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8D Problem Solving Process

Solving major problems in a disciplined way.

By the Mind Tools Content Team

(Also known as Global 8D Problem Solving)

8d discipline problem solving

When your company runs into a major problem, you need to address it quickly. However, you also need to deal with it thoroughly and ensure that it doesn't recur – and this can take a lot of effort and elapsed time.

The 8D Problem Solving Process helps you do both of these seemingly-contradictory things, in a professional and controlled way. In this article, we'll look at the 8D Problem Solving Process, and we'll discuss how you can use it to help your team solve major problems.

Origins of the Tool

The Ford Motor Company® developed the 8D (8 Disciplines) Problem Solving Process, and published it in their 1987 manual, "Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS)." In the mid-90s, Ford added an additional discipline, D0: Plan. The process is now Ford's global standard, and is called Global 8D.

Ford created the 8D Process to help teams deal with quality control and safety issues; develop customized, permanent solutions to problems; and prevent problems from recurring. Although the 8D Process was initially applied in the manufacturing, engineering, and aerospace industries, it's useful and relevant in any industry.

The eight disciplines are shown in figure 1, below:

Figure 1: The 8D Problem Solving Process

8d discipline problem solving

The 8D Process works best in teams tasked with solving a complex problem with identifiable symptoms. However, you can also use this process on an individual level, as well.

Applying the Tool

To use the 8D Process, address each of the disciplines listed below, in order. Take care not to skip steps, even when time is limited; the process is only effective when you follow every step.

Discipline 0: Plan

Before you begin to assemble a team to address the problem, you need to plan your approach. This means thinking about who will be on the team, what your time frame is, and what resources you'll need to address the problem at hand.

Discipline 1: Build the Team

You should aim to put together a team that has the skills needed to solve the problem, and that has the time and energy to commit to the problem solving process.

Keep in mind that a diverse team is more likely to find a creative solution than a team of people with the same outlook (although if outlooks are too diverse, people can spend so much time disagreeing that nothing gets done).

Create a team charter that outlines the team's goal and identifies each person's role. Then, do what you can to build trust and get everyone involved in the process that's about to happen.

If your team is made up of professionals who haven't worked together before, consider beginning with team-building activities to ensure that everyone is comfortable working with one another.

Discipline 2: Describe the Problem

Once your team has settled in, describe the problem in detail. Specify the who, what, when, where, why, how, and how many; and use techniques like CATWOE and the Problem-Definition Process to ensure that you're focusing on the right problem.

Start by doing a Risk Analysis – if the problem is causing serious risks, for example, to people's health or life, then you need to take appropriate action. (This may include stopping people using a product or process until the problem is resolved.)

If the problem is with a process, use a Flow Chart , Swim Lane Diagram , or Storyboard to map each step out; these tools will help your team members understand how the process works, and, later on, think about how they can best fix it.

Discovering the root cause of the problem comes later in the process, so don't spend time on this here. Right now, your goal is to look at what's going wrong and to make sure that your team understands the full extent of the problem.

Discipline 3: Implement a Temporary Fix

Once your team understands the problem, come up with a temporary fix. This is particularly important if the problem is affecting customers, reducing product quality, or slowing down work processes.

Harness the knowledge of everyone on the team. To ensure that each person's ideas are heard, consider using brainstorming techniques such as Round Robin Brainstorming or Crawford's Slip Writing Method , alongside more traditional team problem solving discussions.

Once the group has identified possible temporary fixes, address issues such as cost, implementation time, and relevancy. The short-term solution should be quick, easy to implement, and worth the effort.

Discipline 4: Identify and Eliminate the Root Cause

Once your temporary fix is in place, it's time to discover the root cause of the problem.

Conduct a Cause and Effect Analysis to identify the likely causes of the problem. This tool is useful because it helps you uncover many possible causes, and it can highlight other problems that you might not have been aware of. Next, apply Root Cause Analysis to find the root causes of the problems you've identified.

Once you identify the source of the problem, develop several permanent solutions to it.

If your team members are having trouble coming up with viable permanent solutions, use the Straw Man Concept to generate prototype solutions that you can then discuss, tear apart, and rebuild into stronger solutions.

Discipline 5: Verify the Solution

Once your team agrees on a permanent solution, make sure that you test it thoroughly before you fully implement it, in the next step.

  • Conducting a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to spot any potential problems.
  • Using Impact Analysis to make sure that there will be no unexpected future consequences.
  • Using Six Thinking Hats to examine the fix from several different emotional perspectives.

Last, conduct a Blind Spot Analysis to confirm that you and your team haven't overlooked a key factor, or made an incorrect assumption about this solution.

Discipline 6: Implement a Permanent Solution

Once your team reaches a consensus on the solution, roll your fix out. Monitor this new solution closely for an appropriate period of time to make sure that it's working correctly, and ensure that there are no unexpected side effects.

Discipline 7: Prevent the Problem From Recurring

When you're sure that the permanent solution has solved the problem, gather your team together again to identify how you'll prevent the problem from recurring in the future.

You might need to update your organization's standards, policies, procedures, or training manual to reflect the new fix. You'll likely also need to train others on the new process or standard. Finally, you'll need to consider whether to change your management practices or procedures to prevent a recurrence.

Discipline 8: Celebrate Team Success

The last step in the process is to celebrate and reward your team's success . Say "thank you" to everyone involved, and be specific about how each person's hard work has made a difference. If appropriate, plan a party or celebration to communicate your appreciation.

Before the team disbands, conduct a Post-Implementation Review to analyze whether your solution is working as you thought, and to improve the way that you solve problems in the future.

In the late 1980s, Ford Motor Company developed the 8D (8 Disciplines) Problem Solving Process to help manufacturing and engineering teams diagnose, treat, and eliminate quality problems. However, teams in any industry can use this problem solving process.

The eight disciplines are:

  • Build the Team.
  • Describe the Problem.
  • Implement a Temporary Fix.
  • Identify and Eliminate the Root Cause.
  • Verify the Solution.
  • Implement a Permanent Solution.
  • Prevent the Problem From Recurring.
  • Celebrate Team Success.

The 8D Problem Solving Process is best used with a team solving complex problems; however, individuals can also use it to solve problems on their own.

Ford is a registered trademark of the Ford Motor Company: https://www.ford.com/

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What is 8D? A template for efficient problem-solving

How you respond when problems arise is one of the most defining qualities of a manager. Luckily, there are tools you can use to master problem-solving. The 8D method of problem-solving combines teamwork and basic statistics to help you reach a logical solution and prevent new issues from arising.

You’ve spent months overseeing the development of your company's newest project. From initiation, planning, and execution, you’re confident this may be your best work yet.

Until the feedback starts rolling in.

There’s no sugar-coating it—things don’t always go as planned. But production or process issues are hardly a signal to throw in the towel. Instead, focus on honing your problem-solving skills to find a solution that keeps it from happening again. 

The 8D method of problem solving emphasizes the importance of teamwork to not only solve your process woes but prevent new ones from occurring. In this guide, we’ll break down what 8D is, how to use this methodology, and the benefits it can give to you and your team. Plus, get an 8D template to make solving your issue easier. 

What is 8D?

The eight disciplines (8D) method is a problem-solving approach that identifies, corrects, and eliminates recurring problems. By determining the root causes of a problem, managers can use this method to establish a permanent corrective action and prevent recurring issues. 

How do you use the 8D method?

The 8D method is a proven strategy for avoiding long-term damage from recurring problems. If you’re noticing issues in your workflow or processes, then it’s a good time to give this problem-solving method a try. 

To complete an 8D analysis, follow “the eight disciplines” to construct a statistical analysis of the problem and determine the best solution.

The eight disciplines of problem-solving

8D stands for the eight disciplines you will use to establish an 8D report. As you may notice, this outline starts with zero, which makes nine total disciplines. The “zero stage” was developed later as an initial planning stage. 

To illustrate these steps, imagine your organization experienced a decline in team innovation and productivity this past year. Your stakeholders have noticed and want to see changes implemented within the next six months. Below, we’ll use the 8D process to uncover a morale-boosting solution.

[inline illustration] D8 problem solving approach (infographic)

D0: Prepare and plan

Before starting the problem-solving process, evaluate the problem you want to solve. Understanding the background of the problem will help you identify the root cause in later steps. 

Collect information about how the problem has affected a process or product and what the most severe consequences may be. Planning can include:

Gathering data

Determining the prerequisites for solving the problem

Collecting feedback from others involved

[inline illustration] D0 Planning (example)

If we look back at our example, you may want to figure out whether this decline in morale is organization-wide or only applies to a few departments. Consider interviewing a few employees from different departments and levels of management to gain some perspective. Next, determine what knowledge and skills you will need to solve this lapse in productivity. 

D1: Form your team

Create a cross-functional team made up of people who have knowledge of the various products and workflows involved. These team members should have the skills needed to solve the problem and put corrective actions in place. 

Steps in this discipline may include:

Appointing a team leader

Developing and implementing team guidelines

Determining team goals and priorities

Assigning individual roles

Arranging team-building activities

[inline illustration] D1 Team members (example)

From our example, a solid team would consist of people with first-hand experience with the issues—like representatives from all departments and key people close to workshop-level work. You may also want to pull someone in from your HR department to help design and implement a solution. Most importantly, make sure the people you choose want to be involved and contribute to the solution.

D2: Identify the problem

You may have a good understanding of your problem by now, but this phase aims to break it down into clear and quantifiable terms by identifying the five W’s a and two H’s (5W2H):

Who first reported the problem?

What is the problem about?

When did it occur and how often?

Where did it occur (relating to the sector, supplier, machine, or production line involved)?

Why is solving the problem important?

How was the problem first detected?

How many parts/units/customers are affected?

[inline illustration] D2 Problem statement & description (example)

Use your team’s insights to answer these questions. From our example, your team may conclude that: 

Employees feel overwhelmed with their current workload. 

There is no real structure or opportunity to share new ideas.

Managers have had no training for meetings or innovation settings.

Disgruntled employees know they can achieve more—and want to achieve more—even if they seem disengaged.

Once you answer these questions, record an official problem statement to describe the issue. If possible, include photos, videos, and diagrams to ensure all parties have a clear understanding of the problem. It may also help to create a flowchart of the process that includes various steps related to the problem description.

D3: Develop an interim containment plan

Much like we can expect speedy first aid after an accident, your team should take immediate actions to ensure you contain the problem—especially if the problem is related to customer safety. 

An interim containment plan will provide a temporary solution to isolate the problem from customers and clients while your team works to develop a permanent corrective action. This band-aid will help keep your customers informed and safe—and your reputation intact.

[inline illustration] D3 Interim containment action (example)

Because your findings revealed workers were overworked and managers lacked training, your team suggests scheduling a few mandatory training sessions for leaders of each department covering time and stress management and combating burnout . You may also want to have a presentation outlining the topics of this training to get key managers and stakeholders interested and primed for positive upcoming changes. 

D4: Verify root causes and escape points

Refer back to your findings and consult with your team about how the problem may have occurred. The root cause analysis involves mapping each potential root cause against the problem statement and its related test data. Make sure to test all potential causes—fuzzy brainstorming and sloppy analyses may cause you to overlook vital information. 

[inline illustration] D4 Root cause & escape points (example)

In our example, focus on the “why” portion of the 5W2H. You and your team identify six root causes:

Managers have never had any training

There is a lack of trust and psychological safety

Employees don’t understand the objectives and goals

Communication is poor

Time management is poor

Employees lack confidence

In addition to identifying the root causes, try to pinpoint where you first detected the problem in the process, and why it went unnoticed. This is called the escape point, and there may be more than one. 

D5: Choose permanent corrective actions

Work with your team to determine the most likely solution to remove the root cause of the problem and address the issues with the escape points. Quantitatively confirm that the selected permanent corrective action(s) (PCA) will resolve the problem for the customer. 

Steps to choosing a PCA may include:

Determining if you require further expertise

Ensuring the 5W2Hs are defined correctly

Carrying out a decision analysis and risk assessment

Considering alternative measures

Collecting evidence to prove the PCA will be effective

[inline illustration] D5 Permanent corrective action (example)

Your team decides to roll out the training used in the interim plan to all employees, with monthly company-wide workshops on improving well-being. You also plan to implement meetings, innovation sessions, and team-coaching training for managers. Lastly, you suggest adopting software to improve communication and collaboration. 

D6: Implement your corrective actions

Once all parties have agreed on a solution, the next step is to create an action plan to remove the root causes and escape points. Once the solution is in effect, you can remove your interim containment actions.

After seeing success with the training in the interim phase, your stakeholders approve all of your team’s proposed PCAs. Your representative from HR also plans to implement periodic employee wellness checks to track employee morale .

[inline illustration] D6 PCA implementation plan (example)

To ensure your corrective action was a success, monitor the results, customer, or employee feedback over a long period of time and take note of any negative effects. Setting up “controls” like employee wellness checks will help you validate whether your solution is working or more needs to be done. 

D7: Take preventive measures

One of the main benefits of using the 8D method is the improved ability to identify necessary systematic changes to prevent future issues from occurring. Look for ways to improve your management systems, operating methods, and procedures to not only eliminate your current problem, but stop similar problems from developing later on.

[inline illustration] D7 Preventive measure (example)

Based on our example, the training your team suggested is now adopted in the new manager onboarding curriculum. Every manager now has a “meeting system” that all meetings must be guided by, and workloads and projects are managed as a team within your new collaboration software . Innovation is improving, and morale is at an all-time high!

D8: Celebrate with your team

The 8D method of problem-solving is impossible to accomplish without dedicated team members and first-class collaboration. Once notes, lessons, research, and test data are documented and saved, congratulate your teammates on a job well done! Make an effort to recognize each individual for their contribution to uncovering a successful solution.

[inline illustration] 8D Team congratulations & reward (example)

8D report template and example

Check out our 8D report template below to help you record your findings as you navigate through the eight disciplines of problem solving. This is a formal report that can be used as a means of communication within companies, which makes for transparent problem-solving that you can apply to the entire production or process chain.

