
Speech on Rainy Season

The rainy season is a time when the sky often wears a cloudy look. You can hear the music of rainfall and feel the cool breeze that comes with it. The sight of raindrops falling is a delight to every eye. The smell of wet soil adds to the joy that this season brings.

1-minute Speech on Rainy Season

Good day, everybody! Today, we’re going to talk about the rainy season, the time when the sky often puts on a dramatic, gray cloak and showers us with its blessings.

Rainy season is a magical time. It is like a big artist, painting the world with its watery brush. It turns the leaves greener, the flowers brighter and the soil more fertile. The earth wears a fresh, clean look after the rain washes away all the dust and heat.

But it’s not just fun and games. The rainy season is crucial for farmers. The rains help the crops to grow. They fill our rivers and lakes. Without this season, life would be tough for many.

Yet, rainy season can also bring challenges. Sometimes, too much rain can cause floods, making life hard for many people. We need to be prepared for these situations and help each other when such times come.

To conclude, the rainy season is a time of change, a time of joy, and sometimes, a time of challenges. It’s a season that teaches us many lessons, like the importance of helping each other and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Let’s celebrate this beautiful season, while also being mindful of its challenges.

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2-minute Speech on Rainy Season

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today I bring you a talk on a topic that touches us all – the rainy season.

Let’s begin by painting a picture. The sky turns dark, clouds gather in a strong show of might, the sun hides away, and then it begins – the soft patter of rain. The earth’s dry thirst is quenched, plants spring back to life and the air is filled with a fresh smell, a smell most of us know and love. This is the magic of the rainy season.

Now, let’s talk about what this season means for us. For farmers, the rainy season is a time of hope. It is when seeds are sown, waiting to burst into a green sea of crops. For students, it’s a time for paper boats, splashing in puddles, and the fun of getting a day off when it rains too hard. For adults, it’s a time for hot cups of tea, the sound of rain on the roof, and the joy of a cool, clean world after the rain. Rainy season is a time of joy and growth for all of us.

But it’s not just about the fun and games. The rainy season plays a big role in our environment. The rainwater fills our rivers, lakes, and wells, gives life to plants and trees, and cools the earth after the harsh summer. It’s a time when nature gets to replenish itself. And let’s not forget the beautiful rainbows that come after the rain, filling the sky with color!

Now, let’s touch on the other side of the coin. The rainy season can also bring challenges. Sometimes, it rains too much causing floods. Roads become rivers, homes get washed away, and people face a tough time. It’s a reminder that while we enjoy the beauty of the rain, we must also respect the power of nature.

So, how can we make the most of this season? Enjoy the rain, but also stay safe. Use umbrellas and raincoats to stay dry. Don’t step into water-logged areas. Keep your surroundings clean to avoid diseases that come with the rain. And most importantly, lend a hand to those who need help during the rainy season.

In conclusion, the rainy season is a time of beauty, joy, and challenges. It’s a time when the earth gets a fresh coat of paint, when life springs back, and when we, as a community, get the chance to enjoy and protect our environment. So let’s cherish these rainy days, because every drop of rain is a drop of life.

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how to have fun in the rain speech



Download your free Nature Play Pack

By Penny Whitehouse

50 Ways to Play in the Rain!

Rain Activities for Kids

It’s so much fun to play in the rain. It’s wonderful!

I love how only a quick downpour transforms the nature around our house. It sometimes feels like we live in the middle of a rainforest with all those vibrant greens popping off the foliage.

Many of us stay indoors when it’s raining, but as you’ll see, there are plenty of activities to do out in the rain. Here are 50 to try!

Of course if there high winds or electric storms, best to stay indoors and watch the amazing force of nature through a glass window.

Wonderful ways to play in the rain:

  • Play out in the rain . Fully clothed or in your swimmers, either way it’s going to be so much fun.
  • Make mud angels. Yep, I said it. Get really, really dirty and make mud angels in the sopping, wet dirt.
  • Make a mud tidal pool. Find a puddle and with your hand or sticks, make it into a tidal pool. Then, float leaves in it and watch them get moved by the current you created.

Rain play for kids

  • Make a mud pie or stew. If you have plenty of mud around, mud pies are a must in the rain!
  • Raindrop races.   Place a start and finishing line on the inside of the window with whiteboard markers. Go outside and race raindrops. On your mark, get set… Go!
  • Make a dam.  Find a small body of running water around your house and see if you can hold it back by making a small dam.
  • Search for rainbows. The best time to search for rainbow is just after it rains. Can’t find any? Make your own!
  • Act like animals.  Pretend to be an animal that loves the rain. Frogs, ducks and snails come to mind but I’m sure you can think of more!

how to have fun in the rain speech

  • Sing in the rain.   Songs with a rain theme are perfect for singing in the rain. Try  Rain, Rain Go Away , I Can Sing a Rainbow or I’m Singing in the Rain!
  • Slip and slide. Get a tarp out and off you go. Slide from side to side. Don’t forget to add mud and grass too!
  • Jump, stomp and sit in muddy puddles. What child wouldn’t like to do this?
  • Take your bath toys outside. Play with bath toys out in the rain and in the mud puddles. Who says they’re just for playing in the bath?!
  • Look at a flowing creek. Go for a walk down to a swollen creek. It’s really interesting to look at when you’ve seen it at its usual size.
  • Make boats. Make nature boats and then float them in a creek or gutter.
  • Play games.  Play games like relay races, stuck in the mud and red rover.
  • Ingredients in bowls. Take some bowls filled with different ingredients like flour, sugar, oats and salt out into the rain and see what happens to the material when they get droplets of water on them.

Rain Play

  • Do some wet chalk drawing. It’s a different experience to draw with chalk on a wet surface. The colours are more vibrant and the chalk is easier to draw with too!
  • Bring out a waterproof camera. Imagine the beautiful images you would get in the wet! Cameras are just another way to help a child connect with the world around them. 
  • Paint with mud. Collect some different shades of dirt or mud around your home and then paint with them.
  • Rain dance. Pump out some nice tunes through a window and do a rain dance.
  • Jump over puddles. Rather than jumping in puddles, try to jump over them this time.

Paint in the rain

  • Write with rocks. Test some rocks to see if the rain helps them to become a tool you can use to write or draw pictures with. Try using a rock to draw on a larger rock or boulder.  
  • Homemade rain gauge. This is an excellent  rain gauge to make yourself!
  • Take your shoes and boots off. Squish those feet into the mud.

how to have fun in the rain speech

  • Make coloured paints from nature. Collect some nature, like leaves or flowers, and squish it with rocks in a container. Add a little bit of rain and the use it to paint sidewalks.
  • Watch the clouds. This will be a lot different from watching the white fluffy clouds that make shapes . Talk about why they look darker and more dense.
  • Play with sand.  If you keep sand around your place, like a sand pit or in a nature craft play space , bring some sand outside in the rain and play with it on the pavement.
  • Roll down wet hills. Rolling down dry grassy hills is fun, can you imagine rolling down a wet grassy hill?!
  • Let water fall on your tongue. Taste the water that’s come from the sky. This is usually something we naturally do when we’re out in the rain anyway.
  • Set up an outdoor water play space. I’d set up one just like these water walls .

Play in the rain: Take a shower

  • Blow bubbles into the rain . You could have bubble competition.  Which bubbles lasts the longest before it pops. This is best done on days when it’s just spitting with rain.
  • Toss rocks into puddles. See how big your splashes get by starting to throw small objects in the puddle and then larger objects in the puddle.  
  • Go to the beach and draw in the wet sand. Drawing in the wet sand is glorious! The rain makes the whole beach your canvas.
  • Go for a swim. If it’s not a cold day but it’s raining, go for a swim. Sometimes you can be surprised at how warm the water is.

Rain Play Music

  • Get arty in the rain. Get your paints and some recycled cardboard and paint in the rain . 
  • Water small world play. Take your toys and action figures outside in the rain and create a small world around puddles and wet foliage.
  • Have a rain shower. Take some soap out in the rain with you and lather up!
  • Plant some seeds in the garden. The perfect time to plant seeds is when it’s raining. Best of all, you don’t need to water them because the rain has done it for you!
  • Find other ways over that puddle. Find some large bricks or rocks and see if you can make stepping stones or a bridge over a big puddle.
  • Have a water fight.   Rain will be falling on your head and you’ll have to watch out for rain coming at you sideways too. How much fun will it be to have a water fight in the rain!
  • Become a mud monster. Cover yourself with mud, leaves and grass and become a mud monster. When you’re finished, all you have to do is hose yourself off.

Find mushrooms in the rain

I hope I’ve made you excited for the next time it rains. Why stay in? You have so many fun ways to play in the rain!  ~Penny

If you love this post you might love to see all the wonderful ways you can use leaves in arts and crafts

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Nature Play Pack

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May 26, 2015 at 11:49 pm

Great list. I have been looking for a little bit of rainy inspiration for this afternoon. Most resources I am finding are for indoor rain activities like cutting rain drops out of paper or making pretend puddles on the floor to jump on/over. Your suggestions are perfect for me and my 4 year old daughter to go experience the day.

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May 27, 2015 at 6:00 am

Thank you so much Shannon. I really appreciate you taking the time to write feedback. I hope you and your little girl enjoyed some outdoor time in the rain together. Pen

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April 26, 2017 at 3:02 am

Wow! What an awesome list!!!!

April 30, 2017 at 2:01 pm

You’re welcome Anu, so glad you liked them 🙂

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October 10, 2018 at 10:40 am

Thank you! This list is fantastic and reminds me of so many things I enjoyed as a child about the rain I’ve forgotten as an adult. Can’t wait to test these out with my girls 🙂

October 27, 2018 at 6:57 pm

I am so glad they inspired you Tara xx

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June 1, 2020 at 12:27 am

My mom used to do most of the stuff on this list with me when it rained. We pretty much stopped when I turned 15. I guess she thought a 15 year old boy is too old to play in the rain. I think it is stupid that we stopped because I had soooo much fun!! She always let me strip down to just my bikini underwear. I don’t know if my childhood would have been the same without her letting me play in the rain! Great memories for me!

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February 13, 2022 at 4:22 am

Absolutely top list. Not many people suggest outdoor rain activities and there’s some excellent ideas here. Thank you

April 18, 2022 at 4:09 pm

Yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed them. We love playing in the rain so it made sense to find more ways to enjoy it. 🙂

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October 3, 2022 at 9:25 pm

such a great list I was looking forward to play in the rain and here are the perfect suggestions

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April 13, 2023 at 6:24 pm

Thank you for these great ideas. The simple reminder of rain showers ended up bringing so much excitement and joy to my toddlers after the rain this afternoon!

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44 Fun Things to Do on a Rainy Day at Home

Stuck inside? Try these fun things to do inside to brighten up a rainy day.

how to have fun in the rain speech

Stormy weather doesn't have to stop the fun. Even if your outdoor plans have been canceled, you can still find plenty of fun rainy day activities to do at home.

Keep this list of what to do on a rainy day in your pocket for the next drizzly (or snowy) afternoon—it has plenty of inspiration, from relaxing self-care ideas to games to play with the kids.

Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images

A rainy day at home is the perfect opportunity to start planning for the future. Plot out updates to your house or yard, start scrolling Zillow looking for your dream house, or think about what you'd like to do when you retire. Then go ahead and start figuring what you'll need to take to get you there.

Break Out the Board Games

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You know you have them all on a shelf somewhere! Whether you're into the classics like Monopoly or Twister, or the more recently mainstream games like Cards Against Humanity and Settlers of Catan, indulge your competitive streak and see who reigns supreme.

Try Out a New (and Maybe Complicated!) Recipe

We're all about real simple recipes that are delicious and don't require a lot of effort. But if you love to cook, a rainy day is the perfect time to break out the cookbooks and try out a new (or simply, a favorite) recipe that calls for a bit more effort. Think homemade bread, a decadent pie , or a cozy classic like beef bourguignon.

Make It Off Kilter Day

Start a goofy rainy day tradition by making it off kilter day—where everything's a little bit out of sorts (but still totally fun). Serve breakfast for dinner and vice versa, or start the meal with dessert instead of the main course. Wear your clothes backwards or inside out, and perhaps (yikes!) put the kids in charge for a while.

Stay in Your PJs

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If you're cozy at home, make yourself extra cozy at home. There's no shame in staying in your pjs and slippers all day long. In fact, turn the whole day into a "sleep under," and set up cozy pillows, blankets, and sleeping bags in the living room so everyone can feel completely comfortable.

Try a PowerPoint Party

Hear us out: PowerPoint can be a whole lot of fun. Instead of sharing the latest plans for your company, use the presentation tool to create a weird and wild showcase of your favorite conspiracy theory, your

Host a Family Talent Show

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Let everyone show off their skills for an impromptu show as a fun rainy day activity. Keep in mind that the "talents" don't have to be the traditional song-and-dance if you and your crew can't exactly carry a tune. Whether they want to showcase their latest drawing, amazing nail art skills, or their lightning-fast texting talent, everyone has their claim to fame.

Have Quality Time With Your Pets

Your furry friends will always appreciate a little extra loving. So spend time snuggling with your cats, put together a little maze to entertain your guinea pigs, or whip up a batch of homemade dog treats for your puppy.

Three Words: Dessert for Dinner

Every day doesn't have to be a perfect day nutritionally. So maybe a rainy day at home deserves a little extra treat. Swap out the veggies for a fancy ice cream sundae board, a decadent cake, or another sweet treat instead.

Freshen Up Your Space

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If you feel like you're in a rut, shaking up how your home looks is a perfect rainy day activity. Fortunately, you can do plenty without spending a single cent or heading outside. You can rearrange the furniture; shop your closets and cupboards for baskets, artwork, or vases to swap out what's on display; or rearrange your books to an aesthetic by-cover color arrangement.

Host a Chopped-Style Cooking Competition

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Raid your pantry for a few ingredients, set teams, and see who can come up with the most creative (and tastiest) dish with what you have on hand. (Bonus: It might help you clear out some odds and ends that have been taking up your freezer or pantry space.)

Have a Styling Session

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If you feel like you're wearing the same clothes the same way all the time, being stuck at home may be the perfect opportunity to experiment. Pull out your clothes and accessories and try them on in new and intriguing combinations to see what works—and perhaps even snap a shot or two so you can remember what you pulled together on those days when you're in a rush.

Pro tip: Keep a box or bag handy to stash anything you're ready to part with. Odds are, you'll find more than one thing that either doesn't fit your style or your body.

Pick Up a New Skill

You may not be speaking fluent French or knitting a sweater after a single rainy day at home, but it's the perfect time to search out lessons on how to do what you love (or what you've always wanted to try). You can explore YouTube videos to learn anything from cake decorating to basic guitar chords, or opt for apps like MasterClass to invest in a full-on class.

Find Your Zen

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Rainfall is an incredibly relaxing sound all on its own, so go ahead and embrace the zen vibe. Try out a new meditation or yoga workout , or simply daydream as you listen to the rain fall.

DIY a Dance Party

VioletaStoimenova /Getty Images

All you need is an epic playlist to get the party started. Fortunately, most streaming services will even provide one, if you just say something like "play party music," or "play dance music." Add glow sticks, sparkly accessories, and flashlight spotlights to kick it up a notch.

Give Yourself Nail Art Manicure

Anna Efetova/Getty Images

When you're stuck at home with nothing else to do, why not pamper and get your creative juices flowing at the same time? Give your hands the full manicure experience with a good soak, plenty of moisturizer, and a fresh bit of nail art.

Solve a Crime

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A rainy day feels perfect for settling in with a good mystery. Listen to a true-crime podcast, catch a cozy mystery show on streaming (may we recommend Only Murders in the Building ? ) , or opt for a downloadable murder mystery game you can solve yourself.

Break Out the Puzzles

Dani Ferrasanjose/Getty Images

You can get the whole crew involved in solving a jigsaw puzzle or an online escape room , or download a fresh puzzle app to get your mind engaged.

Create Something for Someone You Love

Marina Dyakonova/Getty Images

It's fun to make something for yourself, but even more fun to create something special with a loved one in mind. Whether you opt to bake a treat to bring over the next day, pen them a poem or heartfelt letter, or design a photo book of your favorite memories together, your recipient will love it.

Upcycle Something For Your Home

ASIFE/Getty Images

Turn trash into treasure, whether you convert cool artwork from old greeting cards and calendars into coasters, or transform tin cans into cute planters with a little paint—or even give your vertical hanger hose reel a colorful makeover. (We've got a few crafty ideas to get you started!)

Start a Seed

Tetiana Strilchuk /Real Simple

All you need is water and a fruit pit or seed—like an avocado pit —some water and a few other things you have at home to launch your newest pet baby.

Spy on Some Cute Animals

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Animal live cams can come to you from zoos, animal sanctuaries, wildlife centers, and your average backyards from around the world. Whether you love penguins, pandas, bird feeder action, or just cute cats, you'll find a live cam to tune into for all the feels.

Get Everybody Moving

Natalia Lebedinskaia/Getty Images

You don't have to be sedentary when you're stuck at home—there are plenty of fun things to do inside that'll keep everybody moving and active. (And they work for both kids and kids at heart!) Try building an obstacle course with pillows, blankets, balls, and old boxes. Play a game of The Floor Is Lava, where you parkour from furniture to floor pillows to furniture. And, of course, an old-fashioned pillow fight can be a perfect stress reliever.

Build Something Awesome

Martin Barraud /Getty Images

Building an elaborate domino or marble run, a house of cards, a Lego setup, or a cardboard castle will keep everyone entertained for hours.

Take a Good Nap

Antonio_Diaz/Getty Images

Most people are pretty sleep-deprived. (Are you getting the CDC-recommended seven to nine hours of shuteye each night?) So go ahead: take this day at home to catch up on your ZZZZs.

Cozy Up With Your Favorite Book

Jamie Grill/Getty Images

When you're looking for fun things to do inside, cozying up with a good book is definitely tops on the list. While you can always settle in with a new book , revisiting an old favorite is a guaranteed good time. So grab your coziest throw and your favorite book-reading beverage and settle in.

Host a Virtual Hangout

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When you're stuck indoors, you can still be social. Enjoy a quick virtual catch-up over Zoom, whether you just chat or take the opportunity to play an online game. Take the time to reconnect with loved ones—especially those who live far away.

Create an At-Home Restaurant Menu

Combine meal prep with a fun activity for the kids. Start by asking your kids to help you open up your very own at-home restaurant. Get them involved in planning what meals they want to eat for the days or week ahead, and then have them devise a creative name for the restaurant and each dish on the menu. Finally, put those ideas down on paper (or a chalkboard), adding fun designs or food illustrations. Bonus points if you can get the kids to help with the kitchen operations too.

Have an Indoor Treasure Hunt

Children in the house? One of the most fun things to do inside is a treasure hunt. Make one set of clues for every player (try rhyming the clues for fun), with each clue leading to the next one and, finally, to the treasure. Seal them in envelopes marked with a clue number (i.e., 2/7, or "two of seven") to help the treasure hunters keep track.

Whoever solves the clues first and finds the treasure—a small toy, an IOU for a movie, maybe a cache of coins (regular or chocolate)—is the winner. Or have your kids play as a team to solve the clues and uncover the treasure together.

Make Your Own Bubble Bath

One of the best rainy day activities for adults is to slip into a soothing bath laced with your own moisturizing soap blend. In a clean container, mix ½ cup mild liquid hand or body soap, 1 tablespoon sugar or honey, and 1 egg white. Pour the entire mixture under the running water as you draw your bath. Honey is a natural humectant, which will attract and retain moisture in your skin . The egg white helps create stronger, longer-lasting bubbles for a nice, fluffy bath. For extra-dry skin, consider adding a tablespoon of light oil, such as almond or light sesame. (Another surprising bath booster? Apple cider vinegar .) And if you have essential oils, a few drops will add a little aromatherapy to the mix.

Create a Family Recipe Book

If you've got some keen little chefs on your hands and are wondering what to do on a rainy day, the perfect activity might just be to make a family recipe book. Here are the details:

What You Need

  • Unlined journal
  • Recipe cards (the more sauce-splattered, the better)
  • Wine or Champagne labels
  • Photos from family meals
  • Photo corners
  • Shimmery alphabet stickers (available at crafts stores)
  • Color copy all recipe cards, photos, and labels if you want to preserve the originals or make more than one gift book.
  • Compile the memorabilia by time period, holiday, or any other theme that inspires you.
  • Affix the items horizontally in the journal. Use photo corners for pictures and recipe cards and adhesive for labels and clippings.
  • Stick a title on the front of the journal with alphabet stickers (using a ruler helps), and finish off with a ribbon.

Camp in the Great Indoors

While camping may not be your first thought when you think of fun things to do when it's raining, who says tents have to stay outside? If you have a pop-up or small dome tent, setting up camp for your kids indoors is easy. If not, you can create a fort by draping sheets over the couch.

Make them comfy with plenty of airbeds, pillows, and sleeping bags, then follow through with an indoor picnic to be eaten "under canvas." (Don't forget the indoor s'mores! )

Invent a (No-Batteries) Game

Anne Libera, artistic associate at the Second City Training Center , recommends the following play-anywhere, no-props-needed, rainy day activities.

One-word story: Starting with "Once upon a time," go around the room and have each person add a single word to the story. Tip: Decide on a genre in advance―fairy tale, ghost story, etc.―and go from there.

Improvised poetry: One person says a line of poetry, and the next must say a line that rhymes with it, and so on. Let kids say the first line; it's up to you to find the rhyme.

Yes, and…monster! Invent an imaginary monster, with each person adding a new characteristic to the first person's monster description. Every new idea has to start with an enthusiastic, "Yes, and…" and build on what has already been described.

Deep-Condition Your Hair

What better time than when you're stuck inside on a rainy day to pamper yourself a little? You've been wanting to give your hair a deep treatment but just haven't been able to get to the drugstore or salon. Walk over to the fridge to find your solution: mayonnaise. Starting at the scalp, coat strands with ½ cup mayo. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Bake Up Some Chocolate Chip Cookies

Nothing cures rainy day blues like a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies . Dunk them in milk or eat 'em (practically) right out of the oven—a surefire way to happily weather the storm. Now, if you and your family fancy other varieties, that's no problem: We have 20 additional classic cookie recipes to choose from.

Organize Your Own Film Festival

One of the most fun things to do inside is to queue up some classics, old ( Singin' in the Rain ) and new ( Peter Rabbit 2 ). Let the kids add a few favorites—even mix in a few episodes of your latest binge—and have a marathon screening. Keep a cozy throw on hand to snuggle under, a big bowl of popcorn to dip into , and settle in to enjoy the show(s).

Hold a Mini-Marshmallow Popping Contest

Rainy weather might look a little bleak out your window, but the day can still feel sunny with fun things to do inside—like a mini-marshmallow popping contest!

  • utility knife
  • rubber bands
  • tape (transparent, duct, masking, or colored)
  • gift wrap or decorative paper
  • kraft paper
  • balloon, uninflated (1 per popper)
  • paper cup, bottom cut off (1 per popper)
  • mini marshmallows
  • Knot the end of the balloon, then snip off ½ inch from the top.
  • Stretch the balloon over the cut-off end of the cup so that the knot is in the center. (You'll need to hold the balloon in place when you "pop," or secure it with a rubber band for little hands.)
  • Place a mini marshmallow into the cup so it fits snugly in the knotted center of the balloon. While aiming the cup away from you (and others), pull the knot back, release, and send the marshmallow soaring. See who can pop marshmallows the farthest or get the most into a bowl that's a few feet away.

Host a "Tea" Party

One of the most classic things to do on a rainy day at home with kids is to throw a tea party. Dress up in fancy duds, set the table with the good china, and put on your most formal manners (remember, extend your pinkie and sip politely). On the menu: tea (for you), juice or cocoa (for your children), and easy egg or chicken salad tea sandwiches in fun shapes, courtesy of cookie cutters. Let your kids decide the guest list-and which of their favorite dolls or furry friends are on it.

