make people happier. Serving others can include doing simple things like listening to a friend who is having a hard time or preparing a meal to share with someone who is sick. These simple acts not only improve another person’s life, but they also bring happiness to the person who is serving. This happiness is a natural result of lifting another person’s burden. Helping others also helps in the other areas of building happiness: it strengthens relationships with others and it helps people feel more gratitude. When people serve others, they can become good friends by showing how much they care and want to help. People feel more gratitude because when they see the problems other people face, they find ways that their life is blessed. Serving others is an essential key to living a happier life.

        If people want to have a happier life, they should serve others, be grateful, and strengthen their relationships with other people. Each of these things focuses on people and perspective rather than money and material possessions. People bring joy to other people in a way that possessions can never imitate. Perspective can make a lasting impact on a person’s life in a way that a promotion simply can’t. Regardless of the circumstances of an individual’s life, that individual can choose to focus on happiness in a real, genuine way if he wants to. Finding lasting happiness is really a simple search. That search begins as soon as people start looking beyond temporary things that only bring temporary happiness.

Exercise: Analyze an essay

Read one of the two Process Example Essays on the following pages to complete this exercise.

  • Label the introduction paragraph, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion paragraph.
  • Circle the hook.
  • What is the general topic of the essay?
  • Underline the thesis.
  • Underline each of the topic sentences.
  • Do each of the topic sentences support the thesis?
  • Does the conclusion paragraph start by restating the thesis?

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A process essay is a step-by-step guide on how to do or make something. It is important to include every step of the process, even if something appears self-explanatory. Your audience might not be as familiar on the topic as you are.

What may be equally important, and is often overlooked, is what not to do. For example, the process of making caramel is deceptively simple. The sugar mixture needs to be swirled to prevent burning. However, stirring the mixture will cause the molecules to agitate, making the syrup crystalize into a solid unusable lump. So, when writing a process essay on caramel it is equally important to define swirling and to caution against stirring.

Since a process essay is a series of instructions, transition words are an important component. Transitions establish connections between ideas. They can be a single word that imparts a logical order or sequence to your writing, or it could be an entire sentence that connects one paragraph to the next.

Transition Words

Time or Order Addition Generalization Cause and Effect
Next And In general Therefore
During In addition to Generally So
While In the same manner Overall Thus
Following Furthermore On the whole Because
After Moreover In short Owing to
Firstly Equally important   Accordingly
Lastly Also   Consequently
Secondly Likewise   Hence
Later At the same time   Subsequently
Then In fact   For this reason
To begin with      
Contrast Illustration Emphasis/Persuasion Conclusion
On the other hand For example Clearly In conclusion
But As an example Obviously To conclude
Nevertheless Such as Importantly To sum up
Despite For instance Chiefly Finally
However To demonstrate In particular  
Except Specifically Especially  
Otherwise   Actually  
In spite of this      

If you have not been given a topic, choose one that you feel confident in explaining to your audience. Refer again to the introduction section of this guide to find information on progression and organization. Brainstorming and creating an outline will help you avoid missing any steps or directions. Here are a few topic suggestions for a process essay:

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Process Essay Examples

A process essay is an essay that explains or outlines the process for making something or completing a process or activity. Process essays are most often organized in a chronological or step-by-step manner, such that the reader is lead through the process of making something or completing an activity.

Because of the step-by-step nature of a process essay , transition words are critically important in the process essay. The reader has to know what to do first, next, and finally. The reader also has to know what to do "before" something else, "while" something else is happening, or even "eventually."

While they are not technically full essays, recipes are a good example of a process writing. Recipes include a step-by-step process for making a food or dish. Process essays have the same purpose as recipes-to lead the reader through the process.

This is an excerpt from an essay on how to make the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Some people say that you should spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread and the jelly on the other. However, these people have never experienced the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich ever made.

You begin with a bowl-not too big, and not too small. You gather the ingredients-peanut butter, jelly, and white bread. The best peanut butter is the creamy kind, and make sure the bread is fresh and soft.

After gathering the ingredients, spoon a large clump of peanut butter into the bowl. Adjust the amount depending on the number of sandwiches you plan to make. Then, spoon a large clump of jelly into the bowl with the peanut butter. Using the spoon, mix the peanut butter and jelly together. You will need to stir briskly to mix the two. This is the secret to the best peanut butter and jelly!

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How to Write a Great Process Essay

Otherwise Known as a How-To Essay

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How-to essays , also known as process essays, are much like recipes: They provide instruction for carrying out a procedure or task. You can write a how-to essay about any procedure that you find interesting as long as your topic fits the teacher's assignment.

Start by Brainstorming

The first step in writing your how-to essay is brainstorming. Here are tips to help you:

  • Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper to make two columns. Label one column "materials" and the other column "steps."
  • Write down every item and every step you can think of that will be needed to carry out your task. Don't worry about trying to keep things in order yet. Just empty your head.
  • Number your steps on your brainstorming page. Just jot a number beside each item/step. You may need to erase and scribble a few times to get the order right. It's not a neat process.

Create an Outline

First, determine the format required for your essay; ask your teacher if you are unsure. Your essay could contain a numbered list (like the one in the previous section), or it could be written as a standard narrative essay. If you are instructed to write a step-by-step without using numbers, your essay should contain all the elements of any other essay assignment, including an:

  • Introductory paragraph : the section that identifies the  topic , arouses interest, and prepares the audience or readers for the development of the thesis
  • Body : the part of an essay that develops the main idea
  • Conclusion : the sentences  or paragraphs that bring the essay to a logical end

Regardless of the essay format—whether your teacher allows for numbered paragraphs or sections or simply wants you to craft a narrative report—your outline should center on these three areas.

Creating the Essay

Your introduction will explain why your topic is important or relevant. For example, your paper about "How to Wash a Dog" would explain that dog hygiene is important for your pet's good health.

  • Your first body paragraph should contain a list of necessary materials. For example: "The equipment you will need depends somewhat on the size of your dog. At the very minimum, you will need dog shampoo, a large towel, and a container large enough to hold your dog. And, of course, you will need a dog."
  • The next paragraphs should contain instructions for following steps in your process, as enumerated in your outline.
  • Your summary, or conclusion, explains how your task or process should turn out if it is done correctly. It may also be appropriate to restate the importance of your topic.

Topics to Write About

You may believe that you are not expert enough to write a process essay. This is not so. There are many processes that you go through every day that you can write about, including:

  • How to make a perfect paper airplane
  • How to dye your hair
  • How to wear makeup
  • How to survive a weekend with your family
  • How to play basketball
  • How to play (a popular video game)

The goal in this type of assignment is to show that you can write a well-organized essay and clearly explain to the reader how to do what you are instructing.

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Process Essay

Definition of process essay, transition in a process essay, examples of process essay in literature, example #1: community re-discovered (by heidi ramirez).

“In any community , there are several and varying ways in which residents fulfill a sense of  community: participating in intramural sports, attending farmers’ markets, walking with neighbors, attending political meetings, helping the elderly, visiting the library, and volunteering for youth groups. It’s knowing the people in these interchanges, not just being familiar with faces, that build strong community.  Unfortunately, when this basic engagement is overlooked, communities can begin to disintegrate.”

Example #2: A Homemade Education (by Malcolm X)

“I was so fascinated that I went on—I copied the dictionary’s next page. And the same experience came when I studied that. With every succeeding page, I also learned of people and places and events from history. Actually, the dictionary is like a miniature encyclopedia. Finally the dictionary’s A section had filled a whole tablet—and I went on into the B’s. That was the way I started copying what eventually became the entire dictionary. It went a lot faster after so much practice helped me to pick up handwriting speed. Between what I wrote in my tablet, and writing letters, during the rest of my time in prison I would guess I wrote a million words.”

Example #3: Perspectives on “Borders” (by Luis Valdez)

“Let’s go back to the Popol Vuh. We’re talking about borders now . There is a border that defines the human being as a material and spiritual being. We have all learned that we’re Homo sapiens, wise monkeys. The monkey is a symbol of intelligence in the Popol Vuh, and in the classic Chinese novel Monkey. The wise monkey is a symbol for humanity. Now let me offer you another symbol for our human being—the feathered serpent. You are a feathered serpent that is evolving and crawling out of the seeds of your being. And once in awhile you get caught up in the dead skins of your life. You know biologically we go through a complete cellular change every seven to nine years. We’re totally renewed. So in one sense, biologically, you crawl out of a dead skin. You evolve out of yourself. The feathers are necessary because they represent our spiritual being.”

Function of a Process Essay

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Step-By-Step Guide on How To Write A Process Essay (W/ Essay Example)

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Are you struggling with writing an effective process essay? Whether you’re a student needing help with an academic essay or just want to learn how to write a good process essay, understanding the writing process is essential. To effectively describe the process of completing a certain task, it’s important to know how to structure your essay in a way that flows logically and is easy for your audience to follow. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to write a process essay, complete with an essay example to help you understand the concept better. First, we’ll discuss the different types of process essays, such as the expository essay and the process analysis essay. Then, we’ll delve into the writing process, including how to create an outline, use transition words, and ensure your essay is in chronological order. By the end of this article, you’ll have the tools you need to start writing your process essay, no matter the subject. 

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What Is a Process Paper?

A process paper is a written guide that explains how to complete a certain task or achieve a specific goal. It provides detailed instructions and clear steps to follow to complete the process. Process papers are commonly used in a variety of fields including education, business, and technical industries. They are a valuable tool for providing clarity and guidance for individuals who may be unfamiliar with a particular process. By following the instructions laid out in a process paper, individuals can effectively accomplish their desired tasks or goals.

The difference between a Process Essay and a Process Analysis Essay

 The main difference between a Process Essay and a Process Analysis Essay lies in the approach and focus. A Process Essay describes the process of how something is done or how something works, providing a step-by-step guide to the reader. It is often more general and can cover a wide range of topics. On the other hand, a Process Analysis Essay goes into much more detail and analysis, focusing on the specific steps and techniques involved in a particular process. It delves deeper into the intricacies of the process and aims to provide a thorough understanding of the topic at hand. Both essays aim to inform and educate, but they differ in the level of detail and analysis they provide.

Benefits of Writing a Process Essay

  • Improves Explanation Skills: Writing a process essay requires breaking down a task or process step by step. By doing so, you become better at explaining complex concepts clearly and understandably. This skill can be impactful in various aspects of your life, from explaining instructions to others to clarifying procedures at work.
  • Enhances Proofreading Abilities: Since process essays aim for clarity and conciseness, you’ll need to proofread your work meticulously. This practice helps you catch typos and grammar mistakes, ensuring your essay is error-free. Additionally, it teaches you to be careful with items that contain imperative sentences, ensuring they are precise and easy to follow.
  • Strengthens Writing Skills: Writing a process essay follows the structure of an essay, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Through this process, you refine your ability to organize your thoughts logically and cohesively. Each part of your essay must flow smoothly from one step to another, reinforcing the importance of structure in writing.

Process Essay Outline: Structuring Your Paper

How to Plan a Successful Party: A Step-by-Step Guide I. Introduction A. Explanation of what a party planning process essay is B. Importance of planning a successful party C. Overview of the steps to be covered in the essay II. Understanding the Party Planning Process A. Defining the purpose and type of party B. Setting a budget and determining the guest list C. Choosing a date, time, and location for the party III. Selecting a Theme and Décor A. Brainstorming theme ideas based on the occasion and preferences B. Selecting appropriate decorations, colors, and ambiance C. Planning for any specific decorations or props needed IV. Organizing Food and Drinks A. Planning the menu based on the theme and preferences of guests B. Creating a shopping list for ingredients and supplies C. Considering dietary restrictions and preferences of attendees V. Arranging Entertainment and Activities A. Deciding on music, games, or entertainment options B. Renting or purchasing any necessary equipment or supplies C. Planning for any special performances or activities VI. Sending Invitations and Confirmations A. Designing and sending out invitations with necessary details B. Following up with RSVPs and guest confirmations C. Providing directions or instructions for attending the party VII. Preparing the Venue and Setting Up A. Cleaning and decorating the party space B. Setting up tables, chairs, and other furniture as needed C. Arranging food and drink stations, entertainment areas, and seating arrangements VIII. Hosting the Party A. Welcoming guests and ensuring they feel comfortable B. Managing food and drink service throughout the event C. Facilitating entertainment and activities to keep guests engaged IX. Wrapping Up and Cleaning Up A. Thanking guests for attending and expressing gratitude B. Collecting feedback and suggestions for future parties C. Cleaning up the venue and disposing of any waste or leftover items X. Conclusion A. Recap of the key steps in planning a successful party B. Emphasis on the importance of thorough planning and attention to detail C. Encouragement to apply the process outlined for future party planning endeavors.

How to Write a Process Essay

Learning how to write a process essay is essential for effectively guiding readers through a series of steps to complete a task or understand a process. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions and practical tips to help you craft a clear, concise, and informative process essay.

Step 1: Understanding the Topic

Understanding the topic is the first crucial step in writing a process essay. Before diving into the writing process, you must have a clear grasp of the task or process you’re explaining. Here’s how to understand the topic effectively:

  • Analyze the Assignment Prompt: Start by carefully reading the assignment prompt or guidelines. Pay attention to any specific instructions provided by your instructor regarding the topic, scope, and objectives of the process essay.
  • Research and Gather Information: Conduct thorough research to gather information about the process you intend to explain. Utilize credible sources such as books, articles, websites, or personal experiences to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Identify Key Steps and Components: Break down the process into its essential steps and components. Consider the chronological order of these steps and any additional details or variations that may be relevant to your audience.
  • Consider the Audience Perspective: Put yourself in the shoes of your audience and consider what they already know about the topic. Tailor your explanations to their level of understanding and anticipate any questions or areas of confusion they may have.
  • Clarify Ambiguous or Complex Concepts: If there are any ambiguous or complex aspects of the topic, take the time to clarify them. Use simple language and clear examples to ensure that your readers can follow along easily.
  • Define Key Terms: Define any technical terms or jargon associated with the process to ensure clarity for your readers. Avoid assuming prior knowledge and provide explanations for terms that may be unfamiliar.

Process Essay Topics

  • How to Bake a Perfect Chocolate Cake
  • Planning a Budget-Friendly Vacation
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Step 2: Crafting the Thesis Statement

Crafting a strong thesis statement is a crucial step in the process of writing a process essay. Your thesis statement serves as the roadmap for your essay, guiding readers on what to expect and helping you maintain focus throughout the writing process. Here’s how to tackle this step effectively:

  • Importance of a Strong Thesis Statement: In a process essay, a robust thesis statement sets the tone and direction for the entire essay, providing clarity on the purpose and goal of the process being explained. It informs readers about the specific process they will learn about and why it is significant. Without a clear thesis statement, your essay may lack direction, leaving readers confused about the purpose of the essay and the steps involved in the process. A strong thesis statement ensures that your essay remains focused and cohesive, guiding readers through each step of the process with clarity and purpose.
  • How to Formulate a Clear and Specific Thesis Statement: Start by identifying the main goal or objective of the process you are explaining. What is the result or outcome that readers should expect to achieve by following the process? Next, clearly state the specific process or task that your essay will explain. Be concise and specific, avoiding vague language or broad statements. Your thesis statement should clearly outline the steps involved in the process without providing unnecessary details. Lastly, consider the audience’s perspective and tailor your thesis statement to their level of understanding. Use language that is accessible and easy to follow, ensuring that readers know exactly what to expect from your essay.