Benefits of using the 8D method

The 8D method is one of the most popular problem-solving strategies for good reason. Its strength lies in teamwork and fact-based analyses to create a culture of continuous improvement —making it one of the most effective tools for quality managers. The benefits of using the 8D method include: 

Improved team-oriented problem-solving skills rather than relying on an individual to provide a solution

Increased familiarity with a problem-solving structure

A better understanding of how to use basic statistical tools for problem-solving

Open and honest communication in problem-solving discussions

Prevent future problems from occurring by identifying system weaknesses and solutions

Improved effectiveness and efficiency at problem-solving

Better collaboration = better problem solving

No matter how good a manager you are, production and process issues are inevitable. It’s how you solve them that separates the good from the great. The 8D method of problem solving allows you to not only solve the problem at hand but improve team collaboration, improve processes, and prevent future issues from arising. 

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An overview of the 8D problem-solving method

8d discipline problem solving

The 8D problem-solving method is a powerful tool in product management. It’s designed to help product managers tackle issues systematically and enhance product quality. This method follows eight steps in total, hence the name 8D.

An Overview Of The 8D Problem-Solving Method

The steps range from identifying problems to implementing long-term solutions. Today you’ll explore how you can effectively apply 8D to your products. You’ll also learn about the benefits of using this approach and analyze some real case studies.

What is 8D?

The 8D problem-solving method is designed to address and resolve problems by identifying, correcting, and eliminating recurring issues.

It involves eight different steps:

  • Plan — Prepare for the problem-solving process
  • Team selection — Assemble a team with the necessary knowledge and skills
  • Problem definition — Clearly define the problem and its impact
  • Interim containment action — Implement temporary measures to contain the problem
  • Root cause identification — Identify the underlying cause(s) of the problem
  • Permanent corrective action — Develop and implement a solution to address the root cause
  • Preventive measures — Take steps to prevent the recurrence of the problem
  • Team recognition — Acknowledge and reward the team’s efforts in resolving the issue

These steps focus on root cause analysis, preventive measures, and long-term solution implementation. The end goal is to improve product quality and operational efficiency.

The eight disciplines of 8D

The eight disciplines of the 8D method represent a comprehensive approach to solve problems within an organization. Each discipline is designed to guide teams through the process at each stage. Here’s a deeper look into each stage:

Disciplines Of 8D

This initial step involves preparing for the problem-solving process. The goal here is to understand the problem’s magnitude and set up objectives. It’s about getting ready to tackle the issue systematically.

Team selection

In this step, a cross-functional team is formed. The team should consist of individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to address the problem effectively. The team works together throughout the 8D process.

Problem definition

Next, the team has to describe the issue in specific terms. The goal here is to understand the impact and scope of the complication. A well-defined problem is easier to solve.

Interim containment

In the process of finding a solution, temporary measures are taken to contain the problem and prevent it from worsening. This reduces further damage or impact to the involved operations.

Root cause identification

In this phase, the team uses various tools and techniques to identify the underlying cause of the problem. An understanding of the root cause is essential for developing an effective, lasting solution.

Permanent corrective action

With the root cause identified, the team moves to develop a permanent corrective action plan to resolve the issue. Now, the team needs to choose the best solution, implement it, and monitor its effectiveness. This analysis will ensure that the problem is truly resolved.

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8d discipline problem solving

Preventive measures

With such vast processes, there is always a possibility of the problem recurring. To resolve this, the team identifies and implements measures that address the root cause. There might be a need for changes to different aspects of the overall approach.

Team recognition

The final stage focuses on acknowledging and rewarding the team’s efforts. Recognizing the team’s hard work and success in resolving the issue is important for morale. It also promotes a culture of continuous improvement.

By following these eight disciplines, product managers can solve problems more effectively. The other benefit is that it builds a proactive culture that addresses issues before they escalate.

Applying 8D in product management

Applying the 8D problem-solving method in product management involves leveraging its structured approach. This helps you eliminate problems and process improvement initiatives.

Problem identification

The 8D process begins with gathering data and feedback to quickly identify potential issues. After that, a diverse team from various departments works together to uncover issues. And finally, the team solves the problems efficiently.

Once a problem is spotted, quick fixes are applied to limit its impact. Simultaneously, you explore root causes of an issue using methods like the Five Whys . The final step is to implement the solution based on these insights. Occasionally, redesigns or process upgrades are also used to resolve the issue thoroughly.


To eliminate recurring problems, it’s crucial to establish preventive measures. Several steps support the main goal of elimination including process adjustments, quality control improvements, and updates to design standards.

The insights gathered from each 8D cycle help with continuous improvement. It also aids in formulating strategies to avert future issues.

Benefits of the 8D method

The main benefit of using the 8D method is its impact on teamwork and continuous improvement. The more obvious benefits focus on root cause analysis and prevention of issues:

  • Enhanced quality control
  • Efficient problem resolution
  • Systematic and thorough approach
  • Teamwork and knowledge sharing
  • Focus on root cause analysis
  • Reduced recurrence of issues
  • Cost reduction
  • Improved customer satisfaction

The systematic approach to address issues ensures that no effort goes to waste. Eventually, it helps the teams to quickly propose long-term solutions to a range of problem patterns.

Challenges in implementing 8D

The 8D problem-solving method is extremely valuable when used in the right manner. However, there can be challenges at every stage of this process. Because of this, it’s beneficial for you to have an understanding of how to quickly identify these challenges.

These include:

  • Resistance to change among team members
  • Insufficient teamwork and collaboration
  • Lack of training on the 8D methodology
  • Difficulties in data collection and analysis

How to solve them?

  • Clearly communicate benefits to overcome resistance
  • Foster collaboration and teamwork among participants
  • Provide targeted training on the 8D process
  • Encourage data analysis for effective problem-solving

For a deeper understanding, let’s take a look at two case studies of how the 8D process can enhance the product management workflow.

Real-life examples of 8D

A leading tech company, (similar to Apple) faced public backlash over smartphones overheating and reduced battery life. In this context, the 8D method helped to quickly identify and contain the issues.

The root cause analysis helped it track the problem back to a battery design flaw. Collaborative efforts with the battery supplier led to a redesigned battery and an update to the operating system. This not only resolved the issue but also restored consumer trust. Eventually, the brand’s reputation for quality was restored.

Similarly, a major automaker found a software glitch in its driver-assistance systems. This issue was risking driver safety. Using the 8D method, it pinpointed outdated algorithms as the root cause. The solution was simple, it issued a software update and enhanced its development processes.

Both of these examples are evidence of how the 8D method can be utilized to prevent complications efficiently.

Key takeaways

In wrapping up, it’s clear that this approach is more than just a procedure. Think of it as a strategic framework designed for the product manager. The 8D method equips you with a robust toolkit for addressing and preempting issues, systematically.

On top of that it helps you to:

  • Promote teamwork and continuous improvement
  • Reduce problem recurrence through root cause analysis
  • Overcome implementation challenges with effective communication

Feel free to comment with any questions you may have!

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8D Problem Solving: Comprehensive Breakdown and Practical Applications

Explore the 8D Problem Solving method in-depth. Master practical applications to tackle challenges effectively! Enhance your problem-solving skills now.

The 8D problem-solving process stands as a beacon of structured analysis and corrective action within the complexities of operational pitfalls and quality control discrepancies across industries. Originating from the automotive industry and since adopted widely, the methodology offers a meticulous step-by-step approach that fosters team cohesion, addresses problems at their roots, and implements sustainable solutions.

This article seeks to delve into the nuances of the 8D problem-solving framework, presenting a lucid exposition of its origins, a detailed foray into each step enriched by practical examples, and concluding with the unequivocal benefit bouquet it presents to the organization adopting it.

The Origins of the 8D Problem Solving Methodology

The 8D, or "Eight Disciplines," problem-solving approach germinated from the fertile grounds of collaborative efforts to ensure superior quality and reliability in manufacturing. Initially developed by the Ford Motor Company in the 1980s, this systematic method was a response to a confluence of quality and operational issues that were pervasive in the automotive industry. It drew broader appeal as its efficacy became apparent - functioning as an amalgam of logic, analytics, and teamwork to tackle problems methodically.

The wide reach of the 8D methodology is evident in industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare, aerospace to IT, and beyond. Its universal applicability stems from a foundational adherence to principle over process, transcending the intricacies of industry-specific challenges. By combining reactive and proactive measures, the 8D method helps in not just extinguishing the fire, but also preventing its outbreak, making it an enduring asset in the organizational toolkit.

The 8 Steps of Problem Solving

An incursion into the 8D methodology reveals a framework that is both systematic and flexible. Each step is sequenced to ensure that issues are not merely patched but genuinely resolved, implementing robust preventive measures to curtail recurrences. This section expounds on each disciplinary step and serves as a substrate for practical implementation examples, supplementing theoretical insights with real-world applicability.

Step 1: Establish a Team

The cornerstone of any formidable 8D approach begins with assembling a competent team. The wisdom embedded in this initial phase is the recognition that effective problem-solving is not a solitary venture but a collaborative pursuit. A multidisciplinary team brings diverse perspectives that are critical in diagnosing issues accurately and devising solutions effectively.

When determining team composition, the emphasis should be on a mix of skills and expertise relevant to the problem at hand. Roles within the team should be clearly defined to streamline activities and foster accountability. Each member should be well-versed in their responsibilities, from those leading the problem-solving charge to those executing and tracking actions.

Step 2: Describe the Problem

Clarity is vital in the second step, which necessitates delineating the problem with precision. A meticulous description sets the foundation for targeted analysis and actionable solutions. It involves accruing information that is factual, quantifiable, and devoid of assumptions – the cornerstone of an accurate problem portrayal.

Techniques like '5W2H' (who, what, when, where, why, how, how much) can galvanize teams into crafting detailed problem descriptions. An exemplar of a well-articulated problem statement might state, "Machine X has experienced a 15% decline in output quality, resulting in a monthly loss of 200 units of product Y since January due to recurrent mechanical inaccuracies."

Step 3: Develop Interim Containment Actions

Addressing a problem's immediate impact is pivotal to prevent exacerbation as a root cause analysis is conducted. Interim containment actions can be likened to first aid – essential, though not the definitive cure. These measures should be rigorously designed to quell the problem's spread or intensification without creating new issues.

An interim action for the aforementioned issue with Machine X could involve adjusting the production schedule to mitigate output loss while the machine is under examination. This demonstrates a temperate solution, buying time for a comprehensive fix without severely disrupting the production chain.

Step 4: Define and Verify the Root Cause(s)

Singular in its focus yet pluralistic in its approach, this phase is committed to uncovering the underlying reasons for the problem. Root cause identification is a task of surgical precision, necessitating a deep dive into the problem without the constraints of predetermined notions.

Techniques such as the "5 Whys" and "Fishbone Diagram" guide problem solvers through a structured investigation of potential causes. Verification is as crucial as identification, ensuring that purported root causes stand up to scrutiny and testing.

Step 5: Verify Permanent Corrective Action(s)

Once root causes have been established, attention shifts to devising and validating long-term corrective actions. This step traverses the path from theory to practice. It requires a judicious appraisal of potential solutions with a clear-eyed view of their feasibility, effectiveness, and sustainability.

Best practices in this step incorporate piloting solutions on a smaller scale, enabling refinement before full-scale implementation. A well-considered corrective action for Machine X might involve upgrading mechanical components identified as failure points, subject to cost-benefit analysis and potential disruption to the production line.

Step 6: Implementing and Validating Permanent Corrective Actions

This step transitions the plan into reality, pushing the corrective actions beyond the threshold into the operational environment. Careful implementation is the linchpin, with detailed plans and schedules ensuring that actions are well-executed and efficacious.

The validation process is a keystone in affirming that corrective actions deliver the intended improvements. For Machine X, this could entail monitoring post-repair performance metrics over a defined period against pre-issue levels to authenticate the efficacy of the improvements.

Step 7: Preventive Measures

Armed with insights gleaned, the 7th step propels the methodology into preventative mode. Here, the onus is on forestalling a problem’s resurgence by ingraining the lessons learned into the organizational fabric. The aim is to encapsulate these insights in policies, procedures, or system changes.

This could mean revising maintenance schedules or worker training programs for Machine X to include the specific nuances that led to the mechanical inaccuracies, thereby shielding against repeat episodes.

Step 8: Congratulate Your Team

The final step encompasses a human-centered focus on recognition and commendation. Acknowledgment of the team’s efforts reinforces motivation, fosters a positive culture, and encourages engagement in future problem-solving initiatives.

Celebrating the success could manifest in a ceremonious recognition of the team’s achievements, an internal announcement of their contributions, or a tangible expression of appreciation. This not only cements the accomplishment but also propels a sense of camaraderie and collective purpose.

The Importance of the 8D Problem Solving Process

A mature consideration of the 8D problem-solving process corroborates its contributory significance in unraveling complex issues and instituting consequential improvements. The benefits it confers are manifest in enhanced product quality, heightened customer satisfaction, and the stimulation of a proactive problem-solving culture. Challenges do persist, mainly in the form of resistance to change or insufficient training; nevertheless, with a conscientious implementation, these can be navigated.

Moreover, the 8D approach aligns seamlessly with the pursuit of continuous improvement – a cornerstone of many business philosophies such as Lean and Six Sigma. It thus serves not only as a solution framework but also as a catalyst for organizational growth and learning.

In summary, the 8D problem-solving methodology stands out for its disciplined, team-driven, and methodical approach to tackling complex problems. From its historical roots in the automotive industry to its implementation in modern enterprises, its efficacy in achieving sustainable solutions is undoubted. Online certificate programs and problem-solving courses often feature 8D due to its relevance and value across industries.

As this article delineates each step, with practical applications and advice, the message is clear: mastery of 8D is not just for immediate problem resolution – it is a pathway to building a resilient and adaptive organization capable of facing the challenges of an ever-changing business landscape.

What are the key steps involved in the 8D Problem Solving process and how do they interact with each other?

Introduction to the 8d process.

The 8D Problem Solving process stands tall. It is a structured approach. Businesses use it widely. 8D tackles complex problems effectively. It drives teams towards lasting solutions. It also fosters quality and reliability. The "D" denotes eight disciplined steps. These steps guide teams. They identify, correct, and prevent issues.

8D Steps Explained

D1: establish the team.