Mend Old Clothes

Do you have a stack of old clothes you've been meaning to mend but never have? A day spent indoors is the perfect opportunity to go through your closet and pull out all the items that need repairs. Grab your emergency sewing kit and start patching up those holes, snags, or frayed ends—and make it fun by playing your favorite music while you work.

Pamper Yourself With a Skin-Softening Salve

Do a little spa therapy next time you need a soothing rainy day activity, and whip up a homemade scrub (this one comes courtesy of New York City makeup artist Gucci Westman ): Grind about two cups of oatmeal, a natural skin soother; add a few handfuls each of coffee grinds and brown sugar. Then stir in three or four spoonfuls of skin-nourishing honey and ginger. Before storing the batch in the refrigerator, Westman scoops out enough for a week into a jar, which she keeps in her shower, using it daily. "It smells lovely, and it's gentle," she says. "When my skin feels really dry, I add olive oil too."

Map Out a City on Paper

Got a roll of kids' craft or butcher paper? Roll a long piece down a hallway, use painter's tape (or heavy books) to secure the corners and edges, and let your kids draw a metropolis. Make roads, bridges, cul de sacs, and neighborhoods. Include lakes, playgrounds, schools, hospitals, shops, and restaurants. Or use Legos and blocks to construct buildings along the way. Kids can drive toy cars along the roads and make believe a day in the life of imaginary characters. Paper accidentally got ripped in one spot? Earthquake! And when the kids are finished playing this rainy day activity, crumple up the paper and toss it in the recycling bin.

Brush up on Your Mixology

Is your signature drink a glass of red wine? Are you intimidated by cocktail shakers and coupe glasses? Do you wonder what the heck bitters are ? (We do too.) Use an afternoon inside to master the art of the classic drink—we're talking Mad Men -era cocktails here—that you can serve at your next dinner party or pour for yourself after a tough day at work. Once you know the basics, you can alter the recipes to suit your taste. So grab some snacks—no one needs to drink Manhattans or martinis on an empty stomach—read up on the difference between bourbon and rye, and try one or more of these classic cocktail recipes .

Plan a Vacation! For Real!

OK, you may be stuck at home hiding from the rain, but you can still dream of a warm, seaside resort or gorgeous mountain escape. Even better: You can make a game out of it for an exciting and fun rainy day activity. A rainy day activity, in fact, that's a tiny bit educational (shhh, don't tell the kids).

Look at a map of the world, if you can actually swing an international vacation, or of the U.S., and let kids pick a location they'd like to visit. Have them research how to get there, where to stay, and what to do. They can create a budget based on plane tickets or house rental costs, make a plan of what sites to hit or local foods to try, and then sell their ideas to the rest of the family. At the very least, everyone will learn a little bit about a new city or country. At best, you may figure out your next family adventure.

If you'd rather make your time indoors feel more like a staycation, here are eight ideas to transform your home .

Host a Video Game Tournament

Get out the gaming system, pick a few favorite games (go with the classics like PAC-MAN, or opt for some new ones!), and play to win.

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100 Things to Do on a Rainy Day for Adults (Boredom Busters!)

Last Updated on February 6, 2024

Rainy days don’t have to mean there’s nothing to do! You’ll never fall short of ideas with this list of a whopping 100 things to do on a rainy day–and these activities are perfect for adults. Yup, rainy day activities aren’t just reserved for the kiddos.

Table of Contents

100 Things To Do On A Rainy Day For Adults

Chill things to do on a rainy day at home.

  • Knit or crochet a cozy hat
  • Listen to soothing lofi beats
  • Build a blanket fort (doesn’t have to just be for kids!)
  • Plan your next vacation
  • Brew a warm cup of coffee or tea
  • Sing your favorite slow songs
  • Organize your desk
  • Do a slow, luxurious skincare and body care routine
  • Bake something yummy
  • Indulge in your fave comfort food
  • Get creative and do something crafty
  • Put on an uplifting podcast
  • Find a yoga routine on YouTube
  • Meditate while listening to the rainfall
  • Declutter that one area that’s bugging you
  • Write a letter to someone you love
  • Start a new passion project
  • Start a blog (check out my guide to starting a blog that makes money !)
  • Make a rainy day playlist

Free Things To Do On A Rainy Day

  • Watch a nostalgic movie from childhood
  • Read a library book
  • Play a nostalgic computer game
  • Binge watch your favorite series
  • Have a DIY spa day with what’s around the house
  • Journal by the windowsill
  • Play a board game
  • Put together a puzzle
  • Watch old family videos
  • Do some scrapbooking
  • Make a vision board for your yearly goals (or…grab my vision board planner to create a board that brings results!)
  • Go down a Google rabbit hole of a topic you’re interested in
  • Cuddle your furry friends (or stuffed animals!)
  • Write a gratitude list that’s as long as possible
  • Take photos and capture the beauty of the rain
  • Color in an adult coloring book (or, if you don’t already have one, print out some cute coloring pages online!)
  • Do a high-energy home workout to boost endorphins
  • Have an indoor picnic with what’s in your pantry
  • Find a random spot on Google Maps and explore the street view
  • Take a free online class or learn a new skill on Youtube

Don’t forget about these rainy day activities! Pin ‘em to come back the next time it rains.

places to go on a rainy day for adults

Fun Things To Do On A Rainy Day Outside

  • Run around in the rain–just like your inner child would want! (My inner child workbook is the ultimate guide to reparenting your inner child, go check it out right here !)
  • Practice mindfulness of your senses as you feel the rain on your skin
  • Take a rainy hike
  • Puddle jumping (your inner child will totally love this)
  • Swim in the rain
  • Go canoeing or kayaking
  • Bird watch from your window
  • Go for a rainy run
  • Do outdoor yoga in the rain if you’re adventurous
  • Outdoor chalk art
  • Muddy trail running
  • Play park sports like frisbee
  • Climb a tree
  • Walk around downtown
  • Grab a tent or a canopy and have an outdoor picnic

Things To Do On A Rainy Day With Friends

  • Make your own DIY self care kits
  • Facetime your bestie
  • Have a cozy night-in/sleepover
  • Have a creative writing sesh and swap stories
  • Make a list of upcoming community events to go to together
  • Have an outdoor dance party in the rain
  • Collect rocks from outside and paint them
  • Start a rainy day book club
  • Host an indoor plant repotting party
  • Learn magic tricks
  • Make your own bath bombs
  • Make a fun little skit and record it
  • Learn calligraphy and make pretty cards for each other
  • Make custom candles
  • Make DIY natural beauty products
  • Draw your dream destination 
  • Create a time capsule
  • Host a glow stick party
  • Gather together for a friend-potluck with good food
  • Have a fun food night and Door Dash all your fave treats
  • Put on your own poetry slam

Places To Go On A Rainy Day For Adults

  • Go to the library
  • Study/work on your computer from a coffee shop
  • Spend a day at the mall
  • Bowl some strikes at the bowling alley
  • Grab a yummy soup at your fave restaurant
  • Go to the ice skating rink
  • Roll around the roller rink
  • Your local gardening store
  • Explore a botanical garden
  • Have a blast at a theme park
  • Go to an escape room
  • Go to a rage room (where you smash things for fun!)
  • Go out clubbing
  • Hit up a smoothie shop
  • Go to a murder mystery party
  • Art galleries
  • Your local bookstore
  • Indoor sports games
  • Cooking classes
  • A spa or massage clinic
  • Indoor trampoline park

There’s no better day than a rainy one to kickstart your self-care journey. Grab the journal that makes self-care doable, even for the busiest woman!

self care journal prompts

Life too hectic for self care? Not with The Busy Woman’s Self Care Journal !

Made by a busy woman, for busy women,  the goal of this journal is simple:  to make an effective self care plan that works for your unique needs. No matter how crazy life gets!

Get step-by-step guidance to create your personalized self care plan by…

How do I spend my rainy day?

If your rainy day happens to fall on your day off, you don’t have to let it limit you! I know how tempting it can be to crawl into bed, feeling bummed that you can’t go outside and enjoy some sunshine. Bad weather can really affect our emotions , that’s for sure!

But trust me, you can make the most of it (and you’ll be glad you did!).

I highly suggest you lean into the comforts of home: brew yourself a warm cup of coffee, do some yoga by the window, and meditate while listening to the rainfall. Activities like these are always my go-to way to spend a rainy day. They never fail to cheer me up, and I bet they’ll cheer you up too!

So with 100 ideas to keep yourself entertained when it rains, you’ll never run out of things to do on a rainy day again! Let me know in the comments: which rainy day activities will you be trying?!

More Self Care Ideas You’ll Love

20+ Inner Child Activities to Heal and Feel Alive

24 Unusual Self Care Ideas You Probably Haven’t Tried

21 Fun Self Care Activities for Groups That Adults Will Enjoy

Ultimate List of Self Care Hobbies: 32 Ideas You’ve Gotta Try


100 things to do on a rainy day for adults free

Founder & Content Strategist

Hey there! I'm Alexa, and I'm a self-care enthusiast and mental health advocate. At Ambitiously Alexa, I'm here to support women like you who are on a mission to achieve allll the things they're passionate about and make time for self care. I make this balance possible through journal prompts, positive affirmations, and self care ideas you'll love! Here's more about me, including my B.A in Psychology...

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25 Fun Rainy Day Activities

  • Christopher Olson
  • April 21, 2022
  • No Comments

“Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down” as The Carpenters once sang.  Well, for me they are half right.  The latter part on Mondays definitely gets me down!  I used to dread Rainy Days because that meant we weren’t able to get outside to release some of that bundled-up energy, however lately with these 25 fun rainy-day activities, my mind has shifted a bit.  

how to have fun in the rain speech

There are tons of items on this fun list that works well not only in the rain but also on sunny days too!  However, let’s face it…rainy days are dark and gloomy.  What better way to bring in some light than with fun, engaging, often hands-on activities to bring some sunshine to those rainy days!  I love #8, #9, and #13. I cannot wait to hear which ones are your favorites!

1 – Write the Room Activities

I feel like if you have ever read any blog of mine you will find two common themes… movement and social-emotional learning.  Well not to ruin anything, SURPRISE… you will be getting them AGAIN!  I am opening up with one of my favorite movement activities and closing this blog with my favorite social-emotional learning activity.

Write the Room has been my go-to activity all throughout Covid, rain, snow, wiggles, and more.  It is the true activity that fits every situation.  Allow students to work at their own pace with clipboards (aff) around the room. This resource from Education to the Core, not only has Kindergarten options as well as a First Grade set but also focuses on numerous ELA and Math topics!

2 – Flashlight Reading

What is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a dark, gloomy, rainy day?  FLASHLIGHT READING!  It is already dark and cloudy outside, so I don’t have to shut the shades on our windows to try to make it dark.   Any reason to keep the lamps turned on in our room and bring the flashlights out – the students are all about it!

My students love to read in the dark!  Sometimes we read whole group together, but sometimes split up in pairs for students to read to each other with their flashlights (aff) leading the way!

3 – Directed Drawings

Raindrops falling down that window?  Don’t see that rainbow outside yet…draw one instead!  If a rainbow isn’t for your class this unit or week..guess what?  You have hundreds of other images to choose from!  Yes, I did say HUNDREDS of others!  With Volume 1 and Volume 2 , students will love the easy-to-follow directions on how to draw an image.  Educators will love that it also comes with space to write as well as vocabulary and grammar options for each picture.  Not sold yet?  Don’t just take my word for it, there are 10 Reasons to Try Directed Drawings in Your Primary Classroom!

4 – Play Board Games

One thing I have noticed in our Fearless First Grade, Fearless Kindergarten, and Fearless Second Grade Teacher Groups on Facebook is the interest in “old-school” board games.  You know the ones I’m talking about!  It is a flash from my past because I grew up with them as a kid (totally not age-ing myself though!)  Games (aff) like CandyLand ,  Chutes and Ladders ,  Trouble ,  ConnectFour , and more!  Educators are now altering the rules of these games a bit to make them even more academic in nature!  These educators are writing sight words on the  CandyLand  cards or real/nonsense words on the blocks in  Chutes and Ladders .  Let your imagination run wild with these games, or just let your students work on their Social-Emotional Learning skills the old-fashioned rules way!

5 – No Prep Centers

Are your students driving each other nuts while stuck inside on a rainy day?  Perhaps they need their own space to work on individual tasks with their own materials?  Don’t stress out because these are easy, no prep centers!  No extra cutting, laminating, organizing!  These are so popular and such a student favorite that we keep adding to these centers!  Be sure to check out some of the newest centers below!

  • No Prep Centers Volume 1
  • No Prep Centers Volume 2
  • Pop Its No Prep Centers
  • Base Ten No Prep Centers
  • Cards No Prep Centers 
  • Dice No Prep Centers
  • Money No Prep Centers
  • Time No Prep Centers

Print the activity mats you need that week, add in the manipulative, and be done!

6 – Virtual Field Trips

Don’t get wet running to the bus through the raindrops!  Take an impromptu adventure together.  Here is a great list of Amazing Virtual Field Trips for Primary Students. No bus ride or family permission slips are required!

7 – Transformation Stations

If you don’t have these Transformation Stations yet, run to get them!  Allow your students’ creativity to shine on the darkest of rainy days.  With 90+ pages of creative designs and guided instructions, your kids will think outside of the box in no time! Just hit print and let their cleverness burst through.

8 – Indoor Beach Party

Are Summer plans in your mind yet? Me too!  So let’s plan an indoor beach party!  You can plan some fun ‘beachy’ snacks.  Consider even bringing in an inflated pool (aff) or palm trees (aff) to fulfill the beach fantasy!  I love a good theme and like to bring in some odd materials to write with or in.  Consider filling some trays with sand (aff) during your beach party.  Your students can practice their spelling words, sight words, phonics, and more by writing in the sand.  This idea pairs so well with #4 in 13 Fun Ways to Get Reluctant Writers Writing!

9 – I Spy Activities

“I Spy, with my little eye”….something that is fun and engaging!  I Spy Math and I Spy Phonics is both the perfect rainy day activity.  These I Spy resources have built-in differentiation, flexibility, and comprehensive. Strengthen your students’ visual discrimination, while building their attention and focus while staying indoors on a rainy day.

how to have fun in the rain speech

10 – Guided Movement and Breathing Breaks

Guided movement breaks are literally my jam.  My students love to learn different yoga poses. My students LOVE to try animal poses or even Superhero poses !  Be sure to check out the blog on how to Focus and Reduce Stress with 30 Breathing Exercises for some great ideas to relax, focus and even energize!

11 – Spring Color By Number

This resource includes 20 ELA and Math color by code pages in two grade spans.  With a Kindergarten through First Grade and a Second through Third Grade option for you to choose from.  Educators can easily meet the differentiated needs of all your students. Make your spring a breeze with these no prep spring color by code pages!  Students won’t even notice that the rain stopped outside when they are so engaged with these color by number resources!

12 – Play Dough Day

Remember #8 above?  I love a theme day and here is a super easy one for you to plan with me.  A Play-Dough Day!!  Start off with this great Neon Glitter Play Dough Recipe that you and your students can make together.  Afterward, you can use this playdough to form letters of the alphabet . Spell their next set of spelling words.  Use it as manipulatives to solve math problems.  You can even use it to let your imagination roam and write about your creation!

13 – STEM Challenges

If you haven’t read my blog: STEM Challenges in the Primary Classroom, then you haven’t heard about my epiphany on STEM challenges !  Lately, I have been obsessed with these challenges and so have my students.  I LOVE incorporating a book into any lesson!  Once I plan a lesson I am looking to pair it with a text.  Wait, a second… ETTC’s STEM Challenge Stories does this already?!?  I’m fully in.  I took the plunge.  Quite literally a plunge, because my students and I completed the  STEM challenge: “A Boat That Floats” .  There are so many more challenges I am waiting to fit into my schedule, that I am hoping for a rainy day soon!

how to have fun in the rain speech

14 – Dance Party

You’d be surprised how many songs from the 80s and 90s your students will know!  Toss on your favorite mix of jams and have a dance party!  Let that rain pinging off of the window act as your rhythm to get students tapping on their desks while you set up the “DJ Booth”.  If you don’t have the energy to create your own playlist, just type in “80s classroom dance music-clean” or any type of music you want with the words clean and classroom on YouTube.  Pre-made lists are already populated for you!   As a heads up, you will have to keep an eye out for ads that may or may not be appropriate for your classroom.  Want to take it a step further?  Try out some black lights or strobe lights to make the dance party even more fun!

15 – File Folder Games

Are you looking for some fun hands-on activities to complete for your rainy day?  In a digital world, ETTC still focuses on hands-on activities alongside those digital moments! Students learn through play and they often need a lot of repetition and practice on many of these skills.  File Folder games provide that practice and repetition.  With 35 ELA Games and 39 Math Games, you will be sure to find something to meet the needs of ALL your students!  See??… this rainy day isn’t a complete washout!

16 – Indoor Obstacle Course

You can make an indoor obstacle course that is as simple or elaborate as you wish it to be.  All you need is a ball of yarn and some furniture.  I just tied one end of the yarn to a table leg and created a large web back and forth between all of the furniture in my classroom.  I did an entire unit on spiders and at the end of the unit, I had an activity where students needed to enter the spider web to grab a fact to place on the appropriate column of the chart.  They absolutely ate it up!  If this isn’t for you and your students, don’t skip over this idea just yet.  You can borrow some items from your physical education teacher!  Borrow some hula hoops, cones, pads, etc., and create an indoor obstacle course in your classroom or hallway.  Have students follow oral directions to complete various tasks.

17 – Flip Book Activities

Another great resource that Education to the Core has… or should I say resources are Flip Books!  With a variety of topics, students will be able to create their own flipbooks they can bring home to show off to their families!  What a way to review and practice skills than for students to be proud of something they could make themselves!

  • Phonics Flip Books Bundle
  • Alphabet Flip Books
  • Short Vowel Flip Books
  • Digraph Flip Books
  • Blends Flip Books
  • Long Vowel Flip Books
  • R-Controlled Vowels Flip Books
  • Diphthong Flip Books
  • Three Letter Blends Flip Books

18 – Create Your Own Sensory Bins

Here is a great activity to keep little hands busy on rainy days!  Sensory bins are surprisingly easy, and fun to make, and kids love them! The best thing about creating your own sensory bins is that you can grab some random objects beforehand or find things around the classroom.  Fill the sensory bins (aff) with beans, rice, play sand, and anything else you can find. I like to add letter cubes or beads as well as other small objects for students to find. Hair gel in a ziplock bag with glitter and beads is also fun to make too!  Be sure to tape up the ziplock bag so nothing is “accidentally” opened!

19 – Weather and Seasons Unit

Mailpersons aren’t the only ones working through “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night”.  Let’s cover ALL the weather and seasons with this amazing unit!  With over 50 adventurous activities included in this unit, you will be amazed at all the cross-curricular items inside.  My students were amazed at the Make Your Own Cloud  science experiment, and I am waiting for the next rainy day to have my students Build Their Own Rain Gauge !

how to have fun in the rain speech

20 – Indoor Scavenger Hunt

You may have conducted an Outdoor Nature Scavenger Hunt before.  Did you ever think about doing one inside of your classroom ?  Students can work together in pairs, small teams, or even individually.   I like to conduct indoor scavenger hunts like #1 on this list of Write the Room.  Grab a clipboard, safely and slowly work your way around the room.

21  – Interactive Notebooks

#17 inspired me to include these resources on this list as well.  I have a small confession to make.  I LOVE interactive notebooks that I use throughout the entire year…not just on rainy days!  Shhhh!  However, I wanted to include this because it truly is a great rainy day activity as well as a sunny day.  Phonics Interactive Notebooks and Grammar Interactive Notebooks offer a hands-on activity to reinforce a taught skill.  Here is another great resource for students to show off to their families as well as an opportunity to continue to reinforce those skills. It is definitely worth students having their own notebooks to add each activity in one notebook throughout the year.

22 – Reader’s Theatre

How do Reader’s Theatre and Rainy Days go together?  Why not?!?  Reader’s Theatre is a great activity and can be super fun for students. I would like to preface this activity with truly knowing your students.  Reader’s Theatre may not be for everyone; some students may experience anxiety and the thought of reading in front of a group may be intimidating for them.  Others may shine and love the opportunity to show off their acting skills!  Either way on this next fun rainy day, students can extend their scripts into other theatre aspects!  Consider allowing students to design their own costumes.  Have large rolls of paper for bulletin boards in your school?  Grab a roll and let students draw and design the backdrop of their play.  What better way to work on character development than by adding some special theatrical elements!

23 – I Have, Who Has Games

I Have, Who Has Games are a great way to get your students focused and engaged during these upcoming rainy days.  Practice new skills or review old ones.  45 skills are covered with this great resource and your students will have a fun whole-class or small group game to pass by those spring showers!  This is an interactive activity that is sure to bring smiles to everyone’s face.  You’ll have a bigger smile on your face because these are easy prep and ensure improving students’ listening skills!

how to have fun in the rain speech

24 – Play In The Rain

I’ve always felt a little jealous of educators that can take their classes out in any type of weather.  Whether it is snowy and you bundle up or rainy and you wear your rain boots – they are out playing in it.  Unfortunately, I am not part of that crowd.  Our district has some limitations and guidelines set in regards to weather, where they frown on taking students outside in the rain.  We also have temperature limits where we cannot have students out if it is colder than a certain degree.  However, there are definitely schools out there that you can be out in whatever.  So if that is you… grab those rain boots, and umbrellas and get outside to play and dance in the rain!

25 – Social-Emotional Learning

As I stated at the beginning of this blog, there are two passions of mine.  Movement and Social-Emotional Learning.  You read the movement aspect in #1 and others, now let’s close with the SEL side of things.  ETTC has a yearlong SEL resource for K-2 and 3-5 .  This resource covers the scope and sequence in pillars of Self Awareness, Social Awareness, Responsible Decision Making, Self Management, Relationship Skills, and Growth Mindset.  Start each day off with a student slide that has daily check-ins, mindful moments, and other fun activities.  The educator’s guides have conversation cards, cross-curricular activities, book lists, read-alouds, hands-on activities, and printables.  This resource has it all and covers such an important topic and skill set for all students.

On a rainy day, I LOVE to bring out the parachute!  Work on some self-control/impulse skills during indoor recess by tossing some light balls into the middle of the parachute.  Have your students follow directions by lightly shaking the parachute so that the balls don’t fly off.  Other impulse-control games you can find in this pillar are red light/green light, musical chairs, and even some math and reading games are included in the educator’s guide as well!  That is just one category in one pillar!

how to have fun in the rain speech

Don’t let the rain get your down!  Keep your head up high and “the sun will come out tomorrow”.  Which activities from this list are you going to be bringing into your classroom making those rainy days fun again?  What are the go-to rainy day activities that you like to do with your students?  Be sure to share them with us in the comments below!

Written By – Christopher Olson

At  Education to the Core , we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. We aspire to be the world’s leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. We improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources.

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how to have fun in the rain speech

Welcome! I’m Emily, Founder of Education to the Core. We are all about helping K-2 teachers by providing unlimited access to affordable printables for every subject area.   

how to have fun in the rain speech




Outdoor Rainy Day Activities for Kids

It’s raining, it’s pouring! So, now what? When it’s rainy outside, you have two options: stay inside and let your kiddos run amuck, or get outside and enjoy some outdoor rainy day activities for kids! In my opinion, this isn’t a hard one – let’s go and play in the rain! We know that most rainy day activity posts are usually about things you can do inside, but that’s not our style! There is so much fun to be had when you play outside with your kids. Today, SarahRuth Owens , Creative Team member and Georgia homeschooling mom of three is here sharing her family’s favorite outdoor rainy day activities for kids (and toddlers, too!), as well as the gear and supplies you might need to enjoy these days the most!

