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Talk About the Weather in Urdu Like a Native


Did you know that every minute of the day, one billion tons of rain falls on the earth? Hard to believe, considering the climate crisis! Of course, all that rain is not equally shared across the planet.

So, would you mention this fascinating fact to your new Pakistani acquaintance? Well, small talk about local weather is actually a great conversation-starter. Everyone cares about the weather and you’re sure to hear a few interesting opinions! Seasons can be quite unpredictable these days and nobody knows the peculiarities of a region better than the locals.

UrduPod101 will equip you with all the weather vocabulary you need to plan your next adventure. The weather can even be an important discussion that influences your adventure plans. After all, you wouldn’t want to get caught on an inflatable boat with a two-horsepower motor in Hurricane Horrendous!

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Table of Contents

  • Talking about the weather in Pakistan
  • Words for the first day of spring
  • Do You Know the Essential Summer Vocabulary?
  • Must-Know Autumn vocabulary
  • UrduPod101 can prepare you for any season.

1. Talking about the weather in Pakistan

Talking About Weather

If you’re like me, your day’s activity plan is likely to begin with a strong local coffee and a chat about what the sky is doing. After all, being prepared could be the difference between an amazing day and a miserable one! Luckily, it’s not difficult to comment on Pakistani weather – just start with these simple words and phrases.

1- The rain is falling on the street – .بارش سڑک پر گر رہی ہے (Barish sarak par gir rahi hai)

Watercolor artists, take out your paints! You might not be able to venture out on foot today, but just embrace the rain as part of your Pakistani experience. When the rain stops, the air will be clean and colours vibrant.

2- The snow has covered everything – برف نے ہر چیز کو لپیٹ لیا ہے (Baraf ne har cheez ko lapait liya hai).

A fresh blanket of snow is irresistibly beautiful. Pull on your boots and beanie, and leave your tracks in this foreign landscape. Don’t resist the urge to build a snowman – you need this!

3- Fluffy cloud – روئیں جیسا بادل (Ruin jaisa badal).

When you’re waiting for a warm beach day, fluffy white clouds in a blue sky are a good sign. Don’t forget your sunscreen, as clouds will intensify the UV rays hitting your skin.

Fluffy White Cloud in Clear Blue Sky

4- Freeze – جمنا (jamna)

Night temperatures can get chilly and might freeze the condensation on your windows. A good way to clear them up is with warm salt water.

5- Heavy rain – تیز بارش (tez baarish)

If you’re visiting Pakistan in the wet season, it’s important to stay informed when heavy rain sets in, so keep an eye on the weather radar . Avoid river activities and rather spend this time making a home-cooked meal and brushing up on your Urdu weather words.

Heavy Rain in a Park

6- Flood – سیلاب (selaab)

If you do get caught in a flood, your destination should no longer be ‘home’, but the nearest high ground.

7- Typhoon – آندھی (aandhi)

Not all countries experience typhoons, but you need to know when to prepare for one! It will be very scary if you’ve never experienced one before. Your local neighbours are the best people to advise you on where to take shelter, as they’ve been doing it for generations. Be sure to get the low-down at the first sign of rough weather!

8- Weather report – موسم کا حال (mausam ka haal)

When planning an outdoor activity, especially on a body of water, always be prepared for a change in the weather. Ask your hotel receptionist or neighbour where you can get a reliable daily weather report, and don’t forget your sweater!

Two Men on Sailboat

9- Today’s weather is sunny with occasional clouds – .آج کا موسم دھوپ کے ساتھ کبھی کبھار بادلوں والا ہے (Aaj ka mosam dhoop ky sath kabhi kabhar badalo wala hai).

Sunny weather is the dream when traveling in Pakistan! Wake up early, pack the hats and sunblock and go and experience the terrain, sights and beautiful spots. You’ll be rewarded with happy vibes all around.

10- A rainy day – ایک بارش والا دن (Aik barish wala din)

Remember when you said you’d save the Urdu podcasts for a rainy day? Now’s that day!

11- Rainbow – قوس و قزح (qos o qaza)

The best part about the rain is that you can look forward to your first rainbow in Pakistan. There’s magic in that!

12- Lightning – بجلی (bijli)

Lightning is one of the most fascinating weather phenomena you can witness without really being in danger – at least if you’re sensible and stay indoors! Did you know that lightning strikes the earth 40-50 times per second? Fortunately, not all countries experience heavy electric storms!

Electric Storm

13- Celsius – سنٹگریڈ (centigrade)

Asking a local what the outside temperature will be is another useful question for planning your day. It’s easy if you know the Urdu term for ‘degrees Celsius’.

14- Fahrenheit – فارن ہائیٹ (fehrenheit)

Although the Fahrenheit system has been replaced by Celsius in almost all countries, it’s still used in the US and a few other places.

15- Clear sky – صاف مطلع (saaf matlaa)

Clear skies mean you’ll probably want to get the camera out and capture some nature shots – not to mention the great sunsets you’ll have later on. Twilight can lend an especially magical quality to a landscape on a clear sky day, when the light is not filtered through clouds.

Hikers on Mountain with Clear Sky

16- Drizzle – بوندا باندی (boonda baandi)

Days when it’s drizzling are perfect for taking in the cultural offerings of Pakistan. You could go to the mall and watch a Pakistani film, visit museums and art galleries, explore indoor markets or even find the nearest climbing wall. Bring an umbrella!

17- Temperature on a thermometer – درجہ حرارت (darja hararat)

Because of the coronavirus, many airports are conducting temperature screening on passengers. Don’t worry though – it’s just a precaution. Your temperature might be taken with a no-touch thermometer, which measures infrared energy coming off the body.

18- Humid – مرطوب (martoob)

I love humid days, but then I’m also a water baby and I think the two go together like summer and rain. Find a pool or a stream to cool off in – preferably in the shade!

Humidity in Tropical Forest

19- Humidity – نمی (nami)

Low humidity days are the best days to go walking the hills and vales. Just take at least one Pakistani friend with you so you don’t get lost!

20- Wind – ہوا (hawa)

A strong wind blows away the air pollution and is very healthy in that respect. Just avoid the mountain trails today, unless you fancy being blown across the continent like a hot air balloon.

21- It’s windy outside – .باہر ہوا ہے (Bahir hawa hai).

Wind! My least favourite weather condition. Of course, if you’re a kitesurfer, a windy day is what you’ve been waiting for!

Leaves and Umbrella in the Wind

22- Ice over – برف جمنا (baraf jamna)

The roads will be dangerous in conditions where things ice over, so please don’t take chances. The ice will thaw as soon as the sun comes out, so be patient!

23- Muggy – مرطوب اور گرم مرطوب اور گرم (martoob aur garam)

Muggy days make your skin feel sticky and sap your energy. They’re particular to high humidity. Cold shower, anyone? Ice vest? Whatever it takes to feel relief from the humidity!