Form a skilled team first. Diversity matters here. Each member brings insights. Their combined expertise is crucial. Team formation kicks off the process.

D2: Describe the Problem

Articulate the issue clearly. Use quantifiable data here. Understanding the scope matters. Have accurate problem statements ready. They pave the way forward.

D3: Develop Interim Containment Action

Ensure a temporary fix. It limits the problem's impact. Speed is of the essence. However, ensure the action is effective. The goal is to stabilize the situation.

D4: Determine Root Cause

Dig deep into causes. Use data-driven analysis. Techniques include fishbone diagrams. Five Whys is also popular. Root cause analysis is pivotal. It prepares the team for corrective actions.

D5: Design and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions

Choose the best corrective action. Rigorous selection criteria apply. Effectiveness and efficiency matter. Verify through testing. Make certain the solution fits.

D6: Implement and Validate Permanent Corrective Actions

Roll out the solution. Watch closely for results. Validation takes place here. Use performance indicators for this. They must indicate that the solution works.

D7: Prevent Recurrence

Embed the improvement. Update systems and policies. Training may be necessary. Maintain the gains. This step safeguards the future. Documentation is important here.

D8: Congratulate the Team

Never overlook recognition. Acknowledge everyone's efforts. Celebrate the success achieved. It boosts team morale. It also promotes a culture of quality.

Interplay Between Steps

The interdependence is strong. Each step builds on the previous one. For example, a strong team in D1 enhances problem understanding in D2. Similarly, effective interim actions in D3 set the stage for a thorough root cause analysis in D4.

The verification in D5 ensures the solution from D4 is sound. Implementation in D6 then relies on the verified action. To prevent recurrence (D7), one must understand the root cause. The entire process relies on clear communication. Team recognition (D8) closes the loop neatly. It paves the way for future problem-solving success.

In essence, the 8D steps are interlinked. Each step informs the next. Teams achieve the best results by following the sequence. They also adapt as needed. 8D enforces a discipline that leads to high-quality results. The interaction between steps ensures problems do not just disappear. They stay solved. This is the power of an integrated problem-solving approach.

Can you provide some practical examples of the effective application of 8D Problem Solving strategies in real-life settings?

Understanding 8d problem solving.

8D problem solving stands for Eight Disciplines. It involves steps that teams must follow. Starting from identifying problems , it goes until preventing reoccurrences . Companies use 8D to tackle complex issues. Its main goal remains quality improvement.

Here are practical examples where 8D shines.

Example 1: Automotive Industry

D0: Plan - An auto manufacturer formed a team. Their goal was clear: resolve brake failures.

D1: Team Formation - They gathered experts from diverse fields. Collaboration was key here.

D2: Describe the Problem - They identified specific issues. Customers reported brakes failing at high speeds.

D3: Develop Interim Containment - They distributed quick-fix kits to dealerships. This ensured immediate customer safety.

D4: Determine Root Causes - A deep dive ensued. The team discovered a faulty brake fluid line.

D5: Choose and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions (PCAs) - They redesigned the brake line. Then they tested it under rigorous conditions.

D6: Implement and Validate PCAs - The new design went into production. Ongoing assessments confirmed its effectiveness.

D7: Take Preventive Measures - They updated their design guidelines. Thus, they eliminated the possibility of similar failures.

D8: Congratulate Your Team - Management recognized the team's effort. This promoted a culture of problem-solving.

Example 2: Electronics Manufacturer

D0: Plan - A sudden surge in returned gadgets prompted action.

D1: Team Formation - A cross-functional team took charge. They had one aim: find the flaw.

D2: Describe the Problem - Devices were overheating during usage. Anxiety among customers grew.

D3: Develop Interim Containment - They halted the production line. Assessing risks was necessary.

D4: Determine Root Causes - Detailed analysis revealed a substandard battery component.

D5: Choose and Verify PCAs - They sourced a higher quality component. Subsequent tests showed promising results.

D6: Implement and Validate PCAs - They integrated the new component into production. Monitoring phases ensured it was a fix.

D7: Take Preventive Measures - They revamped their quality control protocols. Now they could avoid similar issues.

D8: Congratulate Your Team - The team's innovative approach earned praise. They set new standards in their processes.

Example 3: Food Packaging Company

D0: Plan - Reports of packaging leaks triggered an 8D.

D1: Team Formation - Experts from production to distribution joined forces. They understood the stakes were high.

D2: Describe the Problem - The leaks were sporadic but damaging. Food safety concerns escalated.

D3: Develop Interim Containment - They removed compromised products from shelves. Protecting the consumer was paramount.

D4: Determine Root Causes - Investigation exposed a sealing machine defect.

D5: Choose and Verify PCAs - Engineers redesigned the sealing mechanism. Trials followed, proving success.

D6: Implement and Validate PCAs - The updated machines replaced the old ones. Continuous evaluations followed to assure quality.

D7: Take Preventive Measures - They introduced more rigorous maintenance routines. They aimed to preempt future failures.

D8: Congratulate Your Team - The swift and thorough response earned accolades. They reinforced trust in their brand.

8D's Practical Value

Each example showcases 8D's potential. This problem-solving framework adapts to various scenarios. Through structured teamwork and analysis, it guides toward sustainable solutions. It helps in ensuring the same problem does not occur twice. Businesses across different sectors find 8D crucial for their continuous improvement efforts. It underlines that a methodical approach to problem-solving can yield significant long-term benefits.

How is the effectiveness and success of the 8D Problem Solving approach measured in practical applications?

Introduction to 8d problem solving.

The 8D Problem Solving approach stands as a structured methodology. It aims to address and resolve critical issues within an organization. Rooted in the team-oriented approach, 8D follows eight disciplined steps. These steps ensure a comprehensive and effective resolution process. The process includes identifying the problem, implementing interim controls, defining root causes, developing a corrective action plan, taking corrective actions, validating those actions, preventing recurrence, and finally congratulating the team.

Measuring Effectiveness and Success

Quantitative metrics.

Timeliness of Response

The promptness of the initial response is critical. It alerts stakeholders to the emergence and acknowledgment of the issue.

Problem Recurrence Rates

A key success indicator is the frequency of problem recurrence. A declining trend signifies effective corrective actions.

Financial Impact

Cost savings or avoidance measures the fiscal efficiency of the resolution. It counts both direct and indirect factors.

Cycle Time Reduction

Improvements in processes can lead to shorter cycle times. This reflects efficiency gains from the 8D implementation.

Qualitative Metrics

Quality of Documentation

Comprehensive documentation ensures thorough issue analysis. It captures the nuances of the problem-solving journey.

Stakeholder Satisfaction

Feedback from affected parties gauges the outcome’s acceptability. Satisfaction levels can direct future interventions.

Knowledge Transfer

Disseminating learnings enhances organizational capability. Sharing insights leads to broader, preventive measures.

Team Cohesion and Growth

Personal and team development signal process benefits. Such growth provides intangible value to the organization.

Practical Application and Continuous Improvement

In practical applications, tailoring metrics to contexts is vital. Unique business environments demand specific success criteria. Therefore, adapting the approach and its measurement system is necessary.

Organizations may employ a combination of tangible and intangible metrics. Aligning these to strategic goals ensures relevance. The 8D Process receives fine-tuning through iterative cycles. Each cycle offers an opportunity for enhanced problem-solving efficacy.

The Importance of Measure Standardization

Standardizing the measurement process ensures consistency. It aids in comparing and benchmarking against best practices. Homogeneity in measures facilitates clearer communication. It enhances the understanding of successes and areas for improvement.

Revisiting and Refining the 8D Process

Upon completion, a rigorous review of the 8D process is crucial. It ensures learnings lead to process refinement. Alterations in measures might follow to better reflect evolving business needs. This ongoing evolution drives the sustained value of the 8D methodology.

The 8D Problem Solving approach, with its disciplined steps, delivers a robust framework. Measuring its effectiveness requires a blend of quantitative and qualitative metrics. These metrics, when standardized and continually refined, offer a clear lens to assess the 8D process's success. They help organizations not just to solve problems but to evolve in their problem-solving capabilities.

A middle-aged man is seen wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. His hair is slightly tousled, and he looks off to the side, suggesting he is deep in thought. He is wearing a navy blue sweater, and his hands are folded in front of him. His facial expression is one of concentration and contemplation. He appears to be in an office, with a white wall in the background and a few bookshelves visible behind him. He looks calm and composed.

He is a content producer who specializes in blog content. He has a master's degree in business administration and he lives in the Netherlands.

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A woman in a white turtleneck and black jacket stands in a grassy field in front of a large haystack. She is looking directly at the camera, with a thoughtful expression on her face. In the background, there is a black background with white text, including a white letter O on the bottom right corner. The sun is shining, and the sky is clear, with a few white clouds. The haystack is in the center of the field, and the grass is lush and green. The woman stands out against the natural environment, making the scene even more striking. The colors of the image are vivid, and the contrast between the woman and the haystack creates an interesting dynamic.

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A close-up of a pile of papers on a table, with various sheets of paper of various sizes and colors scattered around. A white letter 'O' is seen on a black background in the upper left corner of the image. In the lower right corner, a woman is seen wearing a white turtleneck and a black jacket. In the middle of the image, a close-up of a book with a bookmark is visible. Lastly, a screenshot of a black and white photo of a woman is seen in the upper right corner. The papers, letter, woman, book, and photo all appear to be on the same table, creating an interesting image that is suitable for use in an image caption dataset.

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8d discipline problem solving

8D Chess: How to Use The 8 Disciplines for Problem Solving

8d discipline problem solving

Hospitals have developed something of a reputation for being rife with bad processes . When processes aren’t adequate, the result is an abundance of “workarounds”.

For example, when equipment or supplies are missing, a nurse might waste time running around searching for what is needed, and once the item is found, return to their previous duties.

One study indicates that nurses spend 33 minutes of a 7.5-hour shift completing workarounds that are not part of their job description.

This may well “put out the fire” so-to-speak, but really it is just a hastily applied band-aid that does nothing to treat the root cause of the problem.

More time is wasted and more problems will arise in the future because nothing has been done to prevent the initial problem from happening again.

Individual nurses are not at fault here; workplace culture often values expertise in the form of those who “get the job done”, which tends to pull against the notion of spending time building good processes (time in which the job is perhaps not “getting done”).

So how to approach the problem of problem solving ?

In a lean context, problem solving can be distilled into two simple questions:

  • What is the problem and how did it happen?
  • How can we make sure that it doesn’t happen again?

The 8D, or eight disciplines methodology, is a problem solving process – most likely one of the most widely used problem solving processes out there. It is used by many different countries, in many different industries, and many different organizations.

8D is designed to help you put out those fires, and make sure they don’t happen again.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to the 8D problem solving methodology and provide you with an outline of the basic process that you can hopefully apply in your own business, plus how you can enhance 8D with other tools and methodologies like Six Sigma , FMEA , and Process Street .

Here’s what I hope you’ll take away after reading:

  • An understanding of the basics of 8D
  • Advantages of using 8D
  • The purpose and objectives of each phase of the 8D process
  • An understanding of how to use 8D for problem solving
  • How 8D works with other problem solving tools
  • How you can use Process Street to maximize the potential of the 8D framework

Let’s begin with the origins of 8D – what is it, and where did it come from?

What is 8D?

8D (sometimes Global 8D or G8D) stands for eight disciplines, and is a problem solving methodology. It’s basically a process for understanding and preventing problems.

Much like how risk management seeks to take a proactive, preventative stance, 8D aims to gain insight into the root causes of why the problems happen, so they won’t happen again.

The 8D process involves eight (sometimes nine) steps to solve difficult, recurring problems. It’s a transparent, team-based approach that will help you solve more problems in your business.

8D origins: Where did it come from?

8d discipline problem solving

Despite the popular story that 8D originated at Ford, it was in fact developed in 1974 by the US Department of Defence, ultimately taking the form of the military standard 1520 Corrective Action and Disposition System for Nonconforming Material .

Ford took this military standard, which was essentially a process for quality management , and expanded on it to include more robust problem solving methods.

In 1987, Ford Motor Company published their manual, Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS) , which included their first iteration of the 8D methodology.

Initially termed Global 8D (or G8D) standard, it is currently used by Ford and many other companies in the automotive supply chain.

8D, PDSA, & other problem solving processes

problem solving processes

The disciplines of 8D follow the same logic as the Deming Cycle (also known as PDSA, and sometimes PDCA).

PDSA stands for Plan, Do, Study, Act (or Check, in the case of PDCA).

The similarity lies in the fact that both PDSA and 8D are designed to be used to improve processes. They’re both examples of cycles of continuous improvement.

Whereas 8D may be painted as a more generic problem-solving framework, structurally speaking both 8D and PDSA share a lot in common.

The simple idea of beginning with a clear objective, or desired output, and then testing, analyzing , and iteratively tweaking in a continuous cycle is the basis for both methodologies.

There are, of course, differences. We’ll cover the different applications of both 8D and PDSA in this article.

8D advantages

8d discipline problem solving

One of the main strengths of 8D is its focus on teamwork. 8D philosophy encourages the idea that teams, as a whole, are more powerful than the sum of the individual qualities of each team member.

It’s also an empirical methodology; that is to say that it is a fact-based problem solving process.

A branch of continuous improvement, proper use of 8D will help you coordinate your entire team for effective problem solving and improved implementation of just about all of the processes used in your business.

The 8 disciplines for problem solving

As you may have noticed, we’re starting with zero, which makes nine total disciplines. This “zero” stage was developed as an initial planning step.

D0: Plan adequately

Make comprehensive plans for solving the problem including any prerequisites you might determine.

Be sure to include emergency response actions.

D1: Establish your team

Establish your core team with relevant product or process knowledge. This team will provide you with the perspective and ideas needed for the problem solving process.

The team should consist of about five people, from various cross-functional departments. All individuals should have relevant process knowledge.

A varied group will offer you a variety of different perspectives from which to observe the problem.

It is advisable to establish team structure, roles, and objectives as far ahead in advance as possible so that corrective action can begin as quickly and effectively as possible.

D2: Describe the problem

Have your team gather information and data related to the problem or symptom. Using clear, quantifiable terms, unpack the problem by asking:

D3: Contain the problem (temporary damage control)

Depending on the circumstances, you may need to mobilize some kind of temporary fix, or “firefighting”.