Step 3: Drafting the Introduction

Drafting an engaging introduction is essential in capturing the reader’s attention and setting the stage for your process essay. Here’s how to approach this step effectively:

  • Hooking the Reader’s Attention: Begin your introduction with an attention-grabbing hook that piques the reader’s curiosity and encourages them to continue reading. This could be a compelling question, an intriguing fact, a relevant anecdote, or a thought-provoking quote. The goal is to draw readers in and make them eager to learn more about the process you’ll be explaining in the essay. By sparking their interest from the outset, you set a positive tone for the rest of the essay.
  • Introducing the Process to be Explained: After hooking the reader’s attention, provide a brief overview of the process that will be the focus of your essay. Clearly state what the process entails and why it is important or relevant. Keep this introduction concise and to the point, giving readers a clear understanding of what they can expect to learn from the essay. Avoid delving into too much detail at this stage, as that will be covered in the body paragraphs.
  • Providing Some Background Information on the Process: Depending on the complexity of the process and the knowledge level of your audience, it may be helpful to provide some background information or context to help readers better understand the significance of the process. This background information should be brief and relevant, offering insights into why the process is important or how it fits into a larger context. However, be mindful not to overwhelm readers with unnecessary details at this stage. By hooking the reader’s attention, introducing the process, and providing some background information, your introduction sets the stage for the rest of the essay, laying the groundwork for a clear and engaging exploration of the process at hand.

Step 4: Writing the Body Paragraphs

Writing the body paragraphs is the core of your process essay, where you’ll provide detailed instructions for each step of the process. Here’s how to approach this step effectively:

  • Organizing the Steps of the Process in a Logical Order: Begin by organizing the steps of the process in a logical and sequential order. Consider the natural progression of the process and arrange the steps accordingly. Each step should build upon the previous one, leading readers through the process clearly and systematically. Avoid jumping around or presenting steps out of order, as this can confuse readers.
  • Using Transitional Words and Phrases to Guide the Reader Through the Process: Use transitional words and phrases to smoothly transition from one step to the next. Words like “first,” “next,” “then,” and “finally” can help signal the progression of the process. These transitions act as signposts for readers, guiding them through each step and helping them understand how the steps are connected.
  • Including Clear and Detailed Explanations for Each Step: Provide clear and detailed explanations for each step of the process, ensuring that readers understand exactly what needs to be done at each stage. Use simple language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may confuse readers. Break down each step into manageable chunks and explain each part thoroughly.
  • Integrating Visuals or Illustrations to Enhance Understanding (if applicable): If appropriate, consider including visuals or illustrations to complement your written instructions and enhance understanding. Visual aids such as diagrams, charts, or photographs can provide additional clarity and help readers visualize the steps of the process more effectively. Be sure to integrate visuals seamlessly into your essay and provide clear captions or explanations to accompany them.

Step 5: Creating the Conclusion

Creating a strong conclusion is essential for wrapping up your process essay effectively and leaving a lasting impression on your readers. Here’s how to approach this step:

  • Reinforcing the Significance of the Process: Begin by reinforcing the significance of the process you’ve explained in your essay. Remind readers why the process is important or relevant, emphasizing its impact or benefits. This helps to underscore the value of the information they’ve gained from reading your essay and reinforces the importance of understanding and mastering the process.
  • Summarizing the Key Points of the Essay: Next, summarize the key points of your essay, briefly revisiting each step of the process and highlighting its significance. Keep this summary concise and focused, providing a quick overview of the main ideas without delving into unnecessary detail. By summarizing the key points, you help reinforce the main takeaways of your essay and ensure that readers have a clear understanding of the process you’ve explained.
  • Offering Final Thoughts or Potential Outcomes of the Process: Finally, offer some final thoughts or reflections on the process. Consider discussing potential outcomes or results that readers can expect if they follow the process successfully. B. You might also offer suggestions for further exploration or experimentation with the process, encouraging readers to apply what they’ve learned in their own lives or endeavors. By offering final thoughts or outcomes, you provide closure to your essay and leave readers with a sense of satisfaction and direction moving forward.

Step 6: Revising and Editing

Revising and editing your process essay is a critical step in ensuring its clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness. Here’s how to approach this step:

  • Reviewing the Essay for Clarity and Coherence:   Start by reviewing your essay from start to finish, focusing on its overall clarity and coherence. Check that each step of the process is explained in a logical and easy-to-follow manner. Pay attention to the flow of your essay, ensuring that each section transitions smoothly into the next. Make any necessary revisions to improve the organization and coherence of your essay.
  • Checking for Grammatical, Spelling, and Punctuation Errors: Next, carefully check your essay for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Look for common mistakes such as incorrect verb tense, subject-verb agreement errors, misspelled words, and misplaced punctuation. Proofread your essay multiple times, reading it aloud if necessary to catch any errors that may have been overlooked. Use grammar and spell-check tools as additional aids in identifying and correcting mistakes.
  • Seeking Feedback from Peers or Instructors: Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors who can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improving your essay. Share your essay with them and ask for their honest feedback on its clarity, organization, and effectiveness.  Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to make further revisions and improvements to your essay. Consider incorporating any helpful suggestions or recommendations that are offered.

Essay Example: “How to Bake a Perfect Chocolate Cake”

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Frequently Asked Questions about Process Essay

What is a process essay.

A process essay is a type of writing that explains a step-by-step process of doing something. It aims to guide the reader through the actions required to complete the task .

How is a process essay different from other types of essays?

A process essay , also known as a how-to essay , focuses on the process of doing something and the parts of the process . Unlike other types of essays, it emphasizes the step-by-step process rather than simply presenting information or arguments.

What is the main body of a process essay?

The main body of a process essay should detail each step-by-step process necessary to complete the task. Each paragraph should focus on a certain process and serve as a guide for the reader.

Why is it important to pick something you know well when writing a process essay?

It is important to pick something you are familiar with when writing a process essay because it allows you to provide detailed and accurate instructions. Your knowledge of the subject will help in explaining the step-by-step process effectively.

What is the goal of a process essay?

The goal of a process essay is to explain the step-by-step process clearly and concisely. It should provide the reader with a complete understanding of how to complete the task .

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a process essay?

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing a process essay include using ambiguous language like “next ” or “then ” instead of providing specific instructions, and not considering the reader’s level of knowledge on the topic. It is also important to ensure that the words like “next and “now used are appropriate for the type of paper .

sarah Bentley

With a passion for helping students navigate their educational journey, I strive to create informative and relatable blog content. Whether it’s tackling exam stress, offering career guidance, or sharing effective study techniques


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How to Write a Process Essay: Excellent Guide with 10+ Examples

Updated 03 Jul 2024

how to write a process essay

Process essay explains how to do something. This is a kind of tutorial that describes a process step by step. 

For example , you need to cook a pie or draw a picture. In this case, you will need to follow step-by-step instructions. Each preceding step influences each subsequent one.

As we have vast experience in writing this type of papers, we would like to share several tips with you so you don't have to wonder who can help to write essay for me . It’s important to make a good paper to understand the details of this procedure better. Let's follow the tips from professionals at our trustworthy essay writing service and get to know how to write a process essay with us! 

What is a Process Essay?

In order to understand how to write it, firstly you need to learn what it is. Therefore, let’s start with the definition. This paper explains the process of making something. The numerical order is used when writing a process essay. This type is written in a descriptive manner. It has qualities of technical documents. Words, such as “later”, “next”, “finally”, “eventually” are often used to describe the process. 

The following features characterize a process paper: 

  • The chronological order of described events
  • Description of repeated steps to follow 
  • Fixed order
  • Clarity of narration 
  • The presence of transition words.

Process Essay Outline 

The structure of this paper is similar to any other assignment, meaning that it comprises of introduction, main paragraphs and conclusion. You need to create an outline to ease the procedure of writing process essay. Use bullet points not to forget the essential ideas you would like to deliver. 

In your process analysis essays , it is important to create a detailed outline that includes all the essential steps and descriptions.

For instance , if you’re creating a process essay about making excellent sushi, in your outline you may state the following: “Add fish”. Further, you could add the following description: “Add salmon, shrimps or eel”. The more details you add to it, the better. 

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Introduction of Process Essay

So, how to write a process essay? The introduction is the first part of the text exposed to readers. Therefore, it should grab their attention from the first lines. A colorful description can help to fulfill this task. This method is inherent to creative essays also, so if you've written this type before, it'll be a big plus for you.

For example , if you are describing a receipt of sushi, you may wish to start with the following words: “Japanese sushi is a well-known dish which is loved all over the world for many years.” By keeping a lively and vibrant language, you can stimulate people to continue reading. 

Further, you need to let readers know how much time they should to cook sushi because we are living in a world where every single minute is precious. They will be thankful to you if you help save their time. It is essential to provide people who read with the exact time estimate from the beginning to the end. Let them know the materials or tools that help reduce the amount of time spent on cooking sushi. You may share advice related to preparations and making a list of all ingredients to shorten the cooking time. 

For example , you may write in your process paper: “Making sushi takes 30 minutes of preparation time and 10 minutes of cooking.”

The next action is to write a thesis statement. It is one sentence that describes the research problem to be considered in the paper. It can be the last sentence of the introduction.  

For example , a great thesis may sound like: “This assignment explores how to create sushi at home quickly by preparing necessary ingredients in advance.”

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Body Paragraphs of Process Essay 

Before starting to compose the main part of your process essay, consult your outline. Follow your outline closely and create appropriate headlines to divide your paper into smaller pieces. Pay attention to clarity and order of paragraphs. Be careful with items that contain many steps. Use different words to maintain flow. Make clear transitions and acknowledge previous steps regarding particular items. 

The process essay outline may look as follows : 

  • Make a list of ingredients 
  • Cook rice 
  • Prepare fish and cheese
  • Prepare ginger 
  • Prepare soy sauce
  • Prepare tools to make sushi (sushi rug)
  • Make this sushi 
  • Serve sushi

As a rule, this paper has three or more paragraphs in the body section. You need to use enough details when writing a process essay, but don’t overload it with unnecessary details not to confuse your readers. Your paper must be clear and coherent to deliver core ideas without excessive details. 

By adding transition words, you can encourage people to read. You should use the words “then”, “next” and “now” to add coherence. Use of these words gives you an opportunity to make your paper more cohesive. 

For example , if you don't know how to start a phrase in process essay, use “next” to switch from one step to another: “Next, prepare your fish.”

Further, using first-person pronouns like “I”, “me”, “mine”, “we”, “us” or “ours” is not a good idea. It would be better to narrate from the second or third person (“it”, “they”) to make your readers trust your instructions more. For instance, it is better to write as follows: “This paper describes...” rather than “I shall describe”.

You should mention any cautionary notes if any to warn your readers about actions they should skip. You can discuss these actions either in the main text or in the conclusion part of your essay. This is important if your task can cause harm. 

For example , caution a reader if the food may be spoiled: “Make sure salmon is of good quality because raw fish is used in sushi”.

You should also mention when writing process essay what people need to do with the final product. By describing what this product looks like you will give the idea of what readers should expect from it. You may also specify how to use the product because potential users do not necessarily know how to do it. 

If you’re explaining how to make tasty sushi, you could write the following: “Now you need to serve the table to eat sushi. Propose plates of sushi, soya sauce, and ginger to your friends or family members.”

The Conclusion of Process Essay

In conclusion, you can restate the importance of the topic discussed. Try to end your paper positively Remind people why they spent a lot of time to complete this task. Praise your readers and encourage them to follow your directions. 

An example of a proper conclusion can be: “We finished! A delicious and quick meal that is good for the whole family is ready to be served now. Next time, do experiments with different filling for sushi.” In this way, you will encourage your readers to track your upcoming publications. 

Final Steps

After finishing, you need to edit and proofread the text:

  • First, read your text and evaluate whether it is easy to understand. It is better to read it aloud because you can hear stylistic and grammar mistakes. 
  • Picture each detail of your text in mind, check all phrases for coherence and feel confident that your descriptions match images. Also, ensure all paragraphs are placed in the right order. 
  • Do not rely on online spell-checkers too much when checking mistakes and typos because they don’t take into account the context of your assignment. 
  • Check if your instructions are clear and detailed enough so readers can understand them. 
  • Give your text to a friend for reading and ask him if he understood instructions. If possible, choose someone from your target audience. 

How to Write a Process Essay: Composing Tips

The procedure of creating this paper reminds of creating a manual. Its objective is to explain the process of doing something in details to someone who had never done this before. These tips will help you while writing: 

  • Choosing topics for process essay  – 50% of the success of your future paper depends on the choice of topic.
  • Gather as much information as possible about the issue of your research, study your subject well.
  • Research your topic thoroughly before starting to write and take notes.
  • Make a coherent essay featuring precise and relevant comments to enhance its quality.
  • Assume that your readers are not aware of the topic under discussion and explain all details of the procedure.
  • Observe flow and maintain logical order when you want to tell about the next step.
  • It’s crucial to explain each step of the action you’re describing because everyone needs to know the reasons behind each action. 
  • Use specific words when switching to another activity (furthermore, then, before, that, etc.)
  • If you use terms that don’t belong to common knowledge, you need to explain their meaning.
  • Using imperative sentences is not a cool idea because in this case, your work will remind a manual rather than an essay.

When you finished this paper, check phrases for consistency and run your paper through an online plagiarism checker .

Advantages of Writing Process Essays

Each type helps develop certain skills. For example, a comparison paper helps improve different skills and find similarities and differences between two events or actions. Process essay helps expand the following abilities: 

Analytical – when composing a process paper, you need to switch logically and represent events in order. Aiming to write this essay, you need to be able to think analytically. Also, you need to keep the interest of everyone and describe the action in dynamics. One of the benefits is that you can transfer these analytical skills into other areas of your life. For example, you can use your skills at work when performing complicated tasks. 

Information prioritization – when you are writing a paper, use precise phrases because vague expressions reduce the paper quality. On the stage of research you have to analyze a great number of resources and choose several of them that add value to your work. You need to include only valuable information and exclude unnecessary information. 

Complying with instructions – when you’re trying to do something in compliance with guidelines, you’re learning to follow the procedure of smooth transition to another step. Gradually you learn how to reach a goal. This skill can be used in each aspect of your life as well. 

Keeping an eye for details – details are very important when you're writing a process essay. Just try to scrutinize each word and phrase to present value for your readers. This is particularly important when you need to complete this paper because your readers will follow you little by little. Attention to details is essential in any workplace. 

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Conclusion of the Article

We hope that our article was useful for you and you can start right now. If you think you’re not creative enough to start independently or maybe you don’t have enough experience, you can always apply for our service to buy nothing day essay examples or just order the best process essay using our writing agency. 