Outdoor Rainy Day Activities for Kids

Fun things to do on rainy days outside

While playing outside in the rain might not sound like a blast for parents, it’s so much fun for kids! Rain makes everything feel more magical and can turn ordinary adventures into extraordinary ones! Today, I’m sharing some of our favorite screen-free rainy day activities for kids. All of these rainy day activities have been tried and tested by my crew of adventurers and are sure to get your kids excited about the rain. Because there’s no such thing as bad weather! 

Best rainy day gear for kids

When engaging in rainy day play, one might ask oneself: to be wet, or not to be wet? A lot of factors play into this. Things like…how much laundry is already sitting in piles on your couch. And whether or not there are currently any crayons melted to the inside of your dryer (just me, eh?).

If you don’t care how wet they get, then just send them outside to play in whatever they want to wear. If t he weather is warm and your kids aren’t sweet enough to melt, let them out to play in the puddles and engage in rainy day play outside, getting as wet as possible. 

Doing outdoor rainy day activities with kids sounds good, but maybe you just don’t want soaking wet kids? If you are in the not-to-be-wet crowd, there is a great solution! Rain gear has come a long way in the past decade. It can be found in a variety of sizes, patterns, and even price points. We’ve got a huge comprehensive list of the best rain gear for kids and toddlers , if you’re in the need of new gear. 

When it comes to great quality rain gear for kids, here are a few of our favorites:

  • Mk Nordika sells rainy day gear in a mid-point price range. It is high quality and includes adorable and cheerful rainbow stripes! They have sizes from toddler up to adult. We own this brand and it is so easy to care for. You simply wipe it down if it is muddy. 
  • Oaki also has a great full-body rain suit that easily slips over kids’ clothing. It is lightweight and you don’t have to keep up with multiple pieces. They have toddler-sized rain suits all the up through big kids. 

Rainy play - screen-free rain day outdoor activities for kids

Safety concerns playing outside in the rain

While outdoor rainy day activities are fun, here are some safety considerations to keep in mind:

  • Never encourage children to play outdoors in a thunderstorm. Lightning is real and does strike. Teach children to come indoors and speak to an adult if they hear thunder and are unsure about safety.
  • Be certain your children have on the right shoes for their location. If they are headed on a hike, the muddy trail is different than the puddles on the pavement. Choosing the correct gear for where your child will play in the rain is important.
  • No swimming in storms, please. Remember when the lifeguard had everyone get out of the pool for half an hour when there was thunder? There is good reason for that as water is a conduit for electricity and lightning spreads over the water, impacting anyone in it.
  • If you’re near running water (streams, creeks, rivers), keep a close eye on the water level, as streams can rise very quickly in rain. You never know if it may have rained much more higher upstream, so always keep a careful eye out and stay in shallow water, away from currents. 

Be sure and keep safety in the forefront of your mind during outdoor rainy day activities! 

You don’t need anything special to do outdoor rainy day activities with kids

There, I said it. You don’t actually need anything special or planned or extravagant to enjoy rainy day play. You don’t need Pinterest perfect crafts or any special rain toys. The rain itself creates so many fun things outside. Rain makes everything ordinary feel different. It’s a full-body sensory experience that kids can’t get enough of!

So, what do you really need for outdoor rainy day activities for kids? A smile is your best supply!

free rainy day outdoor activities for kids

Go for a rainy day walk

One of my boys’ favorite things to do on a rainy day is gear up, bring umbrellas, and walk to town. Would you believe that they can walk miles in the rain? Without complaining! They can, and I bet your crew can as well. This activity requires absolutely no planning or prepwork. It’s something we could do at any time, but the rain makes it extra special and novel.

Things you can try if your kiddos do begin to get the rainy day blues on your walk:

  • Sing songs (Singing in the Rain is always a fun tune)
  • Jump in puddles
  • Have a contest to see who can save the most worms (this means put them back in the grass and off the sidewalk)
  • Collect nature items
  • Watch water go into a sewer drain (I promise this entertains children)
  • Cup your hands and see who can overflow their hands with rainwater
  • Play “I Spy” as you walk
  • Wave at passerby and vehicles

rainy day activities for kids - go for a rain walk

Outdoor rainy day activities for kids in the woods

Are you ready to unlock expert outdoor parenting level? Go play in the woods….in the rain! Let’s do this. Honestly, rainy day play in the forest is absolutely magical. Some special things happen when you visit the wet forest and see the changes happening as the flora and fauna drink in the rain. There is so much to do while in the woods on a rainy day.

I organized a forest playgroup for kids for years and rainy days in the woods were some of our favorites! Here are some of the best and favorite rainy day outdoor activities to do in the woods from our forest school excursions:

  • Build a shelter – bring tarps, some twine, etc. and challenge the kids to build a dry shelter
  • See if you can build a fire when it is wet outside
  • Go on a mushroom hunt (fungi love wet conditions)
  • Sketch the woods in the rain
  • Get in the creek – hey, you’re already wet, right? (be careful and cognizant of rising water)
  • Play rainy day hide and seek
  • Bring a ruler and a clear glass or cup and measure the rainfall during your time in the woods

rainy play

Outdoor rainy day activities for kids that use supplies

Ok, so you tried the rainy day activities without supplies (or maybe you didn’t…that’s ok, we won’t tell), but maybe you want to enjoy some structured organized fun like crafts and games. That’s great! I’ve got you covered!

Here are some fun outdoor rainy day games, crafts, and activities for kids and what supplies you need:

Rainy day bike ride

Clearly, you need your bikes and helmets. My sons like to have bike gloves because in the rain, your hands tend to rub the handlebars more. Try sloshing through puddles! We also like to have a manual bike pump on one of our bikes, and don’t forget to bring water!

Water-gun fight

This one is so much fun during Summer showers. Each person gets a water gun and you can go to town. I suggest having buckets of water on hand, or even a large rubber maid tub filled with water for refills. 

Water balloon fight

Yep, let’s do this water thing all the way! About 100 balloons usually works for our crew of 5. We like to prefill and place them in the fridge in Summer. This means that humid, warm weather won’t be an issue! Swimsuits are smart gear to have on during this activity. Also, be certain to clean up any broken balloon bits; they don’t decompose. 

Water table fun

You can create a simple water table at a mud kitchen, or even just at a table, by providing your kiddos with scoops, spoons, a colander, shovels, bowls, and cups. Sometimes simple is best. 

Bob for fruit

This one is so much fun in the rain. I cannot explain it, it simply is! Add some apples, peaches, or whatever round fruit is in season, to a big bowl or rubber maid container filled with drinkable water. Now bob!

Paint with mud

All you need is some mud, a few paintbrushes and something to paint! This could be anything from a piece of paper or cardboard to your driveway. It doesn’t have to be fancy. If you want more ways to play with mud, check out this post with lots of fun and creative Mud Activities for Kids .

Have your kids find natural materials (sticks, leaves, pinecones, etc.) and make a small boat. Then race them down the run-off water in the street or down a stream. This is a great way to also teach kids about engineering and what floats (and doesn’t).

rainy day activities for kids - bike ride in the ride

What are your favorite outdoor rainy day activities?

We want to see you and your kids having fun doing rainy day play. Use the hashtag #runwildmychild for a chance to be featured on our Instagram account!

how to have fun in the rain speech

About the author

SarahRuth is a homeschooling mother of three boys. She was raised in cities across the East coast, but now resides in the Appalachian Mountains of Georgia where her husband grew up. Passionate about inspiring others to shift from the status quo of Western indoor life, she launched a local Free Forest School chapter in 2017. Her family clocked over 2k hours outdoors in 2019 and believes that outside time as a family is vital to a joy-filled life. She collects books, stray children, and as much coffee as her body will permit. When not foraging, chasing waterfalls, or camping with her crew, you can find SarahRuth crossing the globe from her laptop, teaching English full time online! She has two bachelor’s degrees in Education and is passionate about teaching children to love learning through outdoor adventures.

You can find more from SarahRuth in the following online locations: Instagram:  @kindle_togetherness RWMC posts:  SarahRuth  

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7 Fun Outdoor Activities To Do In The Rain

  • June 25, 2023

Guest Author

  • Tips / Tricks

By: Beth Zabiegalski, Youth Education & Training Coordinator

We are all aware… it’s raining. But, if you’re like me, you still want to find a way to get outside! I’ve been thinking about the activities I’d like to do in the rain and compiled a list of seven fun things you can try at home.

1. Go on a rain hike.

Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean you can’t go on a hike! Put on your rain boots and your rain jacket and pick a flat, easy trail you won’t be slipping up and down (unless that sounds like fun to you!). In the rain you’ll get to experience sounds and smells of nature that aren’t around on a normal sunny day.

2. Play, with your feet.

Most of us have jumped in some puddles in our lifetime. If not, take this opportunity to do it! If you’re feeling earthy, take off your shoes and walk in the grass to let the mud squish between your toes. That’s such a cool feeling that you don’t get to experience every day!

3. Make art.

Mud is a fantastic media for temporary artwork. Make a mudpie or make it a pet mudpie with sticks and rocks stuck all around your mud clump. You can also paint mud on your face and run around in the rain until it washes off. If that’s too much contact with mud for you, dip a stick in mud and draw on the sidewalk or driveway with mud, then wait for the rain to wash it away.

4. Find a new use for your pots and pans.

Experiment with the sounds rain makes when it hits different objects. Search around your house for things like pots and pans, plastic bowls, wooden objects, and arrange them outside in an open area. When the rain begins to fall, listen to the household orchestra you’ve just created on your own front lawn.

5. Put on your own musical.

Does talking about this make everyone want to “sing in the rain?” If you have the privacy, or if you’re not shy at all, put on some clothes you don’t mind getting all wet and let out your musical side! Twirling and singing in the rain can be so freeing and pleasant, even just for a few minutes.

6. Practice mindfulness.

For this one you’ll need to find a place where you can sit quietly and listen to the rain. It works best when you’re away from major roads and things that can distract you. Have a seat and close your eyes. Focus on what you’re sensing. What do you smell? What does the rain feel like on your face? What different noises does the rain make when it falls on trees, the ground, a roof, your jacket? Take a moment to slow down, take in nature, and appreciate this weather.

7. Help out some wormies.

After the rain has passed, you’ll see many earthworms all around on the pavement. Get some friends together to go on a worm rescue walk, quickly handling the worms and returning them to the soil.

For all of these activities, remember to have extra clothes and a towel ready for you as soon as you get into your house or back to your car so that you can get warm and dry quickly. And always go inside immediately if you hear thunder. These activities are fun in the rain, not in storms. Have fun, and enjoy your time in this rainy summer weather!

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Rainy day activities – 12 brilliant ideas for Early Years

  • Written By: Jude Harries
  • Subject: Outdoor play

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Rainy day activities – 12 brilliant ideas for Early Years

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but don’t let that stop you having keeping busy and having fun, with these brilliant rainy day activities from Jude Harries…

Wet weather ideas

Mud printing On a rainy day, invite children to put on weatherproof gear, including boots, and go outside to play in the rain. Yes, let the rain be seen as a resource rather than a nuisance!

Encourage little learners to step onto the edge of flowerbeds and make muddy footprints on the playground or outside area. Can they create a trail for each other to follow?

Roll out lengths of lining paper and let children walk on it to create patterns of muddy prints. Splash in puddles to clean off all the mud before going back inside.

Rain soup Leave buckets and washing up bowls outside to catch the rain over night. Add small bowls, jugs and spoons and create a portable mud kitchen. Ask children to put on raincoats and boots and go outside to mix soil, sand, gravel and stones into the collected water to create rain or mud soup.

Can they find different natural materials to add into the mix, such as leaves, herbs, moss, feathers and twigs? Remind children not to eat the soup! Instead, go inside and have some homemade hot soup (see ‘Inside ideas’ below) for snack time.

Stepping-stone bridges Show the children some images of stepping-stones. Talk about how they can be used to create bridges across water. Go outside and make a collection of stones, rocks, pebbles and logs. Invite children to construct stepping-stone bridges across muddy puddles for small toys to walk over.

If possible, use bigger stones so children can try balancing or walking on them. Inside, make some stepping-stones out of paper or card, write letters or numbers on them and build bridges across the room. 

Ideas for cold days

Frosted art On a cold and frosty morning, help the children to wrap up warm in coats, scarves, hats and gloves before going outside to explore the frost. Look at patterns of frost and ice on the ground and on leaves. Take photos of frosty patterns.

Back inside, read Here Comes Jack Frost by Kazuno Kohara or look at images of Andy Goldsworthy’s ice sculptures .

Show children how to use blunt pencils to make patterns on Styrofoam blocks. Paint with white paint and print onto blue paper to create frosty patterns. Alternatively, make patterns with white chalk on leaf shapes cut out of sugar paper.

Snow painting If you’re lucky enough to have some snow, take the opportunity to play outside with the children, all wearing appropriate gear of course. Use found sticks and twigs to create canvases or frames for some snow art.

Make some snow paint using just three ingredients – warm water, cornflour and food colouring - or use ready mixed tempera paint. Try painting on the fluffy snow with brushes.

Pour some paint into spray bottles and spray the snow. Have fun stamping on the snow to make a flatter surface to paint. Paint a picture, take a photo and then move on.

Winter jewels Another Big Coat Weather activity! Fill some high-quality balloons with coloured water to create lots of different sizes and shapes. Tie them off tightly and then freeze outside overnight or in a freezer. The next morning, slide off the balloon casings to reveal different coloured winter jewels.

Make sure all the children have gloves or mittens before they handle their creations. Let them enjoy transporting the jewels around the outside area in wheelbarrows or on sit and ride toys. Can they build some sparkly structures? Do the ice shapes roll or stay still?

Suggestions for spring

Gumboot dancing Watch some South African gumboot dancing on YouTube.

This originated in the gold mines of South Africa, where miners worked in the dark and wet underground and communicated with each other by tapping their boots, stamping and clapping.

On a showery day, go outside with wellington boots on and try some gumboot dancing. Invite the children to stand in a line by some puddles. Have fun making up patterns of stamping, splashing, slapping boots, and clapping hands.

Pancake races This idea is perfect for Pancake Day. Organise some weatherproof pancake races outside using small frying pans, paper or cardboard yellow circles as pancakes and an obstacle course for the children to tackle. Use balance beams, steps, slalom cones, and a finishing line.

Can the children practise tossing the pancakes as they run? Go inside and make some real pancakes to share for snack time, with a choice of accompaniments such as lemon, sugar, fresh fruit and maple syrup.

Chasing raindrops When sudden rain forces you inside unexpectedly, read some books about rain such as Rain by Sam Usher or Singing in the Rain by Tim Hopgood .

Try some raindrop races. Invite children to find a partner and take turns to sit with their friend by the window. Each child chooses a raindrop to watch as they fall down the windowpane. Which raindrop will reach the bottom fastest? This game also works well on long car or coach journeys!

Inside ideas

Writing on the wall Create a wet weather writing wall in your setting for the children to use on a rainy day. Cover a display board or moveable screen with white or black backing paper. Provide lots of different pens and chalks for children to practise mark making and writing.

Let them access the wall by allowing them to stand on chairs, step ladders or upturned boxes (under supervision of course) as that will increase the attraction to write.

Den building Build a cosy den in your setting for children to enjoy after playing outside in the cold and wet. Use screens to make it enclosed, like a cave, and provide cushions, pillows, blankets, drapes, and comfy chairs for children to snuggle with.

Set up a reading corner with lots of books about the transition from winter to spring such as Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson or Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring by Kenard Pak .

Talk about the den being a hibernation hide and let children role play waking up after a long sleep or rest. Provide hot chocolate as a ‘hug in a mug’ and cookies for energy. Alternatively, go outside and build a den using pallets, crates, tarpaulins, plastic sheets and fastenings. Keep children on the move to keep them feeling warm.

Green soup Make some tasty green soup with the children to share on a wet or cold day. Pour a 500g bag of frozen peas into a saucepan. Let the children stir the peas with a wooden spoon and enjoy the clattery sound.

Peel four potatoes, cut them into small cubes and add to the pan with one litre of stock. Simmer for 10 minutes until the potatoes are soft, blend the soup, and stir in 2 spoons of green pesto. Make croutons from bread or fish fingers and serve with the soup for snack time.

More rainy resources

Don’t forget to use the rainy weather as an extra resource. Yes, puddles are for splashing and jumping in; but they can also be used for measuring.

Let children find different-sized puddles and select the smallest and biggest ones. Use tape measures and rulers to measure puddles and record the changes as they either dry up or get bigger. Measure depth by using chalk to mark water levels on wellies.

Make a rain gauge to measure daily rainfall using a clear plastic bottle: cut off the top and fill the first 2cm with pebbles to stop it being blown over, then fill with a small amount of water to cover the pebbles and use a Sharpie to mark it at 1cm intervals, starting with the water level as 0.

Finally, investigate the water cycle and find out where rain comes from by reading Drop by Emily Kate Moon .

Jude Harries is an author and teacher of music and drama, with experience of working with children aged nine months to 11 years.

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Bucket List Journey | Travel + Lifestyle Blog

Rainy Day Bucket List: 65 Fun Activities & Things to Do Indoors

Some people love it, some would rather have a sunny day of beach activities . Either way, I think we can all agree that the rain can stop us from doing some things we want to do. But, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a ton of fun rainy day activities, whether you’re a kid or an adult!

If you look at it another way, you can think of it as an opportunity to do the activities that you might have been putting off for a long time. More importantly, it can also be a chance to tick off ideas from your bucket list.

Let’s seize the chance to turn the frown upside down with this list of fun things to do on a rainy day!

Rainy Day Bucket List: 65 Fun Activities & Things to Do Indoors

Rainy Day Bucket List: Fun Activities & Things to Do Indoors

1. bake something delicious (like pie & cookies).

For all you pie lovers, there’s an art to making the best homemade pie. It’s all about the fruit inside, creating the perfect pie crust and making it with a touch of love. It doesn’t matter if it’s apples, lemons or peaches — choose whatever is sure to make your mouth water.

Get yourself The Perfect Pie cookbook or use one of these popular recipes to help you with your pie:

  • Perfect Pie Crust
  • Peach Lattice Pie With Bourbon Caramel

Maybe cookies are more of your ideal treat for a rainy day? Baking cookies can get a little messy, but who doesn’t like a home filled with smiling faces and the smells of fresh-baked cookies? It doesn’t matter whether it’s snickerdoodles, oatmeal raisin or simple chocolate chips, spend an entire day just baking. The one who does the most work gets to lick the spoon!

For some delicious cookie ideas see the Epicurious’ 113 Favorite Cookie Recipes (and send me a dozen of the spiced molasses cookies!). Don’t forget the cookie sheets! The Rachael Ray Yum-o! Nonstick Pans are amazing, or at least get yourself some silicone baking mats that make the process so much easier!

A person holding a freshly baked pie.

2. Belt It Out at a Karaoke

If you’re brave enough and there’s some equipment available, or you happen to be at a karaoke bar, singing your lungs away to your favorite tunes, alone and together with your friends, is another fun way to spend a rainy day. Choose your favorite tunes released in the year, and make them yours. Doesn’t matter if you’ve got a great voice or not, so long as you are having fun!

There’s plenty of great songs to choose from, but for some help see these epic 150+ Best Karaoke Songs of All Time

Annette holding a mic on a Karaoke night

3. Binge Watch a New TV Series

This is the perfect thing to do on a rainy day! Cook up some popcorn, cozy up under a blanket and find the perfect TV series to binge watch. I have happily and obsessively watched all the seasons of The Good Place , You and Schitt’s Creek . They were all fantastic! You can easily find something fun and entertaining on-demand or there’s plenty of options if you are an Amazon Prime member. If you are struggling to find a show , then my 100 best TV shows to binge-watch will help you out.

4. Break Out of an Escape Room

An escape room is known to offer live games where participants are locked in themed rooms for an hour and left to solve puzzles in order to find their way out. They offer an immersive, fun, and entertaining way of engaging your brain as you compete with other participants.

5. Brew your Own Beer

It has been claimed that beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. No matter where you are, you’ve probably noticed craft breweries popping up with uniquely named flavors — the industry has grown way beyond the simple Coors Light! Why not try your hand at creating your own flavor profile that fits your taste buds? It’s easy to do with the perfect beer making kit and a few award-winning home brew recipes .

6. Build a Model Airplane or Car

With hundreds of little pieces, building a model is one of those rainy day activities that takes a lot of time, effort and dedication. Choose from these best selling model airplane kits or these top car models , and then put your patience to the test.

Build a Model Airplane or Car

7. Indoor Camp in the Family Room

How fun would it be for the whole family, kids and all, (or just the two of you) to have an evening camping in the family room? Move the furniture out of the way and set up a pop up tent right in the middle of the room. Then gather up your pillows, blankets, snacks, books and any other for activities you want to do while you are disconnected.

Indoor Camping

8. Check Out an Indoor Skating Rink

Going to an indoor skating rink for some is just a cute date night idea , but it’s also a terrific opportunity to sneak in some exercise without even realizing it.

This can also be a chance to learn how to skate on the ice if you haven’t done this before. And though it may look similar to roller skating, you’ll feel the difference once you’re in the ice rink, so give it a shot!

9. Clean Out & Organize Your Closet

It is surprisingly rewarding to be able to purge some clothes, plus it is purely a bonus that you can donate or consign them! If you are anything like me then it’s pretty hard to decide what to keep and what to give away, so use these 17 Invaluable Tips For Anybody With Too Many Clothes .

10. Complete a BIG Jigsaw Puzzle

This is one of those fun things to do on a rainy day that most of us haven’t done since we were children! You don’t find too many opportunities where you can concentrate on one thing, so be present and let everything else in your mind go. That alone will be worth every minute.

Not sure what puzzle to complete? Check out the best 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles for adults (& tips to complete one) or just buy one of these popular ones:

  • SunsOut: Ele-Fantastions
  • White Mountain Puzzles: Things I Ate As a Kid
  • Chicago Puzzle Company: Panorama Collection
  • Buffalo Games: Hummingbird Garden
  • White Mountain Puzzles: Neon Signs

11. Create a Blog

Both Blogger.com and WordPress.com offer free blogs with easy setup, all you have to do is come up with something creative to talk about. Some of the most popular blog topics are Money, Travel, Food, Mommyhood, Technology and Celebrity Gossip. Put a new spin on any of these things and start writing!

If you want to start a bucket list blog (that makes me all tingly inside), then read my post on How to Start Your Own Successful Bucket List Blog in 6 Easy Steps . Follow these steps and your blog will be up and running in just a couple of hours! But, make sure to know the top beginner blogging mistakes to avoid (& how to fix them) .

Annette writing a blog while on a vacation

12. Create a Family Recipe Book

During rainy days, you will have a lot of time cooking, and what better way to incorporate your love for food than creating your own family cookbook that you can pass on for generations.

Family cookbooks are a traditional handcrafted gift. Make yours extra unique by incorporating a little family history and honoring the individuals and places that inspired the recipes you enjoy.

You can check this if you need help creating your own cookbook: How to make a family cookbook, filled with recipes from your favorite people .

Create a Family Recipe Book

13. Create a Scrapbook

Creating a scrapbook is a great way to be able to look back and reminisce about all the adventures and good times you have had. You can preserve all your experiences in the form of pictures, ticket stubs, pressed flowers or just about anything else. And if you get the entire family in on this beautiful project, it will be something you cherish for a lifetime. PS: Here are some cute layout ideas !

14. Create the Perfect Rainy Day Song Playlist

Music is a great way to get you geared up for any day, especially one made for spending it chillaxing indoors at home. Having a hard time thinking of songs? Spotify has made it easy with its hundreds of playlists to choose from, one of my favorites is the  Best Chill Music .