The focus of this stage should be on preventing the problem from getting worse, until a more permanent solution can be identified and implemented.

D4: Identify, describe, and verify root causes

In preparation for permanent corrective action, you must identify, describe, and verify all possible causes that could contribute to the problem happening.

You can use various techniques for this, including a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis , or Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram .

It’s important that the root causes are systematically identified, described in detail, and promptly verified (or proved). How each cause is verified will depend on the data type and the nature of the problem.

Take a look at the section towards the end of this article for some more problem solving tools to help you decide the right approach.

D5: Identify corrective actions

You must verify that the corrective action you identified will in fact solve the problem and prevent it from happening again in the future (or whatever is your desired threshold of recurrence).

The best way to do this is to collect as much data as possible and by performing smaller-scale “pilot” tests to get an idea of the corrective action’s impact.

You can’t begin to identify the optimal corrective action until you have identified the root cause(s) of the problem.

D6: Implement and validate corrective actions

Carry out the corrective actions, and monitor short and long term effects. During this stage, you should assess and validate the corrective actions with empirical evidence.

Discuss and review results with your team.

D7: Take preventative measures (to avoid the problem happening again)

Here is where you make any necessary changes to your processes, standard operating procedures , policies , and anything else to make sure the problem does not happen again.

It may not be possible to completely eliminate any chance of the problem recurring; in that case, efforts should focus on minimizing possibility of recurrence as much as possible.

D8: Congratulate your team

It’s important to recognize the joint contribution of each and every one of the individuals that were involved in the process.

Team members should feel valued and rewarded for their efforts; this is crucial and perhaps the most important step – after all, without the team, the problem would not have been fixed.

Providing positive feedback and expressing appreciation helps to keep motivation high, which in turn improves the sense of process ownership and simply increases the likelihood your team will actually want to improve internal processes in the future.

How to use 8D for problem solving

The 8D method above outlines a proven strategy for identifying and dealing with problems. It’s an effective problem solving and problem prevention process.

In addition to avoiding long-term damage from recurring problems, 8D also helps to mitigate customer impact as much as possible.

More than just a problem-solving methodology, 8D sits alongside Six Sigma and other lean frameworks and can easily be integrated with them to minimize training and maximize efficacy.

8D is definitely a powerful framework on its own, but it really shines when combined with other synergistic concepts of lean and continuous improvement.

More problem solving tools that synergize well with 8D

8D has become a leading framework for process improvement, and in many ways it is more prescriptive and robust than other more simplistic Six Sigma approaches.

However, there are many Six Sigma methodologies, and even more frameworks for problem solving and process improvement .

The following improvement tools are often used within or alongside the 8D methodology.

DMAIC: Lean Six Sigma

dmaic process

DMAIC stands for:

The DMAIC process is a data-driven cycle of process improvement designed for businesses to help identify flaws or inefficiencies in processes.

Simply put, the goal with DMAIC is to improve and optimize existing processes.

Interestingly, the development of the DMAIC framework is credited to Motorola , whose work built upon the systems initially developed by Toyota .

In terms of working alongside 8D, you could use DMAIC to identify root causes as in D4; you could also implement the same techniques to better understand prospects for corrective actions as in D5, and D6.

We have a whole article on the DMAIC process, if you’re interested.

SWOT analysis

swot analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can use a SWOT analysis to gain insight into your organization as a whole, or on individual processes.

The main synergy with 8D is in the identification of opportunities, threats, and weaknesses.

These can represent opportunities for process improvements, weaknesses in your process that could produce problems further down the line, and threats, both internal and external, that may be out of your direct control but that could cause problems for you.

Here’s a SWOT analysis checklist you can use to structure your own analysis:

FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

fmea process

FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is a way of understanding the potential for problems and making preemptive preparations in order to avoid them. It is a method of risk management .

It is a type of preventative risk management process, and so works well in the context of identifying causes of problems so you can better deal with them.

FMEA and 8D work well together because:

  • 8D can make use of information gathered during an FMEA process, like brainstorming sessions, to identify potential problems and their root causes.
  • You can reuse possible cause information gathered during an FMEA process to feed into different representational diagrams like the Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram, which will help in the 8D process.
  • 8D brainstorming data is useful for new process design. This allows the FMEA to take actual process failures into account, which produces more effective results.
  • FMEA completed in the past can be used as databases of potential root causes of problems to inform 8D process development.

Here’s a free FMEA template for you to get started ASAP:

The Pareto Chart

The Pareto Chart helps us understand the impact of different variations of input on our output.

In relation to 8D, Pareto Charts can help us prioritize which root cause to target, based on which will have the greatest impact on improvement (where improvement is the desired output of the 8D process).

Here’s the Six Sigma Institute’s example Pareto Chart :

8d discipline problem solving

Here we have a simple deductive reasoning technique that asks “why?” five times to dig into the root cause of a problem.

The logic here is that by asking the same question five times, you work progressively “deeper” into the complexity of the problem from a single point of focus.

Ideally, by the fifth question you should have something that has a high likelihood of being a root cause.

This example from Wikipedia does a great job of conveying how the process works:

  • The vehicle will not start. (the problem)
  • Why? – The battery is dead. (First why)
  • Why? – The alternator is not functioning. (Second why)
  • Why? – The alternator belt has broken. (Third why)
  • Why? – The alternator belt was well beyond its useful service life and not replaced. (Fourth why)
  • Why? – The vehicle was not maintained according to the recommended service schedule. (Fifth why, a root cause)

Ishikawa diagrams (fishbone diagrams)

Sometimes called “cause-and-effect diagrams”, they are as such used to visualize the cause and effect of problems.

The approach takes six different categories and places information about the problem into different categories to help you understand what factors could be contributing to the problem.

One advantage over the 5 Whys approach is the way this method forces a more holistic perspective, as opposed to the potentially narrow vantage point offered by zooming in on a single aspect or question.

According to the Six Sigma Institute, the 6 key variables pertaining to root causes of problems are:

  • Machine: Root causes related to tools used to execute the process.
  • Material: Root causes related to information and forms needed to execute the process.
  • Nature: Root causes related to our work environment, market conditions, and regulatory issues.
  • Measure: Root causes related to the process measurement.
  • Method: Root causes related to procedures, hand-offs, input-output issues.
  • People: Root causes related people and organizations.

There’s also this useful illustration of a company using a fishbone diagram to better understand what factors contribute to a company’s high turn around time.

8d discipline problem solving

Gap analysis

gap analysis graph

A gap analysis is concerned with three key elements:

  • The current situation, or “performance”
  • The ideal situation, or “potential”
  • What needs to be done in order to get from performance to potential, or “bridging the gap”

The “gap” is what separates your current situation from your ideal situation.

Businesses that perform a gap analysis can improve their efficiency and better understand how to improve processes and products.

They can help to better optimize how time, money, and human resources are spent in business.

There’s a lot that goes into a gap analysis, and quite a few different ways to approach it. Check out our article for a deeper dive into the gap analysis process.

Superpowered checklists

Checklists can be a great way to simplify a complex process into a series of smaller, easy-to-manage tasks. They’re one of the best ways to start using processes in your business.

By using checklists, you can reduce the amount of error in your workflow , while saving time and money by eliminating confusion and uncertainty.

What’s more, if you’re using Process Street, you have access to advanced features like conditional logic , rich form fields and streamlined template editing .

How to use Process Street for 8D problem solving

Good problem solving relies on good process. If you’re trying to solve problems effectively, the last thing you want is your tools getting in your way.

What you want is a seamless experience from start to finish of the 8D methodology.

The best kinds of processes are actionable. That’s why you should consider using a BPM software like Process Street to streamline recurring tasks and eliminate manual work with automation .

Process Street’s mission statement is to make recurring work fun, fast, and faultless. By breaking down a process into bite-sized tasks , you can get more done and stay on top of your workload.

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Problem solving is an invaluable skill. What’s your go-to process for problem solving? We’d love to know how it compares with the 8D method. Let us know in the comments!

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8d discipline problem solving

Oliver Peterson

Oliver Peterson is a content writer for Process Street with an interest in systems and processes, attempting to use them as tools for taking apart problems and gaining insight into building robust, lasting solutions.

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8D Problem Solving | How We Leverage The 8 Disciplines

Posted on September 6, 2019

BY Borja Gomez

8 minutes, 21 seconds read

8d problem solving

The 8D problem-solving model is an invaluable tool for when things go wrong or need to be improved. It’s a collaborative and methodical approach to addressing critical problems, often used to enhance production processes. It does this by facilitating root cause analysis, containment plan development, and corrective solution implementation.  

When it comes to manufacturing, service delivery, or any number of other disciplines, problems will occur. It’s common for businesses to experience issues with product quality, process changes, or scaling their operations. Recurring problems cost businesses money, use up resources, and decrease efficiency. These issues can also frustrate customers, disengage team members, and concern shareholders, so it’s crucial to address them quickly and that is exactly what 8d does.

  In order to resolve issues and drive improvement , it’s important to understand what’s at the core and then be proactive in addressing it. Whether you need to identify the root cause of a problem, take short-term corrective actions, or implement a permanent long-term solution, the 8D method can help. In this article, we explore how, when, and why to use the 8D problem-solving approach.

What is 8D Problem Solving?

8D problem solving is a practical approach to addressing negative issues in business. The ‘8D’ stands for ‘eight disciplines’ which provide a structured framework that project teams can work through. By following the analysis and steps that it outlines, organizations can solve problems that are critical to operations or particularly challenging.

  This model was initially used by the US military during the Second World War. It was known as the ‘Team Oriented Problem Solving’ (TOPS) method which Ford Motors later popularized. The automotive manufacturer refined the process and tools.  It was then renamed to the Eight Disciplines (8D) of Problem Solving. 8D is sometimes confused as a lean six sigma tool but it actually isn’t one. However, 8D can be useful in Kaizen continuous improvement efforts and striving towards lean processes.

Why Use These 8 Disciplines?

The goal of 8D problem solving and 8D methodology is to contain and solve the primary root causes of a problem and state corrective actions for problem solving. 8D provides a framework for undertaking the initial analysis to get the right data and information, pilot testing, and final execution of a solution. Addressing issues in this way is beneficial for a number of reasons;

  •         Containment – the eight disciplines problem-solving approach allows you to first contain the issue at it’s cause so that its negative effects are mitigated.
  •         Root cause analysis (RCA) – it then enables you to identify the core of the problem so that an effective solution can be found and repetitions of the issue are avoided.
  •         Increases successful outcomes – using a proven framework like 8D problem-solving increases the likelihood that an issue will be solved successfully and for the long term.
  •         Efficiency – the 8D model identifies causes that can negatively impact efficiency and productivity so that businesses operate to their fullest potential.
  •         Profitability – removing problems means that operations run more smoothly and there are fewer customer refunds, both of which contribute to greater profitability.

Enabled by PDCA, problem-solving and corrective actions allows companies to execute containment in a collaborative manner. It facilitates the analysis of root causes and the implementation of both corrective and preventative actions. It provides a structured approach that is transparent and enables cross-functional collaboration so that the best possible solution is found.

Who 8D Can Help

Most organizations have problems that need solving, so the 8D methodology is universally applicable. However, there are industries and sectors where this structured approach is particularly useful;

  •         Manufacturing – automotive industry and engineering companies that manufacture products or parts.
  •         Companies looking to scale – as it’s important to iron out any kinks in processes and procedures in the data before scaling (when small problems quickly become magnified).
  •         Medium and large-scale enterprises – those that have scaled, but are still experiencing growing pains.

How to Apply the 8D Disciplines

Applying the 8Ds is a matter of working through the eight disciplines in order. Here’s an overview of those steps and disciplines that form the 8D framework;

  •         D1: Create a team
  •         D2: Describe the problem
  •         D3: Develop a containment plan
  •         D4: Identify and verify root causes
  •         D5: Validate permanent solutions
  •         D6: Define and implement countermeasures or corrective action
  •         D7: Prevention measures
  •         D8: Congratulate the team

Now let’s look at how to apply each of these disciplines in a little more detail.

D1: Create a team

Create a team with people who are members of different functions or disciplines. Having varied backgrounds and experiences will lead to the best quality inputs and most rounded end solutions. It’s recommended to have a team leader and define clear roles for your people so that the team operates smoothly from the start.

D2: Describe the problem

The problem needs to be objectively defined in a way that captures all of the key information. During this analysis, It can be helpful to ask what, who, where, when, how, and how much in order to develop a clear description.  So an important part of 8D is to ask the right questions:  

  •         What – what is happening?
  •         Who – who is being affected?
  •         Where – where is it occurring?
  •         When – when and how frequently is it happening?
  •         How – how does the problem take place?
  •         How much – quantify the impact of the problem

D3: Develop a containment plan

A quick fix is sometimes needed to solve the problem temporarily until a permanent solution can be found. After an initial analysis of the data, it might be necessary to ensure that further people or customers aren’t affected or the problem doesn’t worsen before being resolved with an interim containment strategy. Once you’ve developed an interim containment plan with they hypothetical causes, it can help to free up resources for addressing the main problem.  

D4: Identify and verify root causes

In order to solve a problem successfully, it’s vital to identify all of the root cause elements. If one is missed, then a problem may reoccur in the future despite your improvement efforts. There are several tools that can help you to identify the true root cause of an issue, including the 5 Whys and Fishbone diagrams.

D5: Validate permanent solutions

Once the root causes are understood in the 8D data, the team can begin brainstorming permanent corrections. It’s important to think through all of the options fully to understand whether there are any unwanted implications or possible side-effects. Although one solution should be agreed upon, it can be beneficial to have plan B or C options too.

D6: Define and implement countermeasures or corrective action

Once a solution is identified, it can be implemented. The outcomes and corrective actions should be carefully tracked to ensure the results are as expected. The PDCA (plan-do-check-act) approach is particularly useful in this regard as it allows for small-scale testing before large-scale rollout.

D7: Prevention measures

Solving problems fully means preventing them from occurring in the first place. In addition to corrective actions in the 8D methodology, preventative measures should also be implemented. This may involve reviewing management processes, operating procedures, and training manuals to ensure that best practices are followed.