24- Fog – دھند دھند (dhund)

Not a great time to be driving, especially in unknown territory, but keep your fog lights on and drive slowly .

Fog on a Pond with Ducks

25- Hurricane – سمندری طوفان (samandari toofaan)

Your new Pakistani friends will know the signs, so grab some food and candles and prepare for a night of staying warm and chatting about wild weather in Pakistan.

Palm Trees in a Hurricane

26- Tornado – طوفان (toofaan)

If you hear these words, it will probably be obvious already that everyone is preparing for the worst! Definitely do whatever your accommodation hosts tell you to do when a tornado is expected.

27- It’s cloudy today – آج موسم ابر آلود ہے۔ (Aaj mosam abar alood hai).

While there won’t be any stargazing tonight, the magnificent clouds over Pakistan will make impressive photographs. Caption them in Urdu to impress your friends back home!

Cloudy Weather on Beach with Beach Huts

28- Below freezing – صفر درجے سے کم (sifar darjay say kum)

When the temperature is below freezing, why not take an Uber and go shopping for some gorgeous Pakistani winter gear ?

Woman with Winter Gear in Freezing Weather

29- Wind chill – یخ بستہ ہوا (Yakh basta hawa)

Wind doesn’t change the ambient temperature of the air, it just changes your body temperature, so the air will feel colder to you than it actually is.

Thermometer Below Freezing Point

30- Clear up – موسم صاف ہونا (mausam saaf hona)

Waiting for the weather to clear up so you can go exploring is frustrating, let’s be honest. That’s why you should always travel with two things: a scintillating novel and your Urdu Nook Book .

31- Extreme heat – شدید گرمی (shadeed garmi)

Is the heat trying to kill you? Unless you’re a hardened heatwave hero, definitely avoid activity, stay hydrated and drink electrolytes. Loose cotton or linen garb is the way to go!

Hand Holding a Melting Ice Cream

32- Frost – انجامد (anjaamid)

Frost is water vapour that has turned to ice crystals and it happens when the earth cools so much in the night, that it gets colder than the air above it. Winter is coming!

33- Shower – چھینٹا (cheenta)

Rain showers are typically brief downpours that drench the earth with a good drink of water.

34- Become cloudy – آسمان ابر آلود ہو گیا ہے (aasmaan abar aalood ho gaya hai)

When I hear it will become cloudy on the Urdu weather channel, I buy a bottle of wine (red, of course) and wood for the fireplace. A cold and cloudy evening needs its comforts!

Snow in the Park at Night

35- Thunderstorm – گرز کا طوفان (garaj ka toofaan)

Keep an eye on the Pakistani weather maps if it looks like a big storm is coming, so you’ll be well-informed.

36- Ice has formed on the window – برف (baraf)

You could try this phrase out on the hotel’s helpful cleaning staff, or fix the problem yourself. Just add a scoop or two of salt to a spray bottle of water – that should work!

37- Hail – اولے (olay)

As a kid, I found hail crazy exciting. Not so much now – especially if I’m on the road and large hailstones start pummeling my windscreen!

Large Hailstones on a Wooden Floor

38- Thunder – گرج (garaj)

The rumble of rolling thunder is that low-volume, ominous background sound that goes on for some time. It’s strangely exciting if you’re safely in your hotel room; it could either suddenly clear up, or escalate to a storm.

39- Sleet – ادھ جمی برف (adh jami baraf)

Sleet is tiny hard pieces of ice made from a mixture of rain and melted snow that froze. It can be messy, but doesn’t cause major damage the way hail does. Pretty cool to know this word in Urdu!

2. Words for the first day of spring

You know the feeling: your heart skips a beat when you wake up and spring has sprung! Spring will reward you with new blossoms everywhere, birdsong in the air, kittens being born in the neighborhood and lovely views when you hit the trails. Pack a picnic and ask a new Pakistani friend to show you the more natural sights. Don’t forget a light sweater and a big smile. This is the perfect time to practice some Urdu spring words !

Spring Vocabulary

3. Do You Know the Essential Summer Vocabulary?

Summer! Who doesn’t love that word? It conjures up images of blue skies, tan skin, vacations at the beach and cruising down the coast in an Alfa Romeo, sunglasses on and the breeze in your hair. Of course, in Pakistan there are many ways to enjoy the summer – it all depends on what you love to do. One thing’s for sure: you will have opportunities to make friends, go on picnics, sample delicious local ice-cream and maybe even learn to sing some Urdu songs. It’s up to you! Sail into Pakistani summer with this summer vocab list , and you’ll blend in with ease.

Four Adults Playing on the Beach in the Sand

4. Must-Know Autumn vocabulary

Victoria Ericksen said, “If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour,” and I agree. Who can resist the beauty of fall foliage coloring the Pakistani landscape? Birds prepare to migrate; travelers prepare to arrive for the best weather in Pakistan.

The autumnal equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator, making day and night almost equal in length. The cool thing about this event is that the moon gets really bright – the ‘harvest moon’, as it’s traditionally known.

So, as much as the change of season brings more windy and rainy days, it also brings celebration. Whether you honor Thanksgiving, Halloween or the Moon Festival, take some time to color your vocabulary with these Urdu autumn words .

Autumn Phrases

Winter is the time the natural world slows down to rest and regroup. I’m a summer girl, but there are fabulous things about winter that I really look forward to. For one, it’s the only season I get to accessorize with my gorgeous winter gloves and snug down coat!

Then, of course, there’s ice skating, holiday decorations and bonfires. As John Steinbeck said, “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?” Get ready for the cold season with our list of essential Winter words !

Skier Sitting in the Snow

6. UrduPod101 can prepare you for any season.

Now that you know how to inquire and comment on the weather in Pakistan, you can confidently plan your weather-ready travel itinerary. How about this for an idea: the next time you’re sitting in a Pakistani street café, try asking someone local this question:

“Do you think the weather will stay like this for a few days?” If you loved learning these cool Urdu weather phrases with us, why not take it a step further and add to your repertoire? UrduPod101 is here to help!

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Learn Urdu :: Lesson 21 Seasons and weather

Urdu vocabulary, teach yourself urdu.

Weather conditions significantly affect our daily lives, from what we wear to how we feel. In this Urdu lesson, terms like "hot," "cold," "rainy," and "windy" will become part of your Urdu vocabulary, enhancing your ability to communicate effectively about the weather.

Seasons and weather :: Urdu vocabulary

Welcome to Urdu Lesson 21! In this Urdu lesson, you'll learn the Urdu vocabulary needed to discuss various aspects of weather and seasons. Knowing these terms will help you understand weather forecasts, plan outings, and even engage in small talk.