15. Create Your Own Cocktail

Become your own mixologist by concocting the perfect cocktail. The best part about this bucket list goal is that you will have to do a lot of sampling before coming up with your own perfect harmony of flavors. Practice makes perfect! If you’re not the best at creating drinkable concoctions, you can check these 10 tips on how to make a great cocktail . Or base your drink off of one of the Great Classic Cocktails .

YouTube video

16. Jump at an Indoor Trampoline Park

You might get stuck out with the youngsters and their never-ending energy on rainy days. The Indoor Trampoline Park is a fantastic location for children and the young at heart!

Though it might be tempting to perform backflips and stuff (unless you’re a professional), it’s better to exercise caution for a fun and safe jumping experience.

17. Finish a Crossword Puzzle

Select a challenging crossword to attempt and don’t cheat! No dictionaries or assistance allowed! Finishing a crossword puzzle can take many hours, but if you don’t want too much of a challenge buy the New York Times Light & Easy crossword puzzle book and make it a challenge to see how many inside the book you can complete.

Finish a Crossword Puzzle

18. Get Ordained

Have you ever wanted to officiate a wedding ceremony? Then think about becoming an ordained minister — it’s easier than you think. Simply Google “get ordained” and a slew of websites will come up that offer free ordination. On my last birthday, I got ordained with the American Marriage Ministries . It was super simple, free, and only took mere minutes. Get started now with this article on How to Get Ordained Online: 5 Easy Steps to Ordination

Be aware that each state has different laws on who can marry someone, check with Marriage Laws to find the rules in your state.

19. Go 24 Hours without Internet, Radio or Television

Now, I know, this is a tall order and may not be easy for some. We use the internet for everything nowadays. But think about it. When was the last time you went for two hours without your phone? Try going 24 hours without internet, radio or TV. Read a good book, talk to your family or use the time to complete some of the other ideas on this rainy day bucket list. Soon enough you will wish you had these quiet and peaceful moments more often.

20. Go Bowling

Yes, you can go bowling anytime of the year, but bowling during a rainy day is a great way to escape the weather outside. You can enjoy putting on those oh-so-cute shoes and taking your best shot at getting a strike. Bonus bucket list points if you bowl a turkey—three strikes in a row!

21. Have a Dance Party

Of all the things that we have on this list, this is one of the activities you can enjoy, rain or shine. You can invite your family, friends, neighbors, anyone!

There is no limit to what type of dance you can do. It can be a Zumba dance party, ballroom, or even freestyle. If you don’t know how to dance, it’s okay, it’s a rainy day activity just for fun!

22. Have a Board Game Night Marathon

Stay in for the evening, get cozy in your jammies and have a board game night marathon. There are different games for all ages, but Bingo and Scrabble are favorites for almost everyone in the family (this bingo set comes with everything you need!). You can make it even more fun by adding prizes for the winner, like store gift cards, candies or extra TV time for the kids.

Unsure of which games to play? Check out this list: Board Games Bucket List: 50 of the All Time Best Ones to Play

Board Game Night

23. Have a Movie Marathon (Watch all the Oscar Winning Movies)

One of the most enjoyable things to do on a rainy day is to watch some old and new movies. Yes, it’s perfectly acceptable to spend a whole day inside vegging out and watching movies.

Keep a warm blanket on hand to snuggle under, prepare a bowl of popcorn, and settle down to watch the shows!

24. Have a Pajama Day

What kind of luxury would it be to spend all day in your pajamas?!? Put on your most comfy pair and lounge for a full 24-hours.

Don’t have a comfy pair of PJ’s? Try J. Crews dreamy cotton pajama set or the cozy ones from PajamaGram .

Have a Pajama Day

25. Have a Spa Day

It’s entirely up to you whether you invest in a treatment at a high-end spa or create your own at home. In any case, a self-care day will leave you feeling completely revitalized. Put on a moisturizing face mask (I love this one !) and let the rain’s pitter-patter serve as your personal white noise machine.

Have a Spa Day

26. Have an Arts and Crafts Session

Bring out your inner craftsman at home by doing some arts and crafts projects. You can set up your materials on a kitchen table and try out some things, like coloring or painting, doing origami butterflies or flowers, anything!

Doing arts and crafts can also serve as an opportunity for discovery. It can be the start of finding a new pastime for the hobby bucket list that you will love or rekindling an old one that you used to do when you were a kid.

27. Have an Indoor Picnic

Picnics aren’t just for the outdoors—clear a space on your living room floor and recreate a memorable dining experience. You can even pack a traditional wicker basket with your favorite picnic foods and enjoy the feast without going too far. Real Simple magazine can help you out with their Picnic Packing Checklist . If you want to set up an Instagrammable picnic, here’s a cute red checkered picnic basket .

28. Have an Indoor Treasure/Scavenger Hunt

Are there any children in the house? A treasure hunt will keep them occupied indoors on a wet day, but it’s a fun rainy day idea for adults too. Make one set of clues for each player (for added fun, rhyme the clues), with each clue leading to the next and, eventually, the treasure. Seal them in envelopes with a clue number to make it easier for the treasure hunters to track them down. Of course, having a prize at the end will help motivate them even more.

29. Eat Breakfast in Bed

Start your rainy day morning in a truly relaxing way, with a tasty breakfast in bed. The easiest way to complete this goal would be to order room service at a hotel, but don’t cancel out the opportunity to do it in your very own home too. How dreamy does it sound to indulge in some waffles, eggs and mimosa’s while still cozied up in your bed.

Eat Breakfast in Bed

30. Head to the Mall

There are many things to enjoy about a trip to the local mall, whether it be window shopping, eating food, or even just people-watching. Plus, you may find some hidden gems that you realize you need or want.

31. Hit Up a Local Brewery

You don’t need the sun to enjoy a cold local brew, it’s a fun thing to do on a rainy day too! Most of them also provide behind-the-scenes tours, so you can spend an afternoon learning all about how they make beer while enjoying a pint or two of beer.

Annette in a local brewery pub

32. Host a Tea Party

Throwing a tea party is one of the most traditional things to do on a rainy day. Put on your most formal attire (or pajamas!), prepare the table with fine china, and put on your most eloquent demeanor (remember to extend your pinkie and sip on your tea politely).

Annette on a tea party

33. Host a Video Game Tournament

Even if you’re not a big gamer, having a few friends around (or online) to compete for the title of ultimate champion is a lot of fun. It doesn’t have to be something like Fortnite or Call of Duty. Even with classic games like Tetris or Mario Kart, the friendly competition will make everyone hyped! So, get that gaming console out, pick a few favorite games, and get your competitive spirit on!

34. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Start by listing five things you are grateful for. In the beginning it will probably be a struggle to come up with a mere five, being wrapped up in a world full of fear can disguise the good in your life. Think hard. Did you just drink a deliciously warm cup of coffee? Or did you connect with a friend by text? Or enjoy a heartwarming movie on television? There is always something to be grateful for—always.

Need help with coming up with things to be grateful for? Read the article Being Grateful: 100 Things to Be Thankful For Today

Keep a Gratitude Journal

35. Knit a Scarf

Go to the local craft store (or order online) and pick out your favorite yarn to knit yourself a cozy scarf. You can find different How-To videos on YouTube or even learn from family or friends if you don’t know how to make one.

You can also check out this step-by-step video on How to Knit a Scarf for Beginners .

36. Learn a Magic Trick

Bring on the abracadabra! Everyone can appreciate the good old vanishing coin trick or pulling a flower bouquet out of your sleeve. If your whole family is bored, you can even have each member in the household learn a different trick and then put on a show!

You should be able to find an illusion to attempt within these 10 easy magic tricks , or simply buy a Card Magic Kit that includes tons of tricks to try. By the way, if you want to perform a card trick, but no ordinary deck will do, then step it up a notch with some sparkling gold foil cards .

37. Learn a New Language

You can learn a new skill at any age, so why not learn a new language? It can be a fun and interactive experience for the whole family. Perhaps you can learn the language of a dream destination where you hope to go on a vacation someday? Dream big!

Rosetta Stone and Duolingo are two great programs to get you started.

38. Learn Calligraphy

I have always been wowed when I see a perfectly calligraphed letter—it truly is an art form! You can start with faux calligraphy that uses a standard ballpoint pen or buy a simple lettering set that includes a brush pen!

Learn Calligraphy

39. Learn How To Cook

It doesn’t matter if you’re already a Chopped champion in the kitchen or if you can barely boil water. Cooking classes are all about learning to make delicious food and then eating it, so they’re ideal for a rainy day!

There are several online cooking classes to pick from, where you may learn from the finest chefs how to cook new recipes or even techniques to improve your cooking. 

Learn How To Cook with Annette

40. Learn to Juggle

You’ve got some time to kill at home? Grab a few oranges (or apples) and perfect your juggling skills. This video says that you can learn in 10 minutes—let me know how that turns out for you!

41. Try to Meditate

Meditation is much more than sitting in a lotus position chanting “om” over and over again—it is a way of life. Clearing your mind through meditation has many benefits, like lowering blood pressure and anxiety levels. Plus, it can give you a brighter outlook on life! Having an “empty mind” for even a few seconds can seem like a challenge, but this 10-minute guided meditation will help you along the way.

42. Learn to Play a Song on an Instrument

It’s time to channel your inner rock star and learn a song on the instrument of your choice. Pick something like a guitar, keyboard, ukulele or even a harmonica for your musical gadget then pop onto YouTube to find a class.

Learning a song of the harmonica has been on my bucket list and this harmonica and lesson guide will have you playing When the Saints Go Marching In in no time at all!

Annette learning to play a song on a harmonica

43. Learn to Use Chopsticks

Not very many adults know how to do this and even fewer kids can comfortably use chopsticks. Do you want to seem sophisticated and well-cultured, then learn how to use chopsticks. It can even be a fun way to eat your favorite bowl of noodles, and you can impress your friends when you are all out for sushi.

44. Make a Bucket List

If you don’t have a bucket list yet (why the heck not?!?!?!), take this opportunity at home to create one. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to start—you’ve come to the right place—here are some articles to help you:

  • How to Make a Bucket List: 5 Easy Steps to Create a Great One
  • 1000+ Ideas for Your Bucket List
  • 10 Incredible Ways a Bucket List Can Improve Your Life
  • 5 Tips to Help Conquer Your Bucket List
  • Bucket List Meaning: What’s the Definition and What is it?

45. Make a YouTube Video

We are all gifted with unique natural skills like dancing, singing, drawing, acting and so on. To showcase your skills or creativity and to get a chance to see just how many people find that impressive, why not create a YouTube video? Just create your first YouTube video showcasing your natural flair and upload it. It’s a brilliant way to tap into your creative side and you just might make money out of it. Plus, it can be simple and free!

46. Make an Origami Animal

Origami is a big part of Japanese culture and it truly is fascinating how little tiny pieces of paper can be crafted into beautiful pieces of artwork. The crane is one of the most popular shapes and you can fairly easily learn how to make one. There are countless videos and instructions online and below are two that worked for me.

  • How to Make an Origami Paper Crane: Instructions for the Beginner
  • Video: Origami Crane Tutorial

It’s perfectly okay to use a simple piece of white paper, but you can also buy traditional Colorful Japanese Origami Washi Paper online.

Annette with a cute crane origami

47. Make Fresh Pasta

One of my fondest memories as a child was helping my Italian grandmother make fresh pasta on the kitchen table. It didn’t matter what shape it was, the handmade pasta always tasted better. There is nothing like the taste of fresh pasta and it is fairly easy to make, using only 3 ingredients you can make fettuccine, pappardelle or tagliatelle. This pasta recipe is the one I use at my restaurant .

At my Italian restaurant we use the red Marcato Atlas Pasta Machine every single day and love it! They have a bunch of other cool colors too.

48. Make Homemade Pizza

People can be picky little eaters, but almost everyone loves pizza! From kneading the dough to adding your favorite toppings and sprinkling hearty amounts of cheese, everyone in the house can have fun making their own personal pie.

Get started with this easy pizza dough recipe and these 20 homemade pizza recipes .

49. Make Ice Cream

Instead of going to the grocery store to buy your favorite ice cream flavor, set up shop and make some at home. And making your own is not as hard as it may seem. The trick is to perfect the basics, then expand on it by adding different flavors. If ice cream seems too complicated, try making fun flavored popsicles, like Blueberry Vanilla Yogurt . Yum!

This is the ice cream maker and popsicle molds that I use for my sweet treats.

50. Take a Bubble Bath

One of the best rainy day pleasures for people is to dip into a calming hot bath filled with your favorite (or homemade) moisturizing soap blend. After a long day, a tub full of bubbles is the ideal tonic to unwind, release tension, and disconnect from the outside world.

Take a Bubble Bath

51. Master Your Favorite TikTok Dances

Is there a popular dance or two in Tiktok that you’ve always wanted to learn? Well, now is your chance to do so! You can check out some dance tutorials on how to perform these, or you can also make your own dance choreography for those songs.

52. Mend Old Clothes

Do you have a pile of old garments that you’ve wanted to mend but haven’t gotten around to it? A day spent indoors is the perfect opportunity to rummage through your closet and pull out all the items that require repairs. Grab your emergency sewing kit and start mending up those rips, snags, or tattered ends!

53. Plan a Vacation

When you’re stranded at home due to the weather, you might be dreaming of getting tanned by the beach or going on a beautiful mountain getaway. Now is the perfect opportunity to start organizing your trip!

Make a cup of coffee, open your laptop, and plan your trip, including where you want to go (maybe our ultimate travel bucket list can help?!?), when you might be able to take time off, and how you’ll fit it into your budget. You can also check out our printable packing lists to help you on your trip!

54. Play a Round of Mini Golf

If you love golfing or would want to try it out but can’t because of the weather, then go on a game of minigolf or putt-putt instead! Not only is it beginner-friendly, but it is also a great rainy day activity for kids and adults.

From pirate islands to castles to the craziest courses, you will have a fun yet competitive experience playing minigolf!

55. Play Cards

Card games are a fun and entertaining way to bond with family or friends. It only takes a deck of cards, your wits, and just a bit of luck to play.

You can have a game of the classics like Old Maid or Poker, even ones like Uno (which has its deck of cards.). 

Need more ideas? See our Card Game Bucket List that has 100+ fun ones to play with family & friends.

56. Read Some Books (Read a Classic)

I know, this doesn’t sound like the funnest thing to do when you’re bored, but have you ever read ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee? How about ‘Diary of a Nobody’ by George and Weedon Grossmith? The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien? Well, the movies are more entertaining but the novels are pretty sweet too and more detailed. The point is, you can learn more when you read these wonderful classics than you typically do playing Candy Crush on your phone.

If you love the classics then check of the  Classic Books Bucket List: 25 of the Best Must-Read Novels . You can easily download many classics to your Kindle for free. Find a ton of free classics on Amazon .

57. Research your Family Tree

It’s getting easier to find out your roots, so spark up an interest in genealogy and start researching your family tree.  You can start your search at My Heritage who offers a 14-day free trial or Ancestry.com who gives you a free starter account.

58. Indoor Climbing Gym

Are you a fan of spelunking or climbing? You will surely enjoy scaling the walls at an indoor climbing gym! Not only is it challenging and fun for all skill levels, but it is also a great way to work up a sweat during the rainy season in the comfort of the gym. You’ll also get to meet new friends with the same interest in the process.

59. See a Foreign Film

Sometimes those darn subtitles keep us from watching a foreign film—this time, don’t let them! There are masterpiece flicks made around the world and here are 25 of the best .

60. Splurge on a Solo Meal at a Fancy Restaurant

It’s okay to treat yourself to some fancy food every now and then, so dress up, wear that bow and tie or dress and head to the finest restaurant in your area.

Though dining at a fancy restaurant alone might make you feel uncomfortable, trust me when I say that eating out alone can be an empowering experience.

61. Stay Up All Night

Do you remember when the two of you just started your relationship or you just got some news to share with your BFF? You would spend the wee hours of the morning just talking on the phone. Try to replicate that special period of time by planning an all-nighter that may include chatting, laughing, cooking together or dancing in the kitchen.

Need some ideas for this all nighter? You can ask your friend these 365 thought provoking questions to get to know them even better or check out the top 20 stay-at-home date night to share with your spouse.

62. Visit a Museum

It is always interesting to learn something new about something, whether from a loved one or even the town you were born in. Museums let you travel back in time with their fascinating exhibits and discover their history, even if it’s just for a couple of hours.

Annette posing on a 3D Museum

63. Volunteer—Virtually!

You no longer have to be onsite to do the good deed of volunteering—you can help right from your comfy couch! Many organizations need help fostering dogs and the United Nations online volunteering program needs everything from researchers to designers to content editing.

64. Write a Haiku

A Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry that consists of only three lines and a total of 17 syllables. The first and third line has 5 syllables and the second has seven. The lines do not need to rhyme, actually most of the time they don’t.

On one of my birthdays, I wrote this one:

A plane flies over,

you dream of being on it.

Ideas flourish.

Want to write your own haiku? The how to write a haiku article will help, and it includes 15 examples!

65. Write a Letter to your Future Self

Writing a letter to your future self can help to lead your life in the right direction. Share your current thoughts on love, family, career, finances, aging, etc. and also your hopes for each of these things in the future. Tuck your letter away and do not open for at least five years!

On my 40th birthday I wrote a letter to my future self . It is a beautiful piece about exactly how I felt at that point in my life. After not reading it for five years, I have now vowed to visit it on every birthday.

Make your letter even more special by picking some pretty paper (like this Japanese Stationary ) and handwriting it.

66. Write a Thank You Note to Someone Who Deserves It

So often people want to tell a company or friend how they feel when they are not satisfied, instead write a thank you to show your appreciation for a job well done.

Writing your note on a simple sheet of paper is fine, but stocking up on blank greeting cards may be a good idea instead. I literally just bought these bird greeting cards which would be perfect for a simple thank you.

You see, there are plenty of things to do on a rainy day to make it worthwhile. Instead of being cooped up at home scrolling through your phone, why not make fun and lasting memories with these ideas, even when you are indoors!

So the next time you wake up and the skies are gray, I hope this bucket list of rainy day activities will come in handy.

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through my links, I earn a commission that helps to keep this blog running—at no extra cost to you. For more information read my full disclosure .

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7 thoughts on “Rainy Day Bucket List: 65 Fun Activities & Things to Do Indoors”

Amazing Guide & Tips. Thanx for sharing this with us.

I’ve been absent for some time, but now I remember why I used to love this web site. Thank you, I will try and check back more frequently. How frequently you update your website?

I usually add new contents weekly.

Pretty good if I do say so myself.

Same crystal

Thanks. We watched a lot of cheap movies at night during the lockdowns. We did baking, art and craft activities in order to learn new skills. We did singing and dancing lessons from time to time as well as puzzles and games. We sat there and talked. We collected free pine cones on nature walks. We learned a lot of new things. We prayed. We went on virtual activities and so on.

I really liked your ideas. Specially wee our of morning. As it will bring really all precious memories back and relieved it again. keep writing great post

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52 Fun Things to Do on a Rainy Day (the Ultimate List)

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Pouring down outside? These things to do on a rainy day are ideal for a day of fun, laughs, and feel-good factor when you can’t go outside and enjoy the great outdoors.

Things to Do on a Rainy Day

Things to Do on a Rainy Day (list of ideas 1-14 from the article).

After a long week of work, sometimes we just want to use our free time to enjoy ourselves. These fun things to do can all be done indoors, and are perfect if you just want to have a good time.

1. Plan Your Dream Holiday

how to have fun in the rain speech

Just because it’s raining where you are, doesn’t mean it’s raining everywhere! Use this rainy day to plan your next sun-filled adventure.

Download some apps, and make lists of your ideal destinations, hotels, and tourist activities. It’ll be summer again before you know it!

2. Take Personality Tests and Fun Online Quizzes

A rainy day is the perfect opportunity to learn what kind of pizza topping you are, if you’re an introvert or an extrovert, and if you’re an INFP or an ENFJ.

Spend the day taking personality tests and silly quizzes – you might even learn something about yourself in the process. 

3. Throw a Murder Mystery Party

Get family and friends over for a fun-filled game of mystery and bluffing.

You can buy a game online or create your own – if you make your own, you can invent any theme you like: 90s, Gatsby, Wartime, or even themed around your local area. 

4. Eat Alone in a New Restaurant

how to have fun in the rain speech

We’ve all had the fear of eating alone in a restaurant – or rather, the fear of being judged for doing so.

However, eating alone in a restaurant is underrated: you don’t need to worry about splitting the bill with Mr or Mrs “I’ll-have-the-$100 lobster,” you can enjoy some quality alone time, and you can order whatever you want without judgment.

Next time you find yourself bored on a rainy day, head to a cozy local bistro and treat yourself. 

5. Start a Blog

If you’re always ranting at the politicians on television, taking photos of your cooking, or filling up a journal with your daily thoughts, why not start an online blog?

Having a blog is a great way to stay regular with your writing, as well as maintain your hobbies and personal interests.

Some bloggers even go on to make money from their blogs, so why not give it a try? 

Creative and Unique

Want to use your indoor time to try something different? These creative and unique ideas can help you use your creative energy and discover new things and experiences.

6. Break Out of an Escape Room

If you’re tired of playing video games on your console or phone, what about becoming a real-life video game character?

Escape rooms have surged in popularity over the last few years, and they make for the perfect rainy-day activity.

With one hour on the clock, try to find your way out of an enclosed room by solving a complicated – but not impossible – puzzle. Grab your smartest friends and head over to your nearest escape room venue.

7. Take a Trip Somewhere Obscure in Your City 

No matter where you live in the world, there is almost always some history to discover lurking in the walls and in the buildings; a history of war or bloody battles, of political revolution or tyranny.

Use Google Maps or a site like Atlas Obscura to pinpoint your local area and find some secretive, unknown historic sites you can drive to.

8. Take a Class Either Online or in Person

how to have fun in the rain speech

Have you always wanted to learn how to speak Italian, or learn how to paint, or take a class on French patisserie?

The magic of the internet gives you the opportunity to learn almost anything from the comfort of your own sofa – and many classes are free!

Spend the day taking advantage of new online courses – you might end up with a new skill to show off. MasterClass , for example, is a great place to learn skills from seasoned professionals.

Read more: Best Skills to Learn Online

9. Make a Home Film

Did you know that the hit UK series ‘The Office’ was originally inspired by two friends recording each other having a laugh at work?

While I can’t promise that your home films will have the same impact, use your rainy day to experiment with filming – you probably have a free camera on your phone after all, so why not use it?

Create something funny, obscure, or even frightening. Pretend you’re being interviewed by Ellen, or give your Presidential inauguration speech.

You can even pretend that you’re a news reporter reporting on the eventual zombie takeover of Earth in 2075. Who knows, maybe a Netflix series will follow!

If the rain is lashing down and you are confined to your home or apartment, that doesn’t mean a day of staring out the window has to pass you by. There’s still plenty of fun to be had at home, as these things you can do prove.

how to have fun in the rain speech

A rainy day at home is incomplete without the smell of freshly baked cookies wafting through the house.

Crack out the cookbooks and try your hand at cakes, pastries, and pies – you’ll be the most popular person in the house at the end of the day!

11. Watch a Series in One Go

That one TV series that everybody is always talking about at work or on Twitter, the one that you’ve never had the time to get into?

Now is your chance! Grab a streaming free trial and get comfortable on the sofa – soon, all the GIFs will make sense.

12. Re-Organize Your Living Space

Now is the perfect time to put your desk at the sun-facing window, feng-shui your bedroom, or attempt to turn your kitchen into a retro cocktail bar.

Spend the day reorganizing your living space and watch your mind re-energize along with it.