D8: Congratulate the team

Once the problem is solved, the final step is to congratulate the team. It’s important to recognize their efforts and share their success across the organization. This aids motivation and employee engagement, while encouraging others to also be proactive in addressing root causes with corrective actions.

It’s often helpful to use a digital tool for managing and executing 8D problem solving. This streamlines the entire process of project management and result tracking. Lean manufacturing software like Rever makes the problem-solving process quicker and easier by consolidating information, communication, and implementation into one handy tool. It can help you improve quality control, execute process improvements, and aid change management as you grow.

Your 8D Problem Solving & Continuous Improvement Tool

Rever’s innovative software is all about sharing and reusing, doing, and tracking. Continuous improvement becomes a hundred times easier with our innovative digital tools that support 8D. Using Rever’s dashboard, you can monitor the performances of your teams, the summary of their impact, and easily identify the people making the biggest difference at your company.

Rever Cycle is our version of the 8D methodology and guides your teams on corrective action with the exact steps to follow to execute their own ideas. Our platform leverages the 8 disciplines, causing teams to capture the entire process, from identifying a problem at it’s cause to experimenting and implementing a data-driven corrective action. They can use it to capture the before and after with pictures, notes and drawings, making their ideas a reality in no time. The time of your team is too valuable to be wasted in handmade drawings and complex explanations.

At Rever, we believe that anybody can be a knowledge worker and thrive. What makes us human is the capacity to grow our intellect and will, and to use them for good. We observe, especially at work, that most people are asked to stop thinking and do as they are told. We want to change that. We enable people to achieve their full creative potential with all the right tools.

Would you like to learn more about 8D problem solving software and how your company can benefit? Then get a demo today with one of our friendly continuous improvement experts.

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8d discipline problem solving


Mastering the 8D Problem Solving Method: A Comprehensive Guide

8D Problem Solving

It is often said that “a stitch in time saves nine.” Efficient problem-solving is an essential skill , especially in a professional environment.

When it comes to addressing complex issues, the 8D Problem Solving method has gained significant traction across various industries. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the 8D Problem Solving method, its history, and its application across multiple sectors.

History of the 8D Problem Solving Method

The 8D Problem Solving approach has its origins in World War II when the American military was under intense pressure to produce reliable weapons as quickly as feasible.

The military established a methodical approach to problem-solving, focusing on quality control and continual improvement, to ensure that resources were used effectively.

This was the first instance of what would later develop into the 8D technique.

The writings of Walter Shewhart , W. Edwards Deming , and Joseph M. Juran , who set the groundwork for contemporary quality control and continuous improvement ideas, had a substantial impact on the development of the 8D Problem Solving approach.

These guidelines stress the value of data-driven decision-making and the necessity for businesses to take a pro-active approach to problem-solving.

The Ford Motor Company faced intense competition from Japanese automakers in the 1980s, which caused it to struggle.

Ford used quality control and continuous improvement as its guiding principles and included the 8D Problem Solving process into its business practices to regain its footing.

The automobile sector adopted the 8D methodology widely as a result of the initiative’s success.

The 8D Problem Solving approach gained popularity outside of the automobile industry as it showed continuous promise.

The 8D methodology is now being used by businesses in a variety of industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, and technology, to solve complicated issues, enhance their operations, and guarantee customer happiness.

The 8D Problem Solving approach has attained widespread acceptance throughout a number of industries.

It is a potent tool for businesses looking to improve their problem-solving skills and promote long-term success due to its systematic approach, emphasis on teamwork, and emphasis on continual improvement.

The Eight Disciplines of 8D Problem Solving

8d discipline problem solving

D1: Form a Team

Assembling a diverse team with relevant expertise

The first phase in the 8D process is to put together a varied team of people with the necessary knowledge, making sure that all viewpoints and skill sets are represented. This multidisciplinary approach makes it easier to recognize problems and produce creative solutions.

Defining roles and responsibilities

The tasks and responsibilities of each team member must be established once the team has been constituted. Team members can work cooperatively and effectively by setting clear expectations, ensuring that everyone’s abilities are utilized to the utmost extent. It keeps the problem-solving process on track and upholds accountability.

D2: Define the Problem

Accurate problem description

Accurately characterizing the current problem is the second discipline of the 8D technique. In order to do this, the team must acquire pertinent data, analyze it, and create a clear, succinct statement describing the problem. A focused and efficient problem-solving approach is built on a well identified problem.

Gathering data and identifying root causes

To create long-lasting solutions, the problem’s underlying causes must be determined. The team must gather information from a variety of sources, such as consumer feedback, product testing, or process performance measurements, in order to accomplish this. The team is able to uncover patterns, trends, and potential fundamental causes thanks to this data-driven approach, which also ensures that the problem-solving procedure is unbiased and grounded in facts.

D3: Develop an Interim Containment Plan

Quick, temporary solutions

Minimizing the effects of a problem is crucial in the field of problem solving. Creating an interim containment strategy, which offers quick, temporary solutions to the issue, is the third discipline in the 8D technique. These quick fixes aid in limiting the harm, stopping more problems, and buying the team some time while they produce a more long-term fix.

Mitigating damage and preventing further issues

It is essential to keep an eye on the interim containment plan’s efficacy and adjust as necessary as you go. This guarantees that the short-term fix works to contain the harm and stop the issue from getting worse. Any lessons learnt during this phase should also be recorded by the team because they will be helpful in creating the ultimate corrective action.

D4: Identify Root Causes

8D Problem Solving-Root Cause

Root cause analysis techniques

The fourth discipline of the 8D technique entails examining the issue more closely in order to determine its underlying causes. Various root cause analysis methods, including the Five Whys, Fishbone Diagram, and Fault Tree Analysis, must be used in this situation. The team may create focused solutions that address the issue at its source rather than just treating its symptoms by determining the fundamental causes of the problem.

Verifying root causes through data

Verifying potential root causes with data is crucial after the team has discovered them. Taking this step, the team can avoid being misled by assumptions or unrelated elements and instead concentrate on the real core cause. The team may be confident that their suggested remedies will be successful in tackling the problem by validating the main causes using data.

D5: Choose and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions

Developing and evaluating potential solutions

The team can now consider various solutions after determining the root reasons. “Two heads are better than one,” as the saying goes, and this collaborative process frequently produces innovative and useful ideas. The team should assess each alternative after producing a list of potential corrective actions based on elements including feasibility, cost, and potential impact. This makes it more likely that the selected solution will be both workable and efficient.

Implementing and verifying chosen solution

It’s crucial to assess the effectiveness of the chosen solution before fully applying it. A small-scale trial or a pilot program can be used to accomplish this. The team may be certain that their selected corrective action will be successful when used on a bigger scale by confirming the solution’s success in resolving the issue.

D6: Implement Permanent Corrective Actions

Developing a detailed action plan

The team must create a thorough action plan for putting the selected solution into practice when it has been verified. This strategy should specify the actions, materials, and timetable required for a full integration of the solution into the organization’s operations. A comprehensive action plan makes for an effective implementation that minimizes any hiccups or setbacks.

Monitoring implementation and adjusting as needed

It’s essential to keep an eye on the permanent remedial action’s development and adjust, as necessary. The team may make sure that the solution is properly integrated and produces the required results by remaining alert and reacting to any unforeseen obstacles.

D7: Prevent Recurrence

Identifying potential future issues

The 8D method’s seventh discipline focuses on predicting prospective problems that might develop in the future from comparable underlying causes. The team can help to prevent repeat incidences and continuously enhance the organization’s procedures by foreseeing and addressing these possible issues.

Adjusting processes and procedures to prevent recurrence

The team should analyze and make any necessary modifications to the organization’s systems and procedures to stop the issue from happening again. This can entail creating new quality control procedures, updating the documentation, or changing the training materials. Implementing these changes, the company can promote a climate of continuous development and make sure that the lessons discovered throughout the problem-solving procedure are incorporated into every aspect of its day-to-day work.

D8: Congratulate the Team

Recognizing team achievements

It’s important to acknowledge the team’s effort and commitment when the 8D technique has been implemented successfully. Celebrating their accomplishments promotes a sense of ownership, boosts morale, and encourages continuing commitment to ongoing growth.

Sharing lessons learned with the organization

The team should share their lessons learned with the broader organization. Doing so, they can help to disseminate the knowledge gained during the problem-solving process, fostering a culture of learning and improvement throughout the company.

Practical Application of the 8D Problem Solving Method

8D Problem Solving

Numerous industries, including aerospace, automotive, healthcare, manufacturing, and technology, have successfully used the 8D Problem Solving method. These actual instances show how adaptable and successful the system is at solving a variety of challenging issues .

Although the 8D method offers a structured approach to problem-solving, it is crucial to customize the procedure to the particular requirements and context of the current problem.

This could entail modifying the chronology, modifying the root cause analysis methods, or adding new data sources.

The team can ensure the most efficient problem-solving procedure by continuing to be adaptable and flexible.

Tips for Successful 8D Problem Solving Implementation

8D Problem Solving

Emphasizing clear communication

Clear communication is the lifeblood of effective problem-solving.

Throughout the 8D process, the team should prioritize open and honest communication, ensuring that all members have a thorough understanding of the problem, the chosen solution, and their individual responsibilities.

Fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement

A collaborative and improvement-focused culture is key to the success of the 8D method.

Encouraging open dialogue, mutual support, and ongoing learning, the organization can create an environment in which the 8D method can thrive.

Employing project management tools and techniques

Project management tools and techniques can be invaluable in facilitating the 8D process.

Using tools such as Gantt charts, project management software, or Kanban boards, the team can better track progress, allocate resources, and manage timelines.

These tools can help to keep the problem-solving process organized and efficient, ensuring that the team stays on track and achieves their goals.

Final Thoughts

The 8D Problem Solving method is an effective and adaptable way for tackling complicated challenges in a variety of industries.

Organizations may methodically identify and address problems, stop them from happening again, and promote a culture of continuous improvement and adhering to the eight disciplines.

As we’ve seen, the 8D method’s effectiveness depends on putting together a varied team, upholding clear communication, customizing the procedure for particular circumstances, and using efficient project management tools and approaches.

We urge you to use the 8D Problem Solving method inside your organization now that you have a thorough understanding of it.

Doing this, you may not only address issues more quickly, but also unleash the long-term growth potential of your company.

If you can master the 8D approach, your business will have a better future and you’ll be well-equipped to traverse the waters of problem-solving.

Q: What is the 8D Problem Solving method?

A : A systematic strategy for addressing complicated challenges across multiple industries is the 8D Problem Solving method. It consists of eight disciplines that help firms recognize problems, find solutions, stop them from happening again, and promote a continuous improvement culture.

Q: What are the origins of the 8D Problem Solving method?

A : The United States military created a systematic approach to problem-solving during World War II that was centered on quality control and continual improvement, and this is where the 8D technique got its start. The Ford Motor Company later adopted and promoted the technique in the 1980s.

Q: What are the eight disciplines of the 8D Problem Solving method?

A : The eight disciplines of the 8D method are

  • Form a Team
  • Define the Problem
  • Develop an Interim Containment Plan
  • Identify Root Causes
  • Choose and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions
  • Implement Permanent Corrective Actions
  • Prevent Recurrence
  • Congratulate the Team

Q: How can the 8D method be applied across different industries?

A : The 8D method is adaptable and may be used to solve a wide variety of complicated problems in a number of different industries, including manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and technology. Organizations should modify the process to match the particular requirements and context of the current challenge in order to utilize the 8D technique effectively.

Q : What are some tips for successfully implementing the 8D Problem Solving method?

A : To ensure the success of the 8D method, organizations should

  • Emphasize clear communication.
  • Foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.
  • Employ effective project management tools and techniques .

Q: What is the role of root cause analysis in the 8D method?

A : The 8D method’s key element is root cause analysis, which identifies the root reasons of an issue. Organizations can create focused solutions that solve the issue at its foundation rather than just masking the symptoms by addressing the root causes.

Q: How can the 8D method help prevent the recurrence of problems?

A : By recognizing potential future issues that may result from comparable root causes and modifying processes and procedures accordingly, the 8D technique aids in preventing the recurrence of problems. This proactive strategy assists companies in making continuous improvements and reducing the possibility that similar issues will arise again.

Ronnie Patterson

Ronnie Patterson

Ronnie Patterson, founder of MagnÜron, is a multifaceted entrepreneur with a diverse background in music, electronics engineering, and engineering management. Drawing on experience across various industries, He offers expertise in SEO, operations, and strategy to help businesses thrive. Possessing a unique perspective and unwavering commitment to collaboration, and ideal partner for growth and success.

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8D (Eight Disciplines) – The problem Solving tool

In this modern era, to sustain products in the market needs to use advanced manufacturing processes. Modern machinery and cost effective processes for produce quality products with low cost. but as you all know that. It’s difficult to constant manufacturing processes and sustain product quality. Because it is natural that, during the working time unexpected problems can be occurred and that kind of problems must be resolved in respective manner. Some organizations are used outmoded technique that solve the issues on temporary basis. As well those problems can be possible reoccur in processes in future.

So, needs to efficient system that eliminate the possibility of reoccur issues as well as smooth the manufacturing processes. Fortunately, we have some problem solving tools can solve the issue permanently. 8D (Eight disciplines) is one of the popular problem solving tool that in now days, organizations are adopting pleasurably. OK, so let’s see how to implement 8D in organization.

What is 8D (Eight Disciplines)?

“8D (Eight Disciplines) is problem solving tool / methodology used for correctly identified the cause of the problem, fixed and dissipate possibility of recurrence of quality problems.”

8D model is systematic approach popularly used in responding to manufacturing issues. Generally, quality team conduct eight disciplines processes for identify root causes of problem and eliminate it by appropriate actions. The 8D (Eight Discipline) model is correctly identify the cause of the problem. And apply such actions to prevent recurrence of the problem. 8D is perform as preventive and corrective action system by implement step by step process to identify potential and actual problems in processes.