This Urdu lesson covers a wide array of terms that describe weather conditions and seasons. Words like "Winter," "Summer," "Spring," and "Autumn" will help you express seasonal changes. Other Urdu vocabulary items like "It is sunny," "It is cloudy," "It is humid," etc., are crucial for discussing day-to-day weather conditions. These terms are valuable whether you're traveling, making plans with friends, or simply trying to decide what to wear for the day.

Everything about PAKISTAN

Search this blog, independence day of pakistan - 14 august national holiday of pakistan, pakistani weather - seasons of pakistan, "seasons of pakistan".

autumn weather essay in urdu

autumn weather essay in urdu

wow amazing pictures about different weather & seasons in pakistan.

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I lik it but its not in urdu

Many grammatical errors

Plz if you enter more information about 4 reasons...e.g. which types of food or dress or activities in details... I m very thankful to u..

don't be lakeer da faqeer , please do something by yourself.

Its nice and meaningful explanation about the season but in my study i find that pakistan have 6 seasons. Four are above mentioned but two more as per my knowledge 1 Monsoon and 2nd pre-winter.

autumn weather essay in urdu

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autumn weather essay in urdu

Superb information ... I love Pakistan Pakistan zinda baad

Very well. I appreciate your efforts. You briefly explain the 4 seasons of Pakistan . Very nice

Hello Friends, I have a good news for all travel Lovers News is that Shah Tourism Company has announced a Winter Trip In Pakistan for this December. Now you can visit All Top Destination Points as well Kashmir, Shogran, Murree, Abbotabad, Mansehra, Neelum Valley and more 15 Destination for 7 days from Rawalpindi. Join Us Now.!

Autumn season in Skardu and Hunza is also very famous! Autumn in Pakistan

Has the author looked at his or her article before he or she published it?😂😂😂😂 wrong use of tenses everywhere and their are several spelling mistakes in this article... We use "it" for non living things but this dumb person has used "his" and "he "everywhere... Pictures aren't important enough for an article the basic thing that people want is the "material" of that particular topic..... I am sorry for my words and I am not insulting you but I advise you to buy an English grammar book and then write essays and articles on different topics!! From, Innerworld

wow amazing ,,i like this doucmentry,, i am getting this as assignment of Pakistan study

Excuse me autumn comes after summers not after winters.

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Four Seasons in Pakistan

Every season has its specialty in accordance with food, culture, festivals, travel, etc. There are four seasons in Pakistan. Namely, summer, winter, spring, and autumn.

If we look at the universe created by Allah, we will see an Everything is different. These differences are their identity. Take the weather, the weather is never the same in most parts of the world. Climate change also affects human nature, mood, and habits.

People living in Pakistan are lucky in that Allah Almighty has given them all kinds of weather like summer, cold, autumn, and spring. These four seasons are available in most parts of Pakistan.


Geographically Pakistan

Table of Contents

  • 1 Geographically Pakistan
  • 2 Winter Season in Pakistan
  • 3 Spring Season in Pakistan
  • 4.1 Rainy Season in Pakistan
  • 5 Autumn Season in Pakistan

Pakistan is geographically divided into marine, desert, mountainous, and plain areas. Each region is affected by the severity of the current seasons.

Areas like Karachi, Thatta, and Badin are hot and humid. Plain areas include Lower Sindh, Upper Sindh, and most of Punjab. The climate here is dry and erratic.

The desert areas include most of Balochistan as well as Thar and Thal of Punjab. The atmosphere here is hot and poisonous.

The mountainous areas include Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Azad Kashmir. These areas are cold all year round. In winter, it gets very cold and very snowy. Due to this life is paralyzed.

Winter Season in Pakistan

The winter season in Pakistan lasts from October to the end of February in mountainous areas. Lives in the sea and plains from December to February.

In winter, some waterfowl migrate from desert areas to warmer areas, usually riverine and lake areas. As the sun sets, the humidity in the air increases.

Wood and coal stoves, gas, and electric heaters are used to keep the atmosphere warm.

All kinds of warm and woolen clothes are often used to protect against cold. Consumption of high-calorie foods increases.

In addition to peanuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, chickpeas, barley, etc., various confectionery and hot drinks such as tea, coffee, soup, etc., are becoming more and more popular.

In areas where it snows, people from all over the country and foreign tourists visit these areas and enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature. People use blankets, quilts, and woolen sheets at night to avoid the cold.

December 22 is the shortest day of the year and the longest night of the year. From December onwards, the days increase and the nights decrease. This process continues until June 21.

Thus June 22 is the longest day of the year and the shortest night of the year. From June 23nthe night begins to increase and the day begins to decrease.

Spring Season in Pakistan

The spring season lasts from mid-February to mid-April. This is the best and happiest season. In this season, greenery spreads everywhere and colorful flowers bloom.

New leaves grow on the trees. The fragrant scent of flowers and leaves breathes new life into all living things. Facial rejuvenation increases.

Government and semi-government agencies organize spring celebrations and flower shows.

Summer Season in Pakistan

May and June are the hottest months of summer. In most parts of Pakistan, business life comes to a standstill due to extreme heat. The streets and markets are deserted.

The reduction in power transmission in Pakistan due to load shedding and technical malfunctions affects industrial production and business and reduces the average income of the common man.

Weak people suffer from diseases and deaths due to strong sun and wind poisoning. To reduce the heat, people increase the consumption of cold drinks and people do not go out of the house unnecessarily.

Rainy Season in Pakistan

Although July and August are also hot months, the monsoon rains usually begin during these months. That is why we remember them as the rainy season.

Autumn Season in Pakistan

September and October are the autumn months in Pakistan. This is also called bile root (Exfoliation) season in which the leaves of the trees turn yellow and start drying and wilting.

The branches of trees and plants become dull. The vegetation dries up and is destroyed. The wind blows off.

Allah Almighty that He has given us all kinds of seasons due to which our country is rich with all kinds of fruits and crops.

Summer juicy, sweet, and delicious fruits, vegetables, and grains. and other crops like wheat, rice, millet, millet, maize, pulses, and cotton.

All of which not only meet our necessities of life but also result in heavy exports. Foreign exchange is also earned.

So, this is called a lovely country with a mix of four seasons in Pakistan.

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My budget trip to malaysia, thailand visa from pakistan, 1 thought on “four seasons in pakistan”.

Such a wonderful and beautiful .

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Urdu -English

Urdu months and seasons intro

Months and Seasons.

This basic lesson will teach the months and seasons. Each season has 2 sentences about it. In the UK there are 4 seasons, with each lasting approximately 3 months. Each season has its own type of weather.

Mahinay aur mausam: Yeh aasan sabaq aap ko mahinay aur mausamon kay baraye mein sikhaye ga. Har mausam kay dow jumlay hoon gay. Bretania main char mausam hote hain. Har mausam taqreban teen mahinay hote hai. Har mausam keh paas apna andaaz hota hai.

Months of the year

Islamic months of the year, seasons in the year, sentences about seasons, previous lesson: days of the week, back to beginner course, next lesson: fruits.