In our agency, we provide reliable service at a reasonable price, so you can easily pay for essays online . Our support team is available 24/7, and our professional writers are capable of writing high-quality essays online on time. Each of them is the author of a big number of academic papers. Besides, we offer a money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the quality of the final work. Also, a review of your article review paper is available if you have any suggestions regarding the improvement of the work. Therefore, don’t hesitate to apply for professional article review writing service help and save your time. Use our agency to get better results and be your school's best students!

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Written by Jamie Wallace

Jamie Wallace, editor and freelance writer, specializes in Philosophy, Literature, and Art. His interdisciplinary background and passion for critical analysis enable him to assist students in crafting compelling and well-researched papers.

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How to Write a Process Essay: A Complete, Step-by-Step Guide

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by  Antony W

February 16, 2023

how to write a process essay explained

A process essay, also known as “how-to-essay”, is a common type of paper that informs the reader how something is done. Being able to write a process essay is about talking the reader through a set of instructions or step-by-step guide on how to do something such as performing an experiment, preparing a meal, or carrying out a specific process. 

Writing a process essay should involve enough details to lead the reader successfully to the desired goal.

You need to follow the step-by-step process until the reader has achieved what you’re leading them to do.

Any missteps or poor explanations at any point can cause bad mistakes or even ruin the entire project, so process essays need to be highly detailed and instructional.

This guide will show you how to write a brilliant and effective process essay and be sure of that A-grade.

Pre-Writing: Planning Your Process Essay 

The first requirement if want to write a good process essay is preparation.

Preparing the small stuff goes a long way in ensuring you deliver the best of the report. 

Some of the things to look into for an essay that meets expectations include;

Understand the Target Audience 

Before you start writing, you have to understand your target audience and their expectations from the essay.

The target audience determines the language to use and the general complexity of the essay. 

Ask yourself about the education level of the audience on the topic. Understand if you have to explain basics for them to understand.

I t’s also essential that you the language and terminologies best suited to the audience. 

Create a List of Materials Needed

Anything that involves creating something new will require materials.

The same applies to writing a process essay which details how a thing is done. Before you start writing, create a list of all the materials and tools the reader will need for the whole process. 

Place each item either in the order of use or importance. The more impactful or useful a tool is, the earlier it comes on the list. 

Create an Outline 

Once you have understood your audience and listed the needed tools, it’s time to note what you want to include in the content.

It is easy to forget important things that you need to include in your essay, but an outline creates a structure that you can flesh out with details. 

Note down every step, detail the important all the important steps, and try to  make your ideas flow clearly .

You don’t have to go into a detailed explanation at this point. Just have the steps down with the important tools. 

Structure of a Process Essay


The introduction is where you get to draw in the reader and get them interested in the essay.

You can talk to them about why the particular process they are about to undertake is important without jumping ahead of yourself. 

You can also mention briefly what the essay will cover, thus creating anticipation for what is to come.

Another tactic is to d raw the reader’s interest by giving some historical background of whatever you are working on. It also helps to refer to the timeframe so that they prepare well in advance. 

Body Paragraphs 

The body paragraphs are where you introduce the step-by-step guide to your the readers.

Let the readers understand why they each step in the process is important and why they need to take it instead of alternative methods. 

The length of the paragraphs depends on the complexity of the whole process. Every section should have enough details such that the reader would complete the process properly.

Be sure to mention what equipment and tools will be necessary for the procedure. Also, let the reader know of possible troubles and other difficulties to expect during the process. 

Ensure the smooth flow of everything by using transitions. The transitions make the Essay easy to read and follow. Use terms like then, so that, next, now, and others. 

Your process essay's conclusion is where you can go through the expected results of the process.

It summarizes everything about the guide and provides the reader with a reinforcement of the procedure’s significance.

Explain to the readers the result.

State what it looks like and what follows, whether there are other processes or its final. Ensure your read is accomplished by the end of the essay. 

Process Essay Writing Tips

There is more to writing a process essay than identifying the audience and using the right format.  

1. Focus on Simplicity 

As a guide on doing something, most probably for the first time, a process essay should be easy to follow and understand.

Use simple language with clear directions on how to perform all the processes. 

The choice of words and the construction of sentences must meet the reader’s understanding. 

2. Choose the Right Topic. 

Your choice of topic is crucial when it comes to process writing.

Choosing a technical topic might not resonate with the audience, as you can also have little to write about.

Common issues are also hard to write about as you never seem to be helpful. Look for the readers’ probable needs and solve them. 

3. Proofread the Essay

Once you are done writing, revisit the whole of your work to ensure everything is in place. Revise the work with the reader in mind.

Ensure the language resonates with the target audience. Pass the work through checkers for  plagiarism-free work .

Ensure your work is well detailed with all the necessary guidelines. Include all the steps while you eliminate anything unnecessary.

Only hand in your work once you have achieved a desirable result.

4. Seek Help For Your Process Essay Assignment

No matter how much you have mastered the art of writing a process essay, you can never be all-knowing.

Do not shy from seeking help from a friend or professional to help you through the writing and proofreading.

Working with a professional team like Help for Assessment helps in creating high-quality work for assured high grades.  Our essay writing experts are experienced in delivering top-notch papers on various topics. 

Related Reading

  • This Guide Will Help You to Write an Opinion Essay

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

How To Write A Process Essay: Essay Outline, Tips, Topics and Essay Help

Throughout the course of education, you’ll need to write all sorts of papers. Some of them are well-known e.g. argumentative essays, or expository essays, while others are relatively unknown. Process essay belongs to the latter group. While the essay itself is something you’ve come across on multiple occasions, students don’t get to work on this assignment frequently. That’s why getting this assignment can be a huge source of stress. This guide helps avoid those stressful times with easy tips and tricks that you need for a good grade.

A process essay is a typical “how-to” paper that describes some process or workflow, hence the name. The primary idea behind this type of essay is to give a step-by-step explanation of a process that leads to a planned or expected outcome. The paper may revolve around a concrete or precise and an abstract process.

We can divide process essay into two major types:

  • Directional – provides step-by-step instructions on how to get something done
  • Informational – analyzes or explains a process

Benefits of Writing a Process Essay

Even though it’s not something we usually think about, every essay has its role that goes beyond the arguments or processes you discuss. We are talking about a greater purpose, the impact this essay will have on your skills. Believe it or not, every assignment in school or college has a goal to improve or develop some valuable skills and process essay is not an exception. Here are some skills you can develop with process essay:

  • Analytical skills – every course of action is logical, has its own flow, and your goal is to represent that. In order to write this essay, you need to think analytically. That’s the best way to describe the dynamic of some process and keep the reader’s interest. Of course, you can transfer this skill to many other aspects of your life and future employment
  • Prioritizing – essays require precise expressions, and vague language impairs the quality. While researching you’ll come across different info and resources, but not all of them can nor should be included in your paper. In order to make things work, you need to prioritize one piece of information over the other. That way, you’ll include valuable info only, without tainting your essay with unnecessary things
  • Following instructions – every process has its beginning, middle, and end. Each step is equally important. The ability to describe every part of the process in a suitable manner improves your capacity of following instructions; which can come in handy in every aspect of your life
  • Attention to detail – seemingly unimportant details play a huge role in every process or course of action. While writing the process essay, you need to pay attention to these details, in order to provide clear instructions or step-by-step guides, explanations, etc. At the same time, you’re sharpening this skill which can be practical at work (or any other part of your life) later on

The process of writing a process essay is often daunting for many students. But the good news is – you can order an essay online from professionals who can write it for you in a matter of hours. With the help of this essay, you will be able to explain the process of doing something in a clear and understandable way.

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Areas of Interest

Everything that happens in this universe (or beyond) is a process. The world is comprised of processes and each of them can be described in an essay. Therefore, your process essay can be about:

  • Interpersonal communication
  • Social media

Process Essay Outline

Wondering how to write a process essay if you’ve never worked on this assignment before? Or maybe you want to learn how to improve the structure of your paper for a better grade. This outline can help you:

  • Hook – the first sentence that grabs the reader’s attention
  • Identification – brief intro to the subject that will be discussed
  • Thesis statement – announcement of the process (or its aspect) you will explain
  • Support (topic) – every paragraph should focus on a specific part of the process and start with a clear indication of a factor you’ll discuss
  • Explain – self-explanatory, you need to explain how it works, what to do with it, and other important info
  • Evidence – like other types of essay, this type of paper requires using evidence to back up the info you used
  • Discuss – more information about some particular part of the process, its importance, how it fits into the overall subject, etc.
  • Conclusion – your conclusion should contain a brief summary of the thesis and the main parts of the process

Writing Tips

essay Writing Tips

While writing the process essay you can imagine like you’re working on a manual (regardless of the topic). The goal of that manual is to explain how some process works for a person who isn’t informed about it. Here are some tips that will help you:

  • Before you start writing, research the topic thoroughly and take notes
  • Make sure your essay is precise and coherent, but still features details that enhance its quality
  • Assume your reader doesn’t know anything about it, otherwise, you’d skip important details because you think others know it already
  • Write the essay in a logical and chronological manner, as one step leads to another
  • Explain the purpose of every step of the process, the reader wants to know WHY it happens
  • Use transitions such as: so that, then, now, next, furthermore, before
  • Define all terms that aren’t common knowledge
  • Avoid using imperative sentences because your essay would resemble an instruction manual rather than a proper essay
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The process of writing a process essay involves extensive research that is designed to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Therefore, it is important to find a reliable and experienced writer who can write an assignment in a relevant way and add new information to the text.

Most students are used to writing argumentative, persuasive, and other types of papers and process essays may make you nervous, especially if you’ve never had this assignment before. First of all, it’s natural to be nervous. It shows you care! There’s a lot you can do to feel better and complete this assignment successfully. You just need the right tools such as:

Essay Topic Generator

You have the freedom to choose your own process essay topic? That’s fantastic! You can write about anything you’d like, but to come up with your topic quickly, you can use Edusson Magic Essay Topic Generator. The platform comes with thousands of essay topics that are going to inspire you, for sure. Just visit the website, enter a keyword or search for topics based on category or alphabet.

Essay Examples

The secret to a high-quality essay and good grade is consistency and practice. The practice doesn’t just involve writing process essays to sharpen your skills, but reading someone else’s paper at the same time. Why? This helps you identify the strengths and weaknesses of some essays in order to create your paper effectively. You get to avoid common mistakes and focus only on those parts that matter. Edusson Essay Examples is an amazing source of essay examples. It’s impossible not to learn or feel inspired when you have hundreds of essays to read. Essay Topic Generator Look for topic View more

Essay Checker

After you finished writing the essay, you need to edit and proofread it. Some students prefer doing everything on their own, but the problem is that many mistakes are overlooked. Now it doesn’t have to be like that. Essay checker called Robot Don enables you to analyze and submit 100% error-free paper. Robot Don evaluates plagiarism, sentence structure, readability, word choice, the frequency of words used, and other aspects of your process essay.

Essay Writing Service

Edusson essay writing service is ideal for students who want to have a custom-made essay sample and for those who don’t have enough time to write it on their own. An amazing team of skilled, experienced, and talented native English speakers is here to help you out. All you need to do is to make your order and choose the writer. Edusson is fully transparent and all essays are written from scratch.

Essay Editing Service

Essay editing service at Edusson is ideal for students who wrote the process essay (or some other paper) and just need help with the editing and proofreading process. Edusson gathered a team of talented editors and proofreaders who make sure your essay has no typos and grammar mistakes while improving style, formatting, and organization, among other things.

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example about process essay

How to Write a Process Essay?

18 June, 2020

14 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

What is a “process essay”? What makes it different from dozens of other papers you create on a daily basis? What are its main components and what the main goal of this type of writing you need to bear in mind? If you're looking for answers to these questions, you're in luck! You can get them all from our academic guide on how to write a process essay.

Process Essay

Composing a process essay can be rather complicated especially if you are not familiar with this type of writing and do not know what pitfalls and specifications to pay attention to.

That is why our custom essay writing service has created this guide to help you tackle this task. We will answer all these questions in our article below and even provide you with great process essay examples and topics you can write on to stand out. So, if that sounds like something you need right now, read on: we are here to help and equip you with knowledge!

But first things first. Since it is impossible to create an excellent process essay without crystal clear understanding of the term, we will start with the definition. So, let’s dive in!

What is a process essay?

A process essay is commonly written either to explain how something works or to guide a reader through the process of completing a particular task, states the process essay definition.

Process essays also go under the “How-to articles” title and aim to teach the target audience how to achieve certain goals or complete specific assignments.

So, look at it like this. In case of “How to quit smoking” process essay, your primary goal is to provide several helpful ways of quitting this habit. These might be evidence-based recommendations if you have experience in this area, or simply common sense ideas you found while conducting your research.

Now that you realize what you will be working with, let’s look into different types of process essays and practical ways to compose them. Our essay writing guide will walk you through the process essay writing step by step.

Types of process essays

There are two main types of such papers: the ones that explain how something works , and those that show you how to complete a particular task .

Types of process essays

1. How to do something.

Though it sounds quite self-explanatory, we’d like to emphasize the importance of clear instructions in case you are writing a process essay.

Your readers must be able to follow your guidance and complete each step successfully. So, split the process into small steps, keep it short and to the point at each stage of crafting a process essay.

For instance, in a “How to quit smoking” process essay , you can split the whole process into seven steps:

  • Choose a date for a quit day;
  • Imagine life without cigarettes and expect it;
  • Have one last cigarette as a “Goodbye!”;
  • Be among people to support you;
  • Keep your goal in perspective not to give up;
  • Don’t fall for substitutes;
  • Be accountable.

2. How something works.

By contrast, this is an informative type of writing that aims to achieve one goal – explain the principle of work behind some process. Unlike the mentioned above type, this process essay type does not encourage a reader to take an action and do something step by step.

However, you must make sure that by the end of your essay, the audience will know for sure how something functions.

As an example of this type of a process essay, let’s see how an earthquake happens .

  • First, the energy within the earth core builds up due to various moves in the earth crust;
  • The energy level grows up and causes tension in the tectonic plates;
  • After some time, the pressure radiates outwards by moving the plates from each other;
  • The seismic waves shake the earth as they get from the core of the earth to the surface;
  • That is when the earthquake takes place.

Before we go any further, let’s look at another example. In case of “How to prepare for a vacation” process essay, your task is to compose a few steps that your readers can take when getting ready for their vacation. In other words, you are describing how to do something.

Meanwhile, “What happens to your brain when you sleep” process essay is merely an explanation of the principle. In it, you are not encouraging readers to take any actions whatsoever. So, here is the fundamental difference.

How to write a process essay?