Benefits of 8D (Eight Disciplines)

  • The 8D method is very easy for implement in workplace as well as logical method that clearly indicate required steps of problem solution.
  • The method is very popular in automotive industry, mean your customer may ask for 8D report for its own application implementation. Because it is reliable and well know problem solving tool for automotive industry.
  • An excellent way of reporting non conformance to suppliers and their corrective actions.
  • 8D helps to eliminate complicated issues at appropriate locations where defined the causes of the problem incorrect, lack of consequences in implementation and same problem appear again.
  • The team approach works best when the problem, and its associated information is labyrinthine. Because 8D is designed and capable for special cause of problems identification and elimination.

8D (Eight Disciplines) Process Chart: Table

8d (eight disciplines) methodology.

  • D1: Team Establishment
  • D2: Problem Description
  • D3: Containment Action
  • D4: Root cause
  • D5: Corrective Action
  • D6: Implement and validation corrective actions
  • D7: Prevent recurrence
  • D8: Verify and congratulate team

8D Eight Disciplines, 8D process, 8D problem solving, 8D report, 8D problem solving format, 8D methodlogy, 8D model

The 8D (eight Disciplines) is a process for systematic introduction of quality perfection, improvement and elimination of problems. Here in this article I will show you step by step approach and using several examples of the problem solving tools . When we involve in 8D methodology and its processes using a structured method, we become very effective at identifying cause of problems, defining problems and mistakes. As well as easily establish root causes and taking actions that solve and prevent problem identifying in processes.

So, let’s see 8D (Eight Disciplines) in deep:

As you well know, whenever any problem occurring in the manufacturing processes before you must see some warning sign that indicate the problem. Which is being experience in terms of an undesirable results and can be describe using data to identify the variation as expected and actual results.

Actually, this is the preparation stage that require to be complete before starting the eight disciplines processes in organization. Generally, peoples asking what type of preparation required before 8D process? –

A deep analysis and empathetic of the issues and problems, previous experience with same issues or related issues are necessary to determine. If the eight disciplines (8D) is the correct method to be used for solving the issues.

You have to ask the questions as below as recognizing the problem:

  • Describe it is new problem in organization / division? If same problem, occur previously at where? If it is new how long from it were being in process. Or it is unknown cause?
  • Has it occurred before? where? and what solutions / actions are applied at on it? What is the history of this problem?
  • Why it’s happened again? is there proper solutions are not applied? what causes behind it is occur again?
  • What problem solving method was used? It was joint method for one or more problem? if it is separately performed what was defects remained in method?
  • To consider warning sign of problems is it really looks very complex to one person cannot resolve the problem?
  • To consider above points, does the problem warrant required an eight Disciplines (8D) method? if yes, why and proceed it.

8D process steps, 8d process flow chart, 8D template, 8D Planning Process, eight discipline process flow chart

The 8D (eight disciplines) process is a team based problem solving methodology. Hence the team members must be involve for identify, action plan and eliminate issues of appropriate problem. A deeper understanding of the problem & its previous records are required to ensure if the 8D solved issues for raise issue.

D1 »  Team Establishment

The team establishment is first step of the 8D (Eight Disciplines) approach. This discipline is significant stage as the eight disciplines is based on the substance of team cooperation. Establishment group of peoples called CFT (Cross Functional Team) where must each one from different department is selected by management, with the production process knowledge, product knowledge, and skill in the required technical disciplines to solve the problem and implement corrective actions.

Why team approach is important?

  • CFT (Cross Functional team) build by group of peoples from different department and expertise. So any technical issues can be possible to identify, fix and eliminate problem through it.
  • A Cross functional team can perform more effectively than individuals trying to solve problems.
  • Cross functional team may have adequate capability to introduce proper solution of the problem.
  • A group of people can discuss, focus on negative effects of actions, and can think creatively.
  • Brainstorming as a group can stimulate ideas giving the team a better perspective of the problem.

A Cross functional team for eight disciplines consists of more than two people who are closely concern to the problem. Generally, involves peoples form different departments in the organization coming together to solve a problem. The skills that the team members require for this discipline to ensure the proper solution are:

  • (A). Team member must knowledge of product / part / item (manufacturing processes, assembly etc.)
  • (B). Team member must know the process where the problem has showed itself.
  • (C). Team member must have knowledge of the customer application, technical use and end application requirements.
  • (D). Team member must have skill about decision making, communication skill , and analysis of the processes and data related to manufacturing processes.

How to define team role & responsibility?

Usually, every team must have leader, here the same team leader has an important role to establish procedures and implement actions accordingly. The team leader must prepare a list defining the team structure as eight disciplines concern. the list is also important to establish role & responsibility in 8D processes. Every team member has its own importance in 8D methodology. Because every single member comes with different expertise. Hence to solve problem multifunction conception and views helpful for appropriate issues.

The role and responsibilities of the individual team member must have allocate by the team and will involve some of the points are:

Data collection and analysis, experimentation, decision making processes, modelling managing resources, planning and implementation of action plans, action plan verification and validation, communications etc.

The common processes and requirements for the 8D processes needed to contribute to the problem solving effort.

D2 »  Problem Description

Problem description is a second stage designate for deep into the problem & getting a more complete information and sophisticated understanding of the problem. The problem description indicates, problem clearly identify and the eight discipline problem solving planner activities to take as much actual information as possible. Which organizes the first analysis perform in the problem solving process. You have to describe problem accurately in this stage, clear designed information is foundation to further steps of analysis.

The process of this discipline as below:

Describe The Problem Process Flow: Table

A problem description is the results of a practice that uses the is / is not method to magnify the problem statement. The location and nature of the problem have to be describe along with its impacts. Another very important analyzing results of information. To ensure that the problem involves is recurrent or whether it could occur on particular process or product.

See table below help for better understanding:

Describe the problem with Is / Is Not Method: Table

When the describing the problem with 5W + 2H (Who, What, Why, Where, When, how, how many / much) method should be use. Where you get the answered thoroughly and systematically by the questions.

See picture below for problem analysis worksheet:

8D problem analysis worksheet,8D problem analysis report, 8d problem solving analysis, 8D problem analysis template, 8D problem analysis format, 8D problem analysis checklist

Remember that, you have to specified problem statement been defined, and you have get to know for certain why that is occurring. So Is / Is not analysis must been perform for it. You have to also verify that the similar parts / components displayed the same problem? current process flow identified? does this process flow represent a change.

Once you get the answer you can collect the data and analyze it. The information you collected are evaluated for potential root causes, and identify physical evidence of the problem. The problem description been reviewed for completeness with 8D (Eight disciplines) customer and affected parties, and document the activities.

D3 »  Containment Action

This is the stage where are taken correct containment action to prevent escalation of the problem. Or at the worst delivering non-conforming product to the customer. You have to describe the containment action plan to put in place in order to eliminate the effects of the problem. In this stage, immediate correction action should be carrying out in the shortest time possible. The main objective of the implement interim actions / containment actions to isolate issues from parties while a permanent solution is being develop and implement.

Why containment action required?

  • When the cross functional team working on identification of the root causes of problem , collecting information and other related processes might possible some defective product produced by manufacturing in tenure. So, it is extremely important containment actions on this condition at appropriate locations.
  • To ensure the customer has minimal or no impact felt as a results of the problem identified, as well prevent these defective products from getting the customer.
  • In case of any defective lot / product reached to customer, it may not comply requirements to end application, hence customer will claim and complaints as results customer dissatisfaction.
  • Due to immediate actions, the similar products and processes must be verified and ensure the risk levels are minimum or not evident.

Through PDCA Cycle

Plan »  Prepare the most effective containment action plan and implementation including verifying the containment action effectiveness and concerned activities such as work instructions , resources and equipment available.

Do »  The plan must execute as containment action plan prepared, and ensure that the actions should be clearly communicated at processes and management levels.

Check » It is cross function team responsibility that every containment actions prepared during the planning section must be implemented exactly accordingly and ensure that it may continue to be effective. One of the important activity of this section is to verify and ensure that. The activities must not any other side effects raise as a result of the containment actions.

Act » Take the actions to ensure containment action are effective and sustained with all manufacturing and supporting processes. Take the questioners and get the feedback from internal and external customers to implement and make sure is there further containment actions or correction required to rectify other issues.

8D – Containment actions checklist

8D audit checklist,

8D containment action points:

D4 »  root cause.

On this stage in Eight disciplines (8D) problem solving process, needs to establish and describing the root causes of a problem is the core of this disciplines. And you will have appraise the team structure and configuration to ensure that all the right skills and experience is available for the upcoming phases or processes in the problem solving effort.

Elimination of the problem should be detecting the real cause of the problem. The objective of the explain and verify root causes is to identify all significant causes which could clarify why this problem happens. An eliminate and confirm the root cause by examine each significant cause against the describe problem and results of tested data.

For define and verify root causes you have to step out as below:

  • Establish a process flow and Cause and Effect Diagram to include all the sources of variations.
  • Develop a stratification cause and effect diagram, but remember that, the cause and effect diagrams used input from all team members, lack of the information of remains any points or data left, you will not get real cause.
  • Establish comparative analysis, by determine critical differences between problem location and non-problem locations.
  • You can also use time line analysis. Graphical / visual charts give you better understanding in most cases.
  • Index the potential causes of problems by use both the process flow and cause and effect diagram.
  • By using the both the tool, you can analyze the potential cause for the most likely cause.
  • Determine slot of data, identify the potential cause as a root cause.
  • Collect and analyze the appropriate information to identify the potential cause as a root cause.
  • Specify causes that permitted the apparent warning sign to occur, are the root causes and often repressed deep in the processes. You can use the tools to help in the whole processes that is problem solving techniques are : (1)  Pareto charts  (2) 5 Whys analysis (3) Statistical analysis (4)  Flow charts  (5) Fishbone diagram (6) GR & R study (7)  FMEA  (8) Frequent audits (9) Fault tree Analysis (10) Brainstorming etc..

The time line is one of the important and useful tool that manage the records at time line of all events in and around the problem.

A company making steel tubes is experiencing a pits on tubes problem identified.

The significant processes / event are recorded on a time line are:

Time line template, 8D time line, timeline analysis,8D timline format, 8D timeline example, timeline example

The time line helps to draw processes and events on time. Though it you can get the answer when actually the problem was first seen at which location. Now you can filter out possible causal theories later in the process by identifying what could possibly have caused the problem and what could not have caused the problem.

There are more three important stages you have to concentrate are:

(1) Develop possible causal theories (2) Establish possible root causes (3) Verify possible root causes and define and verify escape point.

You must do deeply thought about the possible causes and documents on separate media. For each of the cause you have to prepare a proper theory that describe how that the possible cause would result in the problem being experienced. You have to do write note of each ideas for develop causal theory for possible root causes.

Ask the simple question to each causal points that answered in “IS” / “IS NOT”. Does this explain the reason why the problem exists on the “IS” and not on the “IS NOT”. For separately of the possible root causes, there now requirements to be useful action to validate the possible root cause. This should be carried out in practical terms wherever possible.

D5 »  Corrective Action

On the fifth stage of eight disciplines, the cross functional team must determine which corrective actions should be establishing and implement in the short period of time to ensure that the processes and product quality maintained and controlled. The corrective actions must be requirements that satisfy both the parties internal and external customers. Once the root causes are known, team concentrate on the permanent solutions, by systematic approach is needed to use the root cause analysis to establish actions for proper solution. The points that you need to focused on:

  • Empathetic and defining the problem, the eight disciplines (8D) team must be able to defining the problems and implement the solution practically.
  • Enclosing the effects of the problem, please note that implementation and using the program for solution must be cost effective.
  • Identifying and verifying the root cause of the problem.
  • Need to permanently solve the problem, and the solution must be feasible.
  • Confirm the potential solutions through testing programs, and remember that the implementation program should not fail during the implement in production so, it is important the solution is a test and essential characteristic such as mistake proof and affordable.
  • Verify that the solution eliminates the problem and its effects;

In fifth stage of eight disciplines, the team can introduce the additional control in the processes, and ensure that the solution is properly validated that during the implementation in running production it will not raise any unwanted issues, so trail on the small quantities first to verify the solution is effective is necessary. To ensure that the permanent corrective actions need to establish proper process flow for it, see the example process flow:

Verify Corrective Actions Process Flow: Table

Verify the corrective actions.

It is extremely important that all the established actions and implementation plans for fix the issues must be performed to not leading any further problems. So, cross functional team must well aware of this kind of technicality and must should try out the implementation program with small part of production or small quantities first to verify its effectiveness.

Corrective actions test with pre-production with small quantity can confirm that the identified corrective actions will resolve the problem of the customer, and ensure that will do not any undesirable side effects.

Check points

Somethings that still need to confirm and ensure that corrective action is will properly works at real production. Some points that help you to re-verify the condition such as:

  • (1) List and measure all of the indicators related to the program.
  • (2) identify which of the indicators are most direct relation to the program.
  • (3) Determine intervals to measure the problem.
  • (4) identify what cross fictional team prioritized the customer / end user evaluation after the implementation.
  • (5) confirm the scientific methods used to verify effectiveness etc.

D6 »  Implement and validation corrective actions

On the stage of validation corrective actions, the cross functional team consists of measuring the long term effectiveness of the corrective actions. The purpose of verification of the corrective action is ensure that the actions are implemented are efficient and these are eliminated permanently through effective controls and activities that are embedded in the tasks of the process. Some indicators that you can ensure that the corrective actions are properly works:

  • Test and control results display improvement
  • Less Rejection or reject ppm (%) in process.
  • Measurements such as dimension, units’ appearance are correct according to tolerance and specifications.
  • Controls on incoming raw materials for quality improvement.
  • Increased satisfaction ratio and feedbacks from customers.

The statistical tools such as process capability, histograms, control charts etc. can used to measured and verify the effectiveness of the implemented corrective actions. The cross functional team must have informed to customer about the results achieved, if the process capability submitted with the requirements the customer validates the corrective measures functional. The 8D team confirms whether the capability complies with internal manufacturing requirements, if the process capability complied the team validates the corrective action.


You can use PDCA cycle for implement this stage in manufacturing processes. The implementation of the permanent corrective action conduct to implement to verify the plan for validation of the corrective action. You can plan to withdraw containment (immediate) action as part of implementation of the corrective actions.