If you wish to practice this lesson, you can click on these sentences to show or hide letters.

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saal ke mukhtalif mausam aur mousmi sorat e haal
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Today, foreign languages are becoming more and more important. This also applies to professional life. As a result, the number of people learning foreign languages has increased. Many parents would also like their children to learn languages. It is best at a young age. There are already many international grade schools worldwide. Kindergartens with multilingual education are becoming more and more popular. Starting to learn so early has many advantages. This is due to the development of our brain. Our brain builds structures for languages up to the age of 4. These neuronal networks help us in learning. Later in life, new structures do not form as well. Older children and adults have more difficulty learning languages. Therefore, we should promote the early development of our brain. In brief: the younger, the better. There are also people, however, who criticize early learning. They fear that multilingualism overwhelms small children. Besides that, there is the fear that they won't learn any language properly. These doubts are unfounded from a scientific standpoint though. Most linguists and neuropsychologists are optimistic. Their studies of the topic show positive results. Children usually have fun in language courses. And: If children learn languages, they also think about languages. Therefore, by learning foreign languages they get to know their native language. They profit from this knowledge of languages their entire life. Maybe it's actually better to start with more difficult languages. Because the brain of a child learns quickly and intuitively. or
--> wird von etwa 4 Millionen Menschen gesprochen. Die ******sche Sprache gehört zu den südkaukasischen Sprachen. Geschrieben wird es mit einem eigenen Zeichensystem, dem ******schen Alphabet. Diese Schrift hat 33 Buchstaben. Sie haben die gleiche Reihenfolge wie das griechische Alphabet. Entstanden ist die ******sche Schrift aber wahrscheinlich aus der aramäischen. Typisch für das sind die vielen Konsonanten, die aufeinander folgen können. Für Ausländer sind manche georgische Wörter deshalb schwer auszusprechen.

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Seasons and Weather

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Kids Learning Pod

Seasons Urdu Worksheets for Kindergarten: Download Pack of 25 Effective Worksheets

Table of contents.

Seasons Urdu Worksheets for Kindergarten are awesome to teach kids about seasons. Seasons are a magical time in a child’s life. One of the key aspects of the journey to learn is introducing them to the Urdu language while helping them understand the world around them. In this post, we’ll explore a treasure of resources: Seasons Urdu worksheets for kindergarten. These worksheets not only facilitate language development but also foster an appreciation for the ever-changing seasons. Let’s make learning an awesome adventure!

Seasons Urdu Worksheets for Kindergarten

Seasons urdu worksheets for kindergarten: building strong foundations.

As we lay the foundation for our young learners, it’s essential to introduce them to the concept of seasons. The worksheets under this category serve as the cornerstone of their education. Through these engaging materials, children not only become proficient in Urdu but also gain a deeper understanding of the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Exploring Spring with Seasons Urdu Worksheets for Kindergarten

Spring is a time of renewal and growth, and these worksheets capture its essence beautifully. Activities include vocabulary exercises, where children learn words like “flowers” (پھول), “butterflies” (تتلیاں), and “rain” (بارش). These worksheets incorporate colorful imagery, making the learning experience both joyful and informative.

Basking in the Warmth of Summer Urdu Worksheets

Summer is synonymous with fun and play. Summer-themed worksheets immerse children in Urdu through activities such as coloring pages featuring suns (سورج) and ice creams (آئس کریم). As they engage with these worksheets, youngsters effortlessly grasp Urdu words associated with this vibrant season.

Fall in Love with Autumn Worksheets

Autumn worksheets showcase the beauty of falling leaves (پتوں کی گرداب) and cozy sweaters (گرم جرسیاں). Children learn to express themselves in Urdu by describing the changing colors of leaves and the crispness in the air. It’s a linguistic journey through the golden season.

Embracing the Winter Chill with Urdu Worksheets

Winter-themed worksheets introduce kids to the magic of snowflakes and warm mittens (گرم دستانے). These worksheets nurture vocabulary development while conveying the cozy feelings associated with winter.

Summer Season

Summer is a season characterized by longer days, warmer temperatures, and vibrant nature. It typically occurs between June and August in the northern hemisphere and between December and February in the southern hemisphere.

During summer, the Earth’s axis tilts toward the sun, causing more direct sunlight and increased warmth. This results in various changes in the environment:

  • Weather: Summer brings higher temperatures, clear skies, and lower humidity in some regions. This weather fosters outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, and picnics.
  • Nature: Trees and flowers are in full bloom, displaying a spectrum of colors. Animals are more active, and birds sing cheerfully.
  • Agriculture: Farmers cultivate crops during this season, benefiting from the warmth and longer daylight hours. Fruits and vegetables ripen, becoming available for harvest.
  • Holidays and Leisure: Many people take vacations during summer, visiting beaches, parks, or tourist destinations. Schools often have a break, allowing families to spend time together.
  • Clothing and Lifestyle: Light, breathable clothing is preferred in summer to stay comfortable in the heat. People also tend to drink more water to stay hydrated.
  • Sunlight: Days are longer, with more daylight for outdoor activities. However, prolonged exposure to the sun requires precautions to prevent sunburn and heat-related illnesses.

Overall, summer is a season cherished for its warmth, outdoor opportunities, and the vibrant beauty it brings to the world.

Autumn Season

Autumn/Fall: Autumn occurs between September and November in the northern hemisphere and between March and May in the southern hemisphere. This season is characterized by several distinct changes:

  • Weather: Temperatures start to drop, leading to cooler days and chilly nights. Winds become brisk, and occasional rainfall occurs.
  • Nature: Trees shed their leaves, creating a colorful landscape as foliage turns shades of red, orange, and yellow. Animals prepare for winter by gathering food and finding shelter.
  • Agriculture: Farmers harvest their crops, and fruits and nuts reach maturity. It’s a time for gathering the yields of the year.
  • Holidays and Traditions: Festivals like Halloween and Thanksgiving are celebrated in many places, often involving gatherings and special events.
  • Clothing and Lifestyle: People start wearing warmer clothing like sweaters and jackets to stay comfortable in the cooling weather.

Winter Season

Winter: Winter occurs between December and February in the northern hemisphere and between June and August in the southern hemisphere. This season is characterized by:

  • Weather: Winter brings cold temperatures, snow, and ice in many regions. Days are shorter, and nights are longer.
  • Nature: Trees are bare, and the landscape is often covered in snow. Animals either hibernate or adapt to the cold by growing thicker fur or feathers.
  • Recreation: Winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating are popular in snowy areas. Holidays like Christmas and New Year are celebrated during this time.
  • Clothing and Lifestyle: Heavy clothing like coats, scarves, and gloves are worn to stay warm. People often spend more time indoors to avoid the cold.