How to write an excellent process essay

Getting started with process essay writing

When developing a process essay outline, take some time to answer the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience? How deep is their knowledge of the subject? The complexity of your essay depends on their skills level. Thus, for instance, when explaining to your peers how to stretch a dollar to see the world, you can use basic terminology and examples they can relate to. However, your vocabulary should be way more sophisticated if you are writing a process essay on how to improve the overall quality of higher education in your state to the City Council.
  • How can you divide the process into small steps? You do not want to bore your audience to death with unnecessary details in a process essay. Yet, you cannot afford to skip valuable steps if they are crucial to the overall understanding of the subject of your process essay. So, try to find the golden cut and figure out the most suitable amount of steps.
  • What sources will you use for the task? It goes without saying that you can only use reliable sources to support your argument in a process essay. These sources should be all mentioned in the end of your essay. And remember about proper in-text citation styles. Read the materials carefully and take only the information that will add value to your essay and helps make it shine.

How to write a process essay outline

Finally, let’s look into the process essay structure. Needless to say that you must start with something that will grab readers’ attention, or in other words, “a hook.”

It is true for any essay, and process essay writing is not an exception.

The structure of your essay regardless of the process essay topics should consist of:

  • A powerful introduction.
  • Main body paragraphs.
  • An interesting conclusion.
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Sounds simple, yet there are several things you should not forget about process essay writing.

How to write an introduction to a process essay

Once you compose a hook, mention why you believe that readers should use your approach to solve a problem even though there are dozens of other ones. We know two effective ways to achieve this in your process essay:

  • Show how much time this task will take . People don’t have all the time in the world to tackle just this one task. So, you’ll really help them by stating how much time completing something using your approach will take and underline that with your approach described in a process essay it will take less time than if they opt for a different one. “Writing can be tough, especially if you always felt that it is not exactly your suit. However, Michael D. Pollock, a credible expert in this area, has recently presented 10 effective tips that will help you learn writing fast and make you able to craft a 1000-word article in 30 minutes. So, keep reading to find out how you can write this fast too.”
  • Introduce your audience to the historical background of the approach (if any) you’re using in a process essay. Let them see the roots of your solution. Here is what a good introduction of a process essay should look like: “Giving a speech with lots of eyes concentrated on you is not an easy task. No wonder so many students dread this task. However, speech can be a powerful tool, and we can teach you how to give them right. Steve Jobs is known as one of the best public speakers of our time. People were sitting on the edge of their seats when he spoke. And we’ll teach you how to grab attention like he did using just five simple tricks he applied.”

At last, compose an engaging thesis of a process essay. Many students consider it a scary part. But it all goes down to this.

Your thesis statement should reason why your way is the best and why readers looking for answers should search no more and give your solution a chance.

It’s easier than you think. Here is a good thesis statement example:

“With more than 580 million tons of household waste produced all over the world, Every tiny effort you make to become eco-friendly counts. And if you don’t want to spend extra money on sustainable products but want to save the environment, use our guide on ten simple eco-friendly steps you can do daily without even noticing it!”

This is what a thesis statement for a process essay on how to be eco-friendly would look like. Yours can be different, but you get the idea!

How to plan main body paragraphs

  • Dedicate one body paragraph to one point you want to bring to light.
  • Provide enough details on each step including the ultimate goal of this step and reasons why this method was chosen for its achievement.
  • Keep it short and to the point.

How to write a conclusion

Now is that time you reminded the readers about the purpose of a process essay, reasons why you chose this particular approach, and briefly mentioned steps needed to accomplish the task.

Besides, you can call your audience to action but only in case you are writing an essay that shows how to do something. Otherwise, it will be inapplicable.

Finally, help them set their expectations right: what results can they count on in the end? How long will it take them to achieve those results after reading your process essay and applying its tips?

How to use transition words in a process essay

Transition words can help you create a seamless reading experience. You can take readers smoothly from one step to another. And what is more you can help them immerse into the process!

Therefore, begin each new paragraph with a transition word, add one in between examples you provide, and summarize your instructions with them, too.

List of transition words for a process essay

Think of transition words as of bridges that connect paragraphs and sentences. They make smooth communication between the two possible. And with them in your process essay, no reader feels irritated or frustrated with your writing style, as they have to stumble upon every other sentence in your piece.

Good process essay topics

It is not enough to just know the theory to create a good process essay. One should also come up with a topic that will be both interesting and useful to his readers. Here’s a list of our suggestions on process essay ideas:

  • How to choose a perfect future career.
  • How to survive college and stay sane.
  • How to eat healthy on campus.
  • How to balance your social and academic life.
  • How to pay out a student loan while still at college.
  • How to improve your public speaking skills.
  • How to see the world with only $100 in your pocket.
  • How to learn a foreign language.
  • How to renovate your apartment and not go bankrupt.
  • How to start your own business.
  • How to prepare for your first interview.
  • How to get volunteers to help you clean the neighborhood.
  • How to write a life list.
  • How to set boundaries in the relationship.
  • How to study overseas for free.
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Process essay writing tips

Wrapping up, we would like to introduce you to a couple of vital recommendations on process essay writing:

  • Your process essay subject cannot be too broad or too narrow. Look out for the golden cut!
  • Introduce your readers to possible complications of the process. After all, forewarned is forearmed.
  • Create a short vocabulary your audience can use in case they are not familiar with the terminology essential to the general understanding of the process essay in question.
  • Develop a list of resources your readers will need as they deal with certain tasks. This way you will have them prepared to put your recommendations to action right away.
  • Always write a process essay using Active Voice!

Tips on writing a process essay

Need help with your process essay writing? Handmadewriting is here for you to help. Drop us a line to get our professional essay writers to develop an excellent piece for you!

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Process Essay

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The Purpose of the Process Essay

The purpose of a process essay is to explain how to do something (directional) or how something works (informative). In either case, the formula for a process essay remains the same. The process is articulated into clear, definitive steps.

Almost everything we do involves following a step-by-step process.

From learning to ride a bike as a child to starting a new job as an adult, we initially needed instructions to effectively execute the task. Likewise, we have likely had to instruct others, so we know how important good directions are and how frustrating it is when they are poorly put together.

Exercise: Step by Step Process

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On a separate sheet of paper, make a bulleted list of all the steps required to complete one of the following processes:

  • Tying a shoelace
  • Parallel parking
  • Planning a party
  • Making a sandwich

The Structure of a Process Essay

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The process essay opens with a discussion of the process and a thesis statement that states the goal of the process. The organization of a process essay typically follows chronological order.

The steps of the process are conveyed in the order in which they usually occur, and so your body paragraphs will be constructed based on these steps. If a particular step is complicated and needs a lot of explaining, then it will likely take up a paragraph on its own. If a series of simple steps is easy to understand, then the steps can be grouped into a single paragraph.

The time transition phrases covered in the Narration section are also helpful for organizing process analysis essays (see Table of Transition Words and Phrases for Expressing Time). Words such as first, second, third, next, and finally are cues to orient readers and organize the content of the essay.

Finally, it's a good idea to always have someone else read your process analysis to make sure it makes sense. Once we get too close to a subject, it is difficult to determine how clearly an idea is coming across. Having a peer read over your analysis will serve as a good way to troubleshoot any confusing spots.

Writing a Process Essay

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Choose a topic that is interesting, is relatively complex, and can be explained in a series of steps. As with other rhetorical writing modes, it is best to choose a process that you know well so that you can more easily describe the finer details about each step in the process.

Your thesis statement should come at the end of your introduction, and it should state the final outcome of the process you are describing.

Body paragraphs are composed of the steps in the process. Each step should be expressed using strong details and clear examples.

If you are writing a directional essay, you should provide every detail necessary for your reader to complete the process. As you are writing, try to do the thing you are describing in order to identify missing steps.

If you are writing an instructional essay, your body paragraphs should explain the process and how it works, although you should not expect your reader to be actually performing the process.

Use time transition phrases to help organize steps in the process and to orient readers. The conclusion should thoroughly describe the result of the process described in the body paragraphs. See the student paper below, "Keep Them in Stitches," or one of the sample professional essays to read an example of a process analysis essay.

Sample Process Essay

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"Keep Them in Stitches," by Jacob Gallman-Dreiling, describes the process of finding the perfect yarn for a knitting project. As you read, pay attention to the words and phrases the author uses to help orient the reader, as well as the strong details that bring the subject to life.

We begin with his outline, so you can see how he developed the essay.

Jacob Gallman-Dreiling English 1101 Honors Dr. X 24 February 2019

Thesis statement: Choosing the perfect yarn for a knitting project relies on the preferences of the person for whom the project is being made, the availability of the yarn, and the type of yarn called for by the pattern.

I. Choosing the perfect yarn for a knitting project relies on the preferences of the person for whom the project is being made.

A. The knitter must determine if the recipient has any allergies or sensitivities.

1. Wool yarn will aggravate allergies to lanolin.

2. Acrylic yearns can be scratchy or leave splinters.

B. The knitter must consider the type of project.

1. Warmer items should be made with animal fibers.

2. Lighter items should be made with cotton.

C. The knitter must consider the care of the finished garment.

1. Wool yarn should be hand washed with cold water.

2. Cotton and acrylic yarns are machine washable.

D. The knitter must determine what color the recipient prefers.

1. Solid colors are great for sweaters and accessories like professional iPad cases.

2. Variegated yarn makes for show-stopping pieces and can help maintain the knitter?s interest through the end of the project.

II. Choosing the perfect yarn for a knitting project relies on the availability of the yarn.

A. Many people prefer to shop for yarn at a local yarn store.

1. An advantage to shopping in person is the ability to touch the yarn.

2. An advantage to shopping at the local yarn store is the knowledgeable staff, many of whom have been knitting for years.

3. An advantage to shopping at the yarn store is that the staff can provide ready assistance and often have first-hand knowledge of the yarn the knitter intends to use.

B. Other people prefer to shop at one of the many online retailers.

1. Online retailers typically have greater stock availability.

2. Online retailers also provide tutorial videos.

III. Choosing the perfect yarn for a knitting project relies on the type of yarn called for by the pattern.

A. The knitter must determine the proper yarn weight for the project.

1. Fingering, sport, and DK weight yarns are good for smaller projects like socks or baby clothes.

2. Worsted, bulky, and super bulky are great for sweaters, scarves, blankets, and washcloths.

B. The knitter must determine the recipient?s preferences.

1. Some people prefer sweaters with a small gauge.

2. Some people prefer socks with a large gauge

Jacob Gallman-Dreiling English 1101 Honors Dr. X 24 February 2014

Keep Them in Stitches

The popularity of knitting is cyclical, rising and falling according to the prevailing opinion of women's places in society. Though internationally a unisex hobby, knitting is pervasively thought of as a woman's hobby in the United States. Knitting is currently enjoying a boost in popularity as traditionally minded women pick up the craft while women who enjoy subverting traditional gender roles have also picked up the needles to reclaim "the lost domestic arts" and give traditionally feminine crafts the proper respect. American men are also picking up the needles in greater numbers, with men's knitting guilds and retreats nationwide. This rise in popularity has made the receiving of hand-knit items special, and many people enjoy receiving these long-lasting, painstakingly crafted items. For any knitters, the perfect gift starts by choosing the perfect yarn. Choosing the perfect yarn for a knitting project relies on the preferences of the person for whom the project is being made, the availability of the yarn, and the type of yarn recommended by the pattern.

In order to select the right yarn for a knitting project, the knitter must take into account the preferences of the recipient of the knitted item. The most basic choice is the composition of the yarn to be used. Natural fibers are luxurious and tend to age better. Nevertheless, the knitter must determine if the recipient has any allergies or sensitivities. Wool yarn, for example, will aggravate allergies in those sensitive to lanolin, but mohair, alpaca, cotton, or angora will not cause discomfort. Acrylic is a synthetic yarn, but it can be scratchy or leave splinters. A second consideration is the type of project the knitter plans to complete: each project requires a specific type of yarn. For warmer items such as sweaters, blankets, or mittens, animal fibers are best. Socks, warmer-weather items, and household accessories are best served using cotton. One must also give thought to the care of the finished project. Items made from wool yarn survive best when hand washed in cold water whereas cotton and acrylic items are machine washable.

Once the type of yarn has been chosen, the knitter should consider what color yarn the recipient prefers. A solid color garment looks more professional and functions as a base piece in a wardrobe or interior design. Sweaters, iPad and tablet cases, as well as belts are well-suited to solid colors. Pieces made with variegated colors, in which the yarn has either multiple colors or shades of the same basic color, make for show pieces and accessories. Socks, gloves, scarves, and cowls are great projects for variegated yarn. Variegated yarn colors tend to keep the knitter's interest, but multicolored yarn can be difficult to use when working on larger projects which require multiple skeins of yarn. Due to the way yarn is dyed, the color at the end of one skein may not match the color at the beginning of the next skein.

The next step in determining the right yarn for a project is availability, particularly where to purchase the yarn. Some people prefer to shop at a local store for yarn because it offers many advantages. Shopping in person allows the knitter to feel the yarn he or she intends to purchase. This can help sway the knitter's opinion in regards to yarn choice. The staff at a local shop is often knowledgeable; many of them have been knitting for years, and they are usually ready to offer assistance with projects or yarn selection. If a knitter does not live near a yarn store, there are many online retailers who can fulfill their orders. Online retailers typically have a larger selection of yarns and patterns available for download. Since they cannot give personal assistance, many compensate for this deficiency by providing free tutorial videos.

Finally, choosing the right yarn for a project relies on the type of yarn called for in the knitting pattern. Patterns are highly adaptable. Most things in a pattern can be substituted: yarn type, yarn weight, color, and number of stitches can all be substituted to fit the knitter's desire, but the pattern will provide a good place to start. The yarn weight, which determines the gauge of the project, is one of the most basic substitutions. Fingering or lace weight, sport, and DK weight are lighter weight yarns typically good for smaller projects like socks or baby clothes. Those types of yarn tend to be knit on smaller needles and produce a smaller stitch. Worsted, bulky, and super-bulky yarns are chunkier, knit on larger needles, and provide beautiful, large stitches. They are well suited for sweaters, scarves, blankets, and washcloths. The preferences of the recipient must also be taken into account. Some people prefer sweaters with a small stitch, while others prefer thick, warm socks to wear around the house.

The right yarn for a knitting project is one that meets the preferences of the recipient of the project, is readily available, and matches the needs of the pattern. After the project is completed and given to the intended recipient, both the knitter and receiver can bask in the adulation the finished garment brings. These hand-knit items can be passed down for several generations, truly becoming a gift that keeps on giving.

Online Process Analysis Essay Examples

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10.5 Process Analysis

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of the process analysis essay.
  • Understand how to write a process analysis essay.

The Purpose of Process Analysis in Writing

The purpose of a process analysis essay is to explain how to do something or how something works. In either case, the formula for a process analysis essay remains the same. The process is articulated into clear, definitive steps.

Almost everything we do involves following a step-by-step process. From riding a bike as children to learning various jobs as adults, we initially needed instructions to effectively execute the task. Likewise, we have likely had to instruct others, so we know how important good directions are—and how frustrating it is when they are poorly put together.

Writing at Work

The next time you have to explain a process to someone at work, be mindful of how clearly you articulate each step. Strong communication skills are critical for workplace satisfaction and advancement. Effective process analysis plays a critical role in developing that skill set.