There is also important that each resources used in processes must be properly planned as well as all documentation, process instructions and communication implementation for corrective actions. Check that the corrective actions have been implemented and integrated into the appropriate tasks and manufacturing processes. Take the actions on any variation from the plan or expected results.

D7 »  Prevent recurrence

On this stage, the cross functional team have to determine what action should be taken to prevent recurrence of the problem. You have to amend those operating systems, regular practices, management system as well as procedures to prevent recurrence of this problem and all similar issues. Because preventing recurrence is a one of the important task of problem’s solution. The general process flow of the prevent recurrent is:

  • Input implemented corrective actions and validation
  • Review the history / previous record of the problem.
  • Analyze how this problem occurred and escaped.
  • Identify affected parties and opportunities for similar problems to occur and escape
  • Identify the system’s policies, practices and procedures that allowed this problem to occur and escape to the customer.
  • Revise the process flow of the management or operating system.
  • Analyze how similar problems could be addressed.
  • Develop plans to coordinate necessary actions. And verify prevent actions.
  • Develop systematic prevent recommendations to process owner.
  • Identify and choose prevent actions. And implement preventive actions.
  • Make the system changes to prevent recurrence.
  • Verify the preventive actions are effectives? If yes, Standardize the new practices.
  • Notify all personnel of the resolution actions by using failure mode effects analysis.

In this stage of the 8D (eight disciplines) cross functional team analyses whether the corrective action implemented would prevent or improve the quality of similar products and processes. To ensure the prevent recurrent of the problem, you should verify results of their actions and must validate that the results is on target. To verify the actions, you must check out below points:

D8 »  Verify and congratulate team

The last stage of the 8D (Eight Disciplines) Is verification of the introduced actions in previous stages are effective. It is highly recommended that verification be made by comparing the measures of the problem with outcomes from upcoming actions of material or outcomes from rejecting of next lot. Once cross functional team has complete implementation all previous stages and ensure that the actions taken in previous stages are works. All team member deserve to be congratulate as well to know that their efforts are appreciate and that the organization knows about their accomplishments.

The cross functional team must have skills and experience to be able to make progress toward as satisfactory problem resolution, and skills and experiences are base reasons for individual selection. Different skills and experiences will support to be drafted in at various stages throughout the process to get the deep understanding about the symptom of problem, root causes and resolution.

The 8D report

From beginning to end of all 8D (Eight Disciplines) processes, the single document calls 8D report is essential part once complete. Team assume that all things are complete and fix as appropriate actions for appropriate issues. This report serves as a communication tool displaying overall process of the 8D (Eight Disciplines) processes along with actions taken. So, let’s see example format of 8D report:

8D report,8D report format, 8D report sample, 8D report ppt, 8D report template, 8D report example, 8D report automotive, 8D report analysis


When the problem has been resolve. The cross functional team should release a final document with stage wise brief description about its experiences. The 8D report give quick and better explanation of how the whole process had handling by team and also 8D serves report as a communication tool displaying overall progress of process.

We can assume that, the successful corrective actions have eliminated repetition of problems and prevention of similar issues. Further, team must ensure that corrective actions will be assess on their ability to help avoiding future problems. If we do not distinguish between major and minor problems, any issue will hold the delivery of customer and that is the reason we must have to categorize by identify systematic issues to eliminate appropriate problems.

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  • 8D (8 Disciplines)
  • Learn Lean Sigma
  • Improvement Methodology

8D short for the 8 Disciplines, is a globally recognized problem-solving methodology . It is primarily used as a quality tool where customer complaints of faulty or defective products are needing to be addressed.

However, it is not exclusively used for customer complaints; it is well suited to these situations, and many large organizations would expect a framework like 8D to have been followed and documented to demonstrate what actions were taken to solve the problem and reassure the customer that it will not reoccur.

Looking for an 8D Template? Click here

Why use 8D?

8D is a methodology used in problem-solving that sets out 8 clear steps to follow to ensure the correct actions are taken in the right order to minimize disruption to the customer as well as effectively address the root cause of the problem and sustain the solution to prevent it from happening again. 8D formalized the process to do this.

What are the Steps in 8D?

D1 – team formation.

The first step in 8D is team formation, this is an essential step if you want to solve the problem you are looking to address successfully. A Project is unlikely to be successful if you do not have the right team supporting it. The team selection should be cross-functional and include key stakeholders from different parts of the organisation that have a relationship to the issue or its process. This should also consist of internal/external suppliers in the process and internal/external customers of the process.

D2 – Define and Describe the problem

Once you have your project team assembled the next focus is ensuring the project team has a good and consistent understanding of what the problem is. To achieve this the team should collect details about the problem and completely understand the depth of the problem. The details used for this understanding should be based on data and facts and not hunches or experience.

D3 – Contain the Problem

Now that the team has a clear understanding of the problem based on data the team’s focus should be on containing the problem. This means putting into place short-term containment actions to prevent the effects from continuing in the process and especially preventing them from reaching the customer.

This could be done by taking action to isolate a bad batch of products from further progressing through the process or ultimately stopping the production altogether if the process continues to produce defects until the root cause of the problem is addressed.

It is important that this step is done as soon as possible to reduce any risk of defective products or parts going to the customer which could result in returns, complaints or loss of customers.

D4 – Root Cause Analysis

Once the problem is contained the next task is to identify the root cause or causes of the problem. It is important to treat the root cause of the problem and not just the visible symptoms to ensure the problem is effectively solved. If the symptoms are addressed it is likely the problem will reappear in the process in a different form simply moving the problem from one place to another.

For this methods and tools such as the Cause and Effect diagram (also referred to as Ishikawa Diagram , Fishbone Diagram or 6Ms) 5 Why or Why-Why, Pareto Charts or Box Plots may be used to identify the root causes using data and evidence to verify the root cause.

D5 – Corrective Actions

When the root cause has been successfully identified the next step should be for the team to identify suitable corrective actions to solve the problem. This is where a cross-functional diverse team is useful to use brainstorming, groupthink and affinity diagrams to identify, group and prioritised solution actions.

D6 – Validate Corrective Actions

Once the corrective actions have been decided, the team should then validate if the solutions are effective. This can be done by testing or simulating the solutions in the process and collecting data to identify if the solution and solve the problem. Any testing or trials should be done on a statistically significant sample size before it is confirmed the solutions are valid and have solved the problem. Steps 4 to 6 should be repeated until the problem has been completely eliminated.

D7 – Identify and Implement Preventive Actions

Once the corrective actions are validated the systems and processes should be updated to reflect the change, such as updating standard operating procedures (SOPs), policies, methods, technical drawings or work instructions. This should standardise the solution and ensure it is the new or updated way the process is conducted engineering out the old process and preventing a reoccurrence of the problem.

D8 – Team and Individual Recognition

Finally, once the problem as been solved the team should be rewarded and recognised for the contribution and support of the change. This is especially important is 8D and general problem solving is new to the organisation as it will allow those involved to see they are valued for their input and are able to support solving business problems making it more likely they will be actively involved in future problem-solving situations or be more aware of other business problems and highlight them to also be solved. This, in turn, increases the effectiveness of the business, employees and its processes.

When to use 8 Disciplines?

As mentioned above 8D is a great tool to address problems with processes that are producing rejects or defects in a process that might cause customer complaints. 8D is an ideal problem-solving methodology to use where it is fairly complex to understand the problem and the root cause and corrective actions are needed. It is also recommended that 8D is used where the PDCA process methodology would not be efficient in resolving the problem.

Finally, the 8 Disciplines (8D) is a well-known problem-solving methodology that is primarily used as a quality tool for addressing customer complaints about faulty or defective products. It is not, however, used solely for customer complaints, and many large organisations expect a framework like 8D to have been followed and documented to demonstrate the actions taken to solve the problem and prevent its recurrence.

8D is useful in problem-solving because it specifies eight specific steps to take to ensure that the correct actions are taken in the correct order to minimise disruption to the customer while effectively addressing the root cause of the problem. Team formation, defining and describing the problem, containing the problem, root cause analysis, corrective actions, validating corrective actions, identifying and implementing preventive actions, and recognising the team and individuals involved are all part of the 8D process.

Overall, 8D is an excellent problem-solving methodology to employ when it is difficult to understand the problem and its root cause and corrective actions are required. It is also suggested that 8D be used in situations where the PDCA process methodology would be ineffective in resolving the problem. Organizations that follow the 8D process can effectively solve problems, improve processes, and increase customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to increased effectiveness and success.

Subramaniam, M., Noordin, M.K. and Nor, H.M., 2021. Eight Discipline-Problem Based Learning in Industrial Training Program to Develop Future Proof Skills Among Graduate Engineers .  International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering ,  17 (12).

Riesenberger, C.A. and Sousa, S.D., 2010, June. The 8D methodology: an effective way to reduce recurrence of customer complaints . In  Proceedings of the world congress on engineering  (Vol. 3).

Kaplík, P., Prístavka, M., Bujna, M. and Viderňan, J., 2013. Use of 8D method to solve problems.   Advanced Materials Research ,  801 , pp.95-101.

Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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8d discipline problem solving

Eight Disciplines (8D) of Problem Solving Approach

  • November 13, 2018
  • Project Management

What 8D method is

8D, stands for eight disciplines, is a well-recognized and often used problem-solving approach. It’s mostly used by quality engineers and/or other professionals to get to the root cause of a recurring issue, eliminate the number of the problems, and hopefully solve it once and for all.

In a nutshell, 8D, or eight disciplines, is an effective method to stop complex, recurring, and without known root cause questions from happening again.

In this post, we’ll dive into the concept of eight disciplines, so you’ll have a better idea about it. You can also download the free 8D approach for problem-solving report template , and use it to solve problems in your project.

What 8D method can do

The 8D, or eight disciplines, method is used to:

  • Identify the root causes of a recurring issue in a project;
  • Design the corrective actions to the problem;
  • Overview the implementation of the corrective actions;
  • Keep the team from jumping to conclusions too early;
  • Prevent similar problems from happening again.

The 8D method is especially important when:

  • The problem is so complicated that it requires more than one expert to solve;
  • The problem requires resources from multiple levels in the company to solve.

What 8D method cannot do

Effective and scientific the 8D method is, it’s not quite  helping is:

  • Root causes of the problem is already known;
  • It’s not a recurring problem;
  • The problem can be solved by a single person alone;
  • The problem has obviously answers and solutions;
  • You’re choosing between different solutions and the one in the 8D method is one of them.

This is because:

  • It could take several weeks or even months to solve a problem once the 8D approach is taken;
  • It takes at least 4 people from 4 departments to start the 8D problem-solving process;
  • It requires higher level of resources allocation from senior management.

After all, you need to make sure that you’re using the 8D approach to solve the problem, not adding one to your team and organization. Use it wisely and only when absolutely necessary, and you’ll see the charm of it.

8 Disciplines Breakdown

If you don’t have an 8D approach report yet, you can download one from: Free 8D Report/ Eight Disciplines Problem-Solving Report Template Download .

Now, let’s breakdown the 8 disciplines for you, so you know how to use it to solve the critical recurring problem in your project.

D0: Project background information

In this part, you need to specify whose problem the 8D approach is going to help, the supplier or you, the customer. Then jot down the information of the 8D approach starter, and move on.

D1: Identify team members, roles and responsibilities

Form a committed, devoted team with skills and experience in the product or process field, and preferably, understand the 8D method.

Assign them with appropriate team roles and responsibilities, and if you find yourself short of helping hand, try look outside of your team and seek help from external resources. Just keep the idea of solving problems in mind, and you’ll find your way.

D2: Define the problem

Ask the following questions:

  • When did the problem occur? At what time did it happen again?
  • Where was the problem found?
  • What standards do you use for failure verification?
  • What’s the severity of the failure status? Critical? Major? Or minor?
  • Who is affected by the problem?
  • How much is the problem cause in money, time and people?
  • How often does the problem occur?

These questions are not yet an analysis, but they are a great place for you to start.

D3: Implement & verify containment plan/ action(s)

Getting to the root cause of the problem could take quite a while, before you reach that point, you need to provide a “band-aid” to the problem, or it could go south so quickly that it could cost you way much than you’d expected.

The interim containment plan is such a band-aid.

But you should be well aware that the containment plan is not corrective actions, and it’s not a solutions. It just provides you with a window so you can find the actual solution to fix the project problem once and for all.

D4: Define & verify root cause(s)

This is by far the most important and most tricky part of the 8D approach. Because you need to get to the bottom of the problem and actually find out the root cause.

You need to tell the symptoms from the root cause, and it could take you and your time some time before you dig deeper enough to get what you want.

Make sure that you’re not providing description to the symptoms. Since it’s not how you deal with problems that require the 8D approach.

On your way to the root causes, examine each of your findings by asking “Does it explain all that is know about what the problem is, and that is known about what the problem isn’t?” Symptoms or causes that don’t answer “yes” to both of the questions is definitely not part of the root cause.

Take your time verifying the root cause, since it might require a series of confirmation processes down the road.

D5: Corrective action plan – permanent action plan(s)

When the root causes of the problem become clear, so does the permanent action. However, in some cases, it takes a systematic analysis to find the permanent corrective actions.

But the criteria to choose the action plan are the same: practicability, feasibility, cost effectiveness, and robust . Just to name a few.

It’s also important that you validate the permanent action on a small lots before implementing it in full range. If needed, include a design verification test (DVT) and/or a reliability demonstration test (RDT).

D6: Verify action effectiveness

When the permanent action plan is approved, it’s time to get it implemented.

The action plan defines what need to be done, who are responsible for the job, and when should it be completed.

D7:  Preventative action plan

One of the goals for an 8D approach is to prevent similar problems from happening again. So it’s equally important that you and your team design a preventative action plan.

Results from the permanent action plan could be a good indicator. Verify that the solutions provide satisfying outcomes, and validate that the outcome really solve the problem.

D8: Communicate results & recognize team

When the action plan actually solve the problem, and is likely to solve similar problems in the future, your team deserve the recognition.

When the problem-solving project is actually done, your team should release a final report about the lessons learnt along the way.

We understand how daunting and hard the 8D approach is, but trust us, once you get the hang of it, problems that require the 8D method to fix will no longer be a headache.

Before we wrap this up, if you have any question regrading implementing the 8D approach, or anything else at all, feel free to let us know. We’d be more than happy to help you out.