Spring Season

Spring occurs between March and May in the northern hemisphere and between September and November in the southern hemisphere. This season is marked by:

  • Weather: Temperatures begin to rise, and the weather gradually becomes milder. Rainfall helps to nourish the earth after winter.
  • Nature: Trees and plants start to bloom, and new leaves grow. Animals come out of hibernation or breeding habits become more active.
  • Agriculture: Farmers plant new crops, taking advantage of the fertile, moist soil. Gardens bloom with colorful flowers.
  • Traditions: Various cultural festivals and holidays are celebrated, signifying rebirth, renewal, and fertility.
  • Clothing and Lifestyle: As temperatures become warmer, people transition to lighter clothing, bidding farewell to heavy winter wear.

Why Seasons Urdu Worksheets for Kindergarten Matter?

Fostering Language Skills

Language development in early childhood is crucial, and these worksheets provide a nurturing environment for Urdu language acquisition. Through engaging activities, children naturally absorb the language while having fun.

Connecting with the Environment

Understanding seasons is not just about language; it’s also about connecting with nature. These worksheets help children appreciate the changing world around them and foster a sense of wonder.

Boosting Creativity

The colorful and imaginative worksheets stimulate creativity. As children complete activities, they also enhance their fine motor skills and creativity , all while reinforcing their Urdu language skills.

Building Confidence

Successfully completing worksheets is a confidence booster for young learners. It encourages them to explore further and embrace learning with enthusiasm.

Supporting Parents and Educators

Parents and educators play a vital role in a child’s educational journey. These worksheets provide valuable tools for teaching Urdu and seasonal concepts effectively.

Seasons Urdu Worksheets for Kindergarten

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autumn weather essay in urdu

Seasons Urdu worksheets for little ones are amazing tools to learn and have fun. They help kids with language and make them love nature. These worksheets are like doors to a world where learning is super exciting. Try these worksheets with your kid and see them grow into curious learners who are ready to explore the world. You can get more stuff to learn here. Have fun learning!

How can I access Seasons Urdu worksheets for kindergarten?

You can easily find these worksheets online on educational websites or purchase printed versions from educational stores.

Are these worksheets suitable for non-Urdu speaking children?

Absolutely! These worksheets are designed to be user-friendly and can benefit children of all linguistic backgrounds.

Can I use these worksheets at home or in a classroom setting?

These worksheets are versatile and can be used in both settings. Parents can reinforce learning at home, while teachers can incorporate them into their lessons.

What age group are these worksheets designed for?

These worksheets are specifically created for kindergarten-aged children, typically between the ages of 4 and 6.

Are there any additional resources to complement these worksheets?

Yes, you can find interactive online worksheets games, flashcards, and storybooks to supplement the learning experience.

How can I track my child’s progress using these worksheets?

Many worksheets come with answer keys or suggested activities. Monitoring your child’s completion of these tasks can help gauge their progress.

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Seasonal Urdu Vocabulary

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Learning a new language can be an enthralling experience, especially when you start to explore vocabulary that relates directly to everyday life. In Urdu, as in many other languages, vocabulary can often be seasonal, linked closely with the customs, weather, and festivities of each part of the year. This article will guide you through the vibrant world of Seasonal Urdu Vocabulary , enhancing your understanding and appreciation of this beautiful language through the lens of its seasonal expressions.

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Spring (بہار – Bahar)

Spring, or بہار (Bahar) , is a time of renewal and rebirth in Pakistan and India, where Urdu is widely spoken. The weather starts to warm up, and the flowers begin to bloom. A common phrase associated with spring is بہار آگئی ہے (Bahar aa gayi hai) , which means “Spring has arrived.” During this season, you might hear someone say:

موسم بہت خوشگوار ہے، بہار کی خوبصورتی دیکھو۔ (Mausam bohot khushgawar hai, Bahar ki khoobsurati dekho.) “The weather is very pleasant, look at the beauty of spring.”

Summer (موسم گرما – Mosam Garama)

Summer, or موسم گرما (Mosam Garama) , is typically very hot and dry in many parts of South Asia. The phrase گرمی کی شدت (Garmi ki shiddat) describes “the intensity of the heat.” During summer, hydration becomes crucial, and you might hear:

پانی زیادہ پیو، موسم گرما میں ہائیڈریشن بہت ضروری ہے۔ (Pani zyada piyo, Mosam Garama mein hydration bohot zaroori hai.) “Drink more water, hydration is very important in the summer.”

Monsoon (بارشوں کا موسم – Barishon Ka Mosam)

The monsoon season, or بارشوں کا موسم (Barishon Ka Mosam) , brings much-needed relief from the summer heat. The phrase بارش شروع ہوگئی ہے (Barish shuru ho gayi hai) means “The rain has started.” This season is also associated with enjoying hot snacks and watching the rainfall:

بارش ہو رہی ہے، چائے اور پکوڑے بنا لو۔ (Barish ho rahi hai, chai aur pakoray bana lo.) “It’s raining, let’s make tea and fritters.”

Autumn (خزاں – Khizan)

Autumn, or خزاں (Khizan) , is marked by falling leaves and a gradual cooling of the weather. The phrase پتے گر رہے ہیں (Patay gir rahe hain) means “The leaves are falling.” It’s a time for contemplation and preparation for the colder months:

خزاں کی ہوا میں ایک عجیب سا سکون ہے۔ (Khizan ki hawa mein ek ajeeb sa sukoon hai.) “There is a strange tranquility in the autumn breeze.”

Winter (سردی – Sardi)

Winter, or سردی (Sardi) , can be quite harsh in some regions, with phrases like سردی کی لہر (Sardi ki lehar) describing “a wave of cold.” In Urdu, expressing the chill in the air often involves poetic imagery:

سردی بہت ہے، آگ جلا لو۔ (Sardi bohot hai, aag jala lo.) “It’s very cold, light a fire.”

During winter, the concept of warmth and coziness is cherished, and people often gather around bonfires or heaters to share stories and enjoy warm foods.

Festive Seasons

Urdu-speaking regions also celebrate various festivals throughout the year, each bringing its own set of seasonal vocabulary. For example, during رمضان (Ramadan) , the fasting month, you might hear:

روزہ رکھو گے، سحری کے لیے اٹھ جانا۔ (Roza rakho ge, Sehri ke liye uth jana.) “You will fast, wake up for the pre-dawn meal.”

Or during دیوالی (Diwali) , the festival of lights celebrated by Hindu communities, it’s common to hear greetings and mentions of sweets and decorations:

دیوالی کی تیاریاں شروع ہو گئی ہیں۔ (Diwali ki tayariyan shuru ho gayi hain.) “Preparations for Diwali have started.”

Understanding and using seasonal vocabulary in Urdu not only enhances your linguistic skills but also deepens your cultural empathy, allowing you to connect more meaningfully with Urdu-speaking communities. As you continue your language journey, embrace the dynamic nature of Urdu and its rich connection to the seasons and their respective celebrations.