Related: Cool Kitchen Organization Gadgets and Accessories

13. Spa Day

Light a scented candle, pour a glass of wine, and get the bath running – you’re now on a spa holiday!

Pamper yourself with face masks, scrubs, and bath salts until you feel renewed. Bonus points if your significant other or flatmate can bring you snacks on the hour!

Read more: DIY Spa Day at Home Essentials

14. Write Letters

Revive the lost art of letter writing and send some nice words to old friends; people love to know that others are thinking of them.

If you’re not sold on the snail mail concept, an affectionate email will do the trick.

15. Create a Home Gym for the Day

how to have fun in the rain speech

Who says you need an expensive gym membership to stay in shape?

With cans of beans for dumbbells, water bottles for kettlebells, and a Harry Potter book as an aerobic step, you can turn your home into a gym for the day and kickstart your fitness journey.

16. Have a Clear-Out

Those jeans from 2008 that you’ve pledged every January to fit into again?

Whether you want to pop them on eBay to make a little extra cash, or simply donate them to a local charity shop, having a clear-out of your wardrobe will clear your head, clear your space, and give you room for new things!

Related: Best Desk Organization Gadgets, Accessories, and Essentials

Want to put that indoor time to good use. Get organized, learn a new skill, or exert some creative energy with these productive things to do.

17. Organize Your “I’ll Do It Tomorrow” List. 

We’ve all got a list of things in our heads that we’ll do tomorrow. Bills, emails, canceling that subscription, and replying to that text you’ve been ignoring for two weeks all quickly add up.

Put the kettle on and spend a couple of hours sorting through your correspondence and emails – you’ll feel better after, I promise!

With so much of our lives spent in the digital world both at home and at work, reading books is often one of the first things we abandon after a busy day.

A rainy day is the perfect excuse to curl up with a new novel and immerse yourself in a fantasy world!

19. Meditate 

Our everyday lives are often hectic and non-stop, leaving us little time to focus on ourselves.

Take advantage of the numerous meditation resources online and pick up a healthy new habit.

20. Create a Plan for Something You’ve Always Wanted to Do

A solo trip to Venice? A hike up the Himalayas? A fitness plan? A home renovation?

Whatever personal ambition you daydream about during your work commute, now is the time to create a plan to put it into action.

Crack out a notebook or download a planning app and explore your options. 

Related: 5 Bucket List Printable Templates

21. Make Sustainable Resolutions

how to have fun in the rain speech

New Year’s resolutions can be overrated: most of us realize by mid-January that “make $1,000,000 by summer” is a mildly unreasonable expectation.

Instead, use your rainy day to make sustainable resolutions: resolutions by the month, or even by the week.

Short-term resolutions are easier to keep – provided they remain attainable – and will help you achieve your goals faster.

Read more: Monthly Habit Tracker Printables

With Friends

Just because it’s raining outside, that doesn’t mean you can be with those nearest and dearest to you. Get your squad together in WhatsApp, and pitch them some of these great ideas.

22. Create a 90s Time Machine

If you’re stuck indoors with friends on a rainy day, cut the Wi-Fi and ask everyone to turn off their phones.

You’ve now been transported to the 1990s – try to have fun amusing yourselves without Twitter, Netflix, and YouTube!

23. Board Game Marathon

Go retro again, this time with a board game marathon: we’re talking Monopoly, Cluedo, Scrabble, even Twister! Add cocktails and pizza for an enhanced experience. 

Read more: 20 Board Games for Adults for an Evening of Fun

24. Cooking Competition 

Grab the contents of your food cupboards, pile them together and see who can make the best dish.

Assign one friend to be Gordon Ramsay, the judge of all your culinary efforts. As Gordon infamously says, ‘where is the lamb sauce?’

25. Throw a Dinner Party

how to have fun in the rain speech

Dress code: Formal The Nigella cookbooks: Cracked open on the kitchen surface

Expensive champagne: Flowing Dinner topics: Politics, Art, High Culture

Organize a formal dinner party with close friends, and try your hand at high-society socializing. Suits and dresses below the knees only!

26. Themed Movie Marathon

An 80s movie marathon, a Harry Potter-themed movie marathon, a black-and-white movie marathon, a musical movie marathon, a Western movie marathon; the possibilities are endless, as should be the popcorn!

Related: 100+ Movie Trivia Questions and Answers for a Hollywood-Themed Quiz Night

27. Indoor Climbing

Why go climbing outdoors and suffer the wind, the knee scrapes, the bugs, and the potential spontaneous falling boulders?

Grab some friends and head to an indoor climbing area for an adrenaline-packed afternoon.

On a Budget

Money a little tight? No problem! There’s still plenty to do when it’s pouring outside that costs very little, if anything. A little resourcefulness and an adventurous spirit are all you need for these rainy-day budget ideas.

28. Be a Tourist in Your Own City

Many indoor attractions such as museums, libraries, art galleries, and local tourist attractions are funded by local authorities and totally free for the public to take advantage of.

Use the excuse of a rainy day to take a tour of these attractions, playing tourist in your own city.

You’ll most likely discover cool places you never knew existed, and maybe learn a little about the place you call home.

29. Listen to Audiobooks on YouTube

Audiobook subscription services are great but often expensive and out-of-budget for many. Luckily, many audiobooks are in the public domain and freely available in full on YouTube.

Choice might be slightly more limited in comparison with a subscription service, but many classics, both ancient and modern, are available to take advantage of.

Get cozy on the sofa and immerse yourself in a fictive world!

30. Local Events in the Community

how to have fun in the rain speech

Whether it’s a church, a school, or a community center, most local authorities run regular fundraising events, most of which are free or cost very little to attend.

Check online for the possibility of local bake sales, plays, or coffee mornings – perfect for a rainy day on a budget.

With a little creativity and imagination, entertaining the kids on a rainy day can be a hugely fun experience for everyone. These things to do should give you some great ideas.

31. Create a Blanket Fort

When the little ones are at a loose end, grab some sheets from the cupboard, hang up some fairy lights and let the kids create the pillow fort of their dreams.

Even better, let your own inner child shine and help build the fort yourself – with all the effort and exhaustion, you might end up taking a nap there yourself!

32. Faux-lympics

With some medals made from tin foil, YouTube playing the Olympic anthem, and a bit of space in the living room, it’s time to light the metaphorical Olympic torch!

Let the kids choose what country they want to represent and what activities they want to do; a Faux-lympics is a great way to get them exercising and enjoying some healthy competition – and sleeping well afterward, too!

33. Soft Play or Indoor Playground

A rainy-day classic – isn’t it a shame that there are no soft plays for adults?

If the kids are restless and you need a breather, head down to a local soft play / indoor playground, and let the kids enjoy themselves while you relax with a coffee and a magazine.

34. Make Pizza

how to have fun in the rain speech

Pizza is one of the easiest things to make at home and can be a fun introduction for kids to the joy of cooking.

Grab some cheap Pizza mix from the supermarket, and let the kids go nuts with toppings. No pineapple, please!

35. Scavenger Hunt 

Kids love exploring and going through the cupboards on any given day of the week, so why not let them have fun and enjoy a bit of competition at the same time?

Use the internet to print off lists of items and let the kids go off looking for them – meanwhile, you can take a breather and enjoy a coffee. 

36. Puddle-Jumping

If there’s not enough space in the house and the kids need to move around, pop on the rain boots and the raincoat and take the kids puddle-jumping – just make sure you’re not wearing your favorite pair of jeans!

37. Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies and Decorate Them

One of the best rainy day activities for kids, you can spend the entire day baking and decorating lots of cookies to enjoy and to share with friends and the whole family.

To get a little more creative, use cookie cutters to give your baked treats different shapes, sizes, and styles.

38. Afternoon at Kids Play

Ideal for younger kids when you’ve got the rainy day blues, kids’ soft play areas are nearly always indoors and are perfect for entertaining your children.

Look online for a nearby center, and see if they have a cafe onsite so that you can do some reading or enjoy a hot drink while they play.

38. Create Your Own Indoor Mini Golf at Home

Order a simple putting machine with a club and ball, and get creative around your home.

Use cushions, chairs, toys, and boxes to create a fun mini-golf obstacle course around your home, and see how many strokes it takes to complete.

39. Make Paper Airplanes and Decorate Them

Simple to make, you can use newspaper or colored paper, or pens and paints to design beautiful skins for your airplanes before you fold them.

40. Join an Online Dance Party in 90s Attire

Scour your closets for clothes that represent this iconic era for dance music, and let loose on an online dance party. Strut your stuff, and dance like no one cares.

41. Laser Tag

A great excuse to get out of the house and let your inner child run wild, laser tag is a fast and thrilling indoor activity that you can do with friends, or show up and join a team that needs players.

42. Watch a New Show in a Hot Bubble Bath

Get yourself a bath tray, and use it to hold an iPad or tablet. Pour a hot bath, filled with bubbles, and enjoy a relaxing afternoon or evening with a brand-new show.

43. Go to an Indoor Rock Climbing Center

If it’s a dreary day and you’re suffering from cabin fever, give indoor rock climbing a try.

It’s great fun and done in a controlled environment on indoor climbing walls, so you don’t have to worry about braving the elements.

44. Download and Play Arcade Games and Childhood Classics on Your Laptop

Gaming can still be a lot of fun, without having to have a console and play the latest popular titles.

Nowadays, laptops and computers have the power to host classic titles from the 80s, 90s, and 00s.

Have a look online to see what old games you played as a child you can find, and delve into a little gaming nostalgia.

45. Create a Pin Board of Memories

Get yourself a felt board to which you can pin things. Go through old photos and old magazines, and find things of meaning, such as plane tickets, and create a memories board with these beloved items.

46. Host a Board Games Marathon

In rainy weather, board games are a popular go-to. If you don’t want to be stuck inside doing the same thing, however, bring more than one game into play.

Invite friends and family, and ask everyone to bring over their favorite board game to create a board game marathon.

Put a timer to each board game, such as a certain number of rounds or plays, and assign players points based on performance.

47. Host a Video Game Tournament

The beauty of this idea for rainy days is that you can set it up to best suit you. You can either invite people for some classic console gaming or host it online and play virtually together.

Either play a series of games, or focus on one, and put everyone involved either into a league table, or a knock-out format competition.

48. Play Card Games

As rainy day activities go, this is one of the easiest and most fun. There are so many card games you can play, and lose yourself for hours in good company and healthy competition.

49. Make New Cocktail Recipes to Fun Music

Spice up your cocktail making to some dance music, and let your creative juices flow as you pretend you’re a bartender in a luxurious club, whipping up cocktails for celebrities and society’s finest.

Related: Best Home Bar Gadgets and Accessories to Own

50. Go on a Museum Tour of Your Local Area

how to have fun in the rain speech

For an exciting day out without having to be outside, go through every museum in a drivable radius, and create a fun day out where you visit each one.

Most museum visits will be free, and this is a great way to get out of the house while still doing indoor activities.

From art to science, there are plenty of amazing things to see and do. Set a time limit for each museum, and run a whirlwind visit of them.

51. Take a Personality Test

Maybe you’ve got problem-solving skills not being fulfilled in your job, or maybe you’re not doing enough creative work.

There are plenty of free personality tests you can take, that can help you better understand your behaviors, and what you need from important things such as relationships, or your career.

52. Host an ‘Around-the-World’ Tea Party

Order teas from different countries, such as Morocco and India, and enjoy these delicious beverages with your nearest and dearest.

You can make notes about your favorite teas, let their aromas waft around the house, and dive deep into the history and story of these exotic teas if you use a tea subscription.

Read more: Fun Tea Party Ideas for Adults (Activities, Games, and More)

When the heavens open, don’t let indoor time pass you by. Even when it’s raining, there are so many places you can go, things you can do, and fun to be had.

Use our list to inspire you to stop staring out the window, longing for nice weather, and make great use of the time you have.

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Checked the forecast and saw that rain is coming? Keep this great list of things to do on a rainy day handy, by saving it to one of your Pinterest boards.

Things to Do on a Rainy Day (list of ideas 1-14 from the article).

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Paragraph on Rainy Day in English – Rainy Day Ideas

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Table of Contents

Paragraph on Rainy Day: A rainy day is a pleasant day with cool breeze and rain showers. A rainy day has the capacity to uplift a person’s mood in an instant. It is loved by people belonging to all age groups. Everyone enjoys the rain and the scenic view it offers.

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Long and Short Paragraphs on Rainy Day in English

You will find below a number of short and long paragraphs on Rainy Day. We hope these Rainy Day paragraphs will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children to write and read out paragraphs with simple words and small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Rainy Day according to their particular requirement.

Short Paragraph on Rainy Day 100 words

A rainy day is a day that almost everyone loves, be it a small kid, an adult or an elderly person. Rain showers are awaited all year long. It is said that God showers his blessings on earth in the form of rain and infuses everything and everyone with delight. It is a sight to see the trees and plants drenched in rain appearing greener and brighter.

The clouds in the sky overcast the sun and give relief from the scorching heat on a rainy day. The weather on this day is extremely pleasant and such weather works wonders on our senses. It fills our heart with a joyous feeling. I just love rainy days.

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Paragraph on Rainy Day in Winter 150 words

While the rainy season falls during the months of June, July and August, it also rains for a few days during the winter season . Rains during the winters are usually witnessed from late December till the mid of January. Thankfully, this is the time when we have our winter vacations.

It is chilling cold during this time and the rain showers add to this chilling weather. It is difficult to go out on a rainy day during winters. Getting drenched in the rain during winters can result in catching cold and cough. However, I still wait for rainy days during this season because a rainy day after all is far more pleasant and beautiful than a usual day. I love sitting by my bedroom window on such a day. I enjoy the beauty of the nature and the fragrance of the wet mud. I enjoy reading a book and sipping hot coffee as I enjoy this amazing weather.

Paragraph on Rainy Day in Summer 200 words

Rains during the summer season are considered best. I stay in Delhi and we usually witness rains from the mid of June till the end of August. This is one of the best times of the year. Rainy day in summer season is particularly good as we can drenched in the rain during this time unlike winters when we have to stay indoors and can enjoy rain only from our window sill or balcony.

A rainy day in summer for me means bathing in rain on my terrace. Me, my sister and two of our friends from the neighbourhood go to our terrace and enjoy the rain. We play loud music, dance and drench ourselves in the rain. Our mother cooks delicious pakodas for us and we enjoy them post our rain dance.

Rain is especially fun when it comes during our summer vacations or on a holiday. I just hate it when I have to go to the school and study on such a beautiful day. The trees and flowers that look starved and sad because of the summer heat look all lit up and lovely as it rains during the summers.

I love the summer rain more than the downpour during the winters.

Paragraph on A Walk to School on Rainy Day (250 words)

My school is located at a distance of around 2 km from my place. I and my younger brother walk to the school each morning. Our school starts at 8 am. We start from our place at 7:30 to reach there on time. On rainy days, our father drops us to the school by car.

It was our first day to school after the summer vacations. We were getting ready for the school when it started drizzling. Cool breeze was blowing and the atmosphere was filled with a sweet fragrance. My mother quickly packed our lunch and was about to wake our father up so he could take us to the school. However, I asked her not to. I requested her to take out our rain coats and allow us to walk to the school. Since it was a slight drizzle my mother agreed.

I and my brother got dressed, hung our bags, wore our rain coats and started for the school. The weather was extremely pleasant. A day before we were quite sad because our vacations had come to an end. However, the rain showers in the morning uplifted our mood and this long walk to the school in the rain made us feel all the more better. My brother had made a few paper boats before leaving. We rowed them on our way and saw them moving down the street. We plucked a few leaves and rowed them too.

The walk in the rain was absolutely refreshing. It was a good start to the school after the vacations.

Rainy Season Essay

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Paragraph on Importance of Rainy Day for Kids, Students, Common Man and Farmers (300 words)

Rainy Days are special for all. A rainy day holds importance for everyone, be it a small kid, a student, common man or a farmer. Everyone has his/ her own reason to wait for a rainy day and everyone spends it in his own way. Here is the importance that a rainy day holds for different people:

Rainy Day for Kids

For kids, it is a different experience. The weather is pleasant and so is the mood of everyone around. They get to play in the rain and even go out with their parents to have their favourite food. A rainy day for them also means hot and scrumptious pakodas and lots of paper boats.

Rainy Day for Students

For students, a rainy day offers a break from the mundane routine. It is especially fun for them in case the school declares a holiday due to heavy rain or the parents take a call not to send them to school.

Rainy Day for Common Man

Rainy day for a common man means a respite from the scorching heat. It helps in uplifting the mood and bringing about a change in the dull routine. Most people look forward to this day. They plan outings and visit their close ones to relish the day. It offers rejuvenation amid the daily stress.

Rainy Day for Farmer

Rains are extremely essential for the proper growth of the crops. Hence, rains hold immense importance for the farmers. They wait for the rainy season eagerly and wish for adequate rain. A rainy day for a farmer is a day to make merry.

Thus, a rainy day has its own special importance for different people. It is a day to enjoy and celebrate. However, for some a rainy day can also be a cause of worry as it disrupts their tasks. Meetings need to be cancelled and consignments get delayed due to heavy rains at times causing financial loss.

Paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting

Paragraph on How to Spend a Rainy Day (350 words)

Everyone has his own way of spending rainy day. Rainy season comes for few months a year and offers a refreshing experience if we make the most of it. In an attempt to spend it well some people just get perplexed with so many ideas and end up ruining it. Here are few ways to spend a rainy day:

Different Ways to Make the Most of Rainy Day

  • Enjoy the Weather from the Balcony

A rainy day can be spent sitting in the balcony sipping hot tea or coffee and enjoying pakodas. It is a good idea to call your neighbours and enjoy evening tea in their company on such a day. Those who prefer solitude can play light music or read a book while enjoying the weather.

  • Get Drenched in the Rain

A rainy day during the summers is best spent out in the rain. Rain water is fresh and pure and there is nothing more refreshing than bathing in the rain during this season. Go to your terrace or your front lawn or your street and get drenched in the rain to enjoy the weather to the fullest.

  • Go on a Long Drive

To enjoy rainy day to the fullest, young people can go on a long drive. They can take some light snack on the way and play their favourite music as they enjoy the drive in this pleasant weather.

  • Go for a Walk

Going for a long walk with friends and loved ones is also an enjoyable experience. However, it is only preferable when it is drizzling and not raining heavily. Jumping in the muddy puddles and splashing water on each other during these walks adds to the fun.

  • Dance in the Rain

To make the most of this weather, just go to your terrace, turn on the music and dance in the rain. Call your friends to dance and have fun with you in this pleasant weather. The more the merrier .

There are different ways of enjoying this special day. You need to find out what is it that you love doing the most and indulge in it to enjoy the rainy day to the fullest.

Acid Rain Essay

Paragraph on My Experience of a Rainy Day 400 words

Rainy day is loved by almost everyone I know. I especially am fond of rainy days. While I hold several special memories of rainy days and rainy season, there is one such memory that is very close to my heart.

My Experience of a Rainy Day

It was a cloudy morning. We could hear the sound of thunder and lightning since mid night and heavy rain was expected during the day. It was the kind of day we all long for and going to school is the last thing we would like to do on such a day. Playing in the rain with my siblings and friends from neighbourhood, rowing boats and eating yummy pakodas made by my mother is what I love to do on such a day.

However, it was a week day and we had to go to the school. So, despite the beautiful cloudy sky and the cool breeze, we did what we did on a usual week day. We got ready, packed our school bags, had our breakfast and headed to the car with our mother who drops us to school every day.

We witnessed slight drizzle from the car window. I so wanted to open the window but did not for the fear it would wet my uniform and school bag. As we drove, I noticed my mother taking a different route. It was not the one we usually took. I thought she may have taken this route to avoid water clogging or road block.

However, I soon saw that we were going in a completely different direction and before I could ask my mother about it, I saw her parking the car near our favourite picnic spot. I looked at her and my siblings sitting at the back seat and a wide smile lit on our faces. We were super thrilled. This was the best thing to have happened to me in a long while.

We got drenched in the rain, rowed boats and played football. When it began to rain heavily, we took shelter in the beautiful gazebo located at the picnic spot. We also had delicious momos that were being sold there. The view from the gazebo was simply awesome. We sat there looking at the rain-drenched flowers and trees as we sipped hot coffee and ate momos.

It was one of the best days of my life. I thank my mom for giving us such a wonderful rainy day memory to cherish forever.

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Rainy Day Paragraphs for Class 3 to 5

Rainy day paragraphs for class 3.

Rainy Day Adventures

Rainy days are fun! Many people, including me, love them. I have a special memory from one rainy day that I want to share.

A Special Rainy Morning

One morning, the sky was full of clouds. It looked like it was going to rain a lot. I thought we would go to school as usual. But that day, something exciting happened!

While we were in the car, my mother took a different route. Instead of going to school, she took us to our favorite picnic place! My brothers, sisters, and I were so happy.

We played in the rain, had boat rides, and played games. We also sat under a small shelter and enjoyed looking at the beautiful wet trees and flowers. We even had yummy snacks!

Fun Things to Do on a Rainy Day

  • Sit and Watch : We can sit in our balcony and watch the rain. Having some hot snacks like pakodas while watching is even better.
  • Playing in the Rain : If it’s safe, we can play in the rain. It feels cool and refreshing.
  • Driving Around : If we have a car, we can go for a drive and see the city in the rain.
  • Walking Fun : We can go for walks. But remember, only if it’s a light rain.
  • Dance Time : We can play music and dance in the rain. It’s so much fun!

In the End…

Rainy days are special. There are many ways to enjoy them. We just need to find our favorite thing to do and have fun!

Rainy Day Paragraphs for Class 4

Rain Brings Fun!

I think rainy days are magical. They’re full of surprises. Let me tell you about one such surprise day.

The Day School Turned into a Park

Once, when it looked all rainy and grey, I got ready for school. But guess what? We went to a fun park instead!

We played games, splashed around, and had yummy snacks. It was a day to remember.

Rainy Day Activities:

  • Nature’s Show: Watching rain can be so calming.
  • Rain Races: We can race paper boats in flowing rainwater.
  • Rainy Ride: A car ride during rain can be amazing.
  • Strolls: Walking under an umbrella, feeling light drizzles, is fun.
  • Rain Dance: Why not dance and enjoy the rain’s rhythm?

A Day with Rain

Every rainy day can be an adventure. We just have to make it one!

Rainy Day Paragraphs for Class 5

Rain’s Magic Moments

Rain has a special magic. I love rainy days. Let me share a magical rainy day story with you.

The Unexpected Adventure

On a cloudy day, when rain seemed sure, I wore my school uniform. But, instead of school, we had an adventure at a beautiful garden!

We explored, played, and had some delicious food. It felt like a dream.

Things to Do in the Rain:

  • Gaze and Wonder: Watching the rain is like seeing a live painting.
  • Creative Play: Making paper boats or drawing with chalk on wet ground can be fun.
  • Exploratory Drives: Seeing the city bathed in rain is beautiful.
  • Adventure Walks: We can explore nature in a new light during rain.
  • Groove in the Rain: Play your favorite song and dance in the rain!

Rain’s Gift

Every raindrop brings joy and memories. Let’s cherish them!

Frequently Asked Questions on Rainy Day

What is the first rain called.

The first rain of a season, particularly after a long dry period, is often referred to as the monsoon rain or the first shower. This initial rain is eagerly anticipated by many as it signifies a change in the weather and brings relief from heat and dryness. It often has a distinct smell which many people find refreshing.

What is drizzling rain?

Drizzling rain is a type of light precipitation that falls slowly from the sky. It consists of small water droplets and is softer than regular rain. Drizzle typically doesn't accumulate much on the ground and is often associated with overcast days, creating a misty environment. It's not as intense as a full-blown rain, but can make the surroundings damp.

What is a little rain called?