On a separate sheet of paper, make a bulleted list of all the steps that you feel would be required to clearly illustrate three of the following four processes:

  • Tying a shoelace
  • Parallel parking
  • Planning a successful first date
  • Being an effective communicator

The Structure of a Process Analysis Essay

The process analysis essay opens with a discussion of the process and a thesis statement that states the goal of the process.

The organization of a process analysis essay typically follows chronological order. The steps of the process are conveyed in the order in which they usually occur. Body paragraphs will be constructed based on these steps. If a particular step is complicated and needs a lot of explaining, then it will likely take up a paragraph on its own. But if a series of simple steps is easier to understand, then the steps can be grouped into a single paragraph.

The time transition phrases covered in the Narration and Illustration sections are also helpful in organizing process analysis essays (see Table 10.1 “Transition Words and Phrases for Expressing Time” and Table 10.2 “Phrases of Illustration” ). Words such as first , second , third , next , and finally are helpful cues to orient reader and organize the content of essay.

Always have someone else read your process analysis to make sure it makes sense. Once we get too close to a subject, it is difficult to determine how clearly an idea is coming across. Having a friend or coworker read it over will serve as a good way to troubleshoot any confusing spots.

Choose two of the lists you created in Note 10.52 “Exercise 1” and start writing out the processes in paragraph form. Try to construct paragraphs based on the complexity of each step. For complicated steps, dedicate an entire paragraph. If less complicated steps fall in succession, group them into a single paragraph.

Writing a Process Analysis Essay

Choose a topic that is interesting, is relatively complex, and can be explained in a series of steps. As with other rhetorical writing modes, choose a process that you know well so that you can more easily describe the finer details about each step in the process. Your thesis statement should come at the end of your introduction, and it should state the final outcome of the process you are describing.

Body paragraphs are composed of the steps in the process. Each step should be expressed using strong details and clear examples. Use time transition phrases to help organize steps in the process and to orient readers. The conclusion should thoroughly describe the result of the process described in the body paragraphs. See Chapter 15 “Readings: Examples of Essays” to read an example of a process analysis essay.

Choose one of the expanded lists from Note 10.54 “Exercise 2” . Construct a full process analysis essay from the work you have already done. That means adding an engaging introduction, a clear thesis, time transition phrases, body paragraphs, and a solid conclusion.

Key Takeaways

  • A process analysis essay explains how to do something, how something works, or both.
  • The process analysis essay opens with a discussion of the process and a thesis statement that states the outcome of the process.
  • The organization of a process analysis essay typically follows a chronological sequence.
  • Time transition phrases are particularly helpful in process analysis essays to organize steps and orient reader.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How to Write a Hook- Steps With Examples

A hook in an essay or any piece of writing is like a fishing hook—it’s designed to grab your readers’ attention and draw them into the rest of your content. A well-crafted hook not only captures interest but also encourages readers to continue exploring what you have to say. If you’re unsure how to  write a hook that’s engaging, this article will provide you with effective tips for writing compelling openings, ensuring your engagement remains high.

What is a Hook?

A hook in writing is essentially a compelling sentence or paragraph that grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning. It sets the tone for the piece and entices readers to continue exploring what you have to say. To craft an effective hook, it needs to be engaging, informative, and suitable for the intended audience. This means it should capture interest, convey relevant information, and be appropriate for the reader's level and context. By focusing on relevance, audience, and cohesion, you can create a strong hook that not only draws readers in but also aligns with the main thesis and purpose of your writing.

6 Types of Essay Hooks

There are various types of hooks, each serving a different purpose and engaging the reader in unique ways.

Question Hook:

This type involves asking the reader a question that sparks their curiosity or gets them thinking.

For example:

"Have you ever watched the high-flying, jump shooting, slam dunking, ankle breaking players that play in the NBA?"

This question engages the reader by prompting them to visualize and think about the excitement of watching NBA players, setting the stage for a discussion about the thrill of the game.

Quotation Hook:

A quotation hook uses a relevant quote from a credible source to draw in the reader.

For instance:

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen,” said Michael Jordan.

This quote from a famous athlete underscores the theme of determination and hard work, immediately connecting the reader to the topic of achieving success through effort.

Statistic Hook:

This type employs surprising or impressive statistics to catch the reader's eye.

"Just 0.00545 percent of the 550,000 boys playing high school basketball each year in the United States become a first-round draft pick."

This statistic highlights the incredibly slim chances of making it to the NBA, intriguing the reader with the stark reality and setting up a deeper exploration of what it takes to succeed in professional sports.

Anecdotal Hook:

An anecdotal hook uses a short story to illustrate a point and connect with the reader on a personal level.

"When I was in high school, I remember playing in an AAU basketball league and seeing a boy who practiced relentlessly every morning. Years later, he was drafted by the Philadelphia 76ers."

This story captivates the reader by providing a relatable and tangible example of dedication leading to success, making the topic more engaging and memorable.

Common Misconception Hook:

This type addresses a common misconception to grab the reader’s attention by challenging their existing beliefs.

"Many people believe that all professional athletes were naturally talented from a young age, but the truth is, most of them had to work incredibly hard to get where they are."

This hook piques the reader's interest by presenting surprising information that contradicts what they might think.

Rhetorical Statement Hook:

A rhetorical statement hook uses a bold statement or assertion to provoke thought or agreement.

"There's no shortcut to success in any field, including sports."

This kind of hook immediately sets a strong tone and encourages the reader to think about and agree with the statement, drawing them further into the essay.

How to Write a Hook [3 Steps with Examples]

Imagine yourself reading an article or an essay. Have you ever noticed that the first 2-3 lines set your entire mood? Either it looks interesting, or you might want to skip it. The same is true when someone reads your essay. This is why learning how to write a hook statement for an essay is crucial, and in this guide, I'll be sharing my process to help you write effective hook statements on your own.

I use a few simple steps for writing hook statements that help me craft an effective hook to engage readers and compel them to read further. Along with these steps, I also rely on writing tools, specifically WPS Office , which helps me significantly in writing a good hook. So, let's have a look at the process of learning how to write a hook for your essay, with a few examples.

1.Create an outline

First and foremost, you need to create an outline for your essay. This means your hook needs to be based on the information you plan to communicate through your essay. It's essential to lay the groundwork. Creating an outline helps you organize your thoughts and ensures your hook aligns perfectly with the rest of your essay.


To begin with your outline, start by brainstorming, where you can write down all the points you believe you can include in your essay. I usually carry out this step in WPS Writer, where I can type down all the important points I want to include in my essay. Additionally, if I find a few points on the internet, I can simply paste them into my WPS Writer document.

For example, let's say you're writing an essay about the impact of social media on mental health. Your main points might include:

The rise of social media usage

Positive effects on connectivity and community building

Negative impacts on self-esteem and anxiety

Strategies for healthy social media consumption

To further assist me in this process, I use WPS AI to help brainstorm ideas. A fresh perspective is always welcome, and when you're short on ideas, these suggestions can really enhance your essay.

Identify the Angle:

Once we have the main points, it's time to decide on the specific perspective or argument you want to present. This is where you'll start to shape your essay's unique voice. For instance, if your topic is social media, you might choose to focus on its double-edged nature, arguing that while it offers unprecedented connectivity, it also poses significant risks to mental well-being if not used mindfully.

Sketch the Structure:

With your main points and angle in mind, outline the basic structure of your essay. This doesn't need to be elaborate – a simple roadmap will do.

Your structure might look something like this:

Introduction (including your hook)

Brief history of social media's rise

Positive impacts on connectivity

Negative effects on mental health

Strategies for balanced use

Having this structure in place will help you craft a hook that seamlessly leads into the rest of your essay.

WPS AI can also assist in creating an outline. With a simple prompt, you can mention the details of your essay, and it will help you organize your main points and structure effectively.

2.Develop a Thesis

With your outline ready, it's time to develop your thesis statement. This is the core argument of your essay, and your hook should pave the way for it.

Be Clear and Specific:

Your thesis statement should clearly articulate your stance on the topic. Avoid ambiguous or uncertain statements. Focus on writing a precise and debatable assertion that provides a solid foundation for your argument.

For our social media essay, a strong thesis might be:

"While social media platforms have revolutionized communication and community-building, their unchecked use can significantly impact mental health, necessitating a balanced approach to digital engagement."

Ensure Relevance:

Make sure your thesis connects directly with the hook you plan to write. Your hook should intrigue readers about the argument you're going to make.

Keep it Focused:

Resist the temptation to cover everything in your thesis. A focused thesis is easier to argue effectively and helps keep your essay on track.

3.Write your Hook

Now for the exciting part – crafting your hook! Remember, the goal is to captivate your reader from the very first sentence. Let's look at some examples of different hook types we discussed earlier and break down why they work.

Example 1: The Question Hook

"Have you ever caught yourself mindlessly scrolling through your social media feed, only to look up and realize hours have passed?"

This hook works because it:

Directly engages the reader by asking a question

Relates to a common experience many readers can identify with

Introduces the topic of social media usage subtly

By posing this question, you're inviting readers to reflect on their own experiences, creating an immediate connection to your topic.

Example 2: The Statistic Hook

"In 2023, the average person spent 2 hours and 31 minutes per day on social media platforms – that's over 38 days a year scrolling, liking, and sharing."

This hook is effective because it:

Presents a surprising or shocking statistic

Immediately quantifies the impact of social media on our lives

Sets the stage for a discussion on the significance of social media use

Statistics like this grab attention by putting abstract concepts into concrete, relatable terms that can surprise or even shock your readers.

Example 3: The Anecdote Hook

"As I watched my teenage daughter burst into tears over a single Instagram post, I realized social media was no longer just a fun pastime – it had become a powerful force shaping her self-image and mental health."

This hook works well because it:

Tells a brief, relatable story

Evokes emotion and empathy

Introduces the theme of social media's impact on mental health through a personal lens

Personal stories can be powerful hooks, drawing readers in with emotional resonance and real-world relevance.

Example 4: The Quote Hook

"'We are creating and encouraging a culture of distraction where we are increasingly disconnected from the people and events around us,' warns technology ethicist Tristan Harris."

This hook is powerful because it:

Uses an expert's words to lend authority to your topic

Introduces a critical perspective on social media

Sets up a discussion on the broader implications of our digital habits

Quotes from experts can lend credibility to your essay right from the start, setting the tone for a well-researched discussion.

When writing your hook, consider your audience and the tone of your essay. Choose a hook style that aligns with your topic and engages your readers effectively. Don't be afraid to write several versions and ask for feedback – sometimes the perfect hook takes a few tries to get right.

And if you're still having trouble writing a perfect hook for your essay, you can try using WPS AI features like Improve Writing to craft more effective hooks. WPS AI will help ensure your hook reads well and communicates your message clearly to readers.

Bonus Tips: How to Polish your Hook with WPS AI

WPS Office is an excellent tool for anyone looking to enhance their writing. It's particularly useful as a writing companion, helping you refine your sentences, choose the right words, and correct errors. If you're struggling with writer's block, especially when trying to craft an engaging hook for your article, WPS Office can assist you in several ways.

Invoke the AI Writing Assistant:

This feature offers tailored suggestions for opening sentences or paragraphs that are designed to grab attention. It can help generate various types of hooks, such as intriguing questions, startling facts, or impactful quotes. By analyzing your topic and audience, the AI Writing Assistant provides options that resonate well, making it easier to start with a strong, engaging hook.

Request Feedback from the AI Chatbot:

The AI Chatbot reviews your initial draft and provides targeted feedback on your hook. It evaluates the effectiveness of your opening lines, suggesting ways to enhance their impact or refine your approach. Whether your hook needs more clarity, engagement, or relevance, the chatbot’s feedback helps you make necessary adjustments to ensure it captures and retains your readers' interest.

FAQs about Writing a Hook

1. why is it important to have a good essay hook.

A well-crafted essay hook is essential as it captures the reader's attention and motivates them to continue reading. Without a captivating hook, readers may lose interest and discontinue reading. An engaging hook ensures that the audience remains invested, thereby enhancing the likelihood of effectively conveying the essay's message.

2. What's the difference between a hook and a thesis?

A hook is a statement that captures the reader's attention and is positioned at the beginning of the introduction. A thesis explains the main point of the essay, paper, or other writing. Typically, a hook appears as the attention-grabbing opener, followed by additional sentences that connect it to the thesis, which presents the primary argument or premise of the writing.

3. How long is a hook?

A hook is typically one to two sentences long and appears at the beginning of the introduction. It should be brief and engaging to quickly capture the reader's attention and encourage them to continue reading.

Grab Your Audience Attention With The Help of WPS Office

As a writer, I often face challenges in writing something clever enough to grab readers' attention. That’s why I rely on WPS Office to help me on how to write a hook and its suite of tools to assist with my writing and content sharing. WPS Office offers a wealth of amazing tools and services that benefit everyone who uses them. I highly recommend downloading WPS Office to experience its powerful features for yourself.

  • 1. How to Write a Call to Action - Steps with Examples
  • 2. How to Write A thesis statement - Steps with Examples
  • 3. How to Write A Literature Review - Steps with Examples
  • 4. How to Write an Argumentative Essay- Steps with Examples
  • 5. How to Write a Research Paper [Steps & Examples]
  • 6. How to Write a Proposal [ Steps & Examples]

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College Essay Thesis Statement

College essay thesis statement generator.

example about process essay

Crafting a potent thesis statement for a college essay is an art that can shape the trajectory of your argument and captivate your readers. As students transition from high school to college, the complexity and depth of essays increase, demanding more intricate thesis statements. Whether you’re dissecting literary works, examining scientific phenomena, or debating societal changes, the right thesis sets the tone. Dive into our comprehensive guide to explore exemplary thesis statement examples, insightful writing methodologies, and handy tips tailored for college-level essays.

What is a thesis statement for a college essay? – Definition

A thesis statement for a college essay is a concise, clear, one-to-two-sentence statement that presents the main idea, argument, or focus of an essay. It serves as a roadmap, guiding the reader through the arguments presented in the essay and giving them an insight into the essay’s purpose. For college-level essays, the thesis often goes beyond mere statement of facts, delving into analysis, evaluation, or interpretation of a particular topic or set of ideas.

What is an example of a College Essay thesis statement?

“In exploring the multifaceted dynamics of climate change, it becomes evident that human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, play a paramount role in exacerbating global warming, thereby necessitating urgent international intervention and sustainable practices.”  You may also be interested in our  undergraduate thesis statement .

100 Thesis Statement Examples for College Essay

Thesis Statement Examples for College Essay

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Crafting an impactful thesis statement for a college essay requires both precision and depth. Serving as the foundation for your argument, a well-constructed thesis captures the essence of your essay topic and directs the narrative. For college essays, the good thesis statement often provides analysis, context, or a unique perspective.