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autumn weather essay in urdu

Essential Urdu Weather Vocabulary: Communicate Like Natives

Picture of Unsa Ahmed

  • , June 13, 2024

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Considering the climate in Pakistan, you can hear almost everyone around saying Aj bohat garmi hai (آج بہت گرمی ہے). Therefore, learning a few Urdu weather vocabulary is important. So, let’s learn the essential Urdu words and phrases related to weather with their pronunciations for better understanding.

The Urdu language has a wide array of words and expressions used to discuss various weather conditions. Plus, learning Urdu weather vocabulary can enhance an overall interaction with the natives. After all, you will get to talk about the weather in their native language, which is the most talked about topic, at least in Pakistan. To break it down, this blog post will discuss Urdu words for seasons and highlight other words and phrases used to describe distinct weather conditions.

Table Of Contents

Urdu weather vocabulary: native words for 4 seasons, 1. spring season.

In Urdu, we call this season موسمِ بہار or بہارکا موسم , which reads Mau-sam-e- Ba-har or Ba-haar ka Mau-sam , respectively.

2. Summer Season

The Urdu word for summer is Garma (گرما) or Garmi (گرمی). So, the collective term for the summer season reads Mausam – e- Garma (موسمِ گرما) or Garmi ka Mausam (گرمی کا موسم).

3. Winter Season

Winter season translates into Mausam – e- Sarma (موسمِ سرما) or Sardi ka Mausam (سردی کا موسم).

4. Autumn Season

Mausam – e – Khizan (موسمِ خزاں) is an appropriate word for the Autumn Season. The other famous word for this season is Pat Jhar ka Mausam (پت جھڑ کا موسم).

Sign reading 'Stormy weather ahead' with dark clouds in the background

How Do You Say Weather In The Urdu Language?

The Urdu word for weather is موسم (Mau-sam) . It is a common term used to discuss different seasons and weather conditions. Deriving from the above information, only add the word موسم (Mau-Sam) with any season in Urdu to describe it. Easy, right?

Other Related Urdu Vocabulary With The Word Weather

Here is the list of other Urdu words used to refer to the word weather. Look at the sentences to learn how to use these terms accurately.

Temperatureدرجہ حرارتdar-ja-ha-ra-ratآج درجہ حرارت بہت زیادہ ہے۔Aj darja hararat bohat ziada hai.Temperature is very high today.
Humidity نمی na’miکراچی میں نمی بہت زیادہ ہے۔Karachi main nami bohat ziada hai.The humidity level is high in Karachi.
Heat waveگرمی کی لہرgar-mi ki le-hirپاکستان میں آج کل شدید گرمی کی لہر چل رہی ہے۔Pakistan main aj kal shadeed garmi ki lehar cal rahi hai.Pakistan is facing an extreme heatwave nowadays.
Fogدھند dhun’dکل صبح بہت دھند تھی۔Kal subah bohat dhund thi.Yesterday morning was very foggy.
Snowبرف ba-rafکیا تمہاری طرف کل برف باری ہوٸ Kia tumhari taraf kal baraf bari hui?Was there snowfall at your place yesterday?
Stormطوفان tu-faanسمندری طوفان بہت خطرناک ہوتا ہے۔Samandari Taufan bohat khatarnak hota hai.Sea storm is very dangerous.
Wind/ Airہوا ha-waہمارے گھر میں ہوا اچھی آتی ہے۔Hamare ghar main hawa achi ati hai.Our house has a good air circulation.
Rainبارش ba-rishمون سون کے موسم میں بہت بارشیں ہوتی ہیں۔Mon-soon ke mausam main bohat barishain hoti hain.Moonsoon season marks heavy rainfall.
Breezeنسیم na-seemصبح کی ٹھندی نسیم سکون بخش ہوتی ہے۔Subah ki thandi naseem sakoon bakhsh hoti hai.Cold morning breeze is very soothing.
Rainbowقوسِ قزحqaus-e-qa-zah ا تم نے کبھی قوسِ قزح کا حسین منظر دیکھا ہے؟Kia tum ne kabhi qaus-e-qazah ka haseen manzar dekha hai?Have you ever seen a beautiful view of rainbow?
Blizzardبرفانی طوفانBar-fa-ni tu-faanکیا برفانی طوفان کا خطرہ ٹَل گیا؟Kia barfani taufan a khatra tal gaya?Has the threat of the blizzard passed?
Thunderگرج ga-rajگرج چمک کے ساتھ بارش ہورہی ہے ۔Garah chamak ke sath barish horahi hai.It’s raining cats and dogs.
Drizzleبوندا باندیBoon-da baan-diآج صبح سے ہلکی ہلکی بوندا باندی ہورہی ہے۔Aj subah se halki halki boonda bandi horahi hai.It’s drizzling since morning.

Many words on a blackboard

Common Phrases & Idioms Related To Weather In Urdu

Now that we have discussed other weather words and seasonal vocabulary, let’s look at their expression. You can use the following phrases and idioms if you need to describe the weather in Pakistan , for example.

How is the weather today?آج موسم کیسا ہے؟aj mau-sam ke-sa hai?
Weather is pleasant today.موسم بہت خوشگوار ہے۔mau-sam bo-hat khush-ga-war hai.
Predictions are weather will remain hot today.آج موسم گرم رہنے کی پیشنگوئی ہے Aj mau-sam ga-ram reh-ne ki pe-shan-goi hai
The weather is cloudy.موسم اَبر آلود ہے mau-sam aa-bar a-lood hai
The weather is changing.موسم تبدیل ہورہا ہے mau-sam tab-deel ho-raha hai
Temperature is increasing.درجہ حرارت بڑھ رہا ہے dar-ja ha-ra-rat barh raha hai
What’s the weather report, is it hot?موسم کا حال بتائیں ,گرمی ہے؟Mau-sam ka haal ba-ta-yain, gar-mi hai?
English MeaningUrduSentenceRomanTranslation
To understand the situation or trendsہوا کا رخ دیکھناہوا کا رخ دیکھ کر فیصلہ کرنا زیادہ بہتر ہے۔hawa ka rukh dekh kar faisla karna ziada behtar hai.It is better to decide according to the situation.
Calm or composed natureٹھنڈے مزاج کا ہون وہ ایک ٹھنڈے مزاج کا آدمی ہے۔wo ek thande mizaj ka admi hai.He is a calm person.
Substantial differenceزمیں آسمان کا فرقاِن دونوں کی سوچ میں زمیں آسمان کا فرق ہے۔in dono ki soch main zameen asmaan ka farq hai.There is a substantial difference between their thoughts.
A relief or pleasant changeٹھنڈی ہوا کا جھونکایہ خبر ٹھنڈی ہوا کے جھونکے سے کم نہیں۔yeh khabar thandi hawa ke jhonke se kam nahi.This news is no less than a relief.
To get very happy because of high expectationsہوا میں اُڑنازیادہ ہوا میں نہ اُڑو، کچھ بھی ہوسکتا ہے۔ziada hawa main na uro, kuch bhi hosakta hai.Don’t fly in the air, anything can happen.
A shelter or place of comfortٹھنڈی چھاؤںماں کی گود ٹھنڈی چھاؤں کے مترادف ہے۔maa ki god thandi chaon ke mutradif hai.Mother’s lap is similar to a peaceful shelter.
Extremely highآسمان سے باتیں کرناآج کل مہنگائی آسمان سے باتیں کر رہی ۔aj kal mehngai asman se batain kar rahi hai. Nowadays inflation is extremely high.