A brief or light rainfall is commonly referred to as a shower or a sprinkle. Unlike heavy rainfalls or downpours, these don't last very long and might not drench you completely. However, they can provide a quick refreshment, especially on warm days, and often bring with them a cool breeze.

Is a rainy day romantic?

Absolutely! Many people associate rainy days with romance. The sound of raindrops tapping on the window, combined with the cool, cozy atmosphere often leads couples to snuggle up. Lighting a few candles and listening to the rhythm of the rain can create an intimate and serene environment perfect for spending quality time together.

How to say it's raining?

There are various ways to express that it's raining. Common phrases include It's pouring outside, It's coming down hard, or The skies have opened up. Each expression conveys the idea of rain, but with different intensities or feelings attached to the experience of the rainfall.

What does a rainy day mean?

Literally, a rainy day describes a day when rain is falling. However, metaphorically, the term is often used to signify a future time of need. For instance, when someone saves money for unforeseen circumstances, they might say they're saving for a rainy day. It's a way to express the idea of being prepared for challenging times that might lie ahead.

Is it raining or rainy day?

Is it raining? is a direct question inquiring about the current weather condition, asking if rain is presently falling. On the other hand, rainy day is a general description of a day where rain has occurred. So, while Is it raining? asks about the present moment, rainy day might refer to any time during the day when rain fell.

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Bring The Kids Outside

Outdoor Activities for A Rainy Day

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I love it when it rains. And I even like to go outside when it rains.

I think of rain as a blessing for our vegetation, and a chance for us to have some fun in a “new” landscape that’s all wet and slippery.

Many of us prefer to stay indoors when it rains, but as you’ll see, there are plenty of things to do outside in the rain. Here are 50 ideas to get you started!

Of course, if there are heavy gusts or electric storms, it is advisable to stay home and observe nature’s tremendous energy via a glass window.

Why Play In The Rain

Getting outside on a wet day with kids is one of the finest things to do! There are numerous learning opportunities and enjoyable ways to play in the rain. Making music, rain art, engaging the senses, exercising large motor and fine motor skills, exploring nature, and so much more are some of the outdoor things we enjoy doing in the rain.

On a rainy day, it’s also a lot of fun to play board games like monopoly, watch a FREE yoga video, fold paper airplanes, design an indoor obstacle course, watch a movie marathon, or make arts and crafts with play-dough. However, we believe that getting outside for AT LEAST 15 MINUTES, even if it’s pouring, is essential.

Ways To Play In The Rain

There is enough to do outside on a rainy day. While indoor rainy day activities for kids are wonderful, children must get outside and move their bodies on a daily basis. When it rains, rainy day activities allow you to come outside and play.

There are numerous enjoyable activities and educational possibilities to be found outside on a wet day. The following list of rainy day play ideas is a fantastic source of screen-free activities for youngsters. Try any of these rainy day activities to get the kids outside and learning while having fun!

Puddle Jump

Bring the kids outside to play in the rain with their favorite pool or bath equipment. Bath toys are enjoyable for children to play with outside on a rainy day.

Catch The Rain

Simple pleasures are sometimes the finest. For this delightful rainy day exercise, invite children to collect raindrops and sprinkles on their tongues. I’ve never met a child who didn’t like catching raindrops with their tongue when playing in the rain! Ask children to count how many raindrops they catch while they’re at it.

Make Boats and Race Them

Another great rainy day STEM activity is building and racing miniature boats. This delightful rainy day pastime for youngsters involves racing leaves or boats down a raging stream or creek—even in overflowing gutters. If you’re looking for a simple popsicle stick boat that kids can create, follow the link. The peg doll on top is adorable but not required.

Touch The Worms

If you see a worm in a puddle, return it to the dirt. Once the rain has stopped and the dirt has dried, rescue the worms by removing them from puddles and from the sidewalk or street and reintroducing them into the moist earth. Only keep worms for as long as necessary to move them. Worms will die if kept for an extended period of time.

Make Mud Pies

On rainy days, children like playing in the dirt. Making mud pies is a great way to have fun with mud on a rainy day. When it rains, the earth softens and becomes easier to dig in. Don’t forget to adorn your mud pies with flowers, leaves, sticks, rocks, and other natural materials.

To build a dam, use stones, boulders, mud, sandbags, or whatever else you have on hand. Building a dam is an enjoyable and informative STEM exercise for children.

When constructing a dam, take care not to harm the local residents, the natural landscape, or the surrounding ecology. Never close an entire river, and please check that the water is flowing normally before leaving.

Science It Up

Take some time to examine the rain. Take note of everything—the sights, sounds, scents, feel, taste, and so on. Keep a Nature Journal to record your findings.

Use creative storytelling or writing to extend this instructive rainy day concept at home or in the school. When you return inside, ask your children to write or present a tale based on what they learned and experienced in the rain. Ask them to practice expressing themselves using sensory language and feeling terms. This is a fantastic rainy day educational project for homeschoolers!

Measure Rain

Children enjoy counting the amount of rain that has fallen. Measuring rainfall and tracking it over time is a fascinating rainy day STEM activity for kids. How much rain fell in an hour? In a single day? In one week? Or for the entire year?

You may create your own rain gauge by taping a ruler to the inside of a clear plastic cup or mason jar, or you can buy one. Maintain a rain notebook and compare your measurements to those in your local newspaper or favorite weather website.

Take Photos

Another great rainy day activity is to take a waterproof camera for kids outside and capture pictures in the rain. It’s fun to capture pictures of friends and family having fun outside without having to worry about getting your camera wet.

Set out pots, pans, bowls, tin foil, or anything else that you think would make a lovely sound when raindrops fall on it. You can even bring out a xylophone if you don’t mind getting it wet. “Tip, tip, tap, tip, tap, ting!” says the rain music.

Alternatively, make your own rain tick out of recycled and naturally derived materials.

Find The Rainbow

On a wet day, if you notice the sun peaking through the clouds, walk outside and turn your back to the sun to search for rainbows in the sky. Or, go on a rainbow quest with the sun behind you, and keep an eye out for a rainbow!

Bottom Line

Rainy day activities do not have to be confined to the home; send the kids outside to play in the rain… There are many enjoyable things to do on a rainy day!

We hope you like these rainy day activities for kids and fun outdoor rain games as much as we do!

When you’ve had your fill of playing in the rain, come inside for a warm bath, some hot tea or chocolate, and a big bowl of popcorn.

Curl up with a soft wool throw blanket, make a fire in the fireplace (if you have one), and relax after a day of fun in the rain.

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Paragraph on Rainy Day 100, 150, 200, 250 To 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

February 7, 2024 by Veerendra

Paragraph On Rainy Day 100, 150, 200, 250 To 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

Paragraph On Rainy Day: A rainy day is both boon and bane; while it is a motif of romanticising and catalyst to a pharaonic part of flora and fauna, it also generates knots for famished beings. They hold immense importance for everyone differently. People have unalike reasons to wait for a rainy day eagerly, for it induces dulcet weather.

You can read more  Paragraph Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Paragraph On Rainy Day – 100 Words For Classes 1, 2, and 3 Kids

A rainy day refrigerates the weather with showers and a warm breeze. It freshens everyone by making the climate fresh and pleasant and brings in a sigh of relief from the scorching heat.

It is a blessing for trees, birds, animals, plants and people during the summer. Trees look so fresh, colourful and refreshing after a shower. Rainy day is essential for farmers as it helps in the growth of crops.

Many people like getting drenched in the rain. A rainy day uplifts the mood of a person. Sometimes, we are lucky enough to see a rainbow on the horizon on a rainy day.

Paragraph On Rainy Day – 150 Words For Classes 4 and 5 Children

A rainy day brings delightful weather with a cool breeze and rain showers. It is welcomed mostly by people of all age group including kids, adults and older people. It is substantial uplift our bad mood quickly and gives us relief from sear heat and humid climate.

Rainy day can also offer a fun break to students as most of the schools declare holiday due to heavy rain to avoid the chances of accidents. It plays an essential role for farmers as it helps them in the growth and nourishment of crops. Rainy day is also a blessing for trees, plants, birds and animals.

Rainy day rejuvenates us by making the weather pleasant and relaxed.  Rainy day provides relief to a tropical country from intense heatwave. But there’re also some wrong sides to this, as excess rain can destroy several crops, fruits, and make the situation harder for poor people.

Paragraph On Rainy Day

Paragraph On Rainy Day – 200 Words For Classes 6, 7, And 8 students

A rainy day is the bearer of good weather with refrigerating breeze and rain showers. It refreshes everyone by making the climate cool and delightsome and brings in a sigh of relief from the scorching heat.

Rainy day gives us relief from the usually hot and humid climate. Rainy day is portrayed by a cool whisk, drizzle and the sweet smell of soil. The trees and vegetation around us get washed by rain and reveals its lush green colour. The full view becomes enchanting with dark clouds all over the sky with periodic lightening.

Water becomes abundance, and every pool or depression gets filled in the rainy season. Rain brings various reptilian and amphibian species out of their hiding like snakes and frogs. Sometimes during heavy rain, schools declare a holiday Rainy day is the day when nature reveals all its hidden surprises to us.

If Mother Nature is kind enough, there is also a sheer probability of getting an elfin sight of a beautiful rainbow. Despite all the beauties of the rainy day, it could be a little trouble for people who are poor, or have to travel, and also for specific crops and fruit.

Paragraph On Rainy Day – 250 To 300 Words For Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

Rainy day comes as a musical surprise for all, bringing a luscious climate and chilling weather. Dark clouds shower water droplets over the earth underneath them. The climate becomes pleasant – not too cold, neither too hot on a rainy day.

A rainy day cleans the flora on land and makes everything look new and fresh; as a result, the greenery around us reveals its lush green colour. A rainy day is also suitable for irrigation and increasing the yield, and also for opening up the prospects of conserving rainwater for the future, for it helps to refill the natural water bodies of earth.

It gives a new lease of life to the animals that have been struggling in the absence of water. It is nature’s way to resuscitate the earth and the life on it, bringing the benediction of freshwater for all the flora and fauna that depend only on natural water resources.

Rainy Day is also suitable for agricultural activities, as many crops depend entirely on rain. It plays an immense role for farmers as it helps them in the growth and nourishment of crops. Water becomes abundance; rivers, canals and water bodies get swelled up and teeming with life on a rainy day.

Rain brings various reptilian and amphibian species out of their hiding like snakes and frogs. At households, many hot delicacies are prepared for the inhabitants to enjoy the cold weather. Rainy Day is best spent sitting on the balcony of your house and sipping on hot coffee. Rainy Day brings out the best of nature but also the people who are seen happy in the rain. People use umbrellas to travel in the rain and remain dry.

But there’re also worse sides to a rainy day. Sometimes, an elaborate amount of rain can cause damage like floods and bring disruption in our work. It also worsens the daily life of underaged people, making it hard enough for them to make both ends meet.

Read More: Rainy Day Paragraph

Paragraph On Rainy Day 1

Frequently Asked Questions Paragraph On Rainy Day

Question 1 Can heavy rain harm crops?

Answer: Yes, heavy down pouring can cause massive harm to crops and can cause flood and soil erosion.

Question 2 What are the everyday things people enjoy doing on a rainy day?

Answer: People who love rain like to do things that make them happy. Some like to read books, some cook, write poetry while enjoying the beauty of nature.

Question 3 Do schools provide holidays in the monsoon season?

Answer: Yes, schools do provide holidays in the monsoon season to avoid the risks of accidents.

Question 4 In which month does generally monsoon season begin?

Answer: Monsoon season generally begins in July and ends in September.

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AR rifle used in Trump shooting from company with winding history, campaign visit

The man who shot former president Trump on Saturday reportedly used a DPMS-brand AR rifle purchased by his father.

That brand is now owned by the parent of South Carolina-based Palmetto State Armory, which Trump himself visited during a campaign stop in 2023 — taking photos with the owner and admiring a Glock handgun with his face engraved in the grip.

At the time, a Trump spokesman said the former president purchased the gun, which could have been illegal because he was under indictment last fall. Hours later, the spokesman clarified that Trump stopped short of completing the gun transaction.

A similar DPMS AR chambered to shoot 5.56 ammunition was one of the rifles used in the 2015 San Bernardino terrorism attack where a married extremist couple targeted a Christmas party at a banquet hall, killing 14 and wounding another 22.

Details about the rifle used Saturday have been slow to emerge as the FBI examines the weapon , officials told Fox News , but the company behind the named rifle has a long history, including being bought and sold several times recently.

DPMS stands for Defense Procurement Manufacturing Services. Founded in 1985, it was a defense contractor started by Randy Luth. Under Luth, the St. Cloud, Minnesota-based company was a fast-growing manufacturer of AR parts that eventually developed Panther Arms brand of firearms.

Weapons experts worldwide have suggested since Saturday that the AR used Saturday was a poor choice for effective long-range shooting. The shooter was perched on a rooftop approximately 150 yards away from the podium where Trump was speaking. It’s unclear if he used any optics to magnify his perspective.

Former Navy SEAL sniper and author Brandon Webb said a well-trained shooter would nonetheless have been much more accurate.

“At 200 yards, anyone trained on a rifle can shoot a golf ball repeatedly and a trained sniper knows this is an easy headshot, a tap in golf putt, even with iron sights,” Webb said in his “after action report” about the shooting.

About the DPMS AR rifle

Federal officials investigating the shooting said the AR rifle was “nothing special” since the ubiquitous rifles have taken on a standard look and shooting characteristics.

It has an average muzzle velocity around 2,800 feet per second — nearly three times the speed of sound, so bullets flying nearby sound like snaps or miniature sonic booms.

The rifles are roughly 32 inches long, including the stock, and weigh about 6.8 pounds. Most weapons in this line are replicas of the Army’s M4 in semi-automatic form. They’re all lightweight, gas-operated, air-cooled and magazine-fed weapons.

AR originally stood for “ArmaLite Rifle,” back when it was developed in the 1950s by a company for the military. Colt purchased the patents for AR-15, which has since expired. Clones of the AR platform are widely sold by dozens of brands in various calibers.

DPMS' current version of that AR sells for roughly $800.

Since the 2000s, DPMS has taken several forms and relocated manufacturing from Minnesota to Alabama in 2014.

Luth sold his company to a consortium of other firearms groups known as Freedom Group in 2007 – a group owned by private equity firm Cerberus. That firm combined with Remington Outdoor Company, which then went through a bankruptcy and then a massive lawsuit filed by the Sandy Hook shooting families.

In 2020, Remington’s bankruptcy auction sold DPMS to JJE Capital Holdings, which is owned by Jamin McCallum. JJE Capital's flagship brand and store is Palmetto State Armory brand in South Carolina.

John Roberts, chief legal officer at JJE Capital, confirmed the company acquired the DPMS name and intellectual property in 2020 and pointed out the firearm in question was likely manufactured and sold years before that change of ownership.

"JJE Capital did not manufacture or sell the firearm allegedly used and neither JJE Capital nor any of its affiliated entities own or have any direct or indirect affiliation with the manufacturer of that firearm," Roberts wrote to USA TODAY. "Like the rest of the nation, we condemn this senseless act of violence, and we are praying for President Trump, the other victims, and their families."

Weapon is banned in some states

Democrats in Colorado have attempted to ban semi-automatic rifles for years with a bill that lists a variety of AK and AR variants including: DPMS tactical rifles. The Illinois assault weapons ban also specifically calls out the DPMS rifles and, in July, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a challenge to that ban.

Currently, 10 states and the District of Columbia ban some type of assault-style weapons. Others limit large-capacity magazines.

Palmetto State Armory and DPMS posted on social media recently that they had filed amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court defending the use of bump stocks.

Gun violence prevention groups like Everytown groups on the Trump shooter's gun apparent tie to Palmetto State Armory this week.

“When the gun lobby and gun industry act with impunity, no one — not even the former president — is safe," said Nick Suplina, senior vice president of law and policy at Everytown. "Palmetto State Armory has admitted that its goal is to make assault weapons commonplace in America, even though we know that a ‘guns everywhere’ agenda puts our communities at risk, as demonstrated by the shooting at the Trump rally last weekend."

Experts speculate why shooter missed Trump

Webb, the Navy SEAL, speculated that the 5.56 x 45 mm NATO ammunition the shooter used was highly susceptible to variations in wind and humidity.

“If the shooter sighted in the rifle in the spring and shot in the summer, the bullet impact could be up or down, left or right by two to three inches because of the hotter temps and faster velocity of the round,” Webb said. “This may have saved Trump’s life.”

Guy McCardle, an Army veteran, suggested that a combination of poor marksmanship, nerves, heat and the prone firing position likely contributed to the shooter missing Trump .

“If the shot would have hit the former President in the temple area, the results would have most likely been fatal,” McCardle said. “Snipers, however, don’t tend to aim for the head because it’s a relatively small target that bobs around a lot. They shoot toward the center of mass as that is where most of our vital organs are located.”

Nick Penzenstadler is a reporter on the USA TODAY investigations team, focusing primarily on firearms and consumer financial protection. Contact him at [email protected] or @npenzenstadler, or on Signal at (720) 507-5273.

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Rhythms of Play

Art, Crafts, DIY; Raising Creative Outdoor Kids

Rainy Day Activities: 123 Fun Things to do When it Rains

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through links on our site, we may earn a commission. Updated: March 5, 2024 Published: October 11, 2019 12 Comments

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Rainy day activities don’t have to be inside; send the kids OUTSIDE when they get the rainy day blues with the play ideas on this list of 21 fun things to do on a rainy day!

Here’s a list of rainy-day activities for kids (and adults) with plenty of fun things to do on a rainy day, inside and out, to help you beat boredom and weather the storm. While indoor rain activities are fantastic, playing in the rain outside during the wet season can be even more fun! The best part about this list of rain play ideas is that it is filled with several FREE rainy-day activities.

So, if you have ever asked what can you do on a boring rainy day to cheer yourself up. Or how to enjoy the rain to beat the rainy day blues. Scroll down to see a list of classic indoor activities you can do at home, followed by a list of several fun indoor attractions that make a great adventure destination when bored on rainy days for young and old alike.

Next, learn how to dress children appropriately for wet weather and rainy conditions. Knowing how to dress for the rain makes it much easier to deal with rainy weather, especially when toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners are involved. Finally, get the kids outside with a detailed list of fun things to do OUTSIDE for entertainment on rainy days. You may also enjoy creating art on rainy days. For ideas, look through our lists of winter art, Valentine’s Day painting ideas, St. Patrick’s Day arts and crafts, and Easter art project ideas, for kids and adults.

20 outdoor activities for children on rainy days.

Related: 15 Open-Ended Toys for Pretend Play

Best Things to Do on a Rainy Day

One of the best activities to do during the wet season when kids start moaning the rainy day “I’m bored, mom” blues is to get OUTSIDE! There are countless learning opportunities and fun ways to play outside in the rain. For example, a few outdoor activities we enjoy in the rain are making music, rain art , engaging the senses, practicing gross and fine motor skills, studying nature , and so much more!

Of course, there are several other fun indoor rainy-day activities you can do at home. And even more rainy day adventures you can go on in your local city or town. Days when it rains offer an excellent opportunity to visit indoor amusements and parks, science museums, libraries, learning centers, historical landmarks, and other indoor attractions in your local city or town.

In other words, it’s a lot easier to get kids interested in going on educational adventures that might not particularly interest them if it weren’t raining. So, without further ado, here’s a list of the best indoor rainy-day play ideas to get you started. After a glance at the entertaining indoor activities you can do on a rainy day, we have an even better list of 21 outdoor rainy-day activities that will have your kids screaming for joy when it rains instead of crying, “I’m bored!”

Classic Indoor Activities for a Rainy Day

Fun rainy day indoor activities to do at home:

  • Put together a jigsaw puzzle.
  • Play card games.
  • Enjoy board games such as Monopoly.
  • Practice yoga with the help of a FREE yoga video for kids.
  • Have a dance party.
  • Fold paper airplanes.
  • Play with toy cars and racetracks.
  • Enjoy an indoor picnic.
  • Set up a tent or build a fort in the living room.
  • Go on an indoor treasure hunt.
  • Create an indoor obstacle course.
  • Build a marble run.
  • Get creative with cardboard boxes and other recyclables.
  • Put on costumes get out the props and enjoy role-play activities.
  • Challenge the kids to an indoor scavenger hunt.
  • Enjoy a movie marathon.
  • Bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies (or your family’s favorite cookie or cupcake recipe).
  • Make slime.
  • Get out the play dough and cookie cutters.
  • Create new snacks to enjoy.
  • Or, do arts and crafts . Getting out the glue and doing artwork is fun on a rainy day.

Indoor attractions and adventure destinations for rainy days include:

  • Visit a children’s museum, natural history museum, art gallery, or other educational attraction.
  • Going to the arcade.
  • Head to the local gym or indoor pool.
  • Hit the bowling alley for a bit of friendly competition.
  • Play laser tag.
  • Go to a trampoline park.
  • Ride around in bumper cars.
  • Be cool on the skating rink.
  • Go to the library or a local bookstore.
  • Visit a yogurt shop or ice cream parlor.
  • Walk around an indoor mall.
  • Enjoy a live music show.
  • Find clues in an escape room.
  • Go to the movie theater or a stage show.
  • Visit your favorite local pizza parlor.

Fun Ways to Play in the Rain Outside

Even though there are many fun places to go and things to do at home, in addition to your local city or town. We think getting outside for AT LEAST 15 minutes, even when it’s pouring, is a must! Playing outside in the rain is a lot more fun than you might think. Once you get out there, we’re willing to bet you will want to stay A LOT longer. We always do!

When I lived in Vancouver, BC, while attending graduate school (one of the world’s rainiest places), I worked as a nanny. The kids and I had a lot of fun bundling up in proper rain gear to get outside and play in the rain. Because we had excellent rain gear, outdoor rainy-day activities were always one of our favorite things to do on a rainy day.

The Norwegians like to say, “ There’s no such thing as bad weather , only bad clothes,” and I wholeheartedly agree! For me, getting outside to play in the rain was much more fun than staying inside for weeks during the rainy months both as a child and as an educator. Scroll down to find a list of the best rain gear for kids.

If you are wondering what to do on a rainy day or how to play in the rain, children from toddlers to preschoolers and kindergarteners to teens love to get outside to explore the wet earth, jump in puddles, and play in the mud . Find more fun things to do in the rain outside with the list of screen-free rainy-day outdoor activities for kids on the list below our rain gear recommendations.

Related: Outdoor Learning Ideas and Nature Activities for Kids

The Best Rain Gear for Kids

Knowing how to dress for rain and having the proper rain gear on hand is one of the most important things you need to make outdoor rainy-day activities fun for kids. This makes rain boots (try THESE or THESE ) and a good rain jacket or a rain jacket and  rain pants a must if you want to keep smiles big on a rainy day.

Waterproof rain pants with a bib and straps that wrap under rain boots are best when kids get wet and muddy. Otherwise, rain boots are likely to fill up with rainwater no matter what you do.

Best Rain Gear for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Alternatively, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, and young school-aged children can wear a one-piece rain suit . If you are looking for a single zip, one-piece rain suit for preschoolers and older children, try THIS one; it comes in a broader range of sizes. For a good laugh, try this super cute little ducky rain suit for toddlers!

Wear Breathable Base Layers

The likelihood of getting wet on a rainy day also makes it necessary to have children wear a breathable wool base layer top , a pair of wool pants , and, most importantly, wool socks to keep them feeling warm and dry. Children who wear a wool base layer are less likely to complain about feeling cold on a rainy day, even when they get a little wet.

Whatever you do, don’t allow children to wear cotton in the rain. Getting wet in a heavy cotton sweatshirt will make you so cold, it would make anyone want to cry! Have you ever heard the phrase cotton kills? I know it’s a bit overdramatic. But it’s true. Cotton absorbs moisture and gets weighed down when it is wet. This causes it to steal warmth away from the body on a rainy day. When it’s cold and wet outside that’s the last thing you want.