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8D Training

8d training (onsite).

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8D Course Details (Onsite)

When you choose onsite Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) Training, Quality-One brings the knowledge to you, resulting in immediate benefits for your team. The convenience of Onsite Technical Training has made it a popular option for many of our clients who require five or more participants to be trained.  Expenses are minimal compared to having the whole team travel.

8D Course Description (Onsite)

The Quality-One 8D problem solving training course follows the steps of 8D in a dynamic, instructor-led environment. The course describes to participants the methodologies that have proven to be best practices for effective 8D development. Each participant will be able to interact with all of the elements of the 8D process, including the use of tools such as: Ishikawa/ Fishbone, Affinity Diagrams, Is / Is Not, Process Flow and Comparative Analysis. All activities will include industry-specific examples and terminology.

Participants will learn how to follow the 8D process steps while working in a Cross Functional Team (CFT). They will also practice problem solving tools to support a root cause and eliminate it through permanent corrective action. Participants can expect team activities and relevant exercises in a workshop format. The Quality-One 8D training materials and examples also provide an invaluable resource for review time after time.

8D Course Objectives (Onsite)

Participants can expect to learn and develop skills to confidently:

  • Perform 8D step by step
  • Link 8D to Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) , Product Development Process and Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)
  • Facilitate an effective 8D
  • Participate in 8D exercises
  • Define root causes and mechanisms of failure
  • Set up a Cross Functional Team (CFT)
  • Determine effective Interim Containment Action
  • Manage and store 8D content (Lessons Learned) for future use
  • Ishikawa/Fishbone
  • Is / Is Not
  • Statistical Process Control (SPC)
  • Poka Yoke (Error Proofing)
  • Understand links to Control Plan Methodology
  • Complete the 8D format correctly

8D Course Outline (Onsite)

Section 1 – 8D Overview

  • Team Problem Solving Principles
  • Process Description (9 Step Process)
  • Team Structure (Cross Functional Team)
  • Inductive vs. Deductive Problem Solving
  • Change-Induced Problems
  • Never-Achieved Problems

Section 2 – Review of Analytical Tools in 8D

  • Brainstorming Rules
  • Ishikawa / Fishbone
  • Affinity Diagram
  • Control Chart
  • Relationship between 8D and FMEA
  • 5 Why (3-Legged Approach)
  • Interfaces and Noise Factors
  • Error Proofing

Section 3 – 8D Process Step by Step

  • Problem Symptom
  • Quantified Symptom
  • Criteria for 8D Continuance
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Team Preparation
  • Agenda and Rules
  • Core Team and SMEs
  • Repeated Why
  • Workshop on Problem Statements and Brainstorming
  • Workshop on Problem Description Development
  • D3 – Interim Containment Action (ICA)
  • Human Factors (Operator Error)
  • Comparative Analysis
  • Root Cause Theories
  • Root Cause Verification
  • Escape Point
  • Workshop on Root Cause Theories
  • Methods for Selecting PCA
  • Verification of PCA
  • Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Implementation Plan
  • Change Management
  • Stakeholders
  • Validation Criteria and Sample Size
  • Processes and Procedures
  • Lessons Learned
  • Archive of Documents

8D Training (Offsite)

– Training at Our Facility –

8D Course Details (Offsite)

8D Training in a Quality-One Technical Training Center provides participants with a learning environment that is free from interruption from daily activities. This type of course is recommended for individuals or organizations with less than 5 people who require training. Our offsite Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) Training activities are developed around principles that all participants can relate to. Offsite training also allows participants from different backgrounds and industries to share their viewpoints and experiences. This discussion often helps participants from one industry take advantage of best practices that are used in another.

8D Course Description (Offsite)

This engaging, instructor-led 8D problem solving training course takes participants through each step of the 8D problem solving process. The course offers each participant the knowledge of methodologies which have proven to be the best practices for 8D development. Each participant will be able to interact with all of the elements of the 8D process, including the use of tools such as: Ishikawa / Fishbone, Affinity Diagrams, Is / Is Not, Process Flow and Comparative Analysis.

Participants will learn how to follow the 8D process steps while working in a Cross Functional Team (CFT). They will also practice problem solving tools to support a root cause and eliminate it through permanent corrective action. Participants can expect team activities and relevant exercises in a workshop format. The Quality-One reference materials and examples also provide an invaluable resource for review time after time.

8D Course Objectives (Offsite)

8d course outline (offsite).

  • Ishakawa / Fishbone
  • 5 Why (3-Legged 5 Why Approach)
  • D0 – Prepare (Plan) for the 8D

8D Training (Online)

– Technical Training Overview –

8D Course Details (Online)

The Quality-One Online Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) Training Overview is an excellent introduction to the 8D methodology. The course is completely interactive, featuring audio, video, animation and downloadable reference materials. Online training gives you immediate access to 8D process content and is available 24 hours a day.

8D Course Description (Online)

Quality-One Online 8D Training Overview introduces participants to the basic principles of 8D, including each step required in the 8D format. Participants will also be able to understand the sequence of the 8D process and receive guidance on what tools are involved with each step. This course follows a structured approach for defining problems and identifying root causes. The participant will have 30 days to complete this course and can access it at any time.

8D Course Objectives (Online)

Upon completion of this overview, the participant will acquire the knowledge to:

  • Understand the 8D process and describe each step
  • Describe the tools and methods used in support of 8D
  • Explain how 8D teams are structured
  • Identify Symptoms, Problem Statements, Problem Descriptions, Possible Causes, Most Likely Causes and Root Causes
  • Describe Interim Containment and Permanent Corrective Actions
  • Explain how Preventative Analysis benefits organizations
  • Explain verification vs. validation during problem solving
  • Explain how the escape points link to control plans

8D Course Outline (Online)

  • Change Induced Problems
  • Never Achieved Problems
  • Ishakawa Fishbone
  • 5 Why (3-legged Approach)
  • D3 – Interim Containment Action
  • Root Cause theories
  • PDSA Implementation Plan
  • D8 – Closure and Congratulate the Team

Learn More About 8D Training

Quality-One offers Quality and Reliability Support for Product and Process Development through Consulting, Training and Project Support. Quality-One provides Knowledge, Guidance and Direction in Quality and Reliability activities, tailored to your unique wants, needs and desires. Let us help you Discover the Value of 8D Consulting , 8D Training or 8D Project Support .

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(248) 280-4800 | [email protected]

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  1. What is 8D ? 8D CAPA Report

    8d discipline problem solving

  2. Discusses 8D Problem Solving Details and 8D Reports

    8d discipline problem solving

  3. What is 8D? Eight Disciplines Problem Solving Process

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  4. 8D Methodology: An Effective Way to Improve Quality and Efficiency

    8d discipline problem solving

  5. WorkClout

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  6. Explore the 8D Problem Solving Approach

    8d discipline problem solving


  1. self Discipline problem in the EFF

  2. 8D Problem solving methodology explained in tamil

  3. Problem Solving Tools- 8D and Fishbone- Part2.1

  4. Global 8D -TOPS Problem Solving -8D Kya hai in Hindi (All interview questions)

  5. 8D Problem Solving Tool #training #job #learning #career #course #learn

  6. class 8 exercise 8D part 1


  1. What is 8D? Eight Disciplines Problem Solving Process

    The eight disciplines (8D) model is a problem solving approach typically employed by quality engineers or other professionals, and is most commonly used by the automotive industry but has also been successfully applied in healthcare, retail, finance, government, and manufacturing. The purpose of the 8D methodology is to identify, correct, and ...

  2. Eight disciplines problem solving

    Eight Disciplines Methodology (8D) is a method or model developed at Ford Motor Company used to approach and to resolve problems, typically employed by quality engineers or other professionals. Focused on product and process improvement, its purpose is to identify, correct, and eliminate recurring problems. It establishes a permanent corrective action based on statistical analysis of the ...

  3. 8D

    The Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) is a problem solving methodology designed to find the root cause of a problem, devise a short-term fix and implement a long-term solution to prevent recurring problems. When it's clear that your product is defective or isn't satisfying your customers, an 8D is an excellent first step to ...

  4. 8D Problem Solving Process

    The Ford Motor Company® developed the 8D (8 Disciplines) Problem Solving Process, and published it in their 1987 manual, "Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS)." In the mid-90s, Ford added an additional discipline, D0: Plan. The process is now Ford's global standard, and is called Global 8D. Ford created the 8D Process to help teams deal with ...

  5. 8 Disiplines Of Problem Solving (8D)

    8D Problem Solving is a structured, team-oriented methodology that consists of eight steps—known as the Eight Disciplines—to identify, analyze, and resolve complex problems. Originally formalized by Ford Motor Company, this approach is widely used across various industries for its effectiveness in finding and eliminating the root causes of ...

  6. What is 8D? A template for efficient problem-solving

    The eight disciplines (8D) method is a problem-solving approach that identifies, corrects, and eliminates recurring problems. By determining the root causes of a problem, managers can use this method to establish a permanent corrective action and prevent recurring issues. First introduced by Ford, the 8D method offers a consistent way of ...

  7. What are the 8 Disciplines of Problem Solving?

    How the 8 Disciplines of Problem Solving Evolved. In the 1980s, the Ford Motor Company published its manual, Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS), the first articulation of the 8Ds. Eventually, it refined the original procedures into the current 8Ds. Ford also added an initial planning stage (D0). There are now nine steps of 8D.

  8. An overview of the 8D problem-solving method

    The eight disciplines of 8D. The eight disciplines of the 8D method represent a comprehensive approach to solve problems within an organization. Each discipline is designed to guide teams through the process at each stage. Here's a deeper look into each stage: Plan. This initial step involves preparing for the problem-solving process.

  9. The Evolution of 8D Problem-Solving: From Basics to Excellence

    By embracing quality management principles like ISO 9001, the 8D approach transformed from a 'military-specific' solution to a universally applicable method for problem-solving. This was a pivotal moment in its history, paving the way for the methodology's future evolutions and its adoption across diverse sectors.

  10. FAQ: What Is 8D? Eight Disciplines Problem-Solving Explained

    Effective problem solving can help mitigate risks, focus teams and improve processes. The eight disciplines (8D) are a systematic, team-based method of problem-solving that seeks to determine the underlying reasons for the problem and to fix reoccurring issues. Learning the eight disciplines problem-solving process can help you discover ...

  11. 8D Problem Solving: Comprehensive Breakdown and Practical Applications

    The 8D, or "Eight Disciplines," problem-solving approach germinated from the fertile grounds of collaborative efforts to ensure superior quality and reliability in manufacturing. Initially developed by the Ford Motor Company in the 1980s, this systematic method was a response to a confluence of quality and operational issues that were pervasive ...

  12. Guide: 8D Problem Solving

    8D Problem Solving is a systematic and structured approach used to solve business related problems. It names has been given by the fact there are 8 steps or 8 disciplines that are followed to identify, correct and eliminate recurring problems. 8D Problem Solving is regarded as robust methodology that has proven its worth across multiple ...

  13. 8D Problem-Solving Process: How To Apply the 8 Disciplines

    What is 8D problem-solving? 8D problem-solving is an approach that quality engineers and manufacturers use to identify and address challenges throughout a project. 8D refers to the eight different disciplines, or steps, that the process entails. Note that since its inception, the 8D problem-solving method has added a stage for planning at the ...

  14. 8D Chess: How to Use The 8 Disciplines for Problem Solving

    8D (sometimes Global 8D or G8D) stands for eight disciplines, and is a problem solving methodology. It's basically a process for understanding and preventing problems. Much like how risk management seeks to take a proactive, preventative stance, 8D aims to gain insight into the root causes of why the problems happen, so they won't happen again.

  15. 8D Problem Solving

    Here's an overview of those steps and disciplines that form the 8D framework; D1: Create a team. D2: Describe the problem. D3: Develop a containment plan. D4: Identify and verify root causes. D5: Validate permanent solutions. D6: Define and implement countermeasures or corrective action. D7: Prevention measures.

  16. What is 8D (Eight Disciplines)?

    Eight Disciplines ( 8D Method) - 8 Disciplines Process, which can be translated as the Eight-Step Process of Responding to a Quality Problem. This method aims to treat defects quickly and consistently and to prevent such problems by preventing them. It boosts customer satisfaction and, despite the possible high costs at first, reduces costs ...

  17. Mastering the 8D Problem Solving Method: A Comprehensive Guide

    The 8D Problem Solving approach has attained widespread acceptance throughout a number of industries. It is a potent tool for businesses looking to improve their problem-solving skills and promote long-term success due to its systematic approach, emphasis on teamwork, and emphasis on continual improvement. The Eight Disciplines of 8D Problem ...

  18. 8D (Eight Disciplines)

    The 8D (eight Disciplines) is a process for systematic introduction of quality perfection, improvement and elimination of problems. Here in this article I will show you step by step approach and using several examples of the problem solving tools.When we involve in 8D methodology and its processes using a structured method, we become very effective at identifying cause of problems, defining ...

  19. How to Solve Any Problem with the Eight Disciplines (8D)

    According to Ford Motor Company's Team Orientated Problem Solving program (TOPS), you need to take an 8-D perspective. It's not as complicated as it may sound. The 8Ds or disciplines, target three basic aims: identify the problem, correct it, and make sure it doesn't happen again. Since the eight disciplines were first defined, the ...

  20. 8D (8 Disciplines)

    8D short for the 8 Disciplines, is a globally recognized problem-solving methodology. It is primarily used as a quality tool where customer complaints of faulty or defective products are needing to be addressed. However, it is not exclusively used for customer complaints; it is well suited to these situations, and many large organizations would ...

  21. Eight Disciplines (8D) of Problem Solving Approach

    8D, stands for eight disciplines, is a well-recognized and often used problem-solving approach. It's mostly used by quality engineers and/or other professionals to get to the root cause of a recurring issue, eliminate the number of the problems, and hopefully solve it once and for all. In a nutshell, 8D, or eight disciplines, is an effective ...

  22. 8D Training

    The Quality-One Online Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) Training Overview is an excellent introduction to the 8D methodology. The course is completely interactive, featuring audio, video, animation and downloadable reference materials. Online training gives you immediate access to 8D process content and is available 24 hours a day.