Kid with post-it notes on his face

Frequently Asked Questions About Urdu Weather Vocabulary

What is scorching heat in urdu.

The Urdu word for scorching heat is tap-ti dhoop (تپتی دھوپ). Yet, there are other words also. Like, ja-la-ne wa-li dhoop (جلانے والی دھوپ) or jhul-sane wa-li (جھلسانے والی), etc.

How To Teach Weather Vocabulary?

A good way to teach Urdu weather vocabulary is to make a weather word wall . You can create one by listing all the related weather vocabulary in hierarchy. For instance, write weather (موسم- mau-sam ), cloud (بادل- ba-dal ), rain (بارش- ba-rish ), rainbow (قوسِ قزح – qaus-e-qazah ) together as they are related.

What Are Urdu Words For Raining While Sunny?

In Urdu, we translate this weather condition as ba-rish ke sath dhoop (بارش کے ساتھ دھوپ) or dhoop main ba-rish (دھوپ میں بارش).

What’s More?

Considering how diverse the Urdu Language is, learning shouldn’t end here. A vast range of Urdu vocabulary still awaits you. Not only this, you can also learn about Urdu myths and other essentials concerning the Urdu language to familiarize yourself with the culture. Yet, if you are thinking about how to do this simultaneously, don’t worry anymore. The Ling app is here to offer you the ultimate solution.

With Ling, you can engage in interactive exercises, fun quizzes, and bite-sized lessons to quickly grasp the concepts at your fingertips. Grant 10 minutes daily to Ling and meet your language learning goals faster.

Moreover, if you need to learn other languages, the Ling app can help you here, too. It provides easily accessible lessons related to Asian and Eastern European languages for you to master your preferred language. So, what are you waiting for? Try the Ling app today and start learning!

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Essay On Autumn Season – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay

Shaili Contractor

  • Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Autumn Season
  • 10 Lines on Autumn Season
  • Paragraph On Autumn Season
  • Short Essay On Autumn Season
  • Long Essay On Autumn Season
  • What Will Your Child Learn From Autumn Season Essay?

Autumn is one of the lesser-known seasons in India, as it overlaps with the late monsoon and the beginning of winter. In the higher latitudes, it is popularly known as “fall,” as it is a distinct season in the north where trees begin shedding their leaves in preparation for winter. This season is characterised by its unique beauty and the transition it brings in nature. This article will show you how to write an essay on the autumn season for classes 1, 2, and 3. To make it easier for different grades, we have split the essays into one-line, short, and long ones with increasing difficulty levels. This guide will help students craft an engaging autumn season essay in English that reflects their understanding and creativity.  

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Autumn Season  

Writing an essay on the autumn season can be exciting and fun. Here are some tips on how to write an essay on the autumn season:  

  • The autumn season is a great topic to balance creativity with facts. So, start by gathering important information about the seasonal temperature, effects on the plants and animals, cultural significance, etc.
  • The one-line essays can break up descriptions of the season into multiple lines. Maintaining a flow and context is important here.
  • Long-form essays should have introductory and concluding paragraphs/sentences.
  • Talk about the seasonal changes and the effect it has on plants, animals, and people.

10 Lines on Autumn Season 

One-line essays are the best place to start writing essays in lower grades. Here is an example of a 10-line essay for classes 1 and 2:  

  • Autumn is one of the five major seasons in India.
  • Autumn starts in the month of September and ends around the first week of November.
  • It is the brief period between the end of the monsoon rains and the onset of winter.
  • Autumn is characterized by some of the deciduous trees shedding their leaves.
  • The temperature in autumn is very pleasant as it moves from summer heat to the winter chill.
  • By the onset of autumn, the days start becoming shorter and the nights longer.
  • Autumn is loved by most people as the leaves of many species of trees start turning into a beautiful shade of yellow.
  • This season is the last break of fresh and beautiful weather before the cold of winter sets in.
  • It is also a busy season for farmers as it is the last opportunity to grow and harvest many crops before frost starts setting in.
  • Autumn is a favourite season for poets as it is symbolic of the coming of an end.

Paragraph On Autumn Season  

Writing an autumn essay provides a wonderful opportunity to explore the rich tapestry of colors, scents, and emotions associated with this enchanting season. By focusing on key elements such as the changing foliage, cooler weather, and seasonal festivities, you can create a vivid snapshot that captures the essence of autumn in just one paragraph.  

Autumn, a season of change and beauty, occurs in both hemispheres at opposite times. In the Northern Hemisphere, it begins in September and lasts until December, marked by the autumnal equinox around September 22nd. This season features shorter days, cooler temperatures, and vibrant foliage as deciduous trees shed their leaves. It’s a time for harvesting crops and preparing for winter. Conversely, in the Southern Hemisphere, autumn occurs from March to June, starting with the autumnal equinox around March 21st. Both hemispheres celebrate this transition with distinct cultural festivities, reflecting the unique seasonal changes of each region.  

Short Essay On Autumn Season 

A short essay is a necessary step before attempting longer essays for children. Here is an autumn season paragraph in the form of a short essay:  

The autumn season all around the world is a major season between the summer and winter. It is the time when the processes in nature, especially at higher latitudes, become slower in preparation for winter. Animals start stocking up on food and get ready to hibernate while the trees and shrubs begin to shed their leaves in preparation for the freezing winter temperatures. In India, autumn overlaps with the late monsoon, making it much harder to notice. However, many species of trees do shed their leaves in preparation for winter. Autumn generally has very pleasant weather as it is a transition period between the heavy monsoon rains in the south to chilly winters. Many festivals are held during this season which symbolizes the year coming to an end. It is also the last opportunity for farmers to grow crops that require an extensive supply of water. Autumn is a favourite season for many as it is literally and symbolically beautiful.

Long Essay On Autumn Season  

A long descriptive essay about autumn can delve into many aspects of the season. Students need to gather information and write it in an orderly fashion to come up with an impressive essay. Here is an example of an autumn essay for class 3:  

Autumn is the season that lasts from the month of September to November in the northern hemisphere. This season is called the fall in higher latitudes because most of the trees start shedding their leaves around this time. Autumn is also when the high activity during the summer months starts slowing down in preparation for winter. Animals start stocking up on food before the freezing cold, and many prepare to hibernate throughout winter.