  • The Impacts of Social Media: “The pervasive influence of social media on contemporary society extends beyond communication, reshaping personal identities, societal norms, and global politics.”
  • Modern Feminism: “Third-wave feminism, while building on the achievements of the past, focuses on dismantling patriarchal norms in media, workplace dynamics, and intersectional discrimination.”
  • AI and Ethics: “The rapid proliferation of artificial intelligence necessitates the development of comprehensive ethical guidelines to prevent potential misuse and protect individual rights.”
  • The Evolution of Jazz: “The metamorphosis of jazz from the 1920s to the present showcases a rich interplay of cultural influences, technological advances, and individual genius.”
  • Climate Change Politics: “The divisive politics surrounding climate change hinder comprehensive global policies, despite overwhelming scientific consensus and observable ecological shifts.”
  • Renaissance Art: “The art of the Renaissance, deeply rooted in religious themes, also mirrored societal shifts towards individualism and secularism, forever changing the trajectory of Western art.”
  • Quantum Mechanics for Laymen: “The principles of quantum mechanics, while seemingly abstract and counterintuitive, have direct implications on daily technologies, from smartphones to medical equipment.”
  • Mental Health in Universities: “The alarming rise in mental health issues among university students calls for institutional strategies that prioritize well-being, including better counseling services and academic support.”
  • Post-Colonial African Economies: “The economic landscapes of post-colonial African nations are shaped by both remnants of colonial exploitation and emerging local innovations, demanding a nuanced understanding.”
  • Veganism and Health: “Adopting a vegan lifestyle, while promoting ethical treatment of animals, also offers profound health benefits, including reduced risks of chronic diseases.”
  • Gothic Literature: “Gothic literature, with its dark motifs and introspective characters, reflects societal anxieties of its time, from feudal systems to industrial revolution repercussions.”
  • Cryptocurrencies and Global Finance: “The surge in cryptocurrency popularity challenges traditional financial systems, promising decentralization but also raising concerns about stability and regulation.”
  • The Philosophy of Science: “The philosophy of science not only questions the nature of scientific inquiry but also examines its relationship with truth, belief, and societal progress.”
  • Migration Patterns: “Contemporary global migration patterns, influenced by conflicts, economic opportunities, and environmental changes, reshape socio-political landscapes of both origin and host countries.”
  • The Role of Play in Child Development: “Structured and unstructured play, essential for child development, fosters cognitive, social, and physical skills, challenging contemporary educational paradigms.”
  • Fusion Cuisine: “The emergence of fusion cuisine underscores the melding of diverse cultures, reflecting globalization’s impact on gastronomy.”
  • Bioethical Concerns in Genetics: “Advancements in genetic engineering, while promising medical breakthroughs, raise significant bioethical concerns, from designer babies to socio-economic disparities.”
  • Space Exploration and Humanity: “Space exploration, beyond technological marvel, challenges our understanding of humanity’s place in the universe, posing philosophical, ethical, and existential questions.”
  • Gentrification and Urban Development: “The process of gentrification, while reviving urban locales, often displaces long-standing communities, creating socio-economic rifts.”
  • Eastern vs. Western Medicine: “The dichotomy between Eastern holistic practices and Western allopathic medicine reflects differing cultural perspectives on health, wellness, and healing.
  • The Impact of Greek Philosophy: “Ancient Greek philosophy, with its emphasis on introspection and ethics, has sculpted Western thought, influencing everything from science to modern governance.”
  • Modern Architecture: “Contemporary architectural practices, merging functionality with aesthetics, reflect society’s evolving relationship with urban spaces and sustainability.”
  • Digital Marketing Evolution: “The rise of digital marketing strategies, driven by analytics and personalization, is redefining brand-consumer relationships in the digital age.”
  • Epidemiology of Pandemics: “Historical and contemporary pandemics highlight the intricate interplay between global travel, public health infrastructure, and societal response.”
  • Romantic Poetry: “Romantic poetry, with its reverence for nature and emotion, represents a rebellion against Enlightenment’s rationalism and the industrial era’s dehumanization.”
  • Nano-technology in Medicine: “Nanotechnology’s integration in medical fields promises revolutionary treatments but also presents uncharted ethical and health concerns.”
  • Organic Farming vs. Conventional Methods: “Organic farming, championing biodiversity and ecological balance, counters conventional farming’s detrimental environmental effects, albeit with challenges of scalability.”
  • The World of eSports: “The meteoric rise of eSports blurs the lines between traditional sports and digital entertainment, demanding recognition in mainstream culture and economics.”
  • Biodiversity Loss: “The alarming rate of global biodiversity loss, intensified by human activities, jeopardizes ecosystem stability and human sustenance.”
  • Shakespeare’s Female Characters: “Shakespeare’s portrayal of female characters defies Elizabethan norms, presenting complex women who navigate power, love, and fate.”
  • Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: “Blockchain’s potential extends beyond cryptocurrencies, promising transparency and security in sectors like healthcare, logistics, and public records.”
  • Impact of K-Pop: “K-Pop’s global surge underscores the power of cultural exchange in the digital age, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers.”
  • Neuroscience and Free Will: “Contemporary neuroscience’s insights into decision-making challenge traditional notions of free will and moral responsibility.”
  • Postmodern Literature: “Postmodern literature, with its fragmented narratives and metafictional techniques, mirrors society’s quest for meaning in an age of skepticism.”
  • Renewable Energy Solutions: “Harnessing renewable energy sources, from solar to wind, is pivotal in combating climate change, though it presents economic and infrastructural challenges.”
  • Virtual Reality in Education: “The integration of virtual reality in educational settings promises immersive learning experiences, revolutionizing traditional pedagogies.”
  • Mental Health and Pop Culture: “Pop culture’s portrayal of mental health, while often sensationalized, has ignited critical discussions about stigmatization and representation.”
  • Ancient Civilizations and Modern Society: “Ancient civilizations, from their governance structures to technological innovations, have indelibly shaped the socio-cultural fabric of modern societies.”
  • Dystopian Fiction’s Reflections: “Dystopian fiction’s grim visions echo societal anxieties about technology, governance, and human nature.”
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing: “Animal testing, central to many scientific breakthroughs, remains ethically contentious, balancing medical advancements against animal welfare.”
  • Financial Crises and Global Interconnectivity: “Recurrent financial crises underscore the intricate interdependencies in global financial systems, highlighting the need for coordinated international policies.”
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: “The integration of AI in healthcare, from diagnostics to treatment, promises precision medicine but necessitates rigorous ethical scrutiny.”
  • Buddhism in the Modern World: “Buddhism’s contemporary resurgence in the West showcases the quest for spiritual meaning beyond materialism.”
  • The Fashion Industry and Sustainability: “The fashion industry’s increasing shift towards sustainability battles its historically significant environmental footprint.”
  • Impacts of Colonization: “Colonization’s legacies, evident in socio-political structures and cultural dynamics, continue to influence post-colonial nations.”
  • Microplastics and Environmental Health: “Microplastics, pervasive in ecosystems, pose insidious threats to environmental and human health, demanding global mitigation strategies.”
  • Cybersecurity in the Digital Age: “In our increasingly interconnected world, cybersecurity becomes paramount, safeguarding personal, corporate, and national interests.”
  • Narratives in Video Games: “Modern video games, with intricate narratives and character development, challenge traditional storytelling mediums, offering immersive experiences.”
  • Quantum Computing’s Potential: “Quantum computing, while in its nascent stages, holds the promise to revolutionize industries from cryptography to drug discovery.”
  • LGBTQ+ Representation in Media: “Increased LGBTQ+ representation in media mirrors societal shifts, fostering visibility and challenging long-standing stereotypes.”
  • The Microbiome and Human Health: “Understanding the human microbiome’s complexity has redefined our perspectives on health, disease, and even consciousness.”
  • The Digital Divide: “The digital divide, separating tech-savvy communities from the underserved, intensifies socio-economic disparities in the information age.”
  • Evolution of Language: “The dynamic evolution of languages, shaped by socio-political changes and technological advances, encapsulates cultural histories and identities.”
  • Ethical Implications of Drone Warfare: “Drone warfare, while mitigating soldier casualties, raises pressing ethical concerns regarding civilian impacts and accountability.”
  • Impact of Streaming Services: “Streaming services, redefining media consumption, challenge traditional entertainment industries and reshape global cultural dynamics.”
  • Yoga’s Global Popularity: “Yoga’s global ascent, beyond a physical regimen, underscores a universal quest for holistic well-being and cultural exchange.”
  • Future of Work and Automation: “Automation and AI’s rise promises efficiency but also necessitates a reevaluation of work, identity, and economic structures.”
  • Middle Eastern Politics: “The complexities of Middle Eastern politics, rooted in historical, religious, and socio-economic intricacies, shape global geopolitics.”
  • Psychedelics and Mental Health: “Recent research on psychedelics hints at groundbreaking mental health treatments, challenging established therapeutic norms and societal perceptions.”
  • Modernism in Visual Arts: “Modernist art, with its abstracted forms and innovative techniques, reflects a tumultuous era’s socio-cultural upheavals.”
  • Impact of Autonomous Vehicles: “The emergence of autonomous vehicles, while promising safety and efficiency, raises ethical, economic, and infrastructural questions.”
  • Indigenous Rights and Globalization: “Globalization’s sweep, often erasing indigenous cultures, necessitates urgent measures to preserve native rights, languages, and traditions.”
  • Role of Cryptography: “Cryptography, foundational to digital security, balances the dual imperatives of privacy protection and lawful surveillance.”
  • The Ethics of Gene Editing: “Gene editing technologies like CRISPR, promising medical marvels, also provoke ethical dilemmas concerning genetic determinism and potential misuse.”
  • Music Therapy and Health: “Music therapy’s efficacy, bridging neurology and emotions, offers holistic approaches to mental and physical wellness.”
  • Impact of Fast Fashion: “Fast fashion’s allure of affordability comes at significant environmental and ethical costs, spotlighting the need for sustainable alternatives.”
  • Space Tourism’s Future: “Space tourism, once a sci-fi dream, confronts real-world challenges of safety, ethics, and environmental impact.”
  • Role of Microfinance in Development: “Microfinance initiatives, empowering marginalized communities, showcase a potent blend of social welfare and economic strategy.”
  • Migration and Globalization: “Globalization, driving migration patterns, highlights the interplay between economic opportunity, cultural exchange, and socio-political challenges.”
  • Role of Satire in Social Commentary: “Satire, with its humor and critique, has historically been a potent tool for social commentary, challenging power structures and societal norms.”
  • Evolution of E-commerce: “E-commerce, transformed by technological innovations and consumer behaviors, is reshaping global retail, logistics, and consumer expectations.”
  • Rise of Citizen Journalism: “Citizen journalism, democratizing news dissemination, challenges traditional media paradigms but also raises concerns about credibility and accountability.”
  • Green Technologies and Urban Planning: “Green technologies in urban planning promise sustainable cityscapes, melding ecological concerns with inhabitants’ well-being.”
  • Multilingualism and Cognitive Benefits: “Multilingualism, beyond cultural enrichment, offers cognitive benefits, enhancing problem-solving, multitasking, and memory.”
  • Human Rights in Digital Surveillance: “The rise of digital surveillance, while promising security, poses grave concerns about privacy, freedom, and human rights.”
  • History and Evolution of Tattoos: “Tattoos, once a cultural or ritualistic symbol, have evolved into a form of personal expression, influenced by global aesthetics and societal shifts.”
  • Neopets and Early Internet Culture: “Neopets, while a nostalgic game for many, provides insights into early internet culture, commerce, and online community dynamics.”
  • Historical Revolutions and Modern Impacts: “Historical revolutions, shaping nations and cultures, offer insights into resistance, societal change, and the enduring human spirit.”
  • Gaming and Social Skills: “Contrary to popular belief, modern multiplayer gaming environments foster critical social skills, teamwork, and global collaboration.”
  • Oscar Wilde’s Social Commentary: “Oscar Wilde’s literary works, beyond their wit, provide incisive social commentary on Victorian society, morality, and hypocrisy.”
  • Paleo Diet in Modern Times: “The Paleo diet’s resurgence, inspired by ancestral eating patterns, challenges contemporary dietary norms and industrial food practices.”
  • Ancient Mythologies in Modern Media: “Ancient mythologies, continually reinvented in modern media, highlight humanity’s enduring fascination with heroism, morality, and the unknown.”
  • Pop Art and Consumer Culture: “Pop art, celebrating and critiquing consumer culture, reflects the post-war era’s juxtaposition of prosperity and existential angst.”
  • Classical Music’s Modern Revival: “Classical music’s modern revival, fused with genres from rock to techno, illustrates its timeless adaptability and emotional resonance.”
  • Modern Slavery and Global Supply Chains: “Modern slavery, concealed within global supply chains, necessitates rigorous corporate responsibility and consumer awareness.”
  • Manga and Cultural Export: “Manga’s global popularity showcases Japan’s cultural export’s potency and the universality of its themes and narratives.”
  • Impact of Reality TV: “Reality TV, blending entertainment and real-life, influences societal norms, aspirations, and perceptions of authenticity.”
  • Influence of Nordic Noir on Crime Fiction: “Nordic Noir, with its bleak landscapes and introspective detectives, has reshaped global crime fiction, emphasizing atmosphere and social critique.”
  • Data Privacy in the Digital World: “As personal data becomes the new gold, the tug-of-war between corporate interests, governmental regulations, and individual privacy intensifies.”
  • Adaptations and Originality in Cinema: “Film adaptations, while deriving from original sources, pose challenges and opportunities for creativity, fidelity, and cultural interpretation.”
  • Eco-Tourism’s Role and Responsibilities: “Eco-tourism, promoting sustainable travel, carries the responsibility of genuine environmental stewardship, not mere green-washing.”
  • Post-Apocalyptic Fiction’s Appeal: “Post-apocalyptic fiction’s allure lies in exploring societal rebuilds, human resilience, and moral dilemmas in extremis.”
  • Veganism’s Socio-Economic Impact: “Veganism, beyond dietary choice, influences global agriculture, economies, and debates on ethics and sustainability.”
  • Matriarchy in Historical Societies: “Historical matriarchal societies, often overshadowed in mainstream historiography, offer insights into gender dynamics, leadership, and cultural norms.”
  • Impressionism and Perception: “Impressionist artists, capturing fleeting moments and atmospheres, challenge viewers to consider the subjective nature of perception.”
  • Decolonizing Global Education: “Decolonizing education necessitates a reevaluation of curricula, pedagogy, and institutional structures, embracing diverse knowledge systems.”
  • Renaissance Humanism’s Legacy: “Renaissance humanism, championing reason, art, and individual potential, laid the groundwork for modern Western thought.”
  • Cyberpunk and Technological Dystopia: “Cyberpunk literature, exploring high-tech dystopias, reflects anxieties about unchecked technological advancements and societal control.”
  • Holistic Medicine’s Role in Modern Healthcare: “Holistic medicine’s growing role emphasizes a comprehensive view of health, blending physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.”
  • Feminism’s Waves and Evolution: “Understanding feminism requires studying its multifaceted waves, each addressing unique socio-political contexts and challenges.

These thesis statements are designed to encompass a vast array of topics suitable for college essays, providing a foundation upon which a student can build their argument or exploration.

Thesis Statement Examples for College Argumentative Essay

In a college argumentative essay thesis statement clearly states a position on a debatable issue, setting the tone for the subsequent arguments. It’s crafted to persuade readers and backed up with solid evidence throughout the essay.

  • Censorship and Art: “Art should remain uncensored as it serves as society’s mirror, reflecting both its beauty and ugliness.”
  • Mandatory Voting: “Mandatory voting should not be imposed as it infringes on personal freedom and may lead to uninformed decisions.”
  • Digital Privacy: “In the digital age, individual privacy rights should supersede governmental security concerns.”
  • Standardized Testing: “Standardized tests fail to accurately measure student intelligence and should be de-emphasized in college admissions.”
  • Veganism and Environment: “Adopting a vegan lifestyle is the most impactful step an individual can take for environmental conservation.”
  • Space Exploration: “Investment in space exploration is not an extravagance but a necessity for scientific advancement.”
  • Tuition-free College: “Tuition-free college, while an idealistic notion, may not be the most practical solution for educational reform.”
  • Universal Basic Income: “A Universal Basic Income (UBI) can address socio-economic disparities and provide a safety net in a rapidly automating world.”
  • E-sports Recognition: “E-sports should receive the same recognition and support as traditional sports, given its competitive nature and vast audience.”
  • Language Preservation: “With globalization, proactive steps are essential to preserve endangered languages and, by extension, cultural diversity.”

Thesis Statement Examples for College Admission Essay

For a college admission essay, the thesis statement encapsulates the main idea or theme the applicant wishes to convey. It highlights personal experiences, values, or aspirations in a succinct manner.

  • Personal Growth: “My year volunteering in Nepal transformed my worldview, instilling in me a deep appreciation for cultural diversity and global citizenship.”
  • Pursuit of Medicine: “A close encounter with a life-threatening illness in my family ignited my unwavering passion for medicine.”
  • Artistic Endeavors: “Growing up in a family of artists, I’ve learned to view the world as a canvas of endless possibilities.”
  • Overcoming Adversities: “Battling dyslexia not only strengthened my resolve but also shaped my unique perspective on learning and adaptability.”
  • Leadership Evolution: “My role as the student council president honed my leadership skills, teaching me the nuances of collaboration and decision-making.”
  • Environmental Activism: “Witnessing the impact of climate change in my hometown propelled me into environmental activism, a mission I wish to expand in college.”
  • Science and Curiosity: “My childhood fascination with the cosmos steered me towards astrophysics, a field where my curiosity finds its calling.”
  • Global Engagement: “Participating in Model United Nations cultivated my interest in global affairs and diplomacy.”
  • Digital Innovation: “Creating my first mobile app at 15 revealed my penchant for technological innovation and problem-solving.”
  • Sports and Teamwork: “Being a basketball team captain taught me the balance between individual prowess and collective strength.”

3 Point Thesis Statement Examples for College Essay

A three-point thesis statement offers a concise overview of three main arguments or aspects that will be addressed in the essay. This structure helps guide the reader and provides a clear roadmap of the writer’s points.

  • Impact of Social Media: “Social media revolutionizes communication, influences self-perception, and has significant socio-political implications.”
  • Modern Education’s Challenges: “Today’s education system grapples with technological integration, evolving pedagogies, and increasing mental health concerns among students.”
  • Globally Influential Novels: “Novels like ‘1984,’ ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ and ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ tackle dystopian futures, racial injustice, and magical realism, respectively.”
  • Urbanization Concerns: “Rapid urbanization leads to infrastructural strain, environmental degradation, and socio-cultural shifts in metropolitan areas.”
  • The Power of Music: “Music serves as a universal language, a therapeutic tool, and a reflection of societal epochs.”
  • Digital Age Revolution: “The digital age reshapes information accessibility, interpersonal relationships, and global economic structures.”
  • Human-Animal Bond: “The relationship between humans and animals encompasses companionship, therapeutic benefits, and ethical dilemmas.”
  • Climate Change Effects: “Climate change precipitates extreme weather events, threatens biodiversity, and impacts global socio-economic structures.”
  • Ancient Civilizations’ Legacies: “Ancient Egypt, Greece, and China profoundly influenced art and architecture, political systems, and philosophical thought.”
  • Healthy Lifestyle Components: “A holistic healthy lifestyle encompasses balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and mental well-being.

Do College Essays Have Thesis Statements?

Absolutely. While the format might vary, the thesis statement’s role remains crucial in college essays. It captures the essence of your argument or the main point you’re conveying. From analytical to personal narratives, having a clear thesis or central idea can elevate your essay.

How Do You Write a Thesis Statement for a College Essay? – Step by Step Guide

  • Decipher the Prompt: Begin by breaking down the essay question. Recognize its nuances and understand its demands.
  • Pick a Relevant Topic: Your chosen topic should not only intrigue you but should also be relevant to your course and the prompt.
  • Engage in Research: Dive into scholarly articles, journals, and credible online sources to gather insights and refine your perspective.
  • Formulate Your Argument: Deduce your stance or the main message you want to communicate.
  • Aim for Precision: Your thesis should be a beacon for your essay. Avoid ambiguity and be direct.
  • Ensure It’s Open to Debate: Particularly for argumentative essays, your thesis should incite discussion, signaling that there’s more to be explored.
  • Positioning is Key: Place your thesis towards the end of your introduction to give readers a clear roadmap.
  • Iterate: As your essay evolves, adjust your thesis if necessary to mirror your arguments more accurately.
  • Seek Peer Review: A fresh set of eyes can offer valuable feedback to enhance clarity and cogency.
  • Solidify: Ensure that your finalized thesis seamlessly ties together the various threads of your essay.

Tips for Writing a Thesis Statement for a College Essay

  • Maintain Clarity: Dive straight into your point. Avoid unnecessary detours.
  • Stay Away from Clichés: College essays thrive on original thought. Ensure your thesis isn’t a regurgitated idea.
  • Be Bold: Use assertive language. Steer clear of phrases like “I feel” or “It might.”
  • Narrow It Down: Broad statements dilute impact. “The effects of climate change on coastal cities” is more potent than “Climate change affects the world.”
  • Stay Adaptable: Your essay might evolve, and that’s okay. Adjust your thesis accordingly.
  • Hone the Skill: Practice drafting thesis statements even outside of assignments. It’s a craft that gets sharper with use.
  • Echo in Conclusion: Your essay should come full circle, reiterating the essence of your thesis in the conclusion.
  • Avoid Overcomplicated Terms: While scholarly, your essay should be readable. Don’t overwhelm with jargon.
  • Stick to the Prompt: Ensure your thesis remains anchored to the essay prompt, offering a clear and direct response.
  • Reflect Depth: Your thesis, though concise, should hint at the depth and complexity of your exploration.

By adhering to these guidelines and tailoring them to the specific demands of each essay, you’ll enhance the quality and effectiveness of your college essays.


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A definitive plan for your college admissions process.

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CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS - JULY 08: A view of the campus of Harvard University on July 08, 2020 in ... [+] Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have sued the Trump administration for its decision to strip international college students of their visas if all of their courses are held online. (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)

Navigating the college admissions process can be a daunting journey for students and parents alike. However, with a comprehensive plan and strategic approach , this journey can be transformed into a manageable and rewarding experience. Here’s a definitive plan for navigating the college application process.

Laying The Foundation

The first step in the college application process is to organize and plan meticulously. Begin by finalizing your college list , which will be the road map for your applications. This involves researching colleges, understanding their requirements, and aligning them with your career goals and interests. Your high school’s internal tools, such as Naviance and Scoir, are fantastic resources to help you dive deeply into your options. Speaking with college-based contacts , such as alumni of your high school, and taking virtual tours can provide insight into the experiences at specific college campuses.

Familiarize yourself with application platforms like Common App and Coalition App. These platforms will be your gateway to submitting your applications. So, understanding how to navigate them efficiently is key. Maintain a checklist to ensure all components of your application are completed and submitted on time. Remember, the Common App opens on August 1, and it’s essential to check for any changes to prompts and requirements.

Recently, some universities have adjusted their requirements for standardized testing, including Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, MIT, and Caltech. It’s important to stay updated on each college’s requirements, as policies may vary. Staying informed and prepared will help you navigate these changes smoothly.

Gather letters of recommendation, transcripts, and other supporting documents to ensure a complete application package. Tools like application platforms and checklists will be invaluable in keeping you organized and on track.

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Once you have your list, creating a comprehensive master calendar is essential. Tools like Google Calendar or Notion can help you map out all your deadlines so nothing slips through the cracks. This master calendar will be your guide as you navigate through the myriad of tasks ahead.

Crafting Your Personal Narrative

Your personal statement is a critical component of your application, offering a glimpse into who you are beyond grades and test scores. Begin brainstorming topics that reflect your unique experiences and passions. Reflect deeply on significant life events, challenges, and achievements that have shaped you. Seek inspiration from past successful essays to provide you with examples of compelling narratives that resonate with admissions officers.

As you draft your personal statement, remember that revision is key. Seek feedback from trusted advisors and mentors to refine your essay. Tools like Grammarly and the Hemingway App can assist in ensuring your writing is clear, concise, and impactful. Having the essay assessed by a trusted team of reviewers with experience in admissions can support you in ensuring your narrative will resonate with the audience of college admissions officers .

Tackling Supplemental Essays

Supplemental essays provide an opportunity to demonstrate your fit for specific colleges. Taking virtual and in-person tours can provide you with personalized data to show how your story fits your targeted colleges. Start by drafting essays for early application schools. These essays should highlight specific examples why you are a good match. Show your enthusiasm for the school and your intended major, and use specific examples to illustrate your points.

Finalizing Early Applications

As early application deadlines approach, it’s crucial to finalize all materials. This includes completing final revisions on essays and preparing additional documents like resumes and activity lists. Attention to detail can make the difference between a good application and a great one. Make sure every component is perfect before submission.

Don't forget to check in with your teachers regarding your deadlines that they can align the timing of their letters of recommendation with your college submissions.

Early Application Submissions And Refinements

With your early applications ready, submit them and continue refining essays for regular decision schools. Stay organized and ensure all deadlines are met. Conduct thorough final reviews of your early applications and begin preparing regular decision essays. This phase is about ensuring everything is polished and ready for submission.

Perform final proofreads of your early application essays and start drafting and refining essays for remaining colleges. Remember, meticulous preparation and thoughtful reflection are essential to achieving your academic dreams.

Finalizing Regular Decision Applications

As you move closer to the end of the process, focus on finalizing all regular decision application essays and materials. Gather letters of recommendation, transcripts, and other supporting documents to ensure a complete application package. Tools like application platforms and checklists will be invaluable in keeping you organized and on track.

Submit all remaining applications and confirm receipt to ensure everything has been successfully submitted. This final step certifies that all your hard work culminates in successful submissions.

Await Additional Requirements

Colleges may invite you to interview or to submit additional information after your initial required submission. Stay on top of notifications to your application portals and proactively check inside of your portal to ensure you haven’t missed any additional requests. For example, last cycle, some colleges such as Brown and the University of Chicago gave the option of a video introduction inside their portals after submission.

If your family is applying for financial aid, be sure to check for any deadlines related to the FAFSA, CSS profile, and individual scholarship essays.

The college admissions process is a marathon, not a sprint. By following a structured plan and using available resources, you can navigate this journey with confidence and poise. Remember, the key to success lies in detailed preparation, thoughtful reflection, and continuous improvement. With a clear plan and the right support, you can transform the college application process from a daunting task into a rewarding journey.

Dr. Aviva Legatt

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The Canonization of the Bible: a Historical Overview

This essay about the canonization of the Bible explores the complex process through which the texts of the Bible were officially recognized and compiled. It begins with the early Christian communities and their diverse practices regarding scriptural texts. The essay highlights key events and councils, such as those held in Hippo and Carthage in the 4th century, that played crucial roles in establishing the New Testament canon. It also addresses the development of the Old Testament canon and the variations in canonical texts across different Christian traditions. The essay emphasizes how the canonization process was intertwined with theological debates and the desire to preserve core teachings of Christianity, culminating in a unified set of scriptures that continue to guide millions today.

How it works

The Bible, a cornerstone of faith for billions around the world, has a history that stretches far beyond its written words. Its canonization—the process by which the books of the Bible were officially recognized and compiled—was neither swift nor simple. Rather, it unfolded over centuries, reflecting the complex interplay of religious, historical, and cultural forces.

The journey toward canonization began in the early Christian communities of the first century. The New Testament texts were initially circulated as letters and writings among early Christian congregations.

These early writings, such as the letters of Paul, were valued for their teachings and guidance but were not yet considered part of a fixed, authoritative collection. Instead, various texts were read, copied, and shared according to the needs and preferences of different communities.

The concept of a canonical Bible did not solidify immediately. For much of the early Christian period, there was considerable debate over which writings should be included. Different regions and groups had their own preferred texts, leading to a diversity of opinion on what constituted scripture. Some texts, like the Gospel of Thomas or the Shepherd of Hermas, were highly regarded by some early Christians but were ultimately excluded from the canonical Bible.

The process of canonization began to take shape more clearly in the 4th century. Key church councils, such as those held in Hippo (393 CE) and Carthage (397 CE), played a significant role in affirming the canonical texts of the New Testament. These councils, attended by prominent church leaders and theologians, sought to establish a unified set of writings that were deemed authoritative and inspired by God. The decisions made at these councils were influenced by a combination of factors, including the texts’ apostolic origin, their widespread acceptance among Christian communities, and their consistency with the core teachings of Christianity.

The Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, also underwent a process of canonization. While the texts that would become the Old Testament were largely settled by the time of Jesus, the formal recognition of the canon was solidified later. The Jewish canon was largely established by the 2nd century CE, with the inclusion of texts such as the Torah (the first five books of Moses) and the prophetic writings. The process for determining the Old Testament canon was less contentious compared to the New Testament, but it still involved careful consideration of which texts were considered divinely inspired and authoritative.

Throughout the centuries, various Christian traditions have recognized slightly different canons. The Protestant Bible, for instance, includes 66 books—39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. In contrast, the Catholic Bible includes additional texts known as the Deuterocanonical books, which are not found in the Protestant canon. The Eastern Orthodox Church also has its own slightly different set of books. These differences reflect the diverse ways in which different Christian traditions have understood and affirmed the scriptures.

The canonization of the Bible was not merely a matter of choosing texts but was deeply intertwined with the development of Christian doctrine and identity. The process was shaped by theological debates, the need for doctrinal clarity, and the desire to preserve the teachings of Jesus and the apostles in a coherent and authoritative form. The final recognition of the canon was a significant milestone in the history of Christianity, as it provided a foundational text for faith, worship, and practice.

In summary, the canonization of the Bible was a gradual and complex process, spanning several centuries and involving numerous debates and decisions. It reflects the dynamic and evolving nature of early Christianity and the determination of its leaders to preserve and protect the teachings that were central to their faith. Today, the Bible stands as a testament to this rich and intricate history, continuing to inspire and guide millions around the world.


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The Canonization of the Bible: A Historical Overview. (2024, Jul 21). Retrieved from

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"The Canonization of the Bible: A Historical Overview.", Jul 21, 2024. Accessed July 23, 2024.