That’s why I’ve replaced most of the cotton in my wardrobe with a warm and comfortable collection of wool and other natural more sustainable fabrics for a variety of weather conditions. If wool is unavailable or overpriced for your budget, polyester fleece is the next best thing to wear on a rainy day. You might also like this list of my favorite must-haves for moms , teachers, and caregivers everywhere.

Rainy day activities - 20 things to do outside in the rain for kids

Related: The Best Rock Painting Ideas for Kids

Outdoor Rainy Day Activities for Kids: 27 Ways to Play Outside in the Rain

Wondering what to do on a rainy day? Rainy day activities for children from toddlers to teens don’t have to be inside; here is a list of 21 OUTDOOR rain activities for kids! Use the rainy-day ideas below to get the kids outside to have fun in the rain!

There are several fun things you can do on a rainy day outdoors. While indoor rainy-day activities for kids are great, children need to get outside and move their bodies daily. When it rains, outdoor rainy-day activities make it fun to get outside and play.

There are many fun ways to play in the rain and many educational opportunities that can be found outside on a rainy day. The list of rainy-day play ideas that follow provides an excellent source of free screen-free activities for kids. Give any of these outdoor rainy day activities a try to get the kids outside learning and having fun! When the sun is shining, you might enjoy this list of fun and educational shadow activities for kids .

1. Sing and dance in the rain.

Who doesn’t love singing in the rain? Like Gene Kelly, get outside to sing and dance in the rain. “ I’m singing in the rain , I’m singing in the rain! What a glorious feeling! I’m happy again!” Don’t forget your umbrella  to get yourself in the mood.

Kids playing in the rain laughing in a puddle with an umbrella and rain boots

2. Play with water toys in puddles.

Get the kids outside playing in the rain with some of their favorite pool or bath toys. Bath toys are fun for kids to dip in puddles and play with outside on a rainy day. My daughter has a robot fish bath toy she loves to take outside to swim in the rain. It is cute to watch it swim around in deep enough puddles. Give it a try!

3. Catch raindrops on your tongue.

Sometimes, the simple pleasures in life are the best, and catching raindrops on your tongue is one of them. Invite children to catch raindrops and sprinkles on their tongues for this fun rainy-day activity. I’ve never met any kids playing in the rain who haven’t loved trying to catch raindrops on their tongues! While they are at it, ask children to count how many raindrops they catch.

Kid trying to catch raindrops on his tongue in the rain - rainy day activities for kids

4. Rescue worms.

The lifeguard in me loves this activity. Whenever you see a worm in a puddle, place it back on the earth. Once the rain stops and the earth is dry, rescue the worms by taking them out of puddles and off the sidewalk or street and placing them back in the moist earth. Only hold on to worms for as long as you need to move them. Worms will die if held for too long. For more about worms, see Investigate Worms .

5. Make mud pies in the rain.

Children love to play in the mud on rainy days. Making mud pies is a fun outdoor rainy-day activity for kids. Children love to play with mud on a rainy day. The earth gets nice and soft when it rains, so it’s easy to dig. And it’s fun to decorate mud pies with flowers, leaves, sticks, rocks, etc. Check out Mud Pie Nature Art for more ideas!

Child making mud pies in a mud kitchen

Related: 15 Ways to Raise a Helper

Fun Things to Do in the Rain: Rainy Day STEM Activities

6. become a scientist and use your senses..

Take a few moments to observe the rain. Notice everything about it–the sights, sounds, smells, touch, taste, etc. Record your observations in your Nature Journal .

Take this educational rainy day idea further at home or in the classroom with creative storytelling or writing. Once you go inside, ask your children to write or tell a story using the information they discovered and experienced in the rain. Ask them to practice using sensory language and feeling words to express themselves. This is an excellent educational rainy-day activity for homeschoolers!

Kid in rain boots splashing in a mud puddle with quote

7. Build a dam.

Use stones, rocks, mud, sandbags, or other natural items to create a dam wherever water flows. Building a dam is a fun and educational STEM activity for kids.

When building a dam, please ensure you don’t hurt the area’s inhabitants, the natural landscape, or the surrounding ecology. Never block off an entire waterway, and please ensure the water flows back downstream or into the creek or river before you leave.

8. Race leaves or boats in rain gutters and creeks.

Making and racing toy boats is another great rainy-day STEM activity. Racing leaves or boats down a rushing stream or creek–or in overflowing gutters is a perfect place for this fun rainy-day activity for kids. If you’re looking for a quick and easy popsicle stick boat  that children can make, click the link. The peg doll on top is super cute but optional.

play with boats - fun things to do outside in the rain

9. Measure the rain.

Children love to measure how much it rained. Measuring the amount of rainfall and taking rainfall measurements over time is a fun rainy-day STEM activity for kids. How much did it rain in an hour? In a day? In a week? Or all year?

You can make a DIY rain gauge by securing a ruler to the inside of a clear plastic cup or mason jar , or you can purchase one by clicking the first link. Keep a rain journal to check your measurements against those in your local newspaper or favorite weather website.

Related: How to Make and Keep A Nature Journal or Notebook

10. Make rain art on a rainy day.

Making rain art is a fun rainy-day activity for kids. Use markers to draw on paper, then put your drawings outside in the rain to watch what happens. Visit the Rainbow Rainy Day Art step-by-step tutorial for materials and instructions.

Rainbow rainy day art is a fun thing to do outside in the rain

Related: 15 Reasons to Climb a Tree and Other Benefits of Risky Play

Awesome Rainy Day Activities: More Fun Ways to Play in the Rain Outside

11. take pictures outside..

For another fun rainy day activity, grab a waterproof camera for kids  and head outside to take pictures in the rain. Taking pictures of friends and family playing outside without worrying about your camera getting wet is fun.

It’s also fun to photograph nature in the rain. Everything looks so lovely with drops of rain on it when photographed. It’s a great time to practice different settings on your camera to capture nature’s beauty in a new light. The rain and stormy days create different moods that are just not possible on a sunny day. Today, my husband and I love and use our iPhones because they are now waterproof!

12. Go on a nature walk or Hike.

Going for a nature walk in the rain is one of my favorite activities. Trails look and feel very different in the rain. When I lived in Vancouver, BC (one of the rainiest cities in the world), my Southern California family often asked if I got SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) from the neverending overcast skies and rainy weather.

Going for nature walks in the proper rain gear was all I needed to keep the dreary wearies away. Today, I share this rainy-day activity with my daughter, who loves it as much as I do.

When I lived on the island of Kauai (another one of the rainiest places in the world), I often just wore my bikini to run on the beach on a rainy day. The weather was warm enough most of the year to enjoy the rain without a single item of rain gear as long as you didn’t mind getting a little wet.

With that said, if you ever have the chance to go for a run or a walk on a warm day in the rain on the beach, do it. It’s an experience not to be missed. And don’t forget to build a sandcastle and go for a swim with the kids while you are at it! There is nothing like playing on the beach on a warm, rainy day.

Related: Go on a Nature Hunt

Fun things to do in the rain outside - go on a nature walk in the rain

13. Create an invitation to play in the rain outside.

Another fun thing to do in the rain is to set up an invitation to play. Just like we create invitations to play inside, we can also create an invitation to play outside in the rain. Set up a rainy-day play activity and invite the kids to try it.

14. Declare an outdoor water-fun war.

Whoever said water soakers and water balloons were only for hot days? A water war in the rain is a great way to get the kids outside to burn off excess energy. Especially if they’ve been cooped up for a while. Gear up , and get out there! (Please ensure that children pick up the water balloon pieces when they’re done to help care for planet Earth .)

15. Paint with mud and nature.

Painting with silty mud is one of my daughter’s favorite things to do in the rain (creek or lakeside). She calls them her mudder-nature paintings, pronounced like mother nature–lol. Grab a stick or some leaves and dip them in the mud. Then, paint your driveway or sidewalk with the mud and watch it melt away in the rain.

16. Play in the sandbox.

Playing in the sandbox is a fun rainy-day activity. The rain makes it super easy to mold the play sand in whatever way you choose. Just make sure you remove clothing before entering the house, if possible. Rain and sand make for quite a mess!

Related: The Best Backyard Sandbox Ideas for Kids

17. Make rain music.

Put out pots, pans, bowls, tin foil, or anything else you think might make a pleasant sound when raindrops hit it. If you don’t mind it getting a little wet, you can put out a xylophone and enjoy the sound of rain music, “Tip, tip, tap, tap, tap, ting!”

Or, create the sound of rain with a DIY rainstick made from recycled and naturally sourced materials. Click the link to learn how to make a see-through rainstick .

Rainy day activity for kids - make rain music outside in the rain!

18. Bodyboard down small grassy hills.

This was one of my favorite rainy day activities when I lived on the rainy island of Kauai, Hawaii. It must rain a lot to do this activity because the ground must be completely saturated with water to work. Grab a bodyboard and make for the hills! Think of it like tobogganing in the rain!

19. Feel the soggy earth.

If it’s not too cold, kick off your rain shoes and feel the soggy earth under your feet. This is a fantastic outdoor rainy-day activity for sensory development.

Related: Barefoot Health Benefits: 8 Reasons I Allow My Child to Go Barefoot

20. Go on a rainbow hunt.

The conditions might be right for spotting rainbows after or during light rain. If you can see the sun peeking through the clouds on a rainy day, go outside and turn your back to the sun to look for rainbows in the sky. Or, head out on a rainbow hunt with the sun behind you and pay attention; you might see a rainbow. This fun rain activity can sometimes be best achieved by driving or hiking uphill to higher vantage points with clear views in the opposite direction of the sun. Learn more about rainbow science HERE .

21. Observe wildlife on a rainy day.

Many animals are more active during and after a rainstorm, so it can be fun to observe wildlife behavior during these times. Birds, in particular, can be more vocal, and you might spot other wildlife that comes out to drink and forage under the protection of the stormy skies on a rainy day. You might also enjoy these birding activities for kids and adults.

22. Enjoy a fishing adventure.

Many experienced anglers say fish are more active and bite when it rains. The rain helps to oxygenate the water, and many fishermen and women claim the overcast conditions make fish less wary and more likely to bite. This makes rainy days the perfect time to go fishing. Best of all, you’re likely to have the best fishing spots for yourself. Call a friend, gear up, and throw a line out in the rain to see what you can catch.

23. Host a rainy-day scavenger hunt.

Going on a scavenger hunt on a rainy day can be a fun and educational way to pass the time. Create a list of items to find or tasks to complete that are fun to do in the rain, such as finding a worm, making a leaf boat, or looking for the signs of fall , winter , or spring ! Scavenger hunts provide a creative way for children to explore and engage with their surroundings.

24. Play soccer or football in the mud.

Playing team sports like soccer or football in the mud can be an exhilarating experience on a rainy day with friends. Not only is it incredibly fun, but it is messy in a good way. The slippery conditions add an extra challenge that most often results in stomach-cramping laughing fits and yips of joy. But please be mindful. Playing sports in the mud on a rainy day can also lead to injuries when participants are too rough or unaware of their surroundings. Be aware and play with care.

25. Collect rainwater for gardening.

Here’s an educational and eco-friendly rainy day idea for young and old alike. Set out containers to collect rainwater. It’s a simple activity that can teach kids about water conservation and can be used to water plants in your garden. Invest in a good rain barrel for even more benefits and learning opportunities. 

26. Enjoy a Muddy obstacle course.

Rainy weather is perfect for those who don’t mind getting dirty to enjoy the physical challenge of an obstacle course. Mud runs and outdoor obstacle courses become very different in wet weather. The rain transforms them into slippery and muddy obstacle adventures, which adds to the event’s fun, difficulty, and challenge. But again, please be mindful and use caution when playing in muddy, slippery conditions. Especially when events like obstacle courses are involved. Erring on the side of caution is always prudent and recommended. 

27. Jump in puddles.

Last but certainly not least, everyone’s favorite rainy-day activity, jumping in puddles! Enjoy the simple pleasure of making a splash in the rain by jumping in puddles. I like to save this classic rainy day activity for last because even with the proper gear on, you can get very, very wet!!

kid dancing barefoot in rain

Related: 10 Ways to Have Fun Outside with Fall Leaves

What to do on a Rainy Day: The Best Rainy Day Activities for Kids

Rainy day activities don’t have to be inside; send the kids outside to play in the rain! There are lots of fun things to do outside on a rainy day. We hope you enjoy these rainy-day activities for kids and fun ways to play in the rain outside as much as we do.

After having fun outside in the rain, go inside for a warm bath, some hot tea or cocoa, and a big bowl of popcorn. Next, curl up on the couch with a soft wool throw blanket, light a fire in the fireplace (if you have one), and enjoy the sweet comfort of how great it feels to be warm and dry after a day of fun in the rain.

Once warm and dry, play a fun board game with the whole family, make paper airplanes, pop in a free yoga video , or scroll down and try some of the art and craft ideas for a rainy day on the list below.

Learn more about Rhythms of Play HERE !

children playing in the rain showing fun things to do on a rainy day

Best Rainy Day Art and Craft Activities for Kids

Creating arts and crafts is another fun thing to do on a rainy day. Try the rainy-day arts, crafts, and painting ideas on the list below the next time it rains in your neighborhood!

  • Fingerprint Art Ideas for Kids
  • Best Winter Art Projects for Kids
  • Christmas Art Projects for Kids
  • Flower Art Projects
  • Fingerprint Art Magnets
  • Easter Art Ideas for Kids
  • Nature Crafts and Art Activities
  • Best Fall Art Projects
  • Fall Nature Craft Ideas
  • Halloween Art Ideas for Kids

Bucket Lists of Fun Activities and Things to Do

For more fun ideas, check out our seasonal bucket lists. They are filled with several fun indoor and outdoor activities that children will love!

  • Autumn Bucket List of Fun Fall Activities
  • Winter Bucket List of Fun Spring Activities to Do with Kids
  • Spring Bucket List of Fun Activities
  • Summer Bucket List of Activities for Kids

If you Enjoy Things to do in the Rain, You Might Also Like

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Outside rainy day activities for kids

In case we haven’t met outside with the kids…

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how to have fun in the rain speech

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It’s a “dam.”

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I pay a visit every day some web sites and blogs to read posts, but this blog offers feature based articles.

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Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoy the articles.

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You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read a single thing like this before. It’s so great to find somebody with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for sharing all of these fun ideas! This site is something that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!

Wow, thanks, Helen!

I’m so glad that you appreciate this post, the ideas, and my blog… You just made my day!

Thank you for the fun ideas, but you forgot my favorite thing to do in the rain… rock hound! The rocks are naturally washed so we can see the beauty. I’m so hooked on rock hounding!

Great suggestion Barry! We love searching for rocks. I will add it to our list of fun things to do on a rainy day!

This is so much useful information for parents to do on rainy days with kids in this post. I so am happy that you have shared all of these fun rainy day activities. I never realized there were so many fun ways to play outside in the rain! Please keep sharing fun activities like this for kids!

Hello, Demetra! I’m so glad that you appreciated all of these fun things to do in the rain on a rainy day! I love writing articles like this and will most certainly continue to share more. Thank you for your support!

' src=

I love how you’ve included activities to do with kids outdoors! I think there are so many fun things to do in the rain. Measuring rainfall is a good way to incorporate education into it as well.

Thank you, Margaret! Each of the rain activities listed is for outdoor rainy day play. You are correct, measuring the amount of rainfall is a great rainy day activity, and has been listed above.

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Kamala Harris' media strategy right out the gate is young, fun, and unburdened by what has been

  • Kamala Harris has hit the ground running, working hard to shake off Biden's social media strategy.
  • Her revamped socials, featuring memes and celebrity endorsements, appear targeted at Gen Z. 
  • Experts say the switch up makes sense and could give Harris a boost.

Insider Today

Memes and celebrity endorsements have already set the tone for Kamala Harris' presidential campaign.

After weeks of top Democrats pressuring President Joe Biden to quit the race, he finally buckled, endorsing his younger vice president for the top ticket instead.

And she's already gotten to work shaking off Biden's old style from her campaign with revamped social media accounts that lean into the memes around her.

After Biden's TikTok account changed its title to Kamala HQ following Harris' endorsement, its first post was a screenshot of Charli XCX's post saying: "Kamala IS brat."

Kamala HQ used Charli's latest song, "365," as background music for the post.

And just a few hours after Biden's announcement, the Kamala HQ X account debuted its first meme. The meme directly pokes fun at a right-wing line of attack on Harris, which has used a video of her waxing lyrical about the virtues of Venn diagrams as commentary on her competence for high office.

Kamala HQ instead posted a Venn diagram, with the two outer circles, "Biden HQ" and "Kamala HQ" merging to form "holding Trump accountable."

pic.twitter.com/eddaAKJ8s6 — Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) July 22, 2024

Even the banner image for Kamala HQ's X account has Gen Z written all over it — a neon green background with a blurry lowercase "kamala hq" in the center.

Her campaign is also capitalizing on memes created about her.

Her bio, "Providing context," references the  coconut tree memes  that erupted on social media after Harris said in a speech in May, "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context."

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Even her party has gotten the meme memo, with many Democrats using coconut tree emojis in their endorsement posts for her.

In his endorsement post on Sunday, Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz posted a picture of himself climbing a coconut tree with the caption "Madam Vice President, we are ready to help."

Madam Vice President, we are ready to help. pic.twitter.com/y8baSx44FL — Brian Schatz (@brianschatz) July 22, 2024

And Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed off his endorsement post with coconut emojis.

pic.twitter.com/oSqOfgk3Gb — Jared Polis (@jaredpolis) July 21, 2024

Across the social media landscape, the energy is palpable, said David Karpf, a professor of media and public affairs at George Washington University.

"There is a wave of grassroots enthusiasm that feels like Obama 2008, but with the social media of 2024," Karpf told Business Insider. "When you've got a good social media team that has arrived at a cultural moment and pent-up enthusiasm, they get to play with it."

It's also, importantly, organic.

The memes around Harris taking over the ticket weren't spawned by her campaign, giving them an air of authenticity.

There's a reason for the memes

Communications experts say that Harris' team is trying to craft a personable image for her to boost her visibility and her likeability with voters.

"The content that performs the best is either entertaining or personal," Karen North , clinical professor of communication at USC Annenberg, said. "People want to feel a personal connection, and social media gives elected officials and other influencers or celebrities the opportunity to connect with their audiences very, very directly and 24 hours a day."

While Harris' team is focusing on younger voters and voters of color, the appeal of social media transcends age, North said.

"The real change with social media is that for the first time ever, we really feel as if we have a personal relationship with people — even when we don't — in the same way that our friends text us or send us funny videos or memes or connects with us on our phones," she said.

Dr. Marcus Collins — an ad executive, author, and marketing professor at the University of Michigan — noted that people of color and the communities they're a part of have enthusiastically mobilized around Harris on social media, as they did when she was first selected as Biden's VP.

This includes key groups like HBCUs, Black Greek letter organizations, Black women, and the hip-hop community.

"They're barometers of what's acceptable for people like us," he said.

Karpf noted the memes are Gen Z's way of including Harris in the "cultural constellation," and said highlighting endorsements from celebrities like Charlie XCX is smart, given that much of the public doesn't want to engage in politics.

"When you are bringing political actors into their world and those political actors are seeming cool, that's a win."

Harris' position is also unique because she's the only other female candidate — after Hillary Clinton — to be up against Trump.

"Hillary Clinton struggled with promoting a likable image to the public, and that was just a blink of an eye ago in Democratic political history," North said. "Right now, it's very obvious that Harris' team will be looking at likability and trying to bolster her likability because they know that was a difficult hurdle for a previous female presidential candidate, up against the same political adversary."

Phoenix Andrews, a research fellow at the University of Aberdeen and the author of a book on political fandoms, "I Heart Politics," told BI that Harris' "ironic fandom" — those who say they are "coconut-pilled" —has persisted into "genuine warmth."

He said, "She has reliability as well as goofiness that makes it work, despite her being way to the right of the Squad. And honestly, people need something positive and fun to rally behind, or it all seems too impossibly dark and nihilistic."

Up until July, Trump had dominated the meme war. His TikTok account had wracked up over 9 million followers, easily lapping what Biden's HQ had pulled in.

Trump also appeared on Logan Paul's podcast and had UFC president Dana White's backing too. The campaign had targeted young voters as an area of weakness for Biden, according to reporting in The Atlantic .

But the surge around Harris may be a foil the campaign isn't ready for.

On Sunday night, Trump's campaign posted on X with a link to Harris' account rebrand, mocking a memed line from one of her speeches: "This account is living unburdened by what has been."

Harris' campaign laughed it off, reposting another user who was freaking out.

"Drop the usage of that phrase now," that user had warned Team Trump. "They're going to spin that into marketing for her campaign. They've been creating TikTok videos of her saying that over Charli xcx songs and Gen Z loves it." Correction: July 22, 2024 — An earlier version of this story misstated the title of the Charli XCX song. It is "365," not "Brat."

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Rebranding Trump, former president recalls shooting details but avoids policy details: RNC Takeaways

Bill Barrow And Michelle L. Price

Associated Press

MILWAUKEE – The Republican National Convention celebrated former President Donald Trump not just as a party leader but a living martyr who survived a would-be assassin's bullet and is ready to work for everyday Americans after a sweeping victory in November.

The portrayals of unity, including in Trump's first speech since he was injured in the assassination attempt last Saturday, sought to erase the image of a man whose presidency often swirled in chaos and infighting and ended with a violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Democrats have repeatedly wielded images of that day to try to thwart his return and have spotlighted his recurring use of inflammatory and hardline rhetoric.

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Inside the Milwaukee arena, he was “an American folk hero” and “strong commander in chief,” alive because of a “miracle.” To the left, he remains a threat to democracy, with authoritarian designs.

There's plenty of campaigning left between now and the election, so the effectiveness of the competing messages remains to be seen. But it's been a striking four days for a Republican Party that over three presidential elections has been reshaped by Trump's personality and his politics.

Here are some takeaways from the closing stanza of the GOP gathering in Wisconsin.

Trump promised to serve ‘all of America’ (But ...)

Trump, who has not won the popular vote in two tries, opened with the sweeping tone common to inaugural addresses.

“The discord and division in our society must be healed. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny,” he said. “I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America.”

It was a sharp departure from his first convention acceptance in Cleveland eight years ago, when he painted a dark portrait of American life and declared, “I alone can fix it.”

It seemed at first that Trump was trying to embody a less partisan, less caustic version of himself — still a giant personality, but one that uses his stature for the country's benefit. Yet as quickly as he called for an end of the “demonization of political enemies,” he turned the issue exclusively toward Democrats. He reprised his accusations that his criminal conviction and other prosecutions were because of the weaponization of the justice system. And he answered the critique that he is upending democracy by insisting, “I am the one saving democracy.”

Republicans in the convention hall embraced the idea. But it was aimed at what's almost certainly a more circumspect crowd: swing voters and sporadic voters, those people Republicans will need in order to have the kind of sweeping victory they talked about in Milwaukee.

Trump tried to humanize his image by telling of assassination attempt

The former president spoke in vivid detail of his experience being injured and nearly killed on Saturday.

“You will never hear it from me a second time because it's actually too painful,” he said before recalling at length a “beautiful day” that took a fateful turn. He recalled “a loud whizzing sound” and realized his ear was injured. He praised Secret Service agents, avoiding any mention of the criticism the agency is taking in Washington.

“I felt serene,” he said.

“I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God,” Trump continued, echoing the same idea of divine intervention that flowed freely from the stage during the convention. “I'm not supposed to be here tonight,” he said, with delegates responding with a chant of “Yes you are! Yes you are!”