In India, autumn is not evenly seen throughout the country. The southern parts closer to the equator still continue to experience the periodic monsoon showers by the time autumn begins. However, the northern part of the country experiences more clear skies, and a distinct transition is noticeable. As we go higher in latitude, autumn’s effect starts becoming apparent.

While the weather is very pleasant, we start to notice that there is a change in nature all around us. Most of the trees start the process of shedding leaves around autumn. As a consequence, their leaves turn into different shades of yellow, brown, orange, and pink. The lush greenery of the summer can be seen fading in the trees as the leaves wilt with dullness. The whole neighbourhood and parks are filled with fallen leaves, and the weather every day is a mix of a mild sun and setting cold that brings about a pleasantry matched by no other season.

Autumn is a particularly beautiful season because of the welcoming weather and the different shades of flora all around. It involves a sense of melancholy as the activity of the bright seasons is coming to an end with a looming cold winter ahead.

What Will Your Child Learn From Autumn Season Essay?  

The autumn season essay examples above are meant to guide children in the lower classes. They learn important information about the season while also picking up inputs about how to weave a good write-up on the subject. The writing skills developed here are important in their long-term academic success.  

1. Why is autumn the favourite season for many people?

Autumn is the fall season between summer and winter. It is characterized by milder weather as the heat of the summer is coming to an end and the chill of winter is starting to pick up. It is also a favourite for people because of the stunning change in the colour of the leaves it brings and the different kinds of emotions it evokes.

2. Is there any downside to the autumn season?

The Autumn season is a period for seasonal allergies because of the shedding leaves and organic matter decay all around. As the season signals the onset of winter, some people may also find the weather depressing.

3. What are some key themes to explore in an autumn essay?

When writing about autumn, you can explore several themes, including:  

  • Nature and Change : Discuss how trees change colours, fall leaves, and the transition from summer to winter.  
  • Cultural Significance : Explore festivals, holidays (like Halloween and Thanksgiving), and traditions associated with autumn.  
  • Emotional Impact : Reflect on how autumn can evoke nostalgia, cosiness, or melancholy.  
  • Activities : Describe seasonal activities like apple picking, hiking, and winter preparation.  

Autumn is a season loved by many people for all the hues and shades it brings with it. Children will learn important essay writing skills by referring to these articles and also find important information on the topic.

Many people love autumn for all the hues and shades it brings. Children will learn critical essay writing skills by referring to these articles and finding important information .  

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Ten Lines On Winter Season In Urdu

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  • (1) سردیوں کا موسم ٹھنڈا موسم ہوتا ہے۔
  • (2) سردیوں کا موسم زیادہ تر سبھی لوگوں کو پسند ہوتا ہے۔
  • (3) سردیوں کا موسم دسمبر اور جنوری دو مہینے تک رہتا ہے۔
  • (4) سردیوں کے موسم میں ہمیں گرم کپڑوں کی بہت زیادہ ضرورت پڑتی ہے۔
  • (5) سردیوں کے موسم میں دن چھوٹے ہوتے ہیں اور رات لمبی ہوتی ہے۔
  • (6) سردیوں کے موسم میں زیادہ ٹھنڈ پڑنے پر لوگ آگ جلا کر ٹھنڈ سے راحت پاتے ہیں۔
  • (7) سردیوں کا موسم کافی اچھا ہوتا ہے اس موسم میں سستی بہت کم محسوس ہوتی ہے۔
  • (8) اس موسم میں چاروں طرف ہریالی دکھتی ہے۔
  • (9) سردیوں کے موسم میں ہر ایک کو گھومنے پھرنے کا بہت دل کرتا ہے۔
  • (10) سردیوں کا موسم اچھا تو لگتا ہے لیکن اس موسم میں بچوں کو ٹھنڈ سے بچانا پڑتا ہے۔

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Flower. Fruit tree. Cherry. Cherry tree. Cherry blossom. Spring. Close-up of cherry blossoms in bloom.

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autumn , season of the year between summer and winter during which temperatures gradually decrease. It is often called fall in the United States because leaves fall from the trees at that time. Autumn is usually defined in the Northern Hemisphere as the period between the autumnal equinox (day and night equal in length), September 22 or 23, and the winter solstice (year’s shortest day), December 21 or 22; and in the Southern Hemisphere as the period between March 20 or 21 and June 21 or 22. The autumn temperature transition between summer heat and winter cold occurs only in middle and high latitudes; in equatorial regions, temperatures generally vary little during the year. In the polar regions autumn is very short. For physical causes of the seasons, see season .

What causes the seasons?

The concept of autumn in European languages is connected with the harvesting of crops; in many cultures autumn, like the other seasons, has been marked by rites and festivals revolving around the season’s importance in food production. Animals gather food in autumn in preparation for the coming winter, and those with fur often grow thicker coats. Many birds migrate toward the Equator to escape the falling temperatures. A common autumn phenomenon in the central and eastern United States and in Europe is Indian summer , a period of unseasonably warm weather that sometimes occurs in late October or November.

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Autumn Meaning In Urdu

Autumn Meaning in English to Urdu is خزاں, as written in Urdu and Khizan, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Autumn which include Fall, Harvest, etc.

Definitions of Autumn

n . The third season of the year, or the season between summer and winter, often called u201cthe fall.u201d Astronomically, it begins in the northern temperate zone at the autumnal equinox, about September 23, and ends at the winter solstice, about December 23; but in popular language, autumn, in America, comprises September, October, and November.

n . The harvest or fruits of autumn.

n . The time of maturity or decline; latter portion; third stage.

How To Spell Autumn [aw-tuh m]

Origin of Autumn Late Middle English: from Old French autompne, or later directly from Latin autumnus.

Synonyms For Autumn , Similar to Autumn

Antonyms for autumn , opposite to autumn, more word meaning in urdu, free online dictionary, word of the day.

[kuh N-jeel]

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Translation of autumn – English–Urdu dictionary

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  • In the autumn I rake up the dead leaves .
  • Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote vigorous growth in the spring .
  • By the look of things, we won't be able to take our holiday till the autumn.
  • Our autumn catalogue is now available from our usual stockists.
  • It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow .

(Translation of autumn from the Cambridge English–Urdu Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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  21. Autumn

    autumn. Indian summer, period of dry, unseasonably warm weather in late October or November in the central and eastern United States. The term originated in New England and probably arose from the Indians' practice of gathering winter stores at this time. This autumn warm period also occurs in Europe, where in Britain it is called All-hallown ...

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  23. AUTUMN

    AUTUMN translate: پت چھڑ, خزاں(وہ موسم جس میں نہ زیادہ گرمی ہوتی ہے نہ زیادہ سردی). Learn more in the Cambridge English-Urdu Dictionary.