"The Canonization of the Bible: A Historical Overview," , 21-Jul-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 23-Jul-2024] (2024). The Canonization of the Bible: A Historical Overview . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 23-Jul-2024]

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Application Prompts for 2024-2025

Your essay and short answer responses help us get to know you.

We’ve selected the following prompts for the UNC-specific portion for the first-year and transfer applications for 2024-2025. We’re proud of the Carolina community and how each student makes us better through their excellence, intellect, and character. In reading your responses, we hope to learn what being a part of the Carolina community would mean to you.

Short answer prompts

We’d like to know how you’d contribute to the Carolina community and ask that you respond to each prompt in up to 250 words.

  • Discuss one of your personal qualities and share a story, anecdote, or memory of how it helped you make a positive impact on a community. This could be your current community or another community you have engaged.
  • Discuss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. Why does this topic interest you? Topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college.

Common Application essay

You’ll choose one Common Essay prompt to respond to in 250-650 words. These prompts are common to all schools who accept the Common Application, and you can view the prompts here. Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don’t feel obligated to do so. The Common Application also has an optional section where you’ll have the opportunity to write about how COVID-19 has affected you.

Your responses will be evaluated not only for admission, but also for possible selection for scholarships and other special opportunities. We look forward to learning more about you!

Advice for Your Application

First-year application, transfer application.

1 in 3 College Applicants Used AI for Essay Help. Did They Cheat?

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Last spring, Makena, then a high school senior, was deep into cranking out some 70 essays for 20 college applications when her creativity started to wane.

So, she turned to a high-tech brainstorming partner: artificial intelligence.

One essay prompt asked Makena to describe a class she’d want to teach if she were a college professor. “I had no idea,” said Makena, who asked to be identified only by her first name to speak candidly about the admissions process. “I had never thought about it.”

She put her intended major and some favorite topics into an AI tool, which spit out a list of potential courses. Makena selected one and crafted her essay around it, without any further AI assistance.

In Makena’s mind, this wasn’t cheating.

“I wrote my own essays, 100 percent,” she said. After all, she could have found the same information on Google or by picking up a course catalogue. AI was just more efficient.

About a third of high school seniors who applied to college in the 2023-24 school year acknowledged using an AI tool for help in writing admissions essays, according to research released this month by foundry10 , an organization focused on improving learning.

About half of those students—or roughly one in six students overall—used AI the way Makena did, to brainstorm essay topics or polish their spelling and grammar. And about 6 percent of students overall—including some of Makena’s classmates, she said—relied on AI to write the final drafts of their essays instead of doing most of the writing themselves.

Meanwhile, nearly a quarter of students admitted to Harvard University’s class of 2027 paid a private admissions consultant for help with their applications .

The use of outside help, in other words, is rampant in college admissions, opening up a host of questions about ethics, norms, and equal opportunity.

Top among them: Which—if any—of these students cheated in the admissions process?

For now, the answer is murky.

Colleges permit students to use pricey admissions coaches . But they are mostly silent on how AI can be used in crafting essays.

That’s created “this ethical gray area that students and [high school] counselors don’t have any guidance” on how to navigate, said Jennifer Rubin, a senior researcher at foundry10 and the lead author the report.

A ‘double standard’ on college admissions

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT have put a high-tech twist on decades-old questions of fairness in the college admissions process.

The system has “never been a level playing field,” Rubin said, citing the advantages that mostly benefit wealthier students, such as SAT tutors, paid college admissions coaches, and savvy, college-educated parents. “I think [AI] is just complicating it a little bit more because it’s a tool that’s readily available to everyone.”

To get a sense of the public’s perceptions on AI in college admissions, foundry10 included an experimental portion in its survey.

Participants reviewed an identical portion of a college essay. But one group was instructed that the applicant had help from ChatGPT in brainstorming ideas, refining content, and polishing the final draft—essentially the same tasks Makena used AI for.

Another group was told the applicant got assistance with the same parts of the writing process, from a paid college admissions coach. A third group was informed that the student worked entirely alone.

Participants rated the applicant who used ChatGPT as less authentic, less ethical, and less likable than the student who paid for professional help. (The student who worked solo got the highest ratings.)

Rubin perceives a “double standard” at work.

A student who can pay “thousands of dollars to someone who has the knowledge of how a [particular college] works and what’s needed or wanted in a college admissions essay is going to have an undue advantage,” she said.

College admissions coaching services typically cost from $60 to $349 per hour, according to data cited in Rubin’s report from Prepmaven, an admissions-preparation company.

The website of one such service, Ivy College Essay , advertises its Harvard connections. For between $1,500 and $4,800, depending on the number of applications, students receive help in brainstorming topics and “extensive written notes, comments, and guidance, focusing on both content and structure,” according to the site.

“We go back and forth as many times as needed until we have a very strong and solid Ivy League college application!” the company promises.

Assistance from ChatGPT on similar tasks “probably isn’t going to be as strong” as what such a service offers, Rubin said. “But it might provide students some form of feedback that they might not be able to get in their lives because they don’t have parents or caregivers” who have the savvy to help.

These issues are especially personal for Rubin, a first-generation college graduate who attended a private high school on scholarship. She had the help of her school counselors in applying to college.

But that assistance couldn’t make up for the gap between Rubin and many of her peers with highly educated parents, who could offer all sorts of support, she said.

Big questions on AI use go mostly unanswered by colleges

For now, high school counselors aren’t sure what to tell their students when it comes to how AI can be ethically used in the admissions process.

“My seniors have come to me and said, ‘Hey, I’ve got to write an essay about this. Where do I even start?’ Or ‘is it OK if I use ChatGPT?’” said Melissa Millington, a school counselor in Missouri. “I just really hit on, you cannot pass that off as your own work, because that’s not ethical.”

But, like Rubin, she sees some possibility for the technology in crafting applications that stop short of making AI a sole, uncredited ghost writer.

“If you are going to use it to get a starting point, that’s totally fine,” she said she’s told students. “Or if you want to write your essay, and then put it in there and ask it to clean [the] grammar,” that’s likely fair game.

While most colleges and universities are silent on the AI issue, some individual institutions have given applicants the green light to use AI in a limited fashion.

One of the country’s most prestigious institutions focusing on science, math, engineering and technology, CalTech, tells prospective students that it’s unethical to copy and paste an essay written entirely by generative AI. But it is acceptable to use AI to brainstorm or check grammar and spelling, the college says.

Georgia Polytechnical Institute, another highly regarded STEM-focused university, has a similar policy .

“If you choose to utilize AI-based assistance … we encourage you to take the same approach you would when collaborating with people,” the school’s website says. “Use it to brainstorm, edit, and refine your ideas.”

But for other colleges, any use of AI is unacceptable, at least officially. Brown University, for instance, cites its fraud policy and tells applicants that the use of AI is “not permitted under any circumstances.”

‘It always been an honor system’

Brown and other institutions have no real way of enforcing those policies, Rubin said.

AI detectors are notoriously unreliable. And they are disproportionately likely to flag writing by students who are not native English speakers, even if they didn’t use AI.

In fact, Kristin Woelfel, a policy counsel specializing in equity in civic technology for the Center for Democracy & Technology, a nonprofit organization that aims to shape technology policy, has gone so far as to say the detectors have the potential to violate students’ civil rights .

It doesn’t really matter if colleges have guidelines that prohibit AI use, Rubin said, because there’s no way to check on what kind of assistance an applicant received, human or not.

“It’s always been on the honor system,” she said.

Colleges that haven’t outlined their policies on AI in the application process are ignoring the obvious—and making life harder for high school counselors and their students, said Maritza Cha, who worked as a school counselor in Southern California for nearly a decade and has taught high school counseling as an adjunct professor.

“We’re at the point of either you can kind of put your head down in the sand and pretend it’s not happening, which is not realistic,” Cha said. “Or you can just acknowledge that they’re using some kind of AI” in the admissions process.

Counselors can model proper use of AI in the college search

While much of the work in setting clear guidelines needs to happen at the college level, there are steps high school educators can take.

Rubin believes that if counselors and teachers are really thinking about leveling the playing field between first-generation college students from low-income families and their peers, it might be helpful to show how generative AI can ethically guide the college admissions process.

For instance, students could put areas of study they are interested in and a desired geographic region into a tool like ChatGPT and ask for recommendations on where to apply.

“Generative AI can provide them some really concrete information,” Rubin said. Even though they should check that data against more accurate sources, it can help a student narrow their search.

Students can even have a “conversation back and forth” with AI if they don’t have access to a college counselor at school who can meet with them consistently, she said.

And they can model how to use AI to spur their creativity or proofread final drafts, without crossing the line into wholesale cheating, she said.

But, ultimately, high school educators and college officials need to have conversations about what responsible use of AI looks like, including in crafting college applications, Rubin said.

In Rubin’s view, those discussions should acknowledge that many students already have access to other types of help—whether that’s from professional consultants or parents and older siblings familiar with the process of applying to college.

Makena, for instance, thinks she can write a stronger, more personal essay than anything ChatGPT could cook up. She didn’t feel the need to pay a private counselor either, since she wanted to rely on her own voice as much as possible.

She did, however, have a low-tech, presumably cost-free assistant: Her father, who edited all 70-plus of her essays.

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    Exercise: Analyze an essay. Read one of the two Process Example Essays on the following pages to complete this exercise. Label the introduction paragraph, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion paragraph. Circle the hook. What is the general topic of the essay? Underline the thesis. Underline each of the topic sentences.

  11. Learning Guides: Writing Academic Essays: Process Essay

    A process essay is a step-by-step guide on how to do or make something. It is important to include every step of the process, even if something appears self-explanatory. Your audience might not be as familiar on the topic as you are. What may be equally important, and is often overlooked, is what not to do. For example, the process of making ...

  12. Process Essay Examples

    A process essay is an essay that explains or outlines the process for making something or completing a process or activity. Process essays are most often organized in a chronological or step-by-step manner, such that the reader is lead through the process of making something or completing an activity.. Because of the step-by-step nature of a process essay, transition words are critically ...

  13. How to Write a Great Process Essay

    Start by Brainstorming. The first step in writing your how-to essay is brainstorming. Here are tips to help you: Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper to make two columns. Label one column "materials" and the other column "steps." Write down every item and every step you can think of that will be needed to carry out your task.

  14. Process Essay

    A process essay gives reader a sense of complete how-to-do process of making or creating some objects or things. Readers, after going through the essay, are able to create and make things. Although it is not like imperative instructions, it gives full details in a descriptive or prescriptive mode. It is because its major objective is not to ...

  15. 4.8: Process Essays

    Sample Process Essays. How to Grow Tomatoes from a Seedling. Growing tomatoes is a simple and rewarding task, and more people should be growing them. This paper walks readers through the main steps for growing and maintaining patio tomatoes from a seedling.

  16. Process Essay Examples PapersOwl

    16 essay samples found. A process essay, also known as a "how-to" essay, is a piece of writing that explains how something is done, how a task is performed, or how a process works. It guides the reader through the steps required to complete a task or understand an operation from start to finish. The key to writing an effective process essay ...

  17. How To Write A Process Essay: Step-By-Step Guide (Example)

    Step 1: Understanding the Topic. Process Essay Topics. Step 2: Crafting the Thesis Statement. Step 3: Drafting the Introduction. Step 4: Writing the Body Paragraphs. Step 5: Creating the Conclusion. Step 6: Revising and Editing. Essay Example: "How to Bake a Perfect Chocolate Cake".

  18. Process Essay Writing: Tips & Examples from Experts

    For example, you may write in your process paper: "Making sushi takes 30 minutes of preparation time and 10 minutes of cooking.". The next action is to write a thesis statement. It is one sentence that describes the research problem to be considered in the paper. It can be the last sentence of the introduction.

  19. How to Write a Process Essay: A Complete, Step-by-Step Guide

    1. Focus on Simplicity. As a guide on doing something, most probably for the first time, a process essay should be easy to follow and understand. Use simple language with clear directions on how to perform all the processes. The choice of words and the construction of sentences must meet the reader's understanding.

  20. How To Write A Process Essay: Essay Outline, Tips, Topics and Essay

    Definition. A process essay is a typical "how-to" paper that describes some process or workflow, hence the name. The primary idea behind this type of essay is to give a step-by-step explanation of a process that leads to a planned or expected outcome. The paper may revolve around a concrete or precise and an abstract process.

  21. Definition and Tips on Writing an Effective Process Essay

    Be accountable. 2. How something works. By contrast, this is an informative type of writing that aims to achieve one goal - explain the principle of work behind some process. Unlike the mentioned above type, this process essay type does not encourage a reader to take an action and do something step by step. However, you must make sure that by ...

  22. 4.4: Process Essay

    Sample Process Essay "Keep Them in Stitches," by Jacob Gallman-Dreiling, describes the process of finding the perfect yarn for a knitting project. As you read, pay attention to the words and phrases the author uses to help orient the reader, as well as the strong details that bring the subject to life.

  23. 10.5 Process Analysis

    Use time transition phrases to help organize steps in the process and to orient readers. The conclusion should thoroughly describe the result of the process described in the body paragraphs. See Chapter 15 "Readings: Examples of Essays" to read an example of a process analysis essay.

  24. Scholarship Essay

    Introduction: Introduces the main idea or response to the essay prompt, includes a hook to grab the reader's attention.; Body Paragraphs: Provide detailed examples and experiences that showcase your qualifications, achievements, and how you align with the scholarship's values.; Conclusion: Summarizes your essay, reinforces how the scholarship will help you achieve your educational goals ...

  25. How to Write a Hook- Steps With Examples

    So, let's have a look at the process of learning how to write a hook for your essay, with a few examples. 1.Create an outline. First and foremost, you need to create an outline for your essay. This means your hook needs to be based on the information you plan to communicate through your essay. It's essential to lay the groundwork.

  26. College Essay Thesis Statement

    Gentrification and Urban Development: "The process of gentrification, while reviving urban locales, ... 3 Point Thesis Statement Examples for College Essay. A three-point thesis statement offers a concise overview of three main arguments or aspects that will be addressed in the essay. This structure helps guide the reader and provides a clear ...

  27. A Definitive Plan For Your College Admissions Process

    These essays should highlight specific examples why you are a good match. Show your enthusiasm for the school and your intended major, and use specific examples to illustrate your points.

  28. The Canonization of the Bible: A Historical Overview

    Essay Example: The Bible, a cornerstone of faith for billions around the world, has a history that stretches far beyond its written words. ... The essay emphasizes how the canonization process was intertwined with theological debates and the desire to preserve core teachings of Christianity, culminating in a unified set of scriptures that ...

  29. Application Prompts for 2024-2025

    You'll choose one Common Essay prompt to respond to in 250-650 words. These prompts are common to all schools who accept the Common Application, and you can view the prompts here. Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response.

  30. 1 in 3 College Applicants Used AI for Essay Help. Did They Cheat?

    Generative AI tools like ChatGPT have put a high-tech twist on decades-old questions of fairness in the college admissions process. 1 in 3 College Applicants Used AI for Essay Help. Did They Cheat?