On stage was the uniform of the retired fire chief, Corey Comperatore, who was killed behind Trump. It was powerful stagecraft and storytelling. When Trump returns to his post-convention rally circuit, it will be notable to watch whether the former presidents sticks to his claim that he will not talk again about the assassination attempt that shocked the nation.

The brand man rebranded — with limits

Trump, the name and the man, has been ubiquitous for decades. Americans and the world recognized those gold letters, T-R-U-M-P, and watched him say, “You're fired!” on his hit show “The Apprentice” long before Trump first ran for president. He took over the GOP and won the presidency in 2016 as the unapologetically bombastic political outsider.

The convention program sought to frame the former president as a softer, more compassionate man who helps people individually and is determined to help Americans across the country. Alina Habba , a Trump attorney, talked of “his character, his kindness, his commitment to saving this great country.” Personal friend Steve Witkoff described Trump as a lover of music, “a man who in the darkest hours shows up, listens and always acts.”

Between speeches Thursday, videos of Trump filled the arena with another tone. Democrats, a stern-looking Trump said, “are destroying our country. ... They do cheat. And, frankly, it's the only thing they do well. ... Swamp them — they can't cheat.”

Leading up to his speech, Trump called on a number of figures from the world of professional fighting, including retired wrestler Hulk Hogan and Linda McMahon, the former president and CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. She made perhaps the most overt attempt to straddle the competing messages: “Donald Trump is not only a fighter, ladies and gentleman,” she said. “He is a good man.”

It perhaps added up to a confusing message.

Certainly, you can square images of an aggressive politician and a compassionate man who loves music, his friends, his family and even Americans he does not know.

But there's a difference in selling Trump as someone who leverages his determination on behalf of those “everyday Americans” and one who uses hyperbolic attacks on whole classes of Americans and still fights over a presidential election that he lost. Voters who believe Trump's false assertions about 2020 and relish his broadsides are already in his corner. He's trying to grow his coalition, or at least he needs to if Republicans want to have the kind of November sweep they've talked about in Milwaukee.

Short on details of another term

Trump made sweeping promises to end inflation and secure the border. He said “Republicans have a plan” to bring down energy prices “very, very rapidly.” He didn't say what it is.

He said he'd “drill, baby, drill” and “reduce your taxes.” He suggested falsely that Democrats want to raise taxes “by four times” what they are now.

The most specific he got was promising to roll back Biden administration efforts to combat climate change, direct all infrastructure spending to “roads and bridges,” and impose steep tariffs.

GOP leaders said ahead of the convention that Trump should lay out a clear vision of what a second presidency would look like. If he did that, it was only in the broadest strokes, mostly using crowd-pleasing talking points.

Trump barely mentioned Biden or Harris

Many Republican speakers this week made a point not just to blast President Joe Biden but also Vice President Kamala Harris . It's an obvious move to position the party for the possibility that the 81-year-old Biden ends his campaign and Democrats turn to his second-in-command.

Trump himself barely acknowledged the Democratic incumbents. “I'm only going to say it one time,” he said, after mentioning Biden by name. At another point, he said merely "this person.”

That approach could be because of how much Democrats are in flux , leaving Trump unsure of who he will actually face in the fall. It could just as easily reflect how confident Trump is that he will win. Perhaps he believes he does not need to take on Biden any longer at all.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Weather Activities & Freebies for Speech Therapy

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

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Check out some of the awesome winter themed digital and printable resources and freebies below!

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Mushroom in the Rain

Worm Weather

May I Come In?

Are You Ready to Play Outside

Tap, Tap, Boom, Boom

Little Raindrop

The Rain Came Down

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

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Mushroom in the Rain Book Companion (rainy weather)

Froggy Gets Dressed Book Companion (cold, winter weather)

digital FREEBIES

Raindrop Emotions Freebie for Google Slides

Story Elements & Sequencing Boom Cards

Interactive Weather Scenes Boom Cards

Weather Preschool Speech and Language Unit Boom Cards

Identify the Weather Boom Cards


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Rainy Day Articulation Worksheets (pictured above)

Identify the Weather from ABCya!

Weather Chart from ABCya!

Weather Preschool Speech and Language Unit

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Craftivity

Weather Book

Interactive Weather Book

What's the Weather Flash Cards


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Dress for the Weather on ABCya!

Cloud Memory Game

Crafts are a fun, hands on way to target a variety of skills like sequencing , sentence formulation , retell , past tense verbs (e.g. cut, glued, wrote, colored), core words (e.g. I, want, like, yes, no, get, me, etc.), temporal concepts (e.g. first, then, last), and spatial concepts (e.g. on, next to, under).

25 Fun Weather Activities and Crafts

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Weather Song for Kids

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Kyle, Kim, and Kathy's Kids Just Reunited for an Epic "Family Pool Party Day" (PICS)

Kyle Richards, Kim Richards, and Kathy Hilton's kids   recently got together for some fun in the California sun. 

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Although Kyle Richards , Kathy Hilton , and Kim Richards  have gone through ups and downs over the years, their kids appear to remain tight-knit and often reunite for some family fun. In the summer of 2023, for example, all three women and their kids came together for Kim's daughter Whitney Davis ' idyllic wedding in Aspen . 

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills  on  Peacock  and the Bravo App .

More recently, Kyle's daughters, Sophia Umansky and Farrah Brittany paired up with two of Kathy's kids, Paris Hilton and Barron Hilton , and Kim's daughters, Whitney and Brooke Wiederhorn , for some summer fun.

"Family pool party day," Sophia wrote over a sunny Instagram Story snap of a backyard pool. In the photo, we spotted a large outdoor pool and a huge, blow-up slide for kids to go down. The pool was peppered with gorgeous tall palm trees and patio seating all around. 

Sophia was sure to tag her previously mentioned cousins along with their significant others, who also appeared to be soaking up the sun and playtime with their families. 

Another photo saw Farrah holding one of her cousin's babies as the pair took a break from the sun. 

A split of Farrah Brittany holding a baby and a pool.

Here's What You May Have Missed on Bravo: 

Mauricio Umansky’s Birthday Dinner Included a Very Special Guest: Kyle Richards (PIC)

Kyle & Mauricio Bring Portia to Tears with an Epic Surprise: "Are You Kidding Me?"

Garcelle Beauvais Shows Off the Prettiest Addition to Her Beach House (PHOTO)

We love seeing the ladies gather together! 

Where do Kyle Richards and Kathy Hilton stand today?

On the  RHOBH  Season 13, Bravoholics learned that Kyle and her older sister Kathy were in a much better place in  their relationship  after having a months-long fallout. Now, the siblings appear to be closer than ever. 

During a June interview with  Us Weekly , Kathy opened up about her current relationship with Kyle, revealing how they're always in touch with each other. “We’re really good. I just, you know, I call [Kyle] every day [and] she calls me. We text,” she said.

Kathy Hilton Reveals How Often She *Really* Speaks to Kyle Richards Today

Kathy went on to clarify that while she and Kyle have had issues to sort through together, she doesn't have much drama with middle sister, Kim. 

Kyle Richards' family smiling and posing together.

“We never have an issue,” Kathy told the outlet. “You know people like, sometimes people will write, ‘Oh the three of the sisters,’ [but] Kim and I don’t have any issues.”

As for how the trio is doing together, Kathy noted that they’re on “the best” terms they've been in a while. 

Press play on the video above to hear more about Kathy's favorite childhood memories with her sisters. 

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

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  • Farrah Brittany
  • Paris Hilton

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Tucker Carlson speaking at Republican National Convention

Tucker Carlson made a primetime return to Fox News tonight with his speech at the Republican National Convention, but the ex-host was nowhere to be seen on his old homes of CNN and MSNBC .

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Donald trump, wearing bandage after assassination attempt, receives rousing ovation as he appears at republican national convention.

Venturing into the occasional aside and with no teleprompter, Carlson then delivered a full-throated seal of approval to Donald Trump and VP nominee J.D. Vance to the enthusiastic and one-time “Mass Deportations Now” sign-holding crowd. On the last night of the RNC and just hours before Trump takes the stage in his first remarks since the July 13 assassination attempt, Carlson talked to the audience of “divine intervention” for the former president surviving the shooting at a rally in Butler, PA.

“God is among us right now, I think that’s enough,” Carlson said leaving the stage to cheers.

“That was Tucker Carlson, you may remember him from the eight o’clock hour here,” quipped Carlson’s FNC time slot replacement Jesse Watters when the Tucker Carlson Network founder’s less than 15-minute speech was over.

On a night that will see UFC boss Dana White , Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock before the GOP faithful as warm-ups for Trump, the BBC also ran Carlson’s time at the lectern. However, as their hosts and pundits centered on Joe Biden ’s increasingly shaky hold on the Democratic nomination and the expectation the end might be nigh, CNN and MSNBC didn’t spend one second on Carlson’s speech.

While the Warner Bros Discovery owned CNN showed nothing of Carlson, the Manhattan studio-based Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes did at least show a glimpse of Carlson taking the stage over their shoulder on a wide shot on the LED screen live feed from Wisconsin.

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Before joining Fox in 2009 as a contributor and becoming a host in 2013, Daily Caller founder Carlson was at CNN from 2000 – 2005, PBS (for real) from 2004 – 2005 and had his own Tucker show on MSNBC from 2005 – 2008.

Hours before Carlson’s highly rated FNC show was set to air on April 24, 2023, the brass of the Rupert Murdoch-owned outlet announced that the host would no longer be a presence at the channel , to put it nicely. The move came just a few days after Fox paid out to  Dominion Voting Systems  $787.5 million on  the first day of trial  to settle defamation claims over false 2020 election claims. In the months leading up to the trial, scathing internal correspondence from Carlson and other Fox hosts attacking Trump, the company, the very notion of the Stop the Steal movement and sinking ratings were made public to everyone’s great embarrassment.

Among that material was Carlson texting his show staff of Trump: “I hate him passionately .”

That seemed to be long forgotten today.

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Biden’s legacy: Far-reaching accomplishments that didn’t translate into political support

The Associated Press

July 22, 2024, 6:33 AM

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Sitting in the Oval Office behind the iconic Resolute desk in 2022, an animated President Joe Biden described the challenge of leading a psychologically traumatized nation.

The United States had endured a life-altering pandemic. There was a jarring burst of inflation and now global conflict with Russia invading Ukraine, as well as the persistent threat to democracy he felt Donald Trump posed.

How could Biden possibly heal that collective trauma?

“Be confident,” he said emphatically in an interview with The Associated Press . “Be confident. Because I am confident.”

But in the ensuing two years, the confidence Biden hoped to instill steadily waned. When the 81-year-old Democratic president showed his age in a disastrous debate against Trump in June , he lost the benefit of the doubt and on Sunday withdrew as his party’s nominee.

In the aftermath of the debate, Democrats who had been united in their resolve to prevent another Trump term suddenly fractured, and Republicans, beset by chaos in Congress and the former president’s criminal conviction, improbably coalesced in defiant unity.

Biden never figured out how to inspire the world’s most powerful country to believe in itself, let alone in him.

He lost the confidence of supporters in the 90-minute debate with Trump, even if pride initially prompted him to override the fears of lawmakers, party elders and donors who were nudging him to drop out. Then Trump survived an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania, and, as if on cue, pumped his fist in strength. Biden, while campaigning in Las Vegas, tested positive for the coronavirus on Wednesday and retreated to his Delaware beach house to recover.

The events of the last three weeks led to an exit Biden never wanted, but Democrats felt it was essential to maximize their chance of winning in November.

Biden seems to have badly misread the breadth of his support. While many Democrats had deep admiration for the president personally, they did not have the same affection for him politically.

Douglas Brinkley, a historian at Rice University, said Biden arrived as a reprieve for a nation exhausted by Trump and the pandemic.

“He was a perfect person for that moment,” said Brinkley, noting that Biden proved in era of polarization that bipartisan lawmaking was still possible. Yet voters viewed him as a placeholder, and he could never transcend the text of his speeches to visually “embody the spirit of the nation with a sense of verve, energy and optimism.”

As his reelection campaign entered its final days, Biden was still trying to prove himself and rally voters around fears that Trump would doom American democracy.

There was never a “Joe Biden Democrat” like there was a “Reagan Republican.” He did not have adoring, movement-style followers, as did Barack Obama or John F. Kennedy. He was not a generational candidate like Bill Clinton. The only barrier-breaking dimension to his election was the fact that he was the oldest person ever elected president.

While he contemplated being in the Oval Office repeatedly from his perch as a senator from Delaware, voters rejected him again and again.

His first run for the White House, in the 1988 cycle, ended with self-inflicted wounds stemming from plagiarism, and he didn’t make it to the first nominating contest. When he ran in 2008, he dropped out after the Iowa caucuses, where he won less than 1% of the vote. In 2016, Obama counseled him not to run, even though he was Obama’s vice president. A Biden victory in 2020 seemed implausible when he finished fourth in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire before a dramatic rebound in South Carolina.

He won the nomination and then did something rare in American politics: He defeated an incumbent president, Trump, who had been a catalyst for a seething sense of polarization. He then had to withstand the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters who falsely claimed that the 2020 election had been stolen.

David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to Obama, said history would treat Biden kinder than voters had, not just because of his legislative achievements but because he defeated Trump.

“His legacy is significant beyond all his many accomplishments,” Axelrod said. “He will always be the man who stepped up and defeated a president who placed himself above our democracy.

“That, alone, is an historic accomplishment.”

But Biden could not overcome his age. And when he showed frailty in his steps and his speech, there was no foundation of supporters that could stand by him. It was a humbling end to a half-century career in politics, yet hardly reflective of the full legacy of his time in the White House.

His record includes legislation that will rebuild the country in ways that will likely be seen over the next dozen years, even if voters did not immediately appreciate it.

“It takes time for it to happen,” Biden told BET News on Tuesday. But in that same interview, he also demonstrated why the calls for him to step aside had grown so much louder: He was unable to recall the name of his defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, referring to him as the “Black man.”

Those recent episodes stand in stark contrast to a list of accomplishments most presidents would envy and use as a sturdy foundation for reelection. The optimism about the country’s future that Biden says drove him might materialize following his departure from the national stage.

Harvard University economist Jason Furman, a top aide during the Obama administration, said Biden “came into office when the economy was in the throes of COVID and helped to oversee the transition out of it to an economy that is now growing faster than any of its peer economies, with less inflation than they have.”

Furman noted that Biden increased spending to make longer-term investments in the economy while keeping Jerome Powell as the Federal Reserve chairman, giving the Fed cover to hike rates and bring down inflation without disrupting the labor market.

In March 2021, Biden launched $1.9 trillion in pandemic aid, creating a series of new programs that temporarily halved child poverty, halted evictions and contributed to the addition of 15.7 million jobs. But inflation began to rise shortly thereafter. Biden’s approval rating as measured by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research fell from 61% to 39% as of June.

He followed up with a series of executive actions to unsnarl global supply chains and a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package that not only replaced aging infrastructure but improved internet access and prepared communities to withstand climate change.

But the infrastructure bill also revealed the challenge Biden faced in getting the public to recognize his achievement because many of the projects will take decades to complete.

In 2022, Biden and his fellow Democrats followed up with two measures that reinvigorated the future of U.S. manufacturing.

The CHIPS and Science Act provided $52 billion to build factories and create institutions to make computer chips domestically, ensuring that the U.S. would have access to the most advanced semiconductors needed to power economic growth and maintain national security. There was also the Inflation Reduction Act, which provided incentives to shift away from fossil fuels and enabled Medicare to negotiate drug prices.

Biden also sought to compete more aggressively with China and rebuild alliances such as NATO. He completed the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan that resulted in the death of 13 U.S. service members, an effort that was widely criticized. The president also faced criticism over his handling of the southern border with Mexico as illegal border crossings led to concerns about his handling of immigration.

He also found himself embroiled in a series of global conflicts that exposed further domestic divisions.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 worsened inflation as Trump and other Republicans questioned the value of military aid to the Ukrainians. Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack in Israel sparked a war that showed divisions within the Democratic party over whether the United States should continue to support Israel as tens of thousands of Palestinians died in months of counterattacks.

Biden privately lectured aides to focus not on differences when listening to the public but to search for agreement. He hewed to the ideal of bipartisanship even when Democrats broke with the GOP.

And yet, just days before he dropped out of the race, Biden felt that his work was not done and his legacy incomplete.

“I’ve got to finish this job,” he told reporters after a NATO summit.

But the size of the stakes and the fear of a Biden loss resulted in a bet by Democrats that the tasks he began could best be completed by a younger generation.

“History will be kinder to him than voters were at the end,” Axelrod said.

Copyright © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.

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Parent's Academy › Activities for Kids › Holiday Activities for Kids › Rainy Day? Try 5 Indoor Learning Activities for Your Kids

Rainy Day? Try 5 Indoor Learning Activities for Your Kids

Myrah abrar.

Writer , London , United Kingdom

Jan 18, 2022 Rainy days can be pretty upsetting for kids, as they feel locked up inside and find it hard to indulge in games or be productive. Feeling stuck indoors for a long time can result because of heavy rains, school shutdowns, unexpected snowfall, etc. However, you can still make the most out of these days and keep your child indulged in productive indoor learning activities.

In This Article

Diy activities.

  • Bring Out The Good Old Board Games
  • Bringing the Outdoors In (Be As Creative As You Want) 
  • Science Experiments with Cooking Ingredients 
  • Readout Loud With the Kids
  • To Sum It Up

Outdoor activities not only help children establish a healthy physical routine, but has positive impacts on their brain development as well as mental health. It helps in strengthening imagination, helps with socializing and interacting with other people, and learning about nature. However, when kids cannot go out due to weather conditions, it becomes a problem for both children and parents. 

Engaging children when they’re at home can be stressful for parents, and often kids get involved in playing games on TV or other gadgets, which isn’t a healthy way of lifestyle. Here is a list of five activities to involve your kids while staying indoors.

But since it is not realistic to expect kids to have zero screen time, choose educational apps like Speech Blubs and limit the time they spend on screens.

Boost Your Child’s Speech Development!

Improve language & communication skills with fun learning!

how to have fun in the rain speech

DIY (Do It Yourself) activities can be pretty engaging and productive for kids of all ages. Depending on your interests and the ages of your children, you can make some DIY projects at home. The masterpieces that you and your kids create can be saved or even used at home, so kids feel appreciated. 

There are tons of DIYs available online, which include making toys, plants, painting pots, and much more, which all can be done with kids. Use all the markers, paints, and glues that you own and come up with unique creations that will excite your children. 

DIY children's project for vocabulary

You can start with simple things as well, like using paper cups to create a puppet or make a storage box using a cereal box, etc. This is a fun way to bond with your children and help them strengthen their skills in colors, aesthetics, designs, and crafts. Children who are encouraged in crafts tend to be more creative as they grow up.

Board Games

Another way to keep your kids engaged while indoors is by introducing them to board games. Age-appropriate board games are fun to play, and you can enjoy some good family time that doesn’t involve screens (win-win!). 

There are multiple ways that board games help children learn various skills, identify colors, count spaces, and much more analytical skills. Not only is it fun to play board games, but they help sharpen the mind, which is essential for the brain development of children. 

Some of the games also help establish good vocabulary, spelling, and English-learning skills as well. Board games also help develop concentration and better-focusing abilities. They help increase their attention span and turn-taking skills, too.

Bringing the Outdoors In  

So, your children cannot go out. But you can surely bring the outdoors in. If you want to have a little fun and relaxation time, think of setting up a small tent for the kids to camp indoors. 

Other rainy day activities for kids include making a fort using pillows, blankets, rugs, and fairy lights to make a cute cozy camping space for kids indoors. You can also bake cookies and have a tea party inside where they can play or watch a movie or pray inside during prayer times .  

Adding a few natural pieces can also make it more interesting for kids, like some pinecones, leaves, and pine branches to give a real feel to the camp. You can be as experimental as you want and make it just how your kids would like it. Many people tend to make these spaces cozy for their kids to read or play a game simply while having a little bit of fun. 

Science Experiments with Cooking Ingredients 

One of the most interesting ways to keep the child focused and engaged indoors is through science experiments. Not only are the experiments engaging, but also fantastic early-age learning about observation, experiment variables, etc. No matter what age, these experiments are pretty fascinating for children and adults too. 

These experiments are hardly difficult and mostly require items that are already in your home. Try to do the one that is fascinating for the kids and explain to them the process, so they remember and comprehend what’s happening. 

You can try making lava lamps , homemade dough, volcano, snow globe, invisible ink, homemade slime, a bean in a cup, etc. These are all learning experiments for kids and easily doable at home. You can also teach them and ask them to do it on their own, so they also learn while having fun.

Read with Kids

If your kids already enjoy reading, then you can try a reading-out-loud activity with your kids, where everyone takes turns to read the story. 

Love of Reading Children

There are multiple benefits of reading out loud with kids: 

  • It creates a lifetime interest in reading,  
  • It expands their attention spans,
  • Helps in language development,
  • Strengthens children’s imagination,
  • Comprehension skills are also improved,
  • Helps you become closer.

Rainy Day Activities vs. Passive Screen Use

These were five ways to keep your kids engaged in productive and useful indoor activities. Every passing day, children become more and more addicted to screens through smartphones, laptops, tablets, play stations, and other gadgets, which reduces their movement and productivity. Excessive passive use of screens can be harmful to kids of any and all ages, so it is advised that parents take extra care to come up with fun indoor activities for kids.

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The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not necessarily reflect the views of Blub Blub Inc. All content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgement, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Promise of a Changed U.K. Comes Wrapped in Royal Tradition

From plans to tackle climate change to ending the role of hereditary legislators, the ceremonial King’s Speech showcased the progressive priorities of Britain’s Labour government.

Charles Opens Britain’s Parliament With ‘King’s Speech’

King charles iii formally opened the country’s parliament and read the agenda for the newly elected labour government..

My lords and members of the House of Commons, my government will govern in service to the country. My government’s legislative program will be mission-led and based upon the principles of security, fairness and opportunity for all. Stability will be the cornerstone of my government’s economic policy. My government recognizes the urgency of the global climate challenge. It is committed to a clean energy transition, which will lower energy bills for consumers over time. A bill will be introduced to set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned clean power company headquartered in Scotland. My government will seek to strengthen the border and make streets safer. A bill will be introduced to modernize the asylum and immigration system. Its commitment to NATO will remain unshakable. It will maintain a strong armed forces, including the nuclear deterrent. To ensure that the United Kingdom’s defense capabilities are matched to the changing nature of global strategic threats, my government will conduct a strategic defense review.

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By Mark Landler

Reporting from London

At last, a “King’s Speech” that the king himself might have written, at least in its bridge-building, planet-saving passages.

On Wednesday, King Charles III formally opened Britain’s Parliament, presenting the priorities of Britain’s new Labour government, a center-left legislative agenda that chimes with some of his own cherished projects , from curbing climate change to cultivating close ties with the European Union.

It was a stark contrast to last year , when Charles presented the agenda of the Conservative government, which included plans to expand oil and gas drilling in the North Sea. Critics said that was at odds with Britain’s “net zero” emissions goals; the Labour government has promised to end new oil and gas exploration.

Nothing in the king’s demeanor suggested that he was any more enthusiastic speaking the words drafted for him by Prime Minister Keir Starmer than he was with last year’s speech, prepared by Mr. Starmer’s predecessor, Rishi Sunak.

His poker face spoke to a lifetime of studied political neutrality, a central tenet of Britain’s constitutional monarchy. That job requirement is rarely tested more than on the day the king opens Parliament, wearing the jewel-encrusted Imperial State Crown to deliver a speech jam-packed with politics.

“My government will govern in service to the country,” Charles intoned. “My government’s legislative program will be mission led and based upon the principles of security, fairness and opportunity for all.